I T fit''? .1 C 1 11 2 week r"s heca vary Ur- - irr.rjr.a'ir-s.rrl.'-ea, . . .'. Uiu -r on ! i' -v lie l.en- tf wSTftK u please ..to. i '1 yestery feat he tad a'aoutiwiui k . bill one wi' " iWpd wrt little a vj"- - to lane out his wangle llace. Come tt yott ' young !, there's always room ; ; i for three more,'.;' like Xenansville'i fin-, liow did you &e t' at Tu- i.nPomtlina crumb last irday! We think it wa swelL . Asi cf course we must not ovenoox ie. nnV. i rOd to beat toiraie nA fVimlina wiui rated to lose to Tulane. Both Duke and Carolina won by the same toore www 1 .... ' . . , do if he tried. . . , - . ' ? ; -1 1" t we l"i t 'S cut maae we imu a-. . . ....J'" ;, m.t nl.::i,liiiiff itsrent trav. " : ' This week we dciJcd to let it $rauy . J - luse it i3 worrying eue i .; .. i .- a Y'A. T.a .we dont.L i, - tLii it to aH vanity; luna ' lJ . nature to peek at your picture oc- e a i i casioiially iinui muium. . v r , EOTICE OF SATS CF PEKSONAliVioCOij, t.- J i " - 1 Krs. rai'-m 1 v srooery store! It looomav,,--- - .. 1 and has a good gaturday and this time the and f ancy groceries and fresh I dope bucItet : Carolina wiU neats. The proprietor j win., teres noping. . wi- ; a mgnfc iejr ." HUNTERS good we decided to hate a cut 1 T nnfloT 1 a Iministrators .relatives at I fr . 'a and sell to tne.whue Her n Home riace of the late wuour v ; Williams in Beulaville, Duplin County at 10:00 o'clocK a, m. Friday Kovemher 19th, "1937 au ofthepenonalprbetoW to tne esiaie w - ami deceased, a part of which is as follows: meeting in 1 v i t. J. Ers. C.uri.a u.j i u i : some time in rar. i -j tives. Che has a broker tere AumiAiiT : izzi ; f i a i tre. i j. t. ; 1 : i - y ii t a 1 B5ules;BuU. WCart, iliary of, C ve It- ' CAMPERS TOURISTS WU k oaV bw CoIbmb Lantara. Handy lo awy nt o autdooc um at nih- b'a tbt cmiiiaia ana BMornw l ruvMi tlum hut tM kcht tlT nnd to tight op any oocdooc job sent. x m of buncan. an Mowing Ma- .t.:. ir- Vb Qrnbbinff hoe, made and possibly publish it just jKteh Forks, Flow gears, .Guano to show what an amateur JStiom Lynchburg Flow,- : Cultivators, Diakharrow, sian- vuiwi, nr. TaKo W Trucks. . Single- trees,'' Doubletrees, Shovel, Hoes. JOOcwxI brlUl LANTERNS 4 Famea lot ' dut bl up to OcwdUpowcr iac. oa'l nut i nut! Licht : pal with built-in samp. Ganuina Pyr globa, an aicluava Cole ; aaa iauura, Al- wy ndr lot . kMnat naa, Gtt oat btioia foor BaWaCannady Kinston, N. C nCalSll wall. Doaa thai 1 fort aUut daaerlbe year eondl tfcm I anaaay and nmdiaraoea "T -B4aprttleyi!hfc But don't U diaeawragao Ukdy thora It dclUitooey to ! wfflroadUyd1COT,Andw hla pnaeription, woU It.liry-wffll-toiitti o ba BlMd. iuatM It frh altd owoplata LEWIS DRUG 1 STORE . BT. 0IIVE, B, C. Church enjoyed -,a s4!v--1 ?ram on last 1. -y aT at the regular n..-- 'y r - wLLh was hell ia tie t Th "President lira. J. A. C uresided over , the busiui program wnicn was on r j Home missions wat-in c' :. . ? c 1 nion Rnnt.bftrla.nd. assist: 1 1 f 1" e , (.1 . i. ... J V ' 3 V 3 "ie I!Is. r. W. HuCoweo, :u. . -. i t f 'IT 1. f. 1. ft x.' t; - urer; 1.3. 