( :;Vli.UNX2v'''' , -r J- f , I 4' S vcxura Ccunty Dcct!cj Plonne:! The Christian Hill Chit iversalist is holding -a s- h, Un ies of ?Wed- Epecisil meetings commenc no ay evening -t 7 o'c'ck, De- c,uiber 8, and lasting rtil'Pri- y evening December 17. " The Tcv. Oustav H Ulricli, pastor of l.,e Lverton Circuit cf Universal it Churches and ass'oted by the l ev. Julia M. Tobey, tf New York, will have charge of these services. An all-day meeiig' will" be i eld Sunday December 12 -with luncheon servl on the grounds Lev. JulM .'. Tobey will preach m ti" - at 11:30 and Bev. C"- l.. .h in the afternoon at f Eobert 0. Maxwell of ' '.ws's Sridge; will also 'speak .Le morning service or iiu ' cly following the service. Speakers and subieota for these ecial services follow: . , Wed .Dec. 8, Bev, . Onstav olnch, "The Eternal and All- )nquermg God." ' ' ' ' Thursday, Deo. 9, Bev. -Julia I. Tobey,. "Where is the Devil.'. Friday, .Deo. 10, Cot Edgar H, 2ains, "The If in life." . v . ' Monday, December . 13, 'Ect. George F. Xapoin of Xinston, forgiveness." ; . " fc Tuesday, Dec. 14, Bct. Ordell ii. Bryant, of Clinton, "Salvation, What is to be Saved." .' .. Wednesday; Deo." 15,' Bev Julia M. Tobey, ' ''.Religion s Experi ence." ,J- . ' i- r I Thursday,-Deo. 18, Betf-W? H Ekeels of Bocky Kount, 'The Bi ble, A GuideBook'for- jleligions" laving' '. ' ,.- Friday, December 17, Bev. Gus tar H. Ulrich, "The Spiritual leadership of Jesus."', -A new Bulletin Board lias been built and will shortly be placed in front of the Christian Hill Church. All friends.- of Beligiohy are most cordially invited toattend these special meetings. Jttusic will be under the direction of ' Bev. Julia Tobey who will play the or gan and will occasionally sing so los. . . "', ' ' , Xr 1-'; The hearty cooperation xf the community is .anticipated -f Baffle Boasts ;: Hew Cash Stcre Mrs. Lila X. Lanier opened a Cash Supply Store in Beulaville four weeks ago, adding materially to the trading centers of the town. The new store will carry a com plete line of dry goods; all-leather shoes, ,' ready-to-wear, groceries, hardware, and farm implements. , It is located in the old' Sitter son and Bradshaw garajje build ing ,and will have two clerks for venienoe of customers, S. W. ' am and Foy Jones, Jr?v jk- Lanier is the daughter of 0. W. Kennedy She married .3 Lanier, who died 3 year's a . Three children Mildred, Bus 1, and Kenneth, are in school. :?.mito Orders ; ;.t Ready, Yet Tince information 'concerning "erative buying of dynamite ap ed in the Duplin, Times, Coun . ;nnt tBeynolds says, about 20 3 of the county have plac c "s with the county agent's s ,and many others have ex 1 desire to order, but haven't i c" aers ior aeiimie amounu. ft j . -t . orders for about 3 v r ,Cno pounds of the et '.e I .ve been . entered, 20, 9 pounds make a carload. Bey 'a soys that the orders will not ; s it in rt'l after Christmas, ' z time i (.atermine whether jf jl'uIeN order a carload, ' llicr it v A 1 s necessary to r a 8 -c.IIcr r "'T-. ' v ri'1 v to be certified voik ii;ust have their i- ' i r.r's from the U. S - r, - i---e f;; 1J SHUs ; ,aison. and . i uLy ... j 1UJ captured two il L.lt whukey stills last week on the heels of the-raid Saturday, November 27th, when they garner ed a 100-gallon copper still near Deep Bottom, neither of the soils was in operation, and the opera tors were not apprehended, -al though a' quantity of beer , was taken at both places. , "l " -, . The first still was " captured last Friday night near Christian Chapel Negro Church. It was an 80-gallon outfit. A -vat and a bar rel of beer were taken, totalling about 250 gallons. '-"' - . - ri The other still was taken Sat urday .near 8cott's, Store Pout! barrels or beer were poured out The still was capable of running two barrels of mash at a time, or 60 gallons. ' ' ...(,.,. Henry Stevens, 3rd, iv'''' ' 1 - m v v HLiiecomesHagU Scout Recent Meet '"' I " 1 ' vf ' Henry .Stevens Jr. has finished his requirements for the Eagle a ward in scouting and was granted that recognition at , the court of honor held in Clinton on Nov ember, 28th,: The badge was for mally presented to' Henry at the close of the morning servicee at Warsaw 'last Sunday morning in the Baptist Church, i .. Bev. B, A. Cadlej pastor of the church preached .