KI "A.! " , 'LXE, North Carolina , JANTJAEY 6TH, 1938 NUMBEB 52 mm n -- nm- it i En i i J a v . mi 1 " fenUlrf aaaialS : W SI ml . i i i t i r i . i i ( i i a k : v mm a i i i i r - l-i is l t m mm ! ei E:41;0Ai1REILS Ji. i iit'er '- ,.'e c. 1 1 was L " " i saw r i . i 1. j lame e 1 r;.i j f j. It w?s rt.'l ,- 1 1 ; i r it car' ' ..e I 1 1 - :'.n enter. iTior the . . tl burnt! away the 1 K. "ins of T .oman were 1 1. 2 ta i"' f between two ). La. was 1. ...g, apparently . 1 'i tact' '. ' 1 , f . - " '1 is be" J by many that he si ' art attack after go-i : i ' i houe. Reports say v, , Lad some money in m! t. .1 he possibly went into .jase for the money or tome r valuable belonging. le fire war said to have ie i about 1:30, at about o' x the body was discovered. i HerKnj Visits James A. (JimY Herring, of Sa- v?,aa&h, Ca visited old friends in T r'Jn county last week. It was I i frist visit to Kenansville in I ) yan. A native- of Eir?-;r21e, I ! " -s lived' Lt- CiTiiSiLk ss as . .a ef tie A. C. L. railroad L, several ysars. .e is te son of tie late Dr. 'JJ. W Earring, Z2t. Herring said, that Kenans vil!s had immoved more than any I trm he viiiited in Duplin and 4 jL-irg eou&uca. 1 I I H-l 1 1 L. W ;The breath of. .early spring has, come to the oonrthoi'- square.. T! s white spirea (don't know the; t :-! : ical name) u bteommg. Two' t -. L-'Yi WellL ClerlC OI(frn.V:- tar rend ;.!? 1 s j u juuc iyu..v-- ' "Tias Dav Perhaps it wasitB. ' --r-. " ?.-, li J-Zr-rLl a. IeaJe-. w ::iirr - r, but no one recoraea n. &ass "lie ClUis Pridgen, vl : the . ,.k's olTice, says that the win r tiumine. la blooming at her 1 -e in Warsaw. : Early priugl I Is are beginning to peep thru t: s earth,' Epringtime in on the receipts at the Kenansville post " -e daripff 1837 topped those cf t'.e p..vions" year.' Incoming r I ou.;-ing mail was about the i K;orti from the office stat- Weumnt year's taxes Vere ' 1 i 1C"7. than in any re- t I. K. Eenlsrson, tax " r. tJ this. week. "The ' 1 f jr current year's-iax- ' ii 1 ,a vn -t x -n in " i tas,3 vlio' collected 5 - a in any recent year, : a L--.8 amount of that year's i, we;e back taxes. - I z cf Cc rilyF.: 1 llizl 3cf!:::-37 Cicp Li:Farm Clllzo to irjre'33 Goal ?nt'ivo"ice is s ( z J cf a I 1 ' ter from both 4nform- -'y ne U the . jrmer tccr"raS -j ia 1 - cf all r i f.r tie y; 'Tl -:r.t U t iit f t 1 -s tT i ' 7 1 1 f i . 3 tl 1 I' ' 1 AFT' ,J1D UP J 'ZZ Farm h m at LIbets c meetings have bees or rar. 1 in Lsplin County to dis ci:.! tLe lSCS agricultural . pro gram - The first meeting was held at . tie Wallace Hirh School Bufldine. on ThnrsdaY. Jan, 8. at 7:30 P. M The second meeting will be held at the a. Xi Grady Scohol Build ing tonight-at 7 :30 P. JL, and the third meeting will be at the Court House in Kenansville,'' Saturday, Jan. 8, at 10 A. 1L 7- ; W. D. Beynolds, county agent, asks that ' farmers attend - the meeting that is nearest them, if the meeting ill their . particular section has not already bee n held. Lfcht Docket ..'vrt.V-'.V County Court Following Holidays ; A light docket awaited County Judge, A. J. Elanton at the - Iirst term of county oourt for the year 1938,: on. Monday. . . ';;. ' Sine Earned, it Walkee, charg ed with , violating traff io rules, plead guilty, and the case was left open for judgment, On Thurs day afternoon before Christmas Earned figured in a wreck nn the Wallace-Xenansvilla ' road, .V. in which B. T. Wells; clerk of court, suffered personal injuries and damage to his m.SVA" During Eamed's trial an unusu- al incident occurred, when Mr. Wells voluntarily took the floor, and testified as to the good char- acter of Hr. Hamed. r v w TrrfMn, tried' on charges 0 prostitution and assault with deadly w eapon, were ordered v to g- 0 Warsaw and ; Faison Z... I juuana xaison. u mw . wiw hide on highway violating - laws, drunk and disorderly, : operating vehicle with . Improper Ucense. Plead guilty. Judgment