" 'ISA 'Xi J. 1 AdminLi ...tor of tie r.'te of "ant r above : named ,.ce that an action en- v ,ve ' has been room i tLe Superior Court of -unty,' Kortli Carolina, i latiff to secure a divorce : ground of adultry; and the t will farther take notice I a is required to appear De lia Clerk I of the Superior t of Duplin ; County at the . t Louse in Kenansville; North ialina on or before 'the 12th iiy of Hovember, 1937, and ans wer or dekr to the complaint in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to. the tout for the relief demanded in the said complaint i Thi October 12th, 1937., S5;ii: B, V. WELLS, Clerk Superior Court 0T. 11-4W. X. G. ' t - ? ADMDriSTBATOB'S ZTOTICS -, Having qualified as administra tor of the estate of Charles Barnard-Page deceased, late of Dunlin County, Korth Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the -estate of said deceas ed to exhibit them to the under signed at his home on or before Charles r-maji Fega' Eeceascd. P. D. LtiiiiBjr Atty. - f ,. K3TIC3 02 8ALK , r' - Under and by virtue of , the power of kale contained in cer tain mor-e executed by 8. H. Grady at wJs, Emma Grady, To The first rational Tank of Kin- ston. date! tie nth, day of Janu ary, 10,,'wMch said mortgage is duly reoc- lea. in the ouioe oi tne Eegister u peeds ox irapun uoun- ty. in book Eo. at page mo. 231V And said morttraw and note securing me having been , auiy 1 .1 - W! .- 1 J A J wsigaea w n irwm d. vmuijr, aui default having" been mads in 'the payment of the debt thereby cured; Tie undersigned .will sell at the Courfe-Eouse door, Kenans- viHe, Duplin County, Horth Caro lina, On Thursday the 18th, day of Hovember, 193 Vat the hour . of 12 O'clock, Uoon; And .. sell . for cash. to the highest bidder,:. ,fhe following described tract, of. land, situated a Kenansville Township, Duplin County, Morth Carolina. ; . Lying and being in the County of Duplin,i on Bryney and Smith's ,J':IL1 - 'If I.'j. T r's c- zr, and nn.& ' 7 -'si' 'e to rlii. -'3 I A. II. "si ; ' s f i tie run of T a's L -Jtb. to a Io:ir, tie &lw- ; ft' -t brtween A. J. Cra- dy arl,.m.n Crady; Hence S3 12 E. 67 tolcs to ft staie in Bryney branch, alac' a divid ing corner between these parties; Thence' up Bryney brancn w ine briiilrrf. oontaini""? SI acres, more or less; It Ulr j a j -t of a tract formerly owned Iv Owen Guy, deceased Wticb. sill tiact is described in a deed xrom n. Grady' et el' to William Grady, dated the 23rd day of April 1867, and registered in the Begister's office' o Duplin County, in book No. 25. at page so. 420, : Also 3 one other tract lying in front of William Grady's house, adjoining the lands ' of William Grady, J. H. Pearsall. and others. and. hounded as foEowi; Begin A (1 . ., . i . Xt '"' ... ,1 li l.J 1 . , i . j tia c:y c: rir t i r Eic Eiam C. Ca.';, A .nee. , Wm.-E..rVJ, 2 7.-'' -Oct. 21-C3,r3V. 4-11, t. ' . K0TIC3 C? TZZZZZLZIZ'S SA1T i y 0j3 TiA y t 1 By virtue of authority contafa-1 ed in certain mort""e deed t"- j ntatfd bv Eo D. EeLLk and . , Mary K. Newkhk to J. 11 man dated the 1st day of Tar . 1920, and recorded in Book ... page 407 Begistry of Duplin Coun ty ; default having been made in the) payment of the ? indebtedness thereby secured, I wCl sell ' at public auction for cash to the highest bidder at the court house jmxv tn Titmlin Conitv. on the Uows; vesm-( -Wr 1837. at . . i a.i i j x i iiiiia -uo. v ws ning at tne corner as ine ZrtJdwik, noon, the follow Bryney branch, known as the CjZoribed tract of land, to-wit: said Willimradyra line aoow -- . memsa mill M- ') 1 West 276 and 4-7 yards itake ; Thence about . North 70 yards te a stake; Thence, v about Bast 270 & 4-7 yards to a stake on' J. :'H. " ' Pearsall's line; Thence with said line about 8outh 70 yards to the beginning, - con taining 4 acres, more or less, and being the same- tract of land de scribed and conveyed in ' a deed dated the 20th day of August, 18 branohesk adioiniiur the lands . ofi74 from James Bv 'Turner 1-and the late Bichard Miller, deceased,, wife, to William Grady; Begister FelixH. Grady and others, Bound-led in .book No. 28, page No. 599, ed follows; Beginning at a in the Begister'i f Duplin Coun- the 22 day of. Oct., 1938, which is stake on the : head "of : Bryneylty. ' ?ACIlYOlJNEyF,RjKNEWn.' annii willard roatt ' ana m thence S. 65 1-2 west 54 poles .to a stake to' U. W. prong of sail branch about K. 80 west 20 poles to a stake; thence, north 78 1-2 west 36 poles to a small holly tree in said branch; thence north 18 1-2 west 34 poles 'to Peterson's corner;! thence ' fjeterson's Jtoe north 73 east 73 poles to a stake, the laid road; thence said " road south 30 3-4 eas28 poles; thence said road continued south 23 east 35 poles to beginning, containing 29 1-2 acres, more or less. i nr. :1! , tr t . J - i i.I 'LI tj i j v 1 ), "Bn." e i iiw. .1 t li, r A. ' Oct 14, 7.B.T, B. 3, 3, L-v. 4, 11, 13Xt, : By power of "sale in two certain trust!-; '"inW.C.rSIliamstoi L. H. I 1 Trustee, the one 1 C r 2, 1":J, na reo- L ijoi 1 1, C. G. C. l.V -I 3 c i 7. C .3 cn r acm, r" s r ; "t-rr-r-s 1 trust fioedjf ' v October 4,1 ?. Oct 7-14-21-b, : t' l t : I 1 ta - . A uO '.. re t. r c istry of 1 Ha. County, exa xaei By nower of srle in a cerfeun corded in look SD7, pe je A ad, wife to L. E. Errc i T e, e-d Ec'jtry, e' fault having ; IbeenjrecoricI in Eoii ZZZ, I s rnade in tie payment of thO ntes rtry of T ;"i , , .o-mnui I ush of them, and the fult havinsr Wa sir "a Li 'tie secured in each of them, and the fult having tja iup "a owner of C.J notes laving request el the extjeise of the power of SOU. f payment of Cs r tiereby, arl "-." I ,made by the owner if e 1 The taSerslgned Trustee, will:tliat the. power of sale be eerc MM A. UOC- ttEV?R 1 . ..IMI'PI lAwT'TXi-v- AWARDED , Q1PLOMAS TO WHO COJUf Slow fif5? prom the Smoke i -s . ri. i w I I " If I , 1 1 II I B I . II r .' H I . I' 111! II 1 i V ', i if1 1 i V.' iyk,', -- -I - ' ' r '""'V. " .'J : i, .....v. ..... ,v- w.'