1 and II-i. ( . r tap' f. ' r ' 1 ro- at it Southerland. The topio was "H.e love of Ctod." ' : - Grist Mill Bocks, Com Flanter. , This October xvtn, junw, -- ' :' n i . nrrrTTiiwa iv. n it n. ifTEHTS if.i'ifratAri hi tne estate oi w. i f iiu . " rHJr2: j i io Trntr 1 from three to five-thirtt to ing Club. There, were a vmitors present A goodly number of tie members Were in attendance, Af ter the usual sewing nee tne nosi hc imritj her truests into tie diuingtoom where they;, enjoyed tempting refreshments V in .two courses., -'. ; 1 , KENANSVILLE SOCIETHf NEys Kisses Haeel and lois William son also Doris Dobson of . C; T. r ruwnvfllfl. anent last weekend here with their respective parents. , Wra Rnftllf ol uoiasDoro,-. nee viu winnfe Mallov. of Jonesboro, spent last Sunday here . with ,her mter, jits. h. o. wutwusvu. 1 1 V 9 J l" Ir an c . was c tyr. Taney. . . . t. T. I Coodj;an at,. .... ...... Idult Crorp ana l ' ; " . 4 . S4 Eowen in ctars- o u - J;! jl of 1-1 ""ons W&R j in Crove rrertpri- . n t a tct i.. y Jari c' -i Tur y f VtCl. I S A.3vw3 . ty r-s. C--ertI" -I s ILJ-e Eai' , t au was aiJvd E. V. Wells, J. A i Tanner and K. B. ' iiults : studied the a 3Uok, "Other Ken Class met vlJi 1 :s. I son, and C "' "e t... the home of t-e.L ..r, . Tkt home wss r - Is vy 6 t:ve w7Ji cut f.. v . i ' dent presL'-i f 1 ( v ' devotional, Cl to v ' class. The i C ' - ' . was used as s , i The thouU f.. i ' j ; in Grance Crcwts.L" ..- i V ti t Dnrinc the business session. a study course, 4Iife at Its ' Ecstwr vns ,'flAVTU H0STES3 ; Mrs. John Alfred Gavin was : Hostess to ne mcuiucia rter, Mrs,U 8.. Wiuiamson. cardciul one oay ia we. w Albert Mclenflon or waae jiot- mem0ers were.prese . p U7tTt k orirz was taken here with his parents. ' " ' , 'Jcancy. After several spirited pro- Miss May Ingram ano ., juieuu' gressions tne nostesa kiw 7infnn vftrn visitors last Sun-lntaii nancrealed fruit salad will Home 1 a Book, ojier a,en, .. j-.- jrTant Va- T. y labor, V. t Of Junior group . ; . on rri' lt, "The Ecrfro" on tuiiL.y l -t; Joined wi'Ji the Seniors' oi ,-nday nisht, Studied tb "T.'nrnitaiii loli ' on i.onay si-t t"i had stories and pictures abe t tie ;'"jre:sn EreaS Feo t'b" i 1 lav n- nt .Uerc wpt r "cl intetwo Erours dariiss tli week not counting vis- 1 1 4 . ...0, v. tt I'e I l 9 J 8 1 13 i J CU" bn - r uT I -UUt 1 1 i 7 i a i v , 71 i1 nl .1 . 1 s we 1 far tern ia iuL tc.e L?e., , v . 1 'Nf 1 N 1' s Program Week Nqv. 1st MOHDAY, K0VEMBEB 1ST ' " " Danger: Love at Work , -' Ann S0UTB31B1AIID, Jack HALEY . TUESDAY, S0VEMBEE 2OT) ' ; ' The Life of Emile Zola' , -With FAU1 MUM1 ' ' ( WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER SED ' - WISH NI6HT mi 80-00 . . : " Hold Em Navy 7 , , LEW AYEBS and MABY' CABUSIE , THTJB. and FBI NOV, 4TH ft 5TH . "High, Wide and Handsome" Irene DUNNE, Bandolph SCOTT, Dorothy IAM0UB ' aBBBaaaaaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBWaBBWaBBBBfBBWaBaBM ' SATUBDAY, NOVEMBEB 6TH V . " Borderland " - - , '.WILLIAM BOYD and JDEKIl! ELLISON", " ' SATUBDAY NIGHT, OWL SHOW , , ; , . "Ccnfiicr ' . ' John WAYNE and Jean'BOOEBS ' ! COMDTGr ATTBACnONS: "Back in Circulation,'',: "It's All Yours," "Boad Back," and "Ferfect fipe '. cimen." , w I. Muss May Ingram anu jmcuu' gressions me jiusvc wiw wi of Kinston were visitors last Sun- j Oious congealed fruit salad with day in Monroe. ( , ' . ' i accessories. Xn. J. E. It on tie c. sions,. , .. ... ': 1 l.ir.1, f.nrvnri(. lln. W. J. I Mrs. W, J. Pickett ana iss e- -rST'- M ' ba Pickett were visitors in Wal lace on Tuesday' of this week, , , I niLt for A H. Kis- l--s i laret KcGowan, Helen tt v 7 1 T.ba Carlan and Jessie II1 1 of the local lohool Pickett secona Jiign score pn, - - -- -j . and Mrs. George Bennett wan 7'i . a t -nr Jw giveaT lovewW lorUa , i I where atio.-'J'' lJ r. ; ,v. .-1 v. tnVra rooms at s. r . a ftuina's, C0NTBACT BBIDGS PABTY V ( ' ' ipha mtmhm nf the Senansville Eontract Xlub were entertained im imt WednesdaV afternoon of (Mrs. N. B. Boney in the absence v , of two of the regular members, I Mrs.' Jack Blackmon and ' Urs. ' "v. ! . : .J TM-l. vm olavtul at jiioya amy ui iua. i(v . pan 3; I W-i k Z Next Wed.-Thur5.-Fr1. Sat - at 1 C u..j r..;M Iiir.:tcn, N. C. where tL J erjsct to da Ejtt uousc&et A - . T"5o T iv Ipxlins was a visi- . . . 1.. vf V f T-nrcilav aftniomL HU JliD j " . tt t 1 v prtai 01 Know a a was a vi" r here uus wees. u . -.J V if fnnral of Jr. Jonn Suina in Warsaw last - Thursday afternoon. ITSTRUE!! WE HAVE THE EaTJEPMENT W HAVE THE KE3T WE HAVE THE DJCLDTATION :d 1. 1 VflT I kriir7r,,r' 1. . ej coca ccsiinoar' and at iriCTt LTLC wEiJO'xxKi iz?m zizxiz- "3 ail -EAsrsf r. " ..rol was enjoyed k. . 1 ? a in tie Kea- aasvL'e i s ool auditorium, I " an a .V. OctoUr . , 17, at 0 oxiicK. :, The fv.ir2 is a cast of char acters: ' ' " later: tor, A. J. rMtsoa. End La: r"S IL B. Saw- TO PIEAS2J YOU WITH KITial rf j, vami. -;mbo, 6EEVICE.r 1 ' ; WeL- C::bert L"e,b TURNER'S I CLEANEBS - HATTZH3 "Known for Better Dry Cleaning" litor frsiEuctei-Serryx s Jas?'1! Z nd, E e i, . ot json, UarL i e E:;lrosae, Z.2. Cjrcle: mosBrinson, Voo row TrjitL, I jr Eewton, Early 1 - v. fen, CI" s Lee Williamson, i. V. r. CAE3v. lfr IS not ...y ... dtnv and 'tit H - 1 linhoi,iJltill imU Buin- v.. Ebrc e 2" : orusi Easel E.er; -jon, Iwne Erinson,' , JLanie Hae Erown, -e Eanycutt, I - '. i r.j Ec- t .DIG STOCK v 1 rri Wrist Vatdata (. ..':c3 Recced) Helloj Duplin Friends ! ! jjm NOW OPEBATJNCr THE ; . BLACIC and VHITE ' . : Service Stlicn r J v -i c' " i ty r 7 tj la rv H. 1 EJEETSTCU - ' , the ccErra cf cuheii ArDincrr eteiT3 ' ' ' ' ' ' CXC? EY EJTO-I ASD HLL UP WTTH ' GC3D GUli3, '.Gr:s end Gil 'V' ' CrJTLTTU GULF C-EAL. L;r3XET 1 t 3.-1- 1 r "t, a ? " i : 1. 1 .'4 1 t. : ' -11: " 1. ...i.cf :.v.:a,is tl. j , .It vlli In. xv ......ail Ili.'C. P. Prl.' j y Tr. D. E. t. t : rv-tlsr, lis. 0.-C ff r .5 A ... A, tl. . . V" ' ' bwt by ifistb .. a b ... i vi( hHt. timmm a 1 ' 1 i-"h a to .r. it it.t..- ur prti.-ml. ,: iuol imI aod u l-"-.t u vr t)a ht' .". to your room, r .uc tuuk ta vah.c it i.p -' ; . .Ia coimiMty. . C.n. In ..id L .".Magabv ':. a kava a sua 4o awut jrvur iivcua. " -". ' r . . . r-4 , ' . ' Jl 'y 5k. t"i:r--'i ...s y.. s;mr-c- i;:.:aC FOEl A jTilOlY v" . ; 'try ':, i . ... . t ' f . .- . ( i ll t '..0 for' a ' i"'- '': ' I ji v, If hi i Y"rV lu rt a v " .niM f L (fDl

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