lr t 'r was wader , :! i v a wns , . l mi)g 4 , , .. . t ss,..n-;.,'.2 tiiTtt i , ..h l-.a. , . .'i will be held t i .t v t"e finals on i ' t. Will the two-day . ' f the semi-finals and i t'..e teams -will have Wl t i orportunity to meet .each o'ln at top strength. The ' of tUe teams can not oe ... . j.-l I-.... ',. Vt' ii'.Pd Cilt TOUl una ji - wv rV ' ir s'ason, ' . Use foliowjr.? men were ap r' -te as tie Tonrnameut ,Com 5,1. :A. J. n, CUmn., E. I). I -rton, and 1). D. I lantliard. C :i:3 for the tournament have t L yet been announced. ' 1 1 i f 'on c i t- o r- - J-' ?. , a r'V'.'v.T ct i fvii-er Bts- " Cu..-t i i. J.i,e J. .1 1 J j te pre- ;! CI:n:cG Crr, Health Office frtd that twn or to te preschool s and is ' quite - t t"M full COOP- jvk-s 0f pnpiin Vs, .,.nan's lu,bs, , r 1 o" ?r "organizut , f '1 publicity to ' i to- be held ,. 1 i lie's, fiat the -. children i . ...a qtid Aeeeiye vaccination and i -nWnn. and that i- r f a ontint.v board x tliat ro child be r stl .1 who; has . mi',1. mx vaccin- ', e.J'er from their i cr we neaitn oe- itjzi era crrr ..l-iy-iiws cctotes ;. s. is tciacco acileace Duplin is among one of the first 25 counties in the united t.' in tolcco acrc""e, ine Lrst five coiiulies in tulacco ftcrcaee in the United States are located in Korth Carolina, figures just, released in Wash ington show. " t .Mitinn i North Caro- Una counties ar' in the . first in tVii pnnntrr. : r "... . . vm TfiTitiw. witn a, toDocco ftTpn' V of more than 32,000, iaA 1ia list nf tobacco erow i nnimips. In order Demna Pitt "eome Io'":tonv Nash, Wil son and JUH i. The, monopoly KrnVen r v Knhftrtson County, Tenn- in $ixth place, but Wake County is sr ' n. 0n$ Virgin la, O' Pem. the t to goir I , -rou.' ' 1 -"S K" uti Ci'olina and one nia r.nnntv make up 10, with 11th' place T - ir County,- X. X, ,U Ci'''"t conn t SI J t J a;-.e, v'" ' ".'-am, - " . Cul' !-aS The above picture iB the way the ; I new Jones unapei wui iook wueu otoil TtiA ii pm rViiirnli is un- IUliWV. ' "w " -J .....Knl an tfi'J PYTlPPTpd to be ready for use about, April i Tho n put inn ams aisft took ou a new setting. The new home is TTnlf lrnr (n Alhertson tOWU- ship. TheN building is another step Axi. Un.Connty savers by KohmmIvs of T will Lnd re?l mni" You will find on the Grocery page mat leaung grocers m Kenansville and Vvarsaw are placing their ads in the TIXEtS. iney are ouering you real val ues, if you do not believe s it read their ads. They are run ning specials every week and if you are interested in .saving ? - i. .ti. j : - j .. xuuiiey . xettu , men i aus chvu week and trade with them. Also you will find many oth er merchants using the TIMES. we call your ' attention tnis week especially to Efird's in JCinston, who are offering real values in new spring : aiessea. TteaA thpir A i vfM want t know: what nictures are on at Warsaw, Wallace and Kinston tneatres ana wnat tney are an about read the theatre pugc. There von -will find their ads and also write ups - concerning the various jhows. Yon wu nna find frep. nassns ill some uf them, Better read them as your name might 'be listed. ' ' ThA TIMES in fthofik fnlt nf good reading matter and good aas. ior yon every ween, neu- every page. , - -j - '"I-lil--lrl'-) T-l-lif A iawnawd lwtwuvw Arcunid Globe A. P.Cates in the -apparent rebirth oi I? Old por Roard Of Prospect, which was somewhat of , W UUUl U , a communtiy center and electiotf . pj -j a ? nmt.nrior to 1900. Durme recent EaUlauUIl r .i . fix X iK. I vim fnlts. last week and week before last we told you that Dr. Earker, Eotary International lec trt he in Kenaniv- .