.r.-i,. . ' t t 'J- - t " ' - , . A pflpvs FtsHTir .y ... J. wo ; y L 1 1 s Scd? .ccooa n s-, ; i! fe1 Si , i , . LITTLE BUDDY yAsU.,1FTT VSMT "SCRftPPV H1MSEUF 1 EVE AS USUAL U ' f-iww IIW ri- . n-rwr . vnw SOME0COVI Tfr-TECTfVHRILEY So ujms wtPwe ru. etr i HOME R CUPPES ATBl MTflXnME-I SOTTW OWSM ( TO HEAOCCAKTERS- QC3MC-1 OUT LITTLE" DOES' RILEV SOSPECT TMWTH ANnaOOS.BtOOO-TWtRSTV tStt;' ' OF COT-THSOATS 4S VAnx" ! FOR WM TO TURN "TOE CORK TV OU ?! :ix.kwc CK The undersigned trustee y sea to the hfciest bidder fur c at the Courthouse door in I :. . County on Soveiiber 8, 1227 at 12 o'clock, noon, the tract iar j fully desorilel therein, ia llt County. Eorta CuroLaa, t - of the town of Taison, '&ai . cribei as follows:-! ;'-nf- c the run of CosLen, ft te u ' ' lag corner tetweru 1 1 Je P. I. - I and John Errant ILZ1, in tie L - of W. . Hill,' thence srid c .1 ing line south .70 west' 210 I ! s to n stake, tnence saia line ,mm 50 west 120 poles to a i '..e 'on the Faison EenansvSe ; .. road thence along , said .r-"oro,i north 43 1-2 west 1C J I ':s ti a stake, corner of lot " number thence with the line of s -14-1 .t north 45 east SCS poles to a' stale on the ran . of C "'"u, t' ""oe down saij ran to 11a I ' ;. containing Si3 acres, more or Lbs, except 1 acre sold to Xaf,le I'b and 40 acres sold to Kattie ens and others. ', - This October S, 1837. L. B. EAG0Q1), Trustee. Oct 17-14-21-23, ITot. 4,6t. IAB. i 1 1 1 1 v , " i . rov. A. Ci. I .r Cn, , fveiy. t- ' . .Ear ' 1 13 cf . r,. i i j t i 7 f-s tt 're1 L-s-ionthe r I ' 7, decer i'l i arsons ioi X 1 e said sL.is Li-s to tl j un- : r, To i a .h c5 r i, " re C r'61 J 1 aad ver- j r. .'..a ... " I rnliA.,. tl i i lr of t 'Ir recovery. ' Ji " ns indvltcd to said es I j ?J." 'cese mcie imnied'&te 4 t. . : ' - . L s tL3 : i day of ef tcmber, i: - '.. r .IL J. VTTL1III7, JLdaiiaLtrator. Cavin & Cln, Attorneys.' -l.,T.4.et ' : ca ir Lc. . AEIi'IHT: 1T?!1'3 170TIC21 ' ' Having this day qualified as ad ministrator of the estate of llrs. Cra II. lie Arthur: decf""!, rot- ice ia Lercly g'.iba. to- sJl pi Ji havtrg claims aninst said estate to Lie with the una,'s:r",,a wri ts re yar l.reof, or jLls not, t wa ts j'-'lei in bat;, of rv" t cf r;cove-y. I -3na i Jelled to fifi es tate v J please settle with the un t5rs" .id at once. . 7 , . ' a 1 - 1 - - ' - - H ' J ' I I M. 7 V -. u i. i i i mi ,at. 1 " " " 1 . '" ' ' 1 ,jv ' It TUs the 20th day of August, 1C:7. 0. ?. WAIZO, Administrator of the estate of Krs. Ora TL JS&to- Cur. ' Bolert 0. Wells, Attorney.1 - v 9-C3-S3-10-7-14-21. fit ETJCr3 C? PUEUCATIG3 -at: The UKJors-ned "having qitTJ- . . - ill.