-a sermon on "Boys who Win,' and, the badge i was presented to -the mother' of the. Eagle Scout, by, the Council chairman. The., badge was receiv-. ed by Mrs. Stevens and she in turn ky, Virginia, New York and Cali pinned.it on Henry. This made'fornia.' The- celebration - began the occasion a very solemn one and impressed the scouts who were there in a body, together with members of the congregation .with something of that challenge the Eagle Badge holds -before a boy. The badge is not only an. honor, "The Philosophy of Life.4' He was and , honorable to wear, but re- introduced by Fitzhugh E. Wal quires that the boy who wears! lace, 'Xinston lawyer. , , e a scoui wno is living up i to tne meaning oi tne badge, So far as can be learned. Henry is the only .active Eagle Scout in ,Duplin County at the present r!6ss Hill Senior : Ta!:c3 Own Life: Funeral services for ' Barman Hardy, 19-year-old Son of Alonu and Ellen Hardy of the ' Liddell section, were conducted by Bev. Lloyd Vernon at the home of his parents, Tuescday afternnon, Nov ember 30th. ' n ' ; - - Herman, who1 was a ' senior in the Moss Hill high school, also one of the shcool ' truck drivers, died of a self-inflicted gnu shot wound, neat bis home, Monday aiternoon, flovember 29. no rea- son was riven for the vonnff man's act. He is survived by his father . '-. T' I and mother, and a number of bro thers and sisters. ' , ... The Moss Hill school ' faculty provided music for the . .funerals Flower girls were members of his class. Pallbearers were the . boys of his high school class". . ' , Welfare News People donating clothing to the welfare department in answer to the request , printed last 'week, were: Mrs. Jlarvin Jerome, of loschill; Hiss Marietta Keece, of Kenansville ; 'Mrs. J B. Waters, of ?"ven Springs; Mr. Walter Beach, of Bosebill; Mrs. Sudie Pyatt !""or, of Kenansville. Anyone who ! -i- any old clothing or shoes to spare is urged to help theWelfare Department to keep needy people of the county warm this winter. Anv club, or other onrnnization. or any person in the s coutty, w! a may be interestrd in he'irs r- '.-.'tunates are af' -4 to t ' e r -J ' s (f t' e fr.ow; 7 1' t ( f 1 1 1 37 Flzizz T to At End cf I. Jzh ; Patrplmen Lave received orders from headquarters in Sal-! vu w cmacbi. wuiyvuv uaugui tuiv ing an automoble without new li cense after December 31st. , Autoists are warned to buv their license before that date and avoid trouble. Nearest offices for irapiin county autompbile owners to apply for new licenses and plates are at Xinston, Clinton, Ctoldsboro, and Wilmington. ). ' ; Expert Handler H20 HereDays H. II; Ellis, agricultural engi neer with the ' State , Extension Service, ; was in Kenavnsville lor two days this week, fuesday and Wednesday. " In connection with the county agent s ana home demonstration over th. rt,-. A HM.w - nA MHiiai,. .w '.J. I farm home, Masonic . Bapquet Goes Over Big; St John's Lodge No. 4, in Kin ston, ended its 150th anniversary celebration Monday night at the Methodist Church on Queen St with a banquet attended by three or four hundred members and vis itors The Grand Master of the North Carolina Grandf Lodge, at tended, is did Bev. Ki C. Proctor, Superintendent of : the V Masonic Orphanage at Oxford, and repre sentatives" of 38 lodgesriocated in such widespread statel as " North Carolina. South Carolina. Kentnn Sunday evening at the Church of Christ, with Dr. Spilmaa address ing the assembly. ' 4S . Bev. Proctor, who formerly held the pastorate in Xinston,'.' made tne main speech of the evening, t me aauress or welcome was - made by Eli J. Perry, master of over the occasion, and response was made by Grand Master J. Wat son Sherrod, of Enf iekl. '' J . ?,' The history of the-lodge was supposed to ?, have been given ; by Judge G. Vernon Cowper, but due to illness he was unable to attend, and -that honor went Jo Attorney Fred L Sutton. ' . .. : n The assembly was- served a deli-1 cuius louT'course turxey : oinner, in quantities reportedly sufficient to allay the hunger of the most ravenous.' " - 4 " ' : The largest number of visitors from any neighboring lodge , to at tend the celebration, came from St John's Lodge No. 13, in Ken ansvflle, which Was represented by 28 members. ' ' Entertainment was furnished by the third-grade toy- band of i e Kinston grammar ischooL . ffftl. 