-1 . .i vrr vtArt h Tiue anil wara-aw. we jw "v)poau prior w xvw, xuixjufi iroo An Aiitctflnfi mn' sne alter uui vonro tho vrrniin Tflwiiiiea. wmcui we couldn't tell you now gooa m BP the tmmeaiate resiaenw p rates, of Paison, announc : " . ' of Ue community, tpgewer wiiu th weev jjj. catKlidacra ipr "ve this or not: On Tuesdpy. rU.. L.olt, who built store member of the Board of Education li., ut at U.e WHlSttW--,, l -mm.- vutic diu w v fc"--B ' 1- tmiu.ii le spoke to "R good sizeoi to Uid JTospecty as weu as newr crowd. He talked for two solid' name. The community is MlWiS; limiTii and not a nersoA in -tnei r known as rrospect ouj : p.oii house had realized they were lis- Store. Last year the Tide i Water fnr two Pnwpr finmnaiiv constructed a line -itii in. m .ron!?h. Wordsl from the Grady school to Hon s . . . a t r .4-. ami! -nam hTioa ha ringng np almost over ; to say that U eyery person m F TUc new cmuw wiu raw x i:l nA,,4n nn,7'1 Votif -TW UIia Anvirnnft the TelimOUS atniOS- Barker once a weu fw one month jj here which all progressive ;. corn after that every porn in Inf. in Li'ities must have. Through the County would be a much cetlcr person,- , live a better iua. ana ii mil lil V.a a rnnunrat.p,d Christian. We are noi stretching one word or tns n you ao not oeiive n anyone who heard him. - TJ day starts at eleven in the ,vr- when ,be spoke to the I ool in Jteiwuwillier He Ui t v an hour telling the kn ov I dv'i hnwi : to develOD MUJ a u.m fc,af . -m hpaHh. h"-v to study and in Dunlin Conntv to succeed W. X uraay, cnairman, wno u rowing at the end of his present term. , xx. Uate 8 annonncement me only new name in the political a rena this week. , ' ' ' ' ' C. E. ttuinn, for house of re presentatives; D. 8, Williamson ana Aiex &oruesHj inj.-Buciu-, Tim Pmsaiv. fnr Jndf-R. Sew nam- eft are expectea to enter me pic ture most every aay irom now uu Thomas W. Waters, of Warsaw, member of the Duplin County UTolfara TkoTiormpnt. who estl- .t ha iia trftvpied more uum w than the distance arouno me world 25,290 miles, via the hitch t.iv rnnfa Mr Watp.n has trav III I. , - - lJ i,i. AiatunM frrati niR nomt excu win, i"-vv . - : xxTarvam in irpiifliisviiie. where t rvrV atifi hnjk nmiin. He has spent only 65c for travel erpense, ir mn- tim-i ok son In oovcriug uio iuwaw m., miles that he has traveled: - Expect Cotton Tobacco Quotas Ready Next Week Wadiineton. he jtttininiS' tratton's new f arm ; program, re ceived Senate approval, Konoay, after weeks of Congressional eon- ; ; Th hnllrtf measure m -"" gone to lie White House for Pres ident.Sooseveivs signawe. Waahinerton. The Roosevelt - administration set in motion to-.-. ." nigh machiery to carry out the gigantic " crop-control program ,1 signed into law tnis aiteraoon oy the Chief . Executive. ' vTWlari-itr that. th measure for !.t , wa ' . z a regulation of farm production ana ; marketing was nistono iegiiav- ion," Mr. Boosevelt added that it - - represented the - "winning or one ' more " battle f or an unaenying farm "policy that will endure." - ' , v Presidential approval ciearea the way for Secretary Wallace to exercise enormous power in deal-; s ing with such problems as over ,- production and pnoe-aepressing , -surpluses of the five basis crops, . . cotton, wheat, corn, tobacco and C rice. - Obviously pleased at enactment of the bill which completed on Monday a rough journey through uongress, wauace announcea mat -the 2,250,000 cotton and tobacco farmers would be given an oppor tunity within 30 days to express themselves on it most restrictive provision, ' , -. v They will be asked to approve . a marketing quota system design- , - ed to now surpluses oil tne mar ket until they are needed. ' Wal- lace explained- that burdensome v . surpluses of cotton and tobacco -now exist..' ' Tli nnntaa ffn Intn pffppt