on Assault with deadly weapon eount and the public nuisance count, eight months on roads. ; - ; i -Ezekiel Brewington, colored, manufacturing whiskey, 18 months on roads. Appeal to Superior court, Bond fixed at $300.00. w : FSA WCZSESS TO RALEGH DTE& CCTSTG WEES .' ' ! ..' The Farm; Security Administra tion office in Kenansville will be closed lieyt week with the excep tion of Kanday and Saturday C; J. MarsLlorn, and Mrs. Susan E, Bates, of the office, will be Ealc"iV Tuesday, ' Wednesday, Thurs!iy txl Friday, attending the t-J-t CoU:s Extension, and Soil Con:-rvat!on meetings. - 'reason it would be necessary for formers to co9ie:ln to make tae listas, is because tne larmers csa not ret a contract on their farm under an agricultural pro gram for 1S23 until this informa- l n trs tcn recoriei in ine oi- flee of tie Couny igent. Eeither v,Zl it te po.-'V.e for the County U t ar-e i s CJ, or number of a- l f " ".ri until all of these r "- it i f l in tSe ofiice of y f -nt ' a ci tLe part of the i ' ' 9 Cury in securing i at ue eaiv. 3 is t cl by the I -i l Distributes 1- FcrcsbyPcctcrs . Balph Killer, country Forestry Warden, is visiting the schools of the county and giving a short ad dress on the control of ;fire. He is leaving literature and't posters which emphasize the forestry work. Copies of the stall law to gether with local applications are being placed in all the homes of the county through the schools.; A copy of this; poster which was minted bv the TI1IE3 is found in this issue of the TIMES. will! tmnt 4a Tod 4 attain - Pv IP T, Goodman,, or - Kenansville was with Mr. Miller at visited this week." COMMISSIONERS MEET OF NEW. " Duplin County Commissioners a balance of $7.28. - met in regular session at ' , the Six petitions for the placing of courthouse on Monday, transact- county roads on the State Sigh ing a full quota of routine work , way map were filed with the com fof the first 1938 jession. missionerst The approximate loca- ii'A'"rei'ftom"tai''icdBector-1 tion'of the roads; limestone town Si Henderson, showed $18,595.25? ship; : near ' SummeTlin's Cross taxes collected in the county diir- ine the month of December 1937."; Beport of ..'the bffioe of;the Be gister ,.-'f Deeds, showed fees col lected and paid into this - office for the year to be $5,987,11 J fees uncollected, $478.80, making a to tal of $8,465.91 in fees for the of fice of the Begsiter f Deeds for the year. Total disbursements of the office were $6,473.19) leaving Along st'tliii-'tim&fi ths'wai held from June 7th through i that school books would be free year all of the big news gathering 11th, with -Aubrey Harrell, Wal-1 to the children in the county for agencies in the country select the bee mayor, bossing events, ! and j the year, ten biggest newf stories? of 5 the 1 Mr Franklin- D. Boose velt, wife J - On September 26th, fire damage year, accoroUngr to their way of of the PresidenV the main attrac to $6,000 occurred in viewing the news I- ThC Duplii. tion, listing1 the festival on June, j Magnolia. -Times; ahs not selected fthe ten llthl Mrs. Boosevelt's visit to the The one hundred aafi tenth an- bieeest news stories for ; Duplin County for the year just! passed, - 'Z ,-jj;:s "w review some of the news stories in The Duplin TinMa- far' lftJlT:.-'--?1?!!' 1 On January 14, the - ' County Farm' Agent and the different ag ricultural 'departments ff Duplin moved 'into the new agricultural building.; i"v;i'?-'' The; Kenansville . Production Credit Association met in r Ken ansville on' January 14. f-; '4i . The Branch Bank & Trust to., expanded during, the: month January, putting, in an" Insurance denartment. with L. D.. DaU as new manpjer. :. f! : Duplin CountV raised over, $2, 000 for flood relief , yere leading headlines the issue of Feburary 4 In the f issue of March 25 a judgment .tecord was fotind miss intr in the court house,.'and the menfc; t v -' ' rarden was tne Keynoter at ine E. :lin Victory dinner, at which; r..rf. i tiiMH.