i i vc - " . ' -v. JLTcaui liizzs the Highways w, lg 1937 . S V TyS i a e-k i r t ) 4 i-E . , . ' i L,: .,:a , r s tf l j t. ial- 1 t eut ' A Lci-lvLy c j mixture cont " 4 mux I' , 1 ', Pr wi I ' .Mj-five per cent of the cot i l ginned in North Carolina to C le is running 15-16 or longer In r rle and as such should demand a i-i-emium, according to G.! ... nn, general- manager or tne I jith Carolina, Cotton, .Growers Cooperative Association' who fcli.-essed.the importance of farmers 1 aving.their cotton graded by gov er ament-license ckssers before offering it for. sale. f A1: Mr. Mann said that ' premiums keeping with the size of the per son who uses the articles most. Closets, wardrobes, : pantrfc; i i a emen-...-zfood A. Arey,. of t .e full , -le should be . i .8 can. . . - i.. i -Iie a grain' I sereral ditfer- EY EZHKLa OUTLAW' 10 TEAR OLD ETTTEmTT OS1 EES. ' AuSVZLLE SCHOOIt ' 1 Thankscivim? i altmm ntK... .tinsr t6'i mt benrnu T i..U. who first set Thanksglrtng Day wuuo, i, rememoer always tnat day because the Pilcrimi 1abiI m When they came, first of all they u w meir Kncci to rrar and ent fee's, h t-a usually gets tir ed of a T- x containing only one or t"" LIs of rrain. .;v; -sv H. J -3 . . , ' M porches, attics, and cellar are mong the storage places that can .ds.t du,' fw?' De put to good use, Hiss Cv,idoniand p. f", XT Z7 "7 w o wet, and aii Only6 seldonT used Articles, FllSnaS wwTSlS' w CT a? And also - be put h-ttilfcXSLALS i0 growing up 9 . ' ,t ivm4 "i "p"", w ui mi uneuaee and LLdves. tu oasea. .hoe rk.". KkTiS TOBi the ."Dutch wdowW storage ohe.' Round Aats. rmimA lw .TTT T"r " K.. . !' W peopie, wnen tney came S 5 i14 Plymouth Bikand v jBut trrain is onlv a. mmUnu.it. a i j- j J? r1 ary feed. Aw iESTTw-i. " i " f -v: yw . jBVMwwr againii tne red .men es Standish. "THnd T nam amia. thing to tell you, but I can be pat- font wrltil v J m . -v www uu muiy 4 u wait un til you. finish your wort" The Gaptain was bnsv maitinv All tinf jm irani, imer wnue ne time. and by now John Alden was busy icouixig pooa wmcn He : had of drawers, are a decided heln in sionng tilings - conveniently and attractively. ; AlMmbk Some of these things Out "can be made at home sre wTI mitA for Christmas presents, Miu Qor- aon aqaea as snggestioia uatnv' WW-U a suggestion : for rVrrr-:w:i tto who are puoling over their Jii'ni $15 a bale, and he wint-r"18 . . f ,1 nnt that hv marketing their cot-1 ton in such a way as to Ket the full grade and staple premium at that by marketing their eot-1 v in such a way as to get thei HiirnMosf rl'iiiil' ITorth Carolina farmers can "t put r'ntiir I an additional three millionaoa- W Good Rations - ars u imh pv"..'ri:.y iti;" Kr; Ulann reported that deliv tn ; !i AMnniation arn ran. nin 11 over three times as much as y ttW during wie oorres r .2 neriod a year ago', s Sot t do farmers like to get "their frrade and staple 7 premiumsi t they also like to get their lo . through :an agenoy that will ,U)ct them from any comeback case the cotton is taken over by ; a Commodity ilreiUi Corporation, J 3 said, adding that the Cotton ; . ssociation absolutely stands back f,f its grades and wiU protect the tanner irom any comc-oacz waat- Even the hnmblMt dnirv l'-nnw has her own ideas -about what need Plenty of rood it is available and a full feed of mage ana legume' nay in winter. " ' aairrmen who hut fut . their cattle will get