- V" f ' "t to i on 1 . M S. f r j t cf Jk j , i- J r . - y 1. j la-, this vw ' t1 is at 7 o'c - x.-,t i-? t , ' t r ' ...k'i l-t. ' I ly u , WlslUl : i i .... 1 1 8 1 1 3 Id, totalled l.'flds. Their "'"J povds. .11 to the Ibe LV If t- flue-ciu iT i is rot at prebcnt os 1 1 w a Joins i i t'l i i in tlie v""-! 1" i one of 1 ri 87"nrcnt i t 3 i in -1 J ' -Onl. I wc. 1 !e c 'y i at r l - t I weIs -which M i f t":e Lcl'.3 do not 3ii' jf. 1 valae to - the "i s. v.' axe plowed .Lrmers puttie moth ball f j a the. plant be V to con t I i ii""- 's.' ThafC has t . f w -r j i-, .j truck atop and i.-. i a ;'' s o( I'ird from off t'-e 1 ' " py. Vats.a these sticks oa t' a fc-vlwy. - '" . f 2fi Ae tw- t xranifesMiohs cf - "a 1 ' ""1 . "it,!Trans''iin by t-e.vi- vi a L 'i LVI;tJball i ia the luaston Tournament ' ' ' .Observer: 1' i h t ; rf V I. I . Is r thanlr ' J ..3 I -1 t . s ares ' Tew York y.-" Trice for.int! i i'5 ssia;, e e. . ,a,on. -i-r k.a. s t '.I of Iiaf ara't Xbl 8 be broucrht "s i s y 1 1 i to the- Eew York .'ordl'i fair ty p a iu ,t.aev i amplifier to proride sound effect J . f uers vWl for-mov- i thu AwYni!c I State eUuLjt. i- !! " v tvM 'I v - iT Crcp' Prices a-. .a mio nw, wui- unloose t a into kw, witf unloose- ;" LJa-barreI!ed attack on soil 1 "s aid crop surpluses, aocord i ; t K,Y. lloyd, AAA execut ive fIetr at i'tate College. ,- . The 'irricultaral 'Conservation ""n, .ieh hag already been - rtroivof the JParmenC - e j- L&wiaf in Duplin C u ty t i paM.n,L4e in the Ken s v "Tr: .Itnrsi-' Bui!diP' ii d , rc 4, dt 2:30 7, L".,' 1 t:.(r- animal meeting - and vi LcLT .reyort a - the part yr-"'i 8"iviaes ty i Q. i ni, of i siteiue - larmers to , Exchange, t s s.-u r' '' ''. JT ld r "-l,y with "th&'mu" in J.ena3Ve will be the :.uui meeting of t the Durn, County members of th Cottua Assii:a.ia for the trarpose of electing dele- gates to the district convention: r These meetings axe open to all farmers, farm. womVti' and '.' farm i ding that he toped that each man i would bringjiis wife along with . him. "Trne cooperation begins in .1 home, with nll-members of the v ' f anu JMjrkii(r together toward a. 1L G. Court of Honor Oii Friday ;iNightf 7 The J)istcric't'-( Oonrt "of ''Honor will be: conducted in Warsaw 'ott, cuaay nignt at 9:w, Troops irorn Josehill, ICenansville, Warsaw and linton-CwiJl take japxt. in the conuiion po&L" nr. Jlann said.-. In ttattiJon' to discussing affairs vital to each Individual as a mem ber of the, FCX or Cotton , Assoo iation, JCrf Mann will. also touch upon . theafmportanoe of .- good Kntinjf seed, r the V general out k fot cotton, and th&fartri pro- K!Vm Goes to " At a local Board of Bview the ; UXtXlS. ivUlSlOIl Kenansville Troop passed 80 meisl . .