- : . readlines early in April told of a V.'atha girV killed on Wallace streets.-'. . .1 A splendid Bosehill market edi tion of TEE -TIMES, credit "to Bosehill and the TIMES.-was issu ed .durins'-ApriL"; The issue of AprU 3ra,.Tow oij four negro children burned ;.to death at WarsawvV- -W--"''-An April issued toldl of vthe condemning of the Waoaw grade school buildin?.' i -: ; - -!- The Wallace strawberry festival School Girl Llarrfccs- The management of the Beula- viSe schools reports that there is. nuTCn raTZUim a flood of marriages ong,ther '.p year. Beports seem to indicate that as many as six of the school pu- Psycliiatrist to ; ; BriJac P. T. A. v - On Wednesday . evening, JaC 12, Miss Edith Waldkoskie, Psyoi artist at the Caswell Training School will address , the. - Parent Teacher' Association at v Outlaw's Bridge on Some Mental Hygiene Problems of School Cnildrenv' The meeting will start at 7:30 and all parents and adults interested are I cordially invited to be present Reports will be given on the thel schoolsiProB16" the. Outlaw's -Bridge ,' (J ' Community Playground, .' - HOLD FIRST YEAR MONDAY Eoads J Magnolia township ; ' the coruorate limits of .the" town of Warsaw, and improvement for- a road eonne)tinr rwith Warsaw- Clinton highway, Boute No. 24, at Tom Smith's Store. - ' . The passing of John F, Croom, 1 ' i t n father of John B. Croom, a com- missioner, on. Jan. 1" 1938, , was 'noted by the commissioners i !D37 IHcadlincs Eav Elcvicw , county, was one of the biggest 'vents in the. county during the jvw. , - t , not only in the county, bat in pa pers throughout the- State, and in1 other states. ; ' - f v- ' 1 The .Universalists.met in Ken-' ansvillo bnu June 6 -- ' Kenansville Baptists celebrated the centennial of the church on June 20. The celebration, c which was well attended was saddened by the sudden passing of Mrs. El la Cooper Lof tin, a mmeber of the church, who had helped plan tne celebration, on the Saturday even- Four escaped prisoners were re-: turned to camp on, Thursday, Ju- October 19th. , , ' I tion made for such work in this Quinn and Mrs. Sam Blalock.Two ly8. .Vis - ' In the issue, of Nov. 18th the county and only by charging in- grandsons living with him, Cecil UThe issue of The TIMES of An- main headlines were f "Convicts digent patients a small fee has and Darden Westbrook; two bro gust 12, told of growers pleased pull hunger strike at prison camp." the local health department been thers and a sister, M. F West- with .opening tobacco saw prices on ; the border belt nuupsm i :,; V Cotton toadi .celebration ; was held in Faison, on August 3, and Henry L. Stevent Jr, of Warsaw leading County speaker for the oc casion, was given a now ur governor. A number ox state noi- rabies attended the. celebration... The county's most" story of the year was , the raping of a white , woman, juts, juiara Coe Stanley, of Flonda, by three negroesone night early in August neat Pink HilL Mrs. . Stanley nan been workinff there. After a chase the neeroes were caurfit and tak en -to :the state penitentiary; On August 6, two of .them confessed to the. axitv-.iV-c'i Important to parents of school aee children; was the announce ment in the issue of August 26, p'ils have gotten married during the holidays. We wish them all the happy, return, of the ..Hew Year. , 4 . " r - '"': .mtM Friends of the Pink Hill Presby terian church will be delighted to TiiA M KmAtntn m Fslnn ! C.