31-. . . . Those attending from here were : Dr. and Mrs. G. V. Gooding, A mos Brinson, G. M. Honeycutt, W. D. Beynolds, G. X. Aldridge, A. J. Blanton,vFaison McGowen,- Demp sey Smith, - Earl 8mith, Jerry Smith. Paul Williams, Alvin Xor negay,' N. A; Warren H. L Pot ter, Bobert Carol Wells, Jim Byrd, John A. Worley,' P. E.' Sholaw, Carl Walker, E. A. Howton, L. L. Bogers, Irvin Birch, D. 3 Williamson,-!. J Grady, B. C. Newton, A. J. Dickson, and Mi F 'West brook. - . ' small gifts! 8 girls at Sameroand who would luce to have cap and .mitten sets. o boys - at Jackson Training SchooL who will ,aTmniate av. gift. r .- , " A . 2 boys at Morrison, and 2 at E. C. T. A , in Bocky Ilount, who will appreciate anytl'g. . Donations may be r nt to the "7nrttenient e-'" r of tie ' - "inhf iC 'j v: it 1 ' , v j '"-"5 r- DECEMEEB 9TB, 1937 )4-H Clubbers Get .Chance at Free V T5 'Ur ' , i The Agricultural oommittee of the Branch Banking and Trust Co., under auspices of the North Caro lina Bankers' Association, is spon soring, a "Live-at-HomeV- project lor the 30 counties represented on the committee. In ' each of the counties a committeeman. ,- with the aid of a 4-E Clubloy and srirL will have questionnaires filled out wmch win aid; in cnoosing pro gressive farmers ' and watching tneir metnods. The North Caro lina Bankers Association will of fer as a reward to the 4-X. boy and gin making tne .best record in this work a' free trip to their Conven tion, to be held in' the month of June, at Nassau and Havana, Cu ba,. . t , f .In Duplin County Lena Ches nutt, of . the B. F. Grady section, and Edward Sykes, . of Kenans iyiUe. have been.ohosen to help this oommitteeman and bid for the free trip next summer. , County Agent Beynolds. in re ply to a request of the Agricultur al Committee, has drawn, up a list of average good farmmers in each township m the county, . . . -, Fanners filling oui :.f question naires will be asked for records concerning their usual ' methods and proportionate amount of land devote4 to raising food and money crops, as weu as oiner lniorma- tion.? Woodland Church Nearly . Finished - A new briok veneer building for Woodland .Methodist Church . in Glisson Township is nearing com pletion., December 26th is set for the opening service, , -. Original plans were to make the building program a three-year en terprise, the auditorium this fall, the Sunday School zooms next fall, and interior work a, year later , At the last minute, however, the trustees decided to erect an audi- torium and five Snnday;fe SchooJ'eame, te the Paramount Saturday rooms this v fall, interior work will not be completed this year. The completed binlding will cost approximately $5,000, a fourth oi which? win be paid by the Duke endowment . About -200 - persons can' be seated for church service. The membership' is 88, and Sun-, day School enrollment is abou; the same.: . Nearly w) persons' have pledged donations, expressing the' interest of the public u well arthe members. Further public aid is sought -and appreciated. ' ,S.- B. Chesnutt, ZoZllie Korne- gay, and L. G. Westbrook are the trustees Bev. Howard McLamb will preach at Pink Hill Church Sunday, Dec. 12, at 11 a. m., when a special offering will be ' taken for Wooodland Church. The pub lio is cordially invited' Ef.F.Grady; Club News - 'The Grady H. D. Club held its regular monthly meeting on Mon day, December 6th with Mrs. Po land Smith There, were twenty regular' members , - present, - and three new ones were added to the list. The new members were: Mrs. Johnnie Smith, Mrs. Edwin Holt,, and Mrs. Milton Johnson. h In the absence of Miss Martin, our foods leader, Miss Viola West-; brook gave a short talk on table decorations for Christmas, also showing some picutres of different types of decoration. This was to be the last meeting before Christmas, so each member s Vt ?" took a gift and had a gift exchange w"B flame, wter u prognuu This was very thoroughly enjoyed by all, " v , ! . The hostess, assisted by Mrs. W. J. Smith and Mrs. Johnnie Smith, served hot chocolate, topped with' a marshmallow, and small cakes.' The meeting adjourned to meet ii J-fry wi'h l':ss Tannie J1 s ,c:?j..nDj0un3DEfjTiir Duplin Man Has Narrow Elscape In Auto Wreck ' Durham Grady,' prominent Du plin man, and warehouseman of Goldsboro, nuaculously escaped serious injury Friday night when his automobile got out of control and left the road on a curve 2 mil es from Kenansville. The auto was almost completely demolished. The wreck occurred