; ' ill - (, fejl1 rt V- ; ,ti . vs v.v. , C7 1, T v " -4 KTIKBEE 49 .2 4 i:? to Track .iv i.Ii! Train Ac: J car on a fast wutnbouT' f ' t train jumped . the tr .a cf Warsaw, near Fa'on ' sir mnmi'mr. doine luff i ient -' to the track and loaJbed ' ' 1 up the morning mail train ."ai-iiaw for. 4 hours. It was . -,ary for the mail train to v It until a wrecking crew could ne from Wilmington to repair . damages. s EaUroad men held the opinion t'.ut roqks, or some other' obstruct i on on the track caused the acci C.nt, although there were Indica tions of a b'" '..lown in i'the wheels of tbp .J, car., v' . Rotarians Meet i 'The Warsaw-Kenans viUe Eo tary Club met Tuesday at the Bap tist Church clnbrooms : in War saw, with President Vance On pre siding, Arthur Humphrey, Secre tary. ' t V 1 Eev. Cadle, Aubrey Cavenau- and Br. Ewers matte very inter esting talks on the subject of safety lief ore the assembly. ' Within the past two mouths membership in 'the Eotaryvlub has increased 50 per cent. ,. 1 F r Out Tuesday for Christmas : t'week'f issue f TEE DTTPIIN TIMES, which will be tte .as number,'wiU be out on Tuesday night. All frrespond . M asked to note this early deadline for the dosing of tte paper SJm issue because of the Christmas hohdays, and get their i copy , the officer later than Monday of next week. If unable to , your letter up in time to reach us Monday, aveyour news un tiie following weei and include it with your Christmas news, ioli will appear in the paper the week following Christmas. - ,, 'ravity Becomes Auto SneakthiefX; Almost everyone knows T some thing of the power of gravitation, but Sam loftin, of .the B. F. Gra-a-b anAtinn - hiu discovered' in it a ' new inclination it is an , auto .thief. - ' , TfKti ift liia car sithne on the ca Kn Willard Westbrook's Service Station, on the Pink Hill road, Wednesday night When he ' Tiront tn crt it. it was no longer h.T. AftiTft short search v the Ample Hogs Outdo All Expectations . According to County -Agent EeynoldSj 'Jihe hog shipment made from Warsaw unaay. was exp, ed to be light, due to two ship-niA-nta nomine' on succesive 1 Fri days, but such expectations ' were Irani when 293 hoes had been tnliMliilfri for shiument by Thurs day afternoon, ij more than have been sold on any previous snip- datr atifl indinfttiona Vointr ing to many 'more being available cT.; discovered in a' ef wasmauc. big ditch below, a bridge, wncre trraviir tA left it." ' , loftin had failed ,'to set. bis . itnira m tint, the i auto" : in Rear . . when he left it A lumber truck was required, to remove the ve hicle from the ditch. ; ; V ' ' . t, 11 . '' Tenant House Is Curned Tuesday , . : A tenant house on highway 4Q "between Kenansville and Wallace, which belongs to Paisley Bouse and is occupied this year by Ar v.n Tirodiiaw. nesrro. was alleg- edlv set on . fire last Tuesday ahntit 1 n'nloek. A neero wo- man is being held in the Kenans ville jail pending'. a preliminary trial.. ' 'rf.'.fiK''" 'i According to" officers the house was. set on fire in. four places. I.; .L-twood, apparently used to s'.J t the fire, was found under two windows, as well as kerosene windows. The culprit gained entrance to the house by a a window and fired a"bed, as well s the outside of the house. ; Hone of the . occupants o s the e were 'injured except one I. who suffered minor burns. Many: Attend Joint Birthday Celebration ; ! ? : Pork Goes to Town Friday A hog shipment made from Y, saw last Friday brought -the fa: nen of .the county who took r .t in it $4,515,70." '271 hogs v ere shipped,, a majority of which Tnn mice Tot the 1 ert was $8.35 per lundred- t. The hogs went to a ai Aaol' cr shipment will be made ri-:i.y, Iec,17th, in order that c' -impTit on- Friday before t ' ". tnias may not te ne'C-ary. Amnnd 7K pnesta from ; Duiflin and Wayne enjoyed the. birthday ana dbjwwub ucjcuio.ulu joint birthdays of Bev Uoyd Ver nnn nd I. C. TJavennort' of Cab in, at the home of JKev. iaoyo Vernon neur Eenansville. Mon dtt-o: Dp.np.mber 13.- -;v' 7 . . nw Vimuiii And nr. uavenpon are first cousins, and for the past five or six years have celebrated thPir birthdays iointlv. one year at the home or jtev. vernon, me fnlinwnir at the honte of Mr Bavenport lt has grown to be an UUUbUUUU ' ' OU1VUK lira :,.:wH". and frienda.of the two COUSinS. ' - Those present on monoay were . Mr. and Mrs. A, E. Tyndall, Pink Bill; SJ. na JUS. noiano, Ajfu Aan and Mr: and Mrs. Bevnolds, Pleasant Hill; Mr. and Mrs. Hen ry Tyndall, Pink Hill; Jirs. an Tmriiiii mmtnii Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Hargrove and family, Mt Ol ive: 0. K aargrove, wasninBwu, T Mra T. M. Memu. Ift.W ive Henry Hill, Bob Whaley and jAhmiT Ttavennort Seven Springs ; Mrs.! Magnus Outlaw, Mrs. Jessie Cahoon and Mrs.' Vivian race, nntiftw' Tiridira: Mr; and .Mrs. J. ITmitiaA v. I5r. and Mrs. L. C. Ba wnnorL Mr. and JOrs. inurmaa Davenport, Mr. and, Mrs. Clifton Baker, Kr .and mrs. Aon oinv- land and family; all of vaoin; Wr. and Ki-s. I. K. Brvan. Sr. i Mr. and Trs. J. K. Bryan, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Luther - Bice' Carroll, and chSJren, Krs., Sudie Pyatt Killer and-dat!j;Lter, all of near nenans- vCi, and Kiss Sue JfeU Kennedy, of Henansvule. The Chinauanin Chapter of the Young Tar Heel Farmers , . held their annual banquet amaay, jue cember 10, at 7:30 P M. " Carrol Sholar, presiaent of tne Chanter, acted as ' toastmaster. Paul T. Wood, representing the 8th grade class repeated the Fu ture Jfarmers vreea. me inene oi the program was Cooperation. Al bro Brown who represented the 9th grade made a very - interest ing talk on school and commun It eooneration. Thelbert Fountain of t 10th told of the success of cc ration in Denmark. K. C. Ca- voiiuiiorKkfTinin thn 11th 'CTBilp made a splendid talk on extermi nation of pests tnrougn coopera tin. At the nlosn of tile nrocram thp 1ad and STiPt WPTR xpnt on their way bv a cheerine little mes-, sage oy wuour Booiar. . The chapter was honored by the presence of Supt 0. P. Johnson who made one or the most inter esting and worthwhile talks ' a long ,the . line of the ' program theme that it has been out plea sure to hear, umnquapin states appreciation to our very capable County Superintendent .' for ' his fine oooperanon u ouuaing up the school and community. The decorations were ;. in harmony with the Christmas season. The de coration and serving were under the direction or juss sioan ana the Home Economics Department. WPA to Reach More Families ft The sftonp.' of WPA work in sub tin welfare has recently been wid mpd to occpnt any family whose expenses on a subsistanoe level are orpfttpr than itc income.' nroviaea fhA watVav in the family is auali- fied for such aid. This, is explain-; ed as meaning that a lamuy wnose expenses,' for instance, amount to $16.00 a week; and whose income, including everything recieved, a- mounts to only fiu.uu a weex, can he referred to tbe WA I or nein. " In answerine the question q whether this will, make paupers of unnh families or heln to rehftbil- itate them, the , Public Welfare Hewn Letter "exnlains that with' ..... ..i. ' out help tney never nave enougn to eat Jiesuit-inaaequaoey, poor YABD AND POBCH DEC0KATI0K8T0BS JUDGED OH SATUBBAY . ' ' NIGHT, DEC. 18TH .' ' - The Christmas decorations tn ' the yards and porches in , Xenansville will be ' judged ! , on Saturday night, Deo. 18, between 7:30 and 8:30 o' ' clock and prizes will .be . ' warded at that time. . ' The following women have , been asked to act as judges, . Mesdames B. A. Cadle, Geo. ; Bennett, and Henry Middle- , ,ton, all of Warsaw. " ' ' First and second prizes will, be awarded for , both the ' yard and1 porch that is de corated most prettily.. .- The contest is being spon sored by the Eenansville. Wo men's club and' it is their greatest wish that each , of . you will start today and decorate! uLjJO LOUlIS TOO PEfJDER (: Rosehill Girl Has Skull Fractured in Accident Child Dies From Attack of Croup VntiMul aenicet'were held at the family cemetery Monday after noon for Earl sosno, ; -year-oiu son of Mr. and strs. vanoe sosno, f PnHvn Hill.. ' He died Sunday morning at 10 o'clock after suffering from ' an attack of spasmodic croup for less than a week. He was a nephew of Murphy Bostic, manager of Ef ird's Depart ment Store, in Kinston. State Men Go Swanky With Two Club Vice-Presidents ' Roy Griffen, 42, and 'J. W.i; Blake, 31, both of, Bocky Point, -, ,were fatally injured in an auto,.; .-. I wreck Friday night about 6 o'- fl" clock on the Pink Hill highway,.; Miss Louise Cottle was taken near B. F. Grady School, when " v Thursday to a Wilmington hospi- the car in which they were trav-. ; tal with a fractured skull as the ling toward Eenansville v crashed : ' result of an accident Sunday into the rear end of a track ber night which was at first believed ; longing to Hampton Williams ot i to have inflicted no serious injur-1 Kenansville. v' ies on the three Duplin youthsj Blake reportedly was driving at - ; involved. 1 a high rate ol speed wnen ne came Miss Cottle. Victor Carr and; up behind the track, driven oy Edward Merritt, all of Rosehill, Frank, Wilson, a negro. A car were riding in a truck belonging coming from the opposite direc to Carr when the accident occur- tion allegedly forced the truck red. Merritt, who was driving, fail-' to stop before making a left turn, ed to notice a red lantern on the and at the same time blinded Gnf- Wallace-Harrell's Store road ten so tnai ne was uiwmc w where a bridge over Rockfish the truck until too late to stop. : creek had "been taken out, and Witnesses say that the negro Jield Blunged over the embankment, out ms nanu xo signal a icn, t-uiu,. turnimr the truck over on its, but was not seen oy jjiaiie. Santa Keeps Foot , Oh Neck Of Civil Cnnrl- This Week . Case; which. were tohaye been? tried in Superior uourt mis weeic,-' : . , isaia uu m under Judge uranmer, lute a ma v - ea a uic ""r , , r -I . . 1.1 A. -itA ltnf rAOrih , TlftP I m . J Itn.inllt 1 Th Dnnlin County State Col' 1pm Clnb held its onranisation ' meeting Wednesday night Decern !ber 8, with 81 members attend ing. An interesting program, ap Ipetiring turkey dinner, ana eiec- ni ton. It was at first believed tnat an injury to Carr's leg which requir ed 10 stitches was the only serious result of the accident, but later it was discovered that Miss (Jottie s skull was fractured. It is believed that she will recover completely within a few .weeks. - Merritt is reported as having said that he saw the lantern plac ZTT'n ' .nnhlP t attend, but Coach Doe jonxy 01 wox """"". - -n.; P.nl tied out oi court oy , unnsima - r--conscious attorneys, making it un- sent Pictures of several games necessary for Judge Cranmer . to played by State this year were return to ..Kenansville; ym, VM tera,- . . r Jton game, ana uio owK-viukC The next session of court to be game. held here will be next . Monday. Dec. 20th, when. Judge Blanton, will oonvene County Court. Dura tion of the term will depend upon the number of cases on tne aocx- et i t 1 Wilmington Presbytery 1 Wilmington Presbytery met in adionrned session ; in the ' Pint Presbyterian Cnurcn in wiimmg ton on Tuesday at 11. Bev. A. D. P, Gilmour acted as moderator, v Rev. Earl Thomvson who has nffinert elected for the year were Rov Gates, of Faison, Presi dent: John D. Grady, of Seven Springs, first vice-president;, D. J. widdleton. of Warsaw, second vice-mresident: Q. E. "Buck" Jones, of Kenansviue. secretary: W. P. Loftin, of Mount wave, trea surer. Old crrada offered some delight fnl sntorfainmpnt with tales of W WW..H. . their escapades at the Alma Mat er in days gone oy, Another meetine will be held during the month of March. A de finite date is to be set later. had been removed, but thought it to he the tail light ol anotner far and failed to stoB. Some crit- cism of the highway department An- failure to adeauately light a place so dangerous as the scene of the accident nas Deen eiiiiesscu by local people. work, prolonged starvation, result-iWaccamaw group of churches was j 1 i 1 .t...'. k mII.mm 4-n 'I r . a num. I come pastor oi we uuo' nvw- ; xne young people ox wuiuuig maw and Ashwood churches andi ton presbytery will meet in the TI71i44m VtAiita nmA 1T.11rB ! mi. ' V-m.mav am TsaA rmcr3 m Line fcr 1937 Chech r ' CmrA-a Afent's Cffice has A.- v-"rf O ' . . . a -ed accepting applications iur !f-nt of 1C37 - conservation "its here. i ipations are rre- " f'Ttt out to i. K O ...... ini in tnbenniloais.' nellaerra. etc..' with the accompanying doctor bills which " cannot be ' paid; finally confinement in a hospital or san itarium, with tne cost resting on the taxnaver. While . with heln. they can have adequate oeas ana bedding, kitchen ntensus, cMtning, ana enougn lor looa xor neaiu sua vigor, i ,y.; JUi'v "i Business Good; I In Beulaville t : - W. Jones. Mayor of Beula- man hia vpplc to a renres- entative of the TlflLLa, mat Busi ness in Beulaviue the past year had gone forward to a greater pact than at any year in the his- ' , Wnm" hnnneM " Mayor JonBT stated, .'.'had opened,, and more' business t houses -and ' dwellings had been ereotea tnan aunng . .; .. .w. j.'iu-i.:'!! ' Businesses aireaay .. esuuuwueu v Ann u anleiidid business, and nm impjL have thrived. The town in looking forward to a good year (nramineil And, enrolled aS ft mem ber of this presbytery. He witt be- oome pastor oi tne xaxe ' wacca- PBESBYTEBIAH YOUNG PEOPLE TO MEET ON DECEMBER 23BD The young people of Wilming will supply White Plains and Elk ton churches.. v . -Announcement was made of .the Leadership Training School in Wilmington an special address on Religious Education the last of March. .,-;-' - Griffen was killed instantly and was pinned in the wrecked ; auto so securely that he could not be moved until the car had been towed to a Pink Hill garage,' . where an acetylene torcn was x used to extricate him. - : Blake died several hours later . at a Kinston Hospital from toss of blood and numerous injuries. . . The automobile, a 1938 model, was completely wrecked. . . ' Wilson, the negro dnver oi.inq.' truck, received injuries, sufficient to require medical treatment fin the accident. . , . , Apparently the accident was unavoidable. Beta Club Meets Thursday Night The Kenansville Beta Club met loot Thnradnv nieht at the home of Ellen and Eleanor Southerland. TJorothv Kennedy was m charge of the program, "Customs of Man TB Seal Sale Xmas Services Sunday; Pink Hill Xrr.Z3 Program to in. s f t as r 1 ( I -t ty , e fc f 1 a r t H: Given i Chrii.tr.as nrotrram will be held et te F rtlot church in Eenans ville Sunday evening at :wo clock, wi'Ji the KenansvSle. Com- r-unity Clioir and the Jienansviiie r - h School Clce Club furnishing vocJ nun)ers. The pro'T-am will i e ur, :r t;'e Crecv-on ci 1,9. m d. c",,3 v""i r'rr'1 rn rl "i 1 ve 1 a si-- 1, f 13 f ''tut " c FORXIGH MISGI03 ' s C03SF2ROCE ! t' U 1 The Touag Teople'a Poreignj WisRinn Conference will be held in Atlanta, Ga, December 28-30 Young people from tne age 01 jib to 2.1 am invited. Leadinsr speak ers from the whole church; will appear on the platform. - ( czzm ej cinrc!i "A choir of about CD voices from f e t. . Ae'tws r-"':vvterian " -Hvl'l f r ii Cr-i-i , The Presbyterian Church in Pink Hill will be the scene .of a special service Sunday morning at 11 iv ThPTe will be SDecial Christmas musical numbers and the nastor. Bev. W. H. Eubank will nrennh' on. "The- World's Pre paration for the coming of Christ" A special unnstmas 1 prognun n-n v. fcaM at Wphron Pregbvter- HAU MV - ' : . - - ian church Sunday evening at 7,1 rTh. Wftnd f God in History." Starting anew the life There will be special - Uhrutmas music at Hebron. AH the people in the communities are giver ooronu invitations to attend these servic es. Rhnroh of the Covenant on Dec sSrd at 11:00. The nroeram will last all day. Oram Tasrue from Kenansvuie will have charge of the -opening devotions. The address of the morning will be made by Juss Mrv. Louise Woodson. Synod Di- rmntxr Af Vnnnff Peoole..: AttTUC-l tive features will include special musio by the Bt Andrew unoir and a Christmas program a by Peace College Students. . , Bev. G. A. Wilson will address hp mnr neonle in the afternoon. Ail are asked to bring lunch, and spread it together. , r regresses in Co. The health of Dup:;,Couttty. depends to a great' Xtea.pn the, alertness ot its oiwenittiv oom bating communieahjediseases When a disease, such -aS' tnbercu- lndia nun not onlv beTEUTed'but ftl"-' (so prevented and, even eradicated, tnat disease aeimuiu juuuHKui.ra kind. 1 ........ Four new members were invited mu t,nmK Leona Smith. 1 pnn.Qni-;td mti7.ens who val- Tlans were discussed as to tho I Mir! liaalK ' anil tTifl . , : uc LILCll Un ivwi.j . ftirliPTftTtre of the Cnnstmas cnar- , fnm a-nA tTi ity campaign being staged by tne , community) can do their part in Beta Club. j helping to rout this disease from Cocoa and sandwiches weie Dtirilin bv purchasing and , using served after the program and Tuberculosis Christmas Seals, games. Those attending were Jr- wnicn aie now on sale by mem SoutheTland, Hazel Baker, Robert mans Ciub 0f Kenansville. Jones, David John Kilpatrick, A- The inC0me from these penny dele Brown, James .Leary, wwiamiseal8 enables a year-round cam Grady, and Miss Phoebe Harlan. paign to be waged against tuber The Beta Club requests anyone I culosis so the at every man, wo wishing to donate clothing or toys man and child and every home in 1- iv. tn rpnort at once Bimim will be safe from this di- to Ellen or Eleanor Southerland. , seasc. When it is brought to mind ' that tuDercuiosis. more uiau uaj other disease, kills, more people. Miss Harlan, or Dorothy Kennedy. on. Hear the Jingle Of the Bells Wer thev oome marching harHmr anew the life together J Watch them as they go and we find passing: Barph Vick and Carrie Mae Mathis, Alvin Landen and Louise Hocott, Perry Bland Ta Va44 Paul Whaler and I Myrtle Kennedy, Elton Page and Iw.ut. Tt 1 Chf1t William Tvn- K'Ville Breaks Even in 2 Games Kenansville basketball teams split a doubleheader with Chin TuprHrv night in a cold CTmnasium, when the girls bow- .J K a (traiTR OT IV bU W. WW KAt .hivprpi ont a victory 24 to a ti.h. aoinix were rough and II. IIU U. ..ww. w loosely played. The rirls game resemoiea ' ?f2S ITS T - , Thand Bbecoa Casteen, and Bev. F. L. Goodman, Pastor ; "age, I . I u4. rl.m ani mminSTi and OUl Y FIREWORKS" 'our colored list we find: Island 4 TSrpworVi are danirerousl They1 vittnmn and Luoindia Johnson, otp int to set out a forest fire so'oberrv MiHer and Docie j McGee, . . . , .... - . - - . . .j 1 pe.caretui wnere you mww. f s this Ctrirtmas. Lets all '3 vlth our Ciy Tores ' -tt li 's t!.is a 1 5 1" t t -je fcy flreJ f.iiii tramp nil the K'ville las ies took their licking. The boys AiAnt ml m rouen. out were evidently off in every department, especially during the first .' half, which ended with the score tiea un 5 to 5. In the' second half the Kenansville boys got back on their feet to forge ahead and add a vic tory to their record. ' Sykes, playing' at guard between the ages of 15 and'' 40, we should be more anxious than pver to do onr nart. no matter how small, in helving to eradicate this scourge from Duplin. B'Ball Victors - Last, weeic the "Renlaville Hifh '.' School basketball teams defeated v .i B. F. Grady and Chinquapin in aV, pair 01 irapun ucunty scneamea , EUiah Perry and Susie Mae Mor ris. Walter Boykin and Hazel Da vis, James l!ainor and Etlar Lou- i-e I" ftl TLirffian " Bobson Kenansville, was high ' scorer; for fhe night, with 10 points to his credit - - ,v -V,' sames. The undefeated Beulaville- girls '. were victorious in "the score of 56-14 over B. F. Grady and 'set ; 1 back Chinquapin with a score of T, ' The ttpnliivilln hnva AefnabtA H. -1 F. Grady by 30-4, and won" aver 1 rflt.fA.j .... 1. . M n L viuuquupm oy i-o. ine noys ; yj have lost but one game this sea' I son. ' - ' , w for j December 314,' the -Beulavillff A: BIRTH ABHOUHCEMEirr ' High teams won a striking victory i over Rosehill teams.' &- " .The local Beulaville girls won in the score of 27-26, v. and t the Rosehill boys bowed to Beulaville boys 8-28.' -n , iMr. and Mrs." Orris ,:,Thigpenl ' Beulaville has two other coun of Beulaville, announce the birth ty-wide ygames scheduled for this of a son, Bee. 6ih. s-. . ,week. . '.. v

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