?,tl.C r-n IDA new urn.. vn. Nnrfnik visited i Rev Bailey Lewis, tilt hprelast week but has returned pastor tor the second Free Will totforhS TcaU tothe US AlrlSaptlst Church will fill his first Corps. ' ' m , - Mrs. Edwin Jenkins' of Fair Bluff is visiting her mother, Mrs. Leah Croon, .. Jack Dail made a business trip to Raleish. Thursday. ., Fred Meu-ritt and Oswald Croom spent the week end in Richmond. Mrs. Audry Joyner who is nur sing at Pink HUT was at home Saturday. n Miss Mable Woodruff left to spend the winter with her sister. , Mrs. Byrd in Seven Springs and will attend B. F. Grady school. Mrs. W. B. Hawes visited Mrs. J. H. Gaylor recently. Sgt. Paul Whaley is at home this week with his father. v Miss Lowtha Gaylor Is 'spend ing the week with her parents. . Warren Whaley of Norfolk has arrived to spend a few days while bis brother Paul is at home from Mexico. The revival in the Baptist church will close Sunday night Pastor Brown called off services in the First Free Will Baptist Church Thursday and Friday ; nights of this week on account of the Baptist revival. aDDointment here Sunday. Mrs. Waltus Woodcock contin ues very 11L Mrs. Emma Chestnutt has been ill several weeks. Mrs Annie Baker Is improving but not abl to be out. OUTLAW'S omnsE iiavs The A. U W. wll meet Satur day afternoon at 2:30 In the home of Mrs. J. H. Parker. : All members are urged to attend. Regular meeting of the PTA, Tuesday night Nov 15, patrons and friends are Invited. Lt. and Mrs. J. R. Jones of Carthage. N Y- are visiting Mrs. Jones' parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Parker this week. Miss Pauline Outlaw spent the week end with the home folks. Mrs. M. L. Outlaw, Jr., has been visiting her son, Albert, in Norfolk. Va. Mrs. Virgil Sutton and sister, Miss Mariorle Stallines are spending the week with Mrs. L B. Sutton. , Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Outlaw and daughter of Kinston spent Sunday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. I. V. Outlaw. .- - James Parker visited the home folks Saturday night and Sunday. Miss Danny Sue Outlaw of Mt, Olive is visiting ' relatives here this week. . . ,- .- Messrs. M. W. Simmons and Amos J. Outlaw attended a meet ing or the Masonic Lodge in Ke- nansville last Thursday night. Entertains Club' Mrs. E. A. Rector entertained her bridge club on Thursday even ing at her home. High score prize was won by Mrs. C. Beams, . a lovely sachet A delicious salad course was served. Out of club guests were Mesdames James E. Faison. J. B. Stroud. Jr.. Henry Precythe, Jr., J. X. Morton, Cecil McCullen and C Beems. Lions Club Meets The local Lions Club was host to a zone meeting on Friday eve., at the Community Building. Member of the Mt Olive and Clinton chapters were present Lion R. A. Williams, president of the club, welcomed the guests. Zone chairman, Lion Reith Jones of Mt Olive presided at the Zone business meettne. Supper was served by the ladies of the Methodist Church. PERSONALS f Mrs. Dennis Lee returned from Duke Hospital after receiving treatment there for several days. Mr. Addison Hswley and son, Bill, and Mr. and Mrs. John Haw ley of Goldsbaro were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Zsham Faison on Sunday. Mrs. R. O. Bverette of Durham was a visitor in town on Monday. Mm. Margaret Oates and Mrs. John .Faison of Goldsboro spent the week end with Mrs. N. F. McColman. f'- .-. . ;-'.B. F. Grady News - The B. P. Grady High School district went -over the' top In the drive for United War Relief Funds. Over $500 was turned for that pur pose. The F. F, A. boys In the work shop have been turning out little wagons for the Christmas trade. They have made and delivered over 100 of them. The seniors are working "bard on their annual play. Spiring Fe ver, which Is to be given Nov. 24. This Is a royalty play and indica tions point that It should be one of the best ever given here. Quite a large number of the pu pils saw the movie, I wanted Wings, given here last . Friday Ghost Breakers, the next picture, will be shown Nov. 19th. ' The next regular meeting of the PTA will be, Monday night, Nov. 15. After the meeting a dress revue will be given This will be followed by two free pic-, tures. Victory In Sicily end Bombs Over Italy. The Saullne Flayers wiu oe dsck again this year, Wed. Nov. 17th. In the afternoon they will give, Huckleberry Finn andat night, UpStalrs. The Southeast School Assem blies of Green Lane, Pa.,, will pre ent five programs here during the year, the first on Friday at 2:00 p-m. This will be BoBo. the Magician, ..