while Grady was on his way to his home in the Holt's Store section Friday night His .automobile, which he was driving, left the road for nearly 50 yards before going over the em bankment, and traveled for many more yards in the swampy under growth ''below smashing' into a large tree..' , ' The car was badly wrecked, re quiring work .with axe -by the wrecking crew . which moved it next day before it could he towed behind a wrecker. When the car struck the tree it was bent in the shape of the ..letter" "U-," so that the door on the right side of the car , was bent into v the steering wheel on the left side. None of the passenfby who saw the wreck ed car were unable to understand how Grady escaped serious injury of death : Grady suffered minor injuries, and is recovering at his home. Theatres PABAMOUKT KENSTON "Ebb Tide," the thrilling story of a man who thought he was; God. As hauntingly beautiful as its title, tnis picture natt to be made in natural color to catch its primitive passion, its raw, flaming thrilling splendor, With Frances Farmer and Bay Milland sharing the honors of star, "Ebb Tide" and Sunday, Dec. 11th and 12th. Don't fail to see this first South Seas picture ever to be filmed in natural color. Its intensely human qualities will leave you quivering. Another of those rollicking, fro licking, fun-fests of filmdom, t a ten-star triumph of - screwiness, reaches the Paramount . Theatre on Monday and Tuesday, Dec. 13 th and 14th, when "Merry Go Bound of 1938" breaks loose with; the Four Horsemen of merrimania, Bert Lahr, Jimmy Savo, k, Bdllj House and Mischa Auer. Laughs a-plenty if you can take 'em, and a romantic element which will make you yell Mama, Don't miss it. DUPLIN THEATEE WARSAW Joe Penner and Gene Baymond, the "ridiculous 'and the magnifi cent appear in that unbelievable triumph of entertainment, that hi larious hit of the howling screen, f'Life of the Party," at the Duplin meatre on onaay, December la th Do yon want to buy . a du Well, it really doesn't matter. One glimpse of this movie and you'll want to buy a theatre, It's worth its weight in cracked ribs. "AU Baba Goes to Townf on Thursday and Friday, ' December 18th and 17tiv when Bajah Eddie Cantor and his forty thieves yell "Open Sesame" to a harem of beau tiful girls. This is Eddie in oriental setting where he' is best you cant miss it. . For the Saturday " Night i Owl Show, beginning at 10:45, the Du plin Theatre bring back a picture which has been returned for more showings than any picture of mo dem times, : "Jungle Princess," starring Dorothy Lamour Doro thy the exotio, the magnificent. A picture you'll never want to forget, and never wilL Don't See it if you don't want to. TI . house will be fulL "Ju ' j r i" ii 0" Do You Live In Kenansville? If so now its the time to start decorating for Christmas. The Ke nansville Woman's Club is spon soring a yard and porch decorat ion contest again this year, and are offering attractive prizes in each department. N Decorations will be judged and prizes awarded on Saturday night, December 18th Perhaps you will be the winner! H you live in Kenansville you should start now and do your part toward making the town a lovely and cheerful spot at Chnstmas. (Ed. Note: Every town m the county might take notice of this announcement.) County Counts Out Cold Cash : W. B, Faircloth probably did not mean to put Duplin County to any more trouble than necessary when he started to receiving his old age benefits, but as things turned out, he is costing them tor three months maintenance. Faircloth applied for and receiv ed his old age assistance.' One month's beneiits were paid, and he decided to move to Sampson county. According to the law, af ter two more payments Sampson would, .take, over that . expense. Another payment was made, making it two . down and one Jo go. But on the day his third pay ment came due, he came by for it while on his way to a new home in Onslow county. Now Duplin is obligated to make his payments for three more months, untu ne es- tablishes residence in Onslow Au- Ithorities are thinking strongly o. building a fence around his house until those payments are made. K'Ville Teams Start Season , Kenansville High school basket ballers have waded into their of ficial county schedule with two victories offsetting a single loss Magnolia fell before the K'Ville team 14 to 9 and Calypso bowed 26. to 12. Beulaville has been the only team so far powerful enough to .upset the County seat team. Begulars playing' in the two winning games were Bill Grady, James Leary, J.. W.. Williamson, Ed Sykes, Mark Southerland, Lar ry Bostio, Xermit Brinson and Da vid C Williamson. Two players are out of the games as present. Ceness Dail for -the season w. a broken , leg, and Lester Brinson until after Christmas, due to a se vere oold. - ; v Kenansville girls have tagged in their two games in which ttvey! defeated Calypso 21 to 13 and lost to Magnolia 30 to 25. ' CLEAN FUN '' 'I'AT BEULAVILLE The Woman's Auxiliary of Hallsville Presbyterian Church is sponsoring the coming of the Milt Tolhert Players to the Beulaville High School auditorium Tuesday December 14 at 8:00 P. M. These players are heard over Radio Sta- th.tion WPTF each day at 11:30 and promise a clean program; that yon will enjoy. ; . Ton are invited to hear them. - i K'Ville 4-H Club, Holds; Meet 1 . By Ellen Southerland v Beporter Kenansville 4-H .Club On Friday, December 3, the Ke ST i re S"tehrland ..4-B Club pin for School auditorium. . Ethel - Gray'winning in the County Beco.d X rcwn was m charge of the pro- contest ah Else "-,';rd the Covert KUltBEK 48 The regular session of Superior: Court held , under Judge Cranmer ' this week, adjourned Monday aft erncon after completing one day's work. One of the reasons gjven -lor the early , adjournment . was the fact that many of the-, .law yeis were anxious for money, for Christmas, and had accordingly settled cases out of court to such ' an extent that the docket did not justify the expense of a week of court. . The second week of the regular session will begin next Monday morning, ana will be followed on Monday, December 20th, with a ' term of county court. Both weeks of this session of Superior Court will be devoted to civil cases, criminal cases being set for the term beginning on Monday, Jan uary 31st. Cases disposed of in, the court room this week were: Neal Fen- nell and wife, lula J. , FennelL versus L. T. Snowies was adjudg ed owner and entitled to immedi ate possession of the described tract of land, and the plaintiffs were ordered dispossessed and ejected from the house. It was ordered that Artie Bor deaux Carr recover from Jesse W. Fussell judgment in the sunt of $282.32, with interest, and Fus sell ordered to pay costs of the action. , The case of Myrtle V. 'Strick land versus M. E. Bailey and Chas. I Cates ajjonfc.,. Inc., was settled out of court. Action was dismissed at the cost of the plaintiff. C. E. Stephens, Administrator, was adjudged entitled to recover $500 from Fidelity Deposit Co., and ordered to pay costs of the case and attorney's fee in the sum of $50. B. G. Quinn, receiver for Mar garet Houston, a minor, was or dered to spend $173.33 as rents for tobacco barn and flues, $130 for the benefit of Margaret Hous ton, and $5 per month for Mar garet Houston. G. S. Quinn was adjudged ow ner of lands described in a com plaint against Hallie Jones, and was ordered to pay the costs of the action. ' Davis Batchelor was adjudged entitled to recovery , of $1,. with interests, and costs, from Gih Batchelor and wife, Hazel Batchelor ,and the lands described in the, complaint ; were ordered sold at the courthouse door, with the costs of the action to be a first lien on, the, property. V 1 -Ajnas rrogram Presbyterian Here On Sunday Grove Presbyterian Church in Kenansville will be the scene of special Christmas Program giv- en by. the Ladies of the Church at o:W P. M., Dec. 12. The sub ject of this vesper service will be . as with Gladness Men of Old." . The speaking parts will he taV by members of the Grove Auxili ary, and the Junior Choir will lead the nmsical numbers. The'ser-; vice will last about one hour, and, will close with the special candle light service. All the people of . community are invited to this service. - , " , The Pastor will preach at' tbV 11:15 hour on, "The Defeated Man.". Sunday School will be heH at 10:00. The attendance ' is in creasing each Sunday and we will ; have room for many more Ton ' are most, cordially invited. " the camps' and short course last summer to give reports of their trips. ' All of the reports were ve- ry interesting, -,'-,. ' IWia. V.Jti. . J.J . .m. . ' ' " i - '1 ,t.e i .'', v') 1 1 r far I! e . yt .r s tj La nitiiiocrs of tiie club who a' .euJ,d 1937-S3 1