-. " . . , -rt ,5, 1 - ot and - nlaced before sr l be continued along i at the court.' Those passinr work XenansvQle high school , boys Have won seven Karnes and lost on- . soil building practices. ! Lanier, Whitfield. Jeteway, Sand- lf one in the last two weeks. This j in- in ' tiahf . hat. i ra- a Tin, kawpii oArrinMsi tiarirv&a iuub lucil: tiviuit uuiuuiu msv.: in (":ned. to ' control leach and " d tl,')co,;'cbtton,'heat, , ar-d corn. Through the- con- 1 of banner crops, it is expect-1 . v v kuju income wm oe im vci, said: r . -Ii addition, the., new Adin l to protect the consumer as 1 es tT-e former. Ly storing" a y sorj ,.i.a irhett anj then re ''7 it w!ien nc'' :ary, a fair i c tant level wij be maintain- weu get Scout Lei ary getting 8 badees. The; parents of the community are invited to, attend the -court in; Warsaw, i ,f;, - U J.h ReV.WB.ICiiox Marries s.' U i o.crop i-nrance will be pro- LT -KSTLZZ & 'X - r: ' 'K-i rlii-HBll! 1101 kWll ehurcW and 1 JISSFV1'?? KissKatherineJTooeof Btatesville against fro defeats., , .i Last week Kenanstille centered the strong KinstoH . tonrnament and went to the finals before be- ing defeated 25 tot; 18 by Stanton-, burg, one of the strongest teams ever "played by Kennnsville teankTLi the first tonnd Kenans Iriile was . 4.ped' to lose by -t least S points to AHItce champ ions of Craven County, however, i Iooal lads naa up s) 1 i Q lead at the hkJ. and . -then W. I orth Cj cordinrr to r information received ' a' cotton allotmcTit fpom i:r- Knox who was " in Ken V j '.Its. fM Tuesday., Kn'..JCnox. i e tf t" s trovl Jons' of - the aow professor of modern ktrpag' ; -1 1 ' 'ion cr "s for the t e- t 'Kitchell Collrrre .Kr. Enoj . TiiisrTt " hunt. I Sill isic Ci ,. . e -j i. .. . e"at. f. t'lrt ii i ill" me Pa-" """"w- nux ci. 4 s ")- 'eady to Wear" f.itu L ' e yoir? IcvUs. Air couple pre making tl . Lome ia vi "ory." ftantonsbur? won. their fu..t round ove; EiuLLnd '81 to 19. ItenansvT'e "rt f-yt Ciad, who i-i d';ai(.i Tr u to-a - ance,iby a scce of : i to 13. Xhe piwul A tlanton " trnm -fv 1 Jarer GO to 15 to a- ' i. L T"' t team Fr, ''s- r ' s J be clumr growers t ? r iven , - s Foreign ' ITii Spend I i ITe-v Y- a i T ' 1 1 i ated , ne v; J c 1 i 1 1 J, fe ' WtoJ -navllle, i by the'" -,' to t ne ei;'7. ' Tl fl tr -rit tut ! ' ""'VI iv i l ;' i. in.' gaged ii ourei to' t-ble to 2.2Toc in e cc U.S. " ' : 3. TLce v... '""I, rv'"",. or --" i, asit)'. c y rnsy ca . " 4. 1 1 c-;e i fxue-c, it lease or hi only the' per. l it ' i and t tUe prni vO ia luu? i Tping agr'' i or persons igueu or e rerca into me )i , r sharecroi'pii.j agreement -may vote'v.;vi..Wj js's j J. v' 8. In the event two or in' j t ;r- sons' engaged in prod-i ' t t p oured tobacco in-J.83 j :- - common, or. in conmrar snob, persons if entitled U . t"",.'" j, tQ""' fur" n "i ii) i i ii .j New-PowcrL? ln'Wolfsar&pL NesirCompIcl! Officials of the" Tide V' er Company announced t. that completion of const- - me neWvTKral power Une 4 , 1- scrape u expected to be r ' - ea in tne next two or thr u Poles liave been, put up . 1 i- mary wires strung, Strin the secondary lines in D" , Ji , ""j-i, - ;- ', i - -The new line wilT serve t" e coih munities'from Calypso ' LiiaB- tancus;' io fiumroerlm's L Mst(mdt ' !, , -iV School JGrc t if '''The1 Ease Bull .) Kenansville school f final BliPe this v is aoct cone( B . ' placfl i-x the ci ' the f re. V " 1 st4snd is ' ' woi' we; thef. in t' vi.- sL- . cc - rea t-