better results uuicy jnuvuaw ionjy iced m whioh the neroentam tJ imMmh is fairly hieh. When the Mnnmt, w w oruae noer runs ; nitrh uw noer mis un u cowt itm. ttch without nrovidinr tmutt. ihle nutrients she, ought to have. able feed , irill tempt her to eat e-1 Gate ExpositioB, Of JersTSpluUbn for Stoirsige Problem ' Ai1nnatjt atirocA foflit!A far .. clothes, cooking utensils, cleaning ' ' ',.. I i..., .. -A suppues, ineaicines,- ana oiaer ' household articles add to the ton venience of a home, , ; f ; -y. The iftndamental principles 'fef good storage,' according to Pauline t Gordon, home management sped-. tJist of the State , College exten : ".stott service,' re::i -.$ Articles should be stored at or ' close to the places wnere they are used. Articles should be stored in '.such a way that each may be re moved without handling any other : ; article. ; f'i- v -The storage space should fit the size' and shape of the articles to j be stored,- and should also be in t its rm to ?s mrnsa OF mi CfflUSTMA8 1WT WATGBXS,: JZWSLBT STX7BE, CHOTA and 0BT8TAL J. H. Mewbbm & ':. or KursTon S' y'.?V:; 807 5. Quea,.St.;'i5; was Miles Standish, a bluff, exit uier, wno was ineir captain, with twelve soldiers, but he was proud f them. He called the nin min as 'we do, but the Indians were arraw or them , and called them fiwstioks. John Alden was the oest mend of Uiles Standish' per haps his;; partner." -y One dav whfl mrflM Rfaw.t. and John Alden r were sitting in their room, John Alden was writ ing letters always beginning and endinc with PriMflla'i nam Ma sweetheart nf iwim viff . while John, arose and said to Kil- brought from Holland. Miles Stan dish said, "I can wait, I can be paHent unm you finish, but I al so have something to ask of you." Aiaen laut tne hook aside ad said, "Well, my captain, 1 know a story to tell von Pnt t cannot tell you mine till you have Hua me vouii. wnni win .m - v v - " w jub wurl win nflva A I ame ready to listen.'? Standish Mmeo, -jonn, ne said, "I am in love with , that Dear jPriscilla and I am so ashamed tn oV anji ,eu ner mat 1 lore her, and want w w marry me.," then John shook. "tell her. Wll rn . . J - gen u all tangded up, as you say, K you want a thing well done, do it yourself. I nt d it John couldn't refuse the Captain, All the wev there he tptit ihfnv ing,"B I had only asked her to juwxy me oeiore now, and only if I had told him ahont mvuil 1w. ing he rbefore he spoke about it," Soon he saw her in the doorway spinning her wav.. And him kiA can she, he thought. Soon he took off his hat and said, 'good even- VwlaAll IB fll.. 1 mm "s wiui. ! pm spoae me same aU the.while she talked and he did too. "WeU he said at last; I uave pome 10 teu you this. Miles Standishl my Captain wishes - u marry yon; what do you sayf; "Where is he,' asked PrisciUa "He is home, said John!Whv did he not eome and speak for him self V, asked PrisciUa. "Well John replied. He had no time for a thintr. he couldn't come." "W1.11 1 have no time, either for him, if ne iovea me ne would have shown it. Ho I cannot. Does he think after we're - married. I'll en hk and marry him?" No 1 u- . then John Alden tried in h n him, but still she said, "No." Af- said, "John Alden. vou've her gone a long time. Did you go." John Replied. "Yes. I did hnt she said, "No." Un rose the Can. Jaih. "iQ,;you've,not either after T i a ' , ': - . ' - . ye wways neea your