7 1 C 1 ; , ; 1 I VCL 12 aroSm' O veir Xenansvjlle War Court W Adjourn At 10:30 ; Johnson Field Band Is Coming Ken&nivUle, Smith, Albertaon A Qllaaon Townahlpo In.Ke- nanivllle District; Womans Clubs W1U Get Credit T- wards Purchasing Hospital The Kenansville War Bond Ral ly will be held on the courthouse lawn Monday morning July 3rd at 10:30 o'clock. Judge Phillips will . adjourn court for the rally. Sey mour Johnson Field of Goldsboro ' is sending a band to entertain for the occasion. . Everyone in Kenansvllle'is ur . ged to attend and merchants are v requested to close their places of business during the hour. The Ke nansville s-ally embraces Kenana- ville, Smith, Albertaon and Glisson townships. Every farmer In the - section who can. is ureed to make A .11 M.Iftn. I 1 11.. t Although the countv auota has been reached, sales of series "E" , Bonds are lagging and these will be featured Monday. Mrs. Ella V. Gooding who is , chairman of the drive in this dis . trict is especially Interested, in - seeing good sales as the Womans ; Club will get credit. The N. C. J Federation of Womans Clubs throughout the state are hoping to , sell enough E, F, and G Bonds during the Fifth War Loan Drive to buy a hospital ship, "a ship of mercy and of Jieallng, which will - brr back thousands of our. sick fc" L' : Wded bova to health, hrtrifo i lC7 piness. So come on out IW.1 d let's show the county r . -i jr district can do it Hall pnd Rain - r SfriU'Pink Hill A Pink Hill report says that a good rain and a sever streak of hail struck in that vicinity Tues day afternoon. -Three farm be longing to T. J. Turner suffered hail damage, two of them by 90 percent Melvin Jones suffered a 100 percent loss In one tobacco neia. Jonn Murphy. Tom Smith losses. The raiin, a good seasoner fell from Goshen, at B. F. Grady's, to Pink Hill-and from there towards Beula ville. Native of Kenansville Enters Armed Forces D. J. Murray, son of Mrs. Wil lie Murray and the late Mr. Mur ray, of Kenansville, left Goldsboro Tuