CC7ZZZ2. Z2T2, 1837 ' . tt 5 1 J it XJ t-. r r f Cases in County Court L '1 ov K ' $ i. .4 'from last week and tri. 1 Hoe' ---a cflwn- V j ta Iij- B. E. Clkes, iec!V i a.U.'O ia rieai guilty, fined $:3 i . i-i:z-' 3 end c i ior are i j e-Tjrcement 3 from strorr X ea-rlcyrs. tar" ' "ia of Eon-t t-j '1 L r 1 8uif.L' l tj - s-r " ? and cent ylI- ; v t J 1 1 1 Vl TV, ' r tie labor j. j i L n I ' ,ore Vad guilty a ererywLere . ;() La seem Le 1 t J. ti tctrkty amor; -.1 ' 3 at ear lestoa text a- ' ; t : .1 tut laul taugLt i - i C t istcmperance t '. i 1.111a temperance ; r vs. lie Conn t -it istsirperanee t nis tie ki i ( 1 tie Cal&tians H' -"anco it one V J f 1 1 C;:h while itii JLcItcf theEpir ' ( .1 i " "zl yean what ' :.:f lUythaeniritof ' ( 1 1 ertry follower .of i l J t Wi2 after the it Uit tflortiefleh.led . ) I 'A f tai we shall walk ti t 1 til clearly see the It ... it 1 1 i I i t i ir if la ii t 7 t t i 1 C L j 2 t&sz-A : -er f t it J ,t i -..rt:-,-,ei. uv.a ii ve. i-urolny jl.. .-e, pray er for ji-L-ment contin :L ' XJorman Graham, found not guilty of assault with a deadly weapon and assault on female. Found guilty of trespass on charg es os thespass, disorderly oonduot, and threatening to kill. 30 4y on roads. ' Bock Graham, assault with a deadly weapon. 4 months in roads. Also assault on female, f months on roads. Sentence forv assault with a deadly weapon to begin on expiration of other. J. W. Jackson, disposing of, mortgaged property. NolPros. 1 1 ilarry Chestnutt, threatening to I i sou and to kidnap. Continued. ; drunk and disorderly, and assault on female. Nol Pros, with', leave. Jesse Wood, assault on female. Hoi Pros with leave, u:- i ',. Boosewlt Peterson, Vjoarrying! conoeaiea weapon, Sol Pros with leave. "f'iX j I. f -r 17, of Bichlands, I ,ame Spencer, acoessoqr before : la&iastoATaes-,,uo 1JUJt n wim; aeaoiy '. i ..'I t reoeired ia aniweaPn- Continued. 1 1 near Ayden w '''ndd" Bowden,, assault f "A Lrm Whaley died! W1UI aeKai7 weapon and gambling f X -ir t Wii ie m the way to - i X tnn jkiSed when the J t toediif antomo- ji n 1 1 r lae car on a i la l :i tie mal, over 1 i. 1 tlaee. Six men C automobile with i r ii l-:tsl ia BnJ f. -' iijanet which ' ' 1 b tome. Thev . A ' I V.-Jtor, C&fcler-Whal- '- 4 J T rujh Sandlin, ... U ill taynumd Wil- Lltt (la t7e?;at f the car l..'.ri. fro it before . it i"- 41" ' -VA aid Williams t"l f J f J yards front the t - t a an ambulance re- vj ( i:."ze after learning it i.Jisl h )i -';-t wta missing. Not guilty of assault with deadly weapon, ouuty ox gambling, pos session and sale of . ' whiskey. 