if - ! two-thirds of the farmers voting ,i - j. . xrx- . in tne xeierenaa approve. iumt - aons or quota regulation ,wm mean cash penalties. . i' TOBACCO AKD C0TT0H , e:.rts of M. B. Eolt and. Tommy i th hinimnff is Dei&E cuu- nirtd. Kr. Holt is clerk of the Jones Chapel church. Mr. Stroud donated tne iana on wuiuu uic new building is located. Commun ity contnDuuons ma-te up uie us ance of the costs, together with re ceipts from sale of the old church property located about - a -. mile from the Grady school. , ' Jones unapei was ma. oiauur B'Ville Sextet Maltes -Perfect Record 25 wins Snnli a nnnk ivstfrnl would ' seek to hold 1938 production and v marketing of cotton to around 10,750,000 bales .oomparea wita -last year's erop of 18,747 bales. The production goal for flue cur- ed tobacco will be set at about - 700.000,000 ; pounds ' comparea 1 with, approximately 800,000,00 last year. , , Th tipw nroeram uses the me-, sent soil conservation act as its ' foundation. To induce tramers to4 keep production in line with -market needs and to observe soil v building practices, the govern- mailt mill nnntiniia ta na- fiaab benefits, for which an expenditure of $500,000,000 annually is au thorized. .. -v In his statement, Mr. noose I. - . . 'The President's approval will nroeram does not entail ..t mnt nnt. nf it -whv theyied in liua ann - r-.mii.-l Hpvplnn will nower and last Jones, one iuuc " F - - ...I wny tiiey snomu 1 L-J I:i iv.;:,:j , jj. yonr-r Elan with tlioes and ' -t t '-ns on the porch in g;i e on one the the warm s. A i..;e way to helr the doc- ' ' ct i "T my car on the L' ry, v ft sonndiri horn, 1 i i a I I curve a; l 8.L ! , 'iit'e cent"r of t'.e , !i i'-r bai,k of t .e " , i sryi?g," "P-ve , v " in t' i i. t t i:r.; --..tic i - s tuiy a . r a at s- T- 1 hut nnt, least rufi with all their miut ainst i p r.mnv tpmrlfttions t.ioinz Oem tftflnv In his fc 'It he iia:,'.;ated by action how to siaiiy and to use; t;ie.r will pn'er, ana now anu. At one o'c'.u'c le n -'e a stir- , 1. .1 . . lnn.ili. I C' ty, Ecgister of - Deeds. Together nith r p -j ah (a worxen w. ju. TTU 1(iVha nf M. "R. Holt. ' and fie church -was established rs a r-ionary Baptist, ' - The present officers are M. B 1. make effective the huge effort at iMUbAnnKAM onfi -maiketin con trols for five major crops on wlWch Congress began worn last iau. The bill, which it is expected m h nmrA nromutly by the any greater annual cost tnan tne . half billon dollars authorised un-, , ; der the present program. v ' ' ine exception is a provision iw making "parity" payments when prices for the five basic crops are . Tii iiu Sextet has made wm e ea J?' J2JT. below the level which would gire PTfPrt record of 25 wins out of President, proviues loru.-, oropi a Bllrohasiiig; power - . , ?hf 25 iaSKyed, Tloey havfe Uion of the present sod censer- equivalent to mat of the 1909-14 ti MLRre 'oliSbr.Mitt Program and for establish- period. In tteory, these payments, ; , , ment he d in wauace W " Igrowers retuii eauivalSitto thoie ' e o n ' in v. j v ti i men. I n r ir tcrms he 1 t' ! l i pvptv r -1 i i a t , i c mi? - 7 b',u ' I f du-et t 0". , , r y . ; e I y r, u. t s, 4. Le cl.u ecry w--. si ' to & 3 . Cf 1 0 V I z x i ..a t e i v -eiatlec' T " '-y t l - - c e 1.-' it 1 1 e : .