- iea as acr. , ox vuo a cf Js' . a I " late of Drp-". 1 i Cu.-' -, Ih. Carolina t Is is ta'r all rsrsons hnrir; 0' p -----t the ente of - " ' . w i t. t J -Ii tioji tj lie'unJers'.-nel at Eeulavllle, II. , (L on or t' .'ore the tZ'Jx day of tr; -Der, iv-a '-or xjjs howj-b wia -beJpleded In -bar of their, re-t oovery. All persons indebted to" said estate wCl please make im- y mediate settlement- ; ' - - C This the 29th day of 8eptember, f 157. " i-.,.- J, ' ; (. B. EEI7SLB7.. Adminis' -ator ; of the estate of John S. Kit ieli ) Eov. 4 6t u. B. K. pd. 1- -1. 1 (Intended for last'Week) ' . 11118 Jk Jb VV VMiiA'" , - '' CCI11A IL VHXIAiI3 -Vs.- ' ' V ......... ....WTAMkuml . Vj.'rf ( f Kr. and Urs. . B. v7t"3 The dafenfant above named will. Charlie .Southeiady. ZIrs. tale nctice at an action entia-Forlaw and darker, Soil w ed as Stliove Iss leu oommciiced in Wilmington er a d?y I ;t we. ' Jli-j. Ettbert Boney, official.del ete of, Korth Carolina Fecerat-' ion of Home Demonstration Clubs, attended the National Home m-' onstration - Council and Cot ntry Life Association of - Amerii a at . Uanhatten Kansas last week, v Kr. and Mrs. J. B. Wells, llrs. S. B. Turner and daughter, Elizabeth were guests at thii' v tie's, B. 7. Williams' 85th. t T day dinner yost Friday at home in BoseLUL Friends of Krs. Chn are glad to know t': .t t tomied home from V a I is improving vcrj " 'llesdames, Jszms J. Wells and Aln edthe Federatka tLb I J Wilmington t j. I Kr, and Lrs. . B. fie C" S3 BEING CARfX'lD OFF :JD2J!SDOSiAns TOWARD THEIR SPACE SHIPS' " fE& THEMI : CAPTURED 1 MUST URED) we f OUR LPLESS AYS WCt"Lf K'f L r.S rj;3RY&VE ME, : ii-uA-r courts ,it' l rr'; a V2 tOT TO SAVCV.AT.N RAV.1 OASW SOME CAM TliAT W!LL CUT l "3 IT ONLY AT DOT IS SHOT OUT INTO SPACE TTHROUGH TKE VACUUM DOOR. SHE. QUICKLY -OVER I I AFTER THE ftrvTM-"' i WJ, r , - r i I I k...!.'--.,.v.j"---A-v r r -f . 1 CJ'., 1 I Vj CUT W 3 IT ONLY AT ''yM ,1 G-O 4 - . 'i . j ;: J lL ;k cf r T-r::r C:?rt "of T;p-. .Xirti :.::. :.l:a, far .the, 1 ta sec-a n s.Llute di-' .5.::;t tl.s 'CJcsSaat on "l c! t,T3Ty'S f ". t 1 1" f 1 i. i i f r - - I's Ci.Ttr exi' j t.l:r, 1C.7 t t t's f " f. i' r 3 J"" '.''" t"- k t C cf r the is . , j- : Cc r 1 tx ' u- 13-CtB.0.V,' llr. and i:rJ7I,..-::3 l,Ji;a sp ent the week end in r. file. Krand Kxs. :T.." j rr" land of Wilmintan t, t : ft?y.wKa Sj.. SoUkherla:. s i ets, Kr. and Krs. Jesse C. . - land.,;'--vr-i -':.:.v'';.''".-'.' , '"' "$ Irene WeEs and Krs. Carlj l trr were married lrt TLtirs-i.-'y ia CrceBL'joro. .K'.:s Uclla ii te .r-;' r ff T'r; and T V: 1 ; .."e. J if T ' 7, ri I .. " " I lie sca t: I, C. J. C'i.r't- . e. v. .' ')' xt' ; ' '- ;,ur. sirr.'c t.'ii" nd c!.".;ca, I x.-and I" . C. I' ".-1 erl i .. ' '' "T ' V! ", t ' --j vcre v,. 1 -? - . "r. r 1 r-v T " . T T3 11