-;-,vvr!. Miss Dorothy Jo Osborne, Home Ec. teacher accompanied by one of the -seniors, Miss Annie Made Harrison attended a State Home Economics Meeting in Salisbury last week end, The purpose, to plan a State Home Economics Group. JOSEPH RAY OUTLAW Joseph Ray Outlaw, age 37, son of Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Outlaw of Albertson township, died at Duke Saturday afternoon following an uiness of about a year. He was sutfering from Bright s Disease and recently suffered a heart at tacK. Funeral services were held Sraoclhi Asm Trad: Company ONLY TE1 OEST DS aOOB. HfflOQQ- . -In attors Off Trust Full understanding, backed by sound invest ment experience, should be the prime re quirements of an estate's executor, admini'strator or trustee. These qualities are funda mental in our Trust Department. Here, your estate will be sympathetically handled by trained bankers working together, with a background of 71 years' experience. The cost of such comprehensive service will be no greater, often less, than if these vital matters were entrusted to an inexperienced individual. One of our trust officers will glad ly discuss your estate problems with you initrict confidence and without obligation. BRANCH BANK - DUPLIN COUNTY Your family's future welfare will depend up on how your estate Is settled, conserved and made to produce income. Monday afternoon conducted by his paitor, Rev. G. H. UWch of the Outlaw's Bridge Church. In terment was In the Mt. Olive CeHel is7' survived by his widow, the fcvmer Ruth Grady of Grady s Crossroads, two children, his pa rents and the following brothers: Paul, LaFayette and Gordon of Duplin County; Bennie and Jam mie of Seven Springs; Don Albert of Dover; and sisters: Mrs. Lon nie Outlaw and Mrs. Rodolph Sim mons of Duplin County. : JAMES M. BOWEN . Funeral services for James Mit chellBowen, who died In a hospi tal at Wilmington, Del., on Thurs- ivam no m rmrn li it? uimiuj v his mother, Mrs. W. M. Bowen, in Warsaw on xaonaay uy u . C. T. Thrift pastor of the War- saw Metnocusi unua G Vann Stephens, pastor of tte nantiet riiiirrh. BUXial VYHlBan siMt " . followed In the Clinton Cemetery. Mir. Bowen, a rormer rewu of Warsaw, had been employed in New York City for the past sever al years. He married Sue Dixon Herring of Clinton, who died a few years ago Surviving are his mother; a' daughter, Katherine of .... i alstorn. Mrs. Warsaw; wiu "" . , j. p. Newton and Mrs. Annie Carroll of Wilmington. Women, Here's A Way To Reduce Members of - the WAC s can prepare to dispense with pills, gir dles, and reducing diets when : i... . WAP ramn fnr uiey iurvB , " w r-- sJlfyou Join the WAC, heiQ Is a genUe hint prepare to have that slump In your shoulders im proved and those aching arches cured. y .';'')' v... Kk rnnafnrmpd into A xuu ri - shining model of a strengthened, . coorainatea, iuuu djuuuku v American womanhood. Since the demands of war are ... and vArled. each WAC I must be ready to take her place alongside our ngnung men us splte long hours and tedious work. If she is not fit she will all by the wayside. If she is fit for duty in the field, she will have defi nitely Improved her posture, resi tance, and In general be alert, ef ficient and dependable. Carefully planned exercises in , nh.roioai trafntnsr in the Wac ere- ates women ready . to "take if. , Our Wacs are healthy and fit you may be sure or mat. rjanooa lfnoatre WAixAca; jr. o. The best in motion pictures SUN. NOV. 14th Hostages Starring Luise Rainer MON. TOES. NOV. 15-16 Crazy House Olsen & Johnson Starring WED, NOV, 17th Tish Starring Sutan Peters, Mdjorie Main Laddie Starring Tim Holt THUS. FSL NOV. 18-19 northern Pursuit Starring ,Eroll Flynri SAT.NOV.20th ' Dageo Tracks r ; Starring Wild Bill Hickok OWL SHOW Fabon in Danger with Tom Conway : f -5 - , ' " BY ; ?Mfi uan AvAfJvuvA llCUttn . . Kramer In WHITE and COLORS ,i ' Pat your shirt money In . rood Quality now and have what you buy for many months! Made of pre-shrank fabrics, these hlrts bonder for com-. plete satisfaction. mmmm" 's lDept Store In Wallace ' ':', . -i ' : ' ... . ,. ., . -' OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Way Out In Front Of 111 Markets In state o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o LA mm - "WOIUVS COIIT 1EAF T03ACCO MARKET" ' I Prices Now Highest oil Season-Warn Warehousemen Advise Farmers To Sell Nov Closing: Date Of Market Will Be Announced - No Closing Date Set Yet- o o o () () ) () () ( ) ( ) ( POUNDS SOLD THIS WESf 2,267,144 FOR $1,C01,216.CS C 4 ( ) . i) D M Sell That Next tozd In Wilson A social UfViTATiOJi to tcacco c.-cv;:r.s uv:::3 i:j s:ct:c::3 i matjcets Ar.s closid . . . ccv.s to wjlsom v.2::.-all c.vxis c? tczacco tzz 1:1 crr.::3-5 cr: c? :uv:rj ct::lc:j ii.d pay;::3 tc? itjcis c:i c.cm rAr::n"

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