-llvnSO ClOSeS SchOOlS: rear Soread '-.v - -. -" : - i. Tobacco Growers Plan Big Increase (1938 County Agent Beynolds i stated today that prospects for an in crease of possibly 25 per cent in tobacco acreage appeared probable on the basis of increased bed sow ings in Duplin County. To date farmers are getting the jump on old man weather and are prepar ing their beds as fast as possible. Some have already sown; t s Beports in the Hews, and Ob server indicate that farmers thru- out the tobacco belt in eastern Carolina are rushing work pre paratory to planting -''" beds and prospects are for a large increase throughout the state. a' Mr. Beynolds estimates that Da plin farmerswill sow 400 acres in tobacco beds. ' SERVICES ' SUNDAY 6B0VE PBESBYTEEIAN The Grove Presbyterian Church will have two services Sunday. At the morning service the pastor Pk on Successful life dur-i service will be held at 5:30 and yffl;.-t'.s-''1wtaivS,I Know.", You are invited to attend both of these services. e-;nual session or the Eastern iap tint association met in Warsaw, October 5 and 6. In October the passing of Bev. John T. Fitzgerald, former pastor in Duplin, at his home1 in Pough- keepsie, H. Y., saddened . the fhearts of mafiy who had known him formerly, in the county. October 7, Judge Henry A. Gra dy, sentenced the three ' negroes who attacked Mrs. Clara Stanley Coe, to die in the gas chamber. J. W. Quinn. well-known- and widely respected Warsaw fnrni- ture dealer and funeral director, died from injuries received in. a train-truck crash, Tuesday night,. ' aovemoer tun, irapunceieom-jabie ,ed tM lui Jsrnusnce iny, wiia a big affair in Warsaw.. -. .. ' Contracts were let during the monu ior new scnooi ouuoings in tne county. , i isovemoer vu ne xoung juemo- erats of the county, held their annual dinner at Maxwell's Mill' On December 9th, Santa figured in Superior court adjournment at Kenansville. The issue of Decern- oer id, neaaunea A .wrecs: ; near Pink HilL which .took -the v lives of two E3w .men.-,; :o t -' The year closed on a note .'of heavy accident, with the head lines,' "Accidents; Take Heavy Count in Duplin During Holidays." ;. Thus the march of headlines for 1937 What will .the headlines bring to. Duplin during 1938. On- if tune .vm m "r learn that . the new - parsonage there is nearing completion. Work is moving along raidly and it is expected that Bev. Mr. Eubank will occupy the new home in a bout two weeks, .v, ' ' ; ' - ' The' 6-room dwelling, is built with all modern conveniences, and is locawa oesiae tne - enuron on highway 11. - -, . - tv?,; - '; - - - - - '' - :...;,. - ! - The Faison and Calypso schools ' The wd netted twenty-one opened S Monday following the bariIs f Jr' a to Christmas holidays but wert clos- fd ,fo' a ,ne ?te " ed thHLe dayVe LVufiliUeBrew ent attendance. - . Brewm?ton wa8tned m County .An outbreak of measles in the northwestern section of Duplin re sulted in 88 out of 169 elementary school: children in the Faison school absent About the same percentage were absent from the Calypso school. Both schools had about normal attendance in high school. It is feared that the epidemic will spread to other parts of the county. . aws Bridge Universalist : Sunday; Jan. 9 at the morning service,-11 o'clock the Community Church, Universalist at Outlaw's Bridge, will observe International Sunday. Bev. Gustav H. Ulrich will preach on "Why Liberalism." This service will be part of an in ternational observance of the work- being done by the Interna tional Association for Liberal Christianity and Religious Free- dom Tom Parker's Home Burns The house of Tom Parker on the road between Chinquapin and HaDjrvffl6 waa Aurjw morning about 10 o'clock by fire from an unknown source. One of the sons in the field came to the house and found it in flames. He ; ran to a neighbors for help. Ef forts were made to save a car and truck parked near the house and while this was being done the fire became too severe for persons to enter the house. Some of the bed clothing was hanging on the line and that was saved. Most of the household furniture was lost. Mr. Parker is now living in a nearby House. Doctors Discuss Gift For the Syphilis War According to Dr. B. L. Carr, who .attended a meeting of state health officers in Baleigh, Decern ber 17th, many questions