nest Iriend and now you try to betray me." 1 Just at that time a ioldim mail. ' ed in and shouted, "Captain, Cap- uua, vQmei ine . orave Captain buckled his belt aionnd him and took his gun and away to the In dians. The next morninw fli.H... jflower was to go back to England fr"v. uic vviuiur. , AU ' the women rushed dowrf to leeTthe ' crew go. John Alden mim go, but when his eyes met JPriscilla's he oould not. When the ship left, John ' Alden was not' on 'it A ; ' Editor's Note: This. tnrr 4 - ; printed, just as written by.Berthii Mae. - . , r I , - 1 - v.WO H1Q .WaUUtiU. ) ' '"- HIS MUUj .. 11U, JXl so he went fa 1(m . ii t.j ' tev anrhila t...i. . - uiu cuuu uaue mm . -.. yw.wk uui uucneau rareweu and started en his errend.1 w PT as could be. When he ' rRflinMt .thJ. fTaHtain'. . T. Visitors will snend 150 000 am ' ' I dollars on hotel and honainir ec-. commodations in the West during . ' ,! mo 1000 uuiaen uate jsxposinon. Booms 'of class are claimed for ' the model homes area at San Fran- v W00DW0XK dTXCIALTIES nnt i.. r Z V "c 1 mouel nomes area at San Jnran- reached the Captain's roonr, ahe Cisco's 1939 Golden Gate Etposit- Servicie and Quality J. M. Peirce Manuf acturing Company MANTXPACTUEEES 6r SASH , DOORS - BIJNDS . 1ITMBER SCREEN DOORS STANDARD MOULDINGS DIAL 242-1 Tear Patronage Solicited and Appreciated WABSAW, N. C. Per Novslshed Women- Tlwy Just Can't Hold Up vn van BttUatt wrnnw nonrUIi. ment from your food, and rwUul auepr f pooriy nouruneq Dooy Just cant hold up. And as tor that run-down (eeung, that nerrouf te-tlgue-dont neglect . Oardut for lack: of appetite, poor dlgeetloa and nervous faHgue, has bean recommended by mothers to daughters women to women for over fifty yearn v, T TIT. l ThowuMU jf wwi MtUy Omrdnl hIpI ihtm. Ot wuna, U n dot. Wt bwjalll TOU, aenul a alwWaaiy. VE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR AVFllTl.lAN'S XMAS CAIIES In Fancy Boxes, 25c to $7.50 Inut's, Cotjs, Houbiganfs, Eve- In fans , and ; I arcueys -1 ouet 'a" .1 j --r . j ". vrucies ana r cri uiiics 4 - ( I V H i i f .4. ti I r WRIST- T. ' PCCtCET v,atc:l3- !:'. 4y t Ix:.. ;uasTCOE:7; mi I . i , . , .... . . . m" . -i - v :. , : ... I . , ' '4.. s i , it ,i -.1 .'yj n t i ! r..- .r. - . v. : ' .? ' I V'. 1 ''. 'lit i " f " ' f 11PWJI 7 v . , ' . : , ;.: ! )'!. State of Hoidi Catottaa, nnto MW law WU1UU uuimw , - - ' mum ruality saiidard for gatounc. i., Ti.- nnalltw rAaiiiremenU were et v. :j, Vuw MAAila of today's motors. Yet Weral tears ago, That Good Coif . Gasoline wasstepped well aboretnese new state sttnaaras-T IulS oontiiiaed so ever sinpe. f " Gwlfs prendnm gasolinet If o-Nox Ethyl, exoeeds the asm state m ini impm leqpaire- ments by thewUnt margin , La motoring Uttory r It has been Gulfs practice in mo i and will continue to be so in the future to set its own standards of quality, and to raise those standards as rapidly as advances in technology permit. A To this end, Gulf maintains nine modern laboratories, staffed by able scientists, whose aim is constantly to better every previous best. This is why the Sign of the Orange Disc, displayed by all Good Gulf dealers of North Carolina, is a reli ; able guide to fine motoring " 'X I ' '5' 'if .2 1, produ .eta. t Gift: OIL.COEPOpIOS ' If ' .. . 1 1 - l - 1 ' ; ,w.t 'i,i,vVir v 1 ' 1 tlf 1 J v 1 1 Ik 1 I 4 , -,v ' Or r

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