:;;v;iLsf no.ith cakolina. CD 3 ' - ' I I; Dlrth Announcements IP II f Xtt ! I? 1 Of r our w ar ivioiners r urnisn Sons For Service From The Mr, and Mrs. C. G. Brown, Jr., of Norfolk, Va., announce the birth of a son, Charles Pridgen, Janu ary 29, 1944, Norfolk General Hospital. Mrs Brown Is the form er Miss Margaret Pridgen, daugh ter of Mrs. Park Pridgen and the late Mr. Pridgen of Warsaw. ' Mr. and Mrs. Austin Ridge, of Wallace, announce the birth of a daughter, Joan Irene, Friday, Jan. 14, 1944, Hundley Hospital, Wal lace. 4 Mrs. Ridge is the former Miss Christine Lambert of War saw and Calypso. LOCALS Mr. and Mrs, Glenn Rollins and children of Wilmington were week end guests of Mr. Rollins' moth er, Mrs. G. W. Rollins. Miss Gearldlne Bos tic spent the1 week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bostic. She had as her house guests, Misses Sal lye Carraway and Nancy Reach, of Charleston, S. C Mrs. J. E. Shaw, Jr. left Tues day for Macon, where she will Join her husband. CaDt. Shaw. who Is on furlough from Ft Des Moines, iowa. They will visit rel atives in Macon and Roanoke Ra pids. Mrs. W. M. Buck is substl- tlltinc fni Mfa Rhaur of tha iwDm. mar School I Mrs. Lawrence Brown attended Miss Lenora Womack of the' ?ne Wnerai of the late Bland Wor Princeton School Faculty, spent leyv,m K,nn Friday. . the week end with her mother. . Mr?-. Moman Barr and daugh- Mrs. C A. Womack. - i leri Martha Anne have returned Mrs. James - Strickland and from Wilmington, where they visl- daughter are visiting her father, ite?,her steter, Mrs. Lynn Shore. J G. Hooks, in Fremont Mesdames A. J. Strickland and Miss Frances Stephens return-' Beon Minshew shopped in Golds- ed Friday from Raleigh where . boro la8t Wednesday. she has been a student at Meredith 1 "c- Ralph Best, Jr. USMC New College. She had as her week end Rlver. spent last week with his guest Miss Amy Ianora, of Brook-1 Parents, Mr. ana Mrs. Ralph lyn, N. Y. I Best Miss Martha Pridgen, student Mr. and Mrs. Bill Canton and ' at Flora McDonald, was home State Of North Carolina WASHINGTON, D. C. Four war mothers, who between them, have given twenty-five sons to the service, are the most active Fourth War Loan War Bond promoters of Victory House, in Catawba County, Hickory, N. C. Victory House is the centeral downtown center for War Bonds and stamps sales. Mrs. A. W. Hilton, shown in this picture at the extreme right, has given seven sons to Uncle Sam. On of them was killed by the Japs in their sneak attack on Pearl Harbor. mm. Kamond Killian. next to Mrs. Hilton, has six sons In the armea forces; Mrs. T. M. Putman, five sons; and Mrs. James H. Caldwell, six sons. isvery one of these mothers manage their own homes. Some 1 V t4 2ft Ml ' .1, hav additional farm duties, yet f to brine all mothers' sons home every one manages the time to again as safely and as toon AS back the sale of Bonds and Stamps possible. Mrs. J. X. Morton. I of Rose Hill served to the passea- Mr Frank Martin, who has been'gers and crew of the nearby train very 111 at the Goldsboro Hospital I wreck and to a few soldiers of a has imn-nvpd to such an extent DassinK trooD train, hot soup, that he has been able to come coffee, and milk, in the waiting the mineral and vitamin balance In feeding rations, Stenographers, Typists . And Clerks Needed In Vet. Administro' Urgent calls for Stenographers. Typists and Clerks to help expe dite the handling of claims' filed by discharged .Veterans or by benefioiffries'Of veterans is being made -"by the Veterans -Admini stration, Washington. D. C The salaries range from $1752 to $1971 per year, including over- tune. Numerous advantages are of fered all appointees. All qualified persons who wish to serve in this vital and patriotic work should arrange to-see Mr. Fred Basra, -at-Warsaw.-N. C "mere must not be a forgot- I Pearsoll Chapel Class Holds Party With Miss Carroll The Intermediate Sunday School Class of Pearsall's Chapel held a party at the home of Miss Fran ces Carroll, Thursday night Jan uary 27th. Others than those of theconv munlty were from Rlchlands, Kenansville, Sawjcta and Summer lin's Cross Roads. . Games and delicious refresh ments were enjoyed by all. Former Magnolia R. R. Agent Dies . J. . S. Rogers, R. R. Agent In ' .- . " V. r.. or Thursday evening in vAjnwuy, o., ten man' after this war Is over'Y CsS'mK a Fourth Region Civil , Service . -J ff "011 sistera official said today, and If our J10' ff ?TFridav with boys, when they return, get the J .'S 1 fL?al help that they deserve;, now is.- Stt f lS the Mm to mIXaHv tn hpln thm Jm Rogers, Jr., was on nw r wav from Camn HCKetL va., xo Machinery For home. Gene Martin, a student at EMI spent the week end at the home of his father. Mr. Bryant Martin. Mr. James Hill of Florida is in children were week end visitors of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Byrd. Mrs. Bill Patterson and son, Billy, left Sunday after a week's visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C V. Garner. Mr and Mrs. Stacy Britt and children, weiy Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Britt in Clin ton. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Pollock and children were Sunday guests of Mrs. Pollock's sister, Mrs. Clar ence Hobbs and mother, Mrs. R. E. West in Roseboro. Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Brown, Mr, and Mrs. G. S. Best, and Mr. and Saturday. for the week end. She had as her !town rr few days. guest, her room mate. Miss Mary Lee Burns, of Goldsboro. Miss Sarah Bowden spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Bowden. Mrs. G. C. Perry who has been spending a week with her mother, has returned to her home in Golds boro. Mr. and Mrs. Marion Sing'ey and Mrs. Stacy Peterson visited Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Taylor Thurs day. Mr. and Mrs. Lucian Hudson visited Mrs. Margarette Ande.son METHODIST CHURCH The pastor, Rev. C. T. Thrift, will preach at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday School at 10 a. m. All members of the Sunday School and Church are urged to attend. The pastor will preach at Tur key at 12 noon, and at Catlton at 4. The public is cordially invited to attend all these services. I ing with song. Mrs. C A Womack acting Chaplin, read the ritual. IN MEMORIAM The Auxiliary ' of the Warsaw Presbyterian Church pays tribute to the memory of Mrs. Winifred Pelrce Best whose sudden death on December lOthi 1943 brought sorrow to hundreds who knew and loved her. A daughter of a chattel- mem ber, she had given a life-long service to our church; serving as its organist for many years, as a leader in the Auxiliary, and ac tive in every phase of church life. Social, Civic, and Patriotic or ganizations have been honored with her leadership. Through her life she revealed a spirit of humble, confident trust in her Heavenly Father; an abil lt to inspire confidence in others, and leaves an enduring heritage through her ideals of honor, truth and goodness. ' VUlUUUllCCt Mrs. J. W. Farrior, Miss Nell Bowden, Mrs. W. P. Bridgers. Mrs. C. T. Thrift was elected Chaplain, to fill the unexpired term of the late Mrs. Eavl Best. I Two original papers was read by Mesdames Carroll and Thrift. Mrs. Stevens led an interesting questionaire on Lee and Jackson, after which the hostesses served refreshments. Joins Nurses Corps Miss Martha Jones left Sunday for Richmond, where she has en tered the Nurses Cadet Corps. Miss Jones did secreterial work in Kenansville until she enlisted. She has a brother, Pfc. Sam, with the Army Air Corps in England. Mrs. Thomas Rogers received word that her brother-in-law, William B. Lowrance has been promoted from First Lt. to Cap tain. Jo Anne Bx-itt was'the week end guest of June and Emily Potter in Wallace. ROSE HILL NOTES The Rose Hill Beta Club pre sented a play, "Who Killed Aunt Caroline?", Friday night Janu ary 28, in the High School Audi torium at 8 o'clock. Monday afternoon, the Ladies room of the depot The Rose Hill Junior Music Club met Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs. C. F. Hawes. The club Rating sheet was pre sented and-discussed. A musical program was given. The hostesses, Sally Herring and Betty Hawes served hot eboo- olate and cookies to the 20 mem bers present Proteins Since vegetable proteins - are beta? substituted for those of ani mal origin, farmers must Watch Faison lews Parent Teacher Association Reorganized New Comers Mr. and Mrs. Hubert S. Mc Kagen, of Sumter, S. C, have taken the apartment in the home of Mrs. R. C. Pridgen. Mr. Mc Kagen is manager of the local Western Union and came from Salisbury. Merchant Marine Home Friends 6f Robert Pridgen of the Merchant Marine, will be in terested to learn that he is home with his mother on a five day furlough. Miss Strickland Entertains Miss "Shorty" Strickland was hostess Friday night when she en tertained at the home of her pa rents with a party In honor of her house guest, Miss ueiores Min shew, of Calypso. , Attends Shrine Meet In Newbern SSgt. James F. Strickland, who recently was promoted at the Seymour Johnson Air Base, last week, attended the annual Shrin- ers Convention in New Bern and was a candidate for the Shrine Degree, thereby receiving the 32nd Degree in Masonary. U. D. C. Meet in Warsaw The James Kenan Chapter of the U. D. C. of Warsaw and Ke nansville met Wednesday after noon In the home of the President Mrs. Henry L. Stevens, Jr., with Mesdames L. P. Best and RTH liet,. Sr., as Joint hostesses. v The home was attractively dec orated with winter greens and .Tiwican Flags. 1-rs. Stevens opened the meet the of Pa-the On Wednesday evening rent-Teacher Association Faison School, which has been in active fr some months, was re organized. The president, Mrs. Eddlce Taylor, presided. The meet ing began with "God Bless Ameri ca", led by Mrs. Byrd, wife" of the principal of the school. Election of officers followed. The new officers are: President Mrs. Annie With erington; Vice president, Mr Byrd; Secretary, Mrs. T. S. Shutt; Treas. urer, Mrs. Rosa Thornton. A most interesting and patriotic pro gram was given by the children of, the 7th grade under th direction of their teacheir, Mrs. M. C. Bow den. Mrs. D. Newton introduced the teachers of the school -In most pleasing manner. After the program an informal reception was held in honor of the teachers. Delicious punch and cookies were served,- BUTTON, BUTTON WHO'S GOT THE BUTTON? We Have - Scads Of 'Em On Our Bright New COTTOIIS U. D. C. Meeting Held On Friday evening Mrs. A. R. Hicks, Jr., and Mrs. H. T. Ray entertained the Faison Hicks Chapter of the U. D. Cat the home of Mrs. Hicks. Mrs. Hicks, the president of the chapter, read several letters of interest and plans for future meetings was dis cussed. A program committee was appointed. Mrs. A. H. Withering ton read a very interesting article on tne me or ueneral Robert E. Lee, whose birthday was cele brated on the 19th of the month At the conclusion of the meetine ine nostesses served a most temp ling saiaa piate. , PERSONALS TlSgt. John Bell is at home on furlough , . Mr, kdwin Morton, a student at Mars Hill, spent the week end at , the home of his parents, Dr. and ; I V NATIONALLY ADVERTISED la . mm IInv llrr" BSifJ liVWt Print Crc:::3 We have a good stock for ladies and (union. Sizes 9 to 32. " NOTE: Celling price caught as when we werennuJbng then, dnssts at a special of $1.49. They cannot be replaced la W aUek today at this price, , ; ; Clfltz Cent- C-r IN WARSAW "Where You Always Save .Way" Expected to arrive any day, shipment at pU-dotli aad window shades. , ,-. , -S III i 1 Increased Food The food nmductlnn pnl n re nounced for 1944 Is the highest on record. It calls for the laremt planting program in the nation's history - the planting of 380,000, 000 acres, an Increase of 16,000,- wu acres over is3. "This Vast oroductkm riroernm will require the efficient utili zation of machinery In . planting, cultivating, ana harvesting the farm products needed," says J.' D. Bllckle. - Extension . nprinultural engineer at State College. Although more new machinery probably will not be sufficient to meet the increased crop acreage and for replacement tf. worn equip ment. x&is means that it is highly .. essential to have every usable machine now on the farms properly repaired and maintained for use In 1944. A IWOfMlt noil ihnwi that 73 nr. Cent Of th tMnnl mnnul an ava. rage; of '165 Jan or cans of food uui year. California and for the funeral. could not return OOOOOOOOOOOO rbwforyou about the VJAC WANT TO KNOW how the new WAO recruiting policies apply to Ton? Want to know whether you're qualified for a spools! kind of Army Jobwhether you'd serve with the , Air, Ground, or Service Forces whether you could be assigned to tbq oart of the country in which you enlist? - TOPAY-et full details at the nearest U. 8. Army Re cruiting Station (your local post office will give you the address). Or write to: The Adjutant General, Boom 441S Munitions Building, Washing , ton, D. a . OOOOOOOOOOOO Wallace Man Elected .. Director At a Convention of Carolina Farm Equipment Dealers Associa tion held in Charlotte, Jan. 27th., N. L. Vann was elected to be one of the directors. Mr. Vann operates the Wallace Motor and Implement Co. Fat Stock Show - The Eastern Carolina' Fat Stock Show and Sale will be held at Rocky Mount on April 6 and7, it is announced by -L. I. Case, Ex tension Animal Husbandman at State College. Duplin Theatre WABIAW Sun. Mo n.' Feb, 6-7 " . " - "A Lady Takes A Chance" Strrlng eaa Arthur and r . John Wayne - Tues. Feb. 8th "The Heats On" . With Mae West and -Victor Moor Wed. Feb. 8th -Doable' Feature .1 4m M M . . . U ' "Drums Of Fu Manchu" - With Harry Brandon Thura, FrL Feb. 10-11 Destination, Tokyo" Starring Carey Grant aasl John Garfield , Sat. Feb. IS - Double Feature "Mystery Of The 13th Guest" With Helen Fairish "Oklahoma Raiders" With Tex Bitter O O o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o O o Free Movie Day Feb. 15th At The DUPLIN THEATRE In Warsaw During the period of Feb 7th thru Feb. 14th a limited number of passes (subject to 3c Federal tax) to the Duplin Theatre on Feb. 15th will be given with the purchase of a WAR BOND. Buy your bonds early at the Warsaw, Kenansville or Faison Post Office or bank and receive a pass. O O o o o o o o o o o O O O o o O o o o o o o o o o o o FLASH ! FLASH !! Just Unloaded A Car Load Of Celotex White - . - ... 1 Rode Wall Board And Rock Laths. Also Have Many Types Of Moulding At Present, Plenty Window and Door Frames See Us For Your Building Materials. ;f . I' I... W ImmJm m mm toil 0 in vasav r T V

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