- s- if" j 1) o i 0 i t' I t 3 ' (f 1) E i i i i 1 1 s jie or r e r" rf J. is. ana w. m. aoii. J. ' It. Soutehrland j deacons, L. J. Powers, of Beulaville, is t:ie minister. . The building, when completed v : 1 cs' t about $1500. It will seat J in the main auditorium and a- bout 430 with the bunaay ocnow rooms. K'Vills Mayor -i .'red Organize lziizhi2. .Com. J T,. Jrrllt. Kenansville May- i- ma a in vuprM in receipt of a Ami,M.A tn tli finals after de Ifeating Franklin 13-10 and Atkin son In the finals Beulaville sextet TiirkM -with a score of 23-20. Thigpen and D. Kennedy aim1 A nmnta each for the Win ners. Britt dropped in 12 points for Turkey. Mabel Kennedy, Ben laville. guard, received a medal, second among tnose awaxaeu, wc girls, for her excellent playing. Coach Hargett's sextet is : going strong. ,- 1 , 27 Victories to Their Credit 1 2 ; it a til J t 1. A I ' 1 't I 11'. I ' '1 I f I ,1 f:nn 1 I . 7 1 it) ,i to c '. c 1 ( f 1 ; y tewart McDonald, t Administrator, i ecome "voluntary '.anize' a better .ee to sponsor a . ng in Kenansville rioe when supplies are heavy and approve in reierenaa. - The senate approvea uj to 31 roll call for this measure, -m,. Mil nrmridea for the Pro clamation of cotton quota with in ten days aftet tne signature ut' the President and of tobacco xnita within IK davs. It was in a;a : Vnndnv at the Depart- (uyowi. y. - . . ment of Agriculture tnat me iuu time would not be taken on either quota, but that both will probab ly be prooiannea next wee referenda aaaea. "I express the honest convic tion that it is the best farm Ml . ... : m- ynaoted DV an mww The Jieuiaviiie quim uu bu u- fj-n-tor Al- broken record of 27 .victories in Com", declared I Senator oasmnau. ,neui. p-i" rrr.?, .i;; uTora wnn in the iirst annual uour jiemocrauo ieuw m County Touranment, held at Wal-(bate on the bill. , f..Jll. nniiit QflH(Wn I lace. jocui" h"- 1 . . 1 to the finals alter aeieaung nt th m-A.war twriod. Mr. Boosevelt pointed out, Howy ever, that funds for such payments would not be available unless Con-" gress provided additional revenues.;, Secretary Wallace has urged en actment of processing taxes to pay such benefits to growers of cotton and wheat. ' i , t v Col. Kenan is V VbitofHere 0( 1ot' -Rridire 19-15. and Jaoxson ville 24-6. These winners were presented with a bronze trophy as a result oi men wiuw, - In the finals the quint won ov- irrniiAM. )iv a tMiArit nf v- 18-6. rr V --- "'","."1.7.1. m "Th nan- Parker oroppea in o pmw m s si!. ne pas-; . Ht was runner- r 'ional housing - jy -2.r. -oillt, - y with R25 Peulavaie's quint, wa, presented .... a .. , ia meaai ivi tuo i"iv v 7 j. joanton m mxuum H,?-ests that im- those boys competing throughout d noxning at 9:30 i n witft tne pro-1 - , t , - 1 1 Hearing in Rape Case is Set For Saturday Morning A preliminary hearing lor toi Hudson, 27-year-old white man charged with criminally assault 1 V. -DttA-BBv 18-vear-old LTD ... . ,i 1 n,UV. Kenansville wnixe K" .w'j" ago will be field oeiow iiup j. juanton in a-biuuidvum. VI Onrc-t W. TCfUUl. of ' WU ' mington was a, -visitor to his old rt home in Jienansvuie inewiBy 01 ; this week. Mr. Kenan exprer 1 a -pleasure in calling ' Kenantvile his old home and stated that he . hoped to he buried here. , '1 t Ee told us of a nephew of his, Thomas S.t Kenant 10, who was baptized in December of last year.T I The child was baptized in I"iUiiarav... where his parents live, l or tne hantismal water they came t rm I -I J . J! ... 1 m fits for thei This was tne nrs smiw u- , JtiiiUB ww 1 at once; - 'gfJj-JSS JSMJK VYn. Ketus WoUey rf Tjnk W, , ' .I t rStSaSW. OnJntwmVay KrSue'K ,1 1 , v .:i in another tournament held to J M ,(uh-Jd Rn4 t inston, rctruary 18 17,18 and , nB , Jt annriil and took water fl spring hen and carried it t . IUUU, ... v Thomas Kenan, 13, ht3 ' Knntinn nf liavinff 4 CTt land 8 isreat prandj re CoL Kenan said. Ke is t Prank S.Kenanil: T Miss DnBose, of Soul a Thomas is 3 years o'l i baptized in the la Durnam... - " , 1 t 1 Of 4-H CI;: Thi.. 4-n t:.' ty met at ti e . 4 r in Hcr- ' t. Ea" t -i s if t r A.

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