4 months on roads. Bbtfoe of appeal to Superior court. Bond fixed at 250. - - J Johnnie UoQowan, transporting wiumey. uonnnuea. . James Che&nutt and i Nettie PearsalL fornication and adultery. Nol Pros with leave. Burglars and nicknockets have been warned to shun the 1939 Golden Gate International Exposi tion for it will be the Mst -protected WorU's Pair in hisry, ac cording to the American JMstrict Telegraph Company. 1 irimi.h wi - . , I i . m?kit l ' 'f j ? " wTissi Ifi mm ifcr Iciall MiH- f-. , n A lw Ne &r )?I r ' 1 ...... CL Y P18!, RubberGlove. - i,. a 1 V -33 ' -r 5V. 1 . , --j-l Alcohol VUr .f KlenSU JUItLrr1! iriiiwfu.. I Ualibut Liver Oil eo ' ol 1 Sanitary ft1!.?. Vi -t Antkeptie Mouthwash I p. a;l1i0 y , , x MBf ' JL Npkin.f Cfl . . d aSTt Capsules (pun) afcr26L-if J as2450,l' 1.01 Srtsas-r I KL-ra.-KSr t Epson, Salt CtJvS,lln '"'Tj Wix "L-1 J "J ) 'flX V. JJUIlasolSklnLotioa lf AGAREX 1 "Coco SoapO ?J "tgrM - Ifcrfy twr3 ill iTjfl.. I Wa&&Ef& " ""71$ Tooth Brush lationerv S"D7S0E-p"i:V. ORDERLIES cmun uxtmt Imsw1m. Aa oatraoralMry nim. J 1 , H tuausr I I 2lor23 II 5 All Ift , i Jr-2?l T' ""lll 10 in 1 Make-up ffwi Compact.... fifift h7 Compact... . CPc mU ItMi tSni!2aMr ftsui IN A aw m vnuvi 2 FOR e SSBBBMnHMHMn Wmmt AmU lw . . AA. CD UN OF ALMOND I f W V VNUTCEIATS BATH CRYSTALS IwrS: Xfsr 5 Ma 4m JwmM SHAVING LOTION tkr SHAVING CREAM RAZOR ILADE8 Ifc Smil FLAMfUGHT RATTIR1BS lf2 I fcT 1 iimRi Jtnltd 'utm rvrw tkr 8PECUL UVltk, ttW,fft sILC ITOCK9. NO OLE TO MAlJ&S, MOP EARf-T vim t wmcK itr rtMrtTt ..... I(dy-iiuide Bandages ruiN os ivnKviKKinoHi r SIZC Castor Oil 1 imw nn M a BtUy flavor aad la 2for2fe, atXlllAH - Cough Syrup It(il.r '1.00 SYMBOL V6,', Hot Water Bottle J 'BUtftifS! for!01 SHAVING . CREAM a for 2S a lor 'lo FOUNTAIN 5THINGE. ' Nat ZINC OXIDE OINTMENT afar 21 IDE AMO REXi . "r'vov J NT ff attUiaf Aleohol TARTLETS V "bU B 1 a tor 2S . a far 26e 2 26c r J. E. Hood Co. ETJiBTOir, Korth Carolina 1.-V.V p Warsaw Drug Co. WABSAW, North Carolina L VllllJLil. WfcWil.-SUJSlll vision m RK sold v - - . w ; ' 11 11 - y r J, Ki A 1- -f a. 4 " 3' I rV r Prr t-oxvn as The;Albert Williams - t T ION A 13 fcTincid, fcr Kciiansvilla to be supplied by the Development of this well known property. " ,3 1 j developivieSt J 1 J I - V,f :ii FREE JACK AND JILL POT AcVJdliPcJcfr.IcneyforiJieMen, for the Ladies. To be civen absolutely FREE, id C:-rrL:c3 cn dkpby at ypiir lot fl : . w 'Iho POT and Win the contents. . . , 32. ; m)MWrtM - SNAPPYUSIC!:' I ; : keep ycu away fnsa'tlsSsb. Plan, to he there And BID J ! 1 ' , r . ' '.V" ::' 'rBFSI-'I nLfN,COMPANY MJJ: .i A . V. 1- Duplicate ofTPrevious image