of im portance arose for discussion, a- mMI thoie beine the eift of $100. qoo from Z. Smith Beynolds Foun-1 Nation, Inc., for the war on syph-j I There has been no appropria- to carry on such work. Seven- ty-seven patients are under vener- eal disease treatment now and, I with the number of patients in- creasing weekly every etiort is being put lorui to participate in tne lund rrom .tne siuu,uuu gut. Dr. Carl T. Beynolds, state health j officer, states that it. will be some time before a definite ' program I can be outlined for the distribu- tion of this huge giftr- Annur1 -:ftlaiting K. P. A. to be Wednesday Morning, January 19 Stockholders of the Kenansville i Production Credit Association will hold their , annual meeting in the high school auditorium in Kenans ville on Wednesday morning, Jan uary 19th at 10 o clock, according to an announcement by S. V. Wil- kins president of the association, who says that it is desired that every .member of the association shall be present , ' At this meeting,' complete-and detailed reports will be made by the officers of the association on its operations for the past year, directors will be elected and other Wallace and Kirb Dafl, de- right by making a raid in Book. ;:fish townshin on Sundav mornine. court on Monday, and sentenced by Judge A. J. Blanton .to 1 18 months on the roads. Brewington took an appeal to Superior Court His bond was fixed at $500.00. ' On Tuesday of last week, about . At 11. . J.1 A .' inree mues irom me smi capiuxea last Sunday, 19 barrels of beer, '. and a 100 gallon still were con-. , fiscated in a raid bv J. B. Wallace. German Powell, and Kirb- DaiL No arrests were made in this raid. Dr. Racldey Former Duplinite In Goldsboro Duplin County friends of Dr. G. " DeWitt Backley, will be interested ' to know that he is this week an nouncing the opening of an office , in the Wayne Bank Building in Goldsboro, for the treatment of di- : . seases of the eye, ear, nose and . throat. Dr. Backley win also fit i glasses. 'yLr lin onntitv flip mm nf 1?r:P. T?iJr"V-. ley, of Magnolia. In addition to having doue general practice for ' some years, he has recently taken ' 1 special courses in his specialties at New Orleans ,in New York City, in Europe. He hat just re- special operative work in eye, ear, noes and throat work. . ? ir- Dr. Backley, and his wile, who : was the former, Miss Louise Bar-, bery, of Calypso, are making their ; home in Goldsboro. They will be -happy to welcome their Dplin ! county friends in Goldsboro. J Ira Westbroot- Laid to Rest Ira Everett Westbrook, 73 year old member of a prominent Glis son Township family, was laid to . rest in the family burying grounds at his home in Glisson Wednesday of last week. Death came on Tues day before as a result of heart and gland trouble. a '' ' Funeral services were conducted by St. Johns Lodge No. 13, Mason ic, Kenansville. J The deceased is survived by his vndow, who is the daughter of the late,' W. F. and Fannie Smith; four daughters. Mrs. Eufus Stroud. Mrs. Will Stroud, Mrs. Murphy brook and L. G. Westbrook and wro n. Feneltv of Mt. Olive ' ' FIBST 1938 HOG SHIPMENT Duplin County hog raisers, ship ped the first hogs for the . year 1938, from Warsaw on Friday, Jan. 7. On Thursday morning, a round 525 hogs were scheduled for shipment, according to the of fice of the County Agent. Stockholders Held, in Kenansville highly important busness transaq- ted. . mr. wiiKins in announcing mo r date of the annual meeting said tendance at this year's, meeting ' the largest of any of the meetings. yet neia. at saia tnat tnese .,, holders au opportunity , to , learn every detail of the opertions of their association, and that it was their duty to attend. . ' i The Kenansville ' Production n. Credit Association serves Dnplin 'county, and Jn 1.037 made loans totalling $230,000.00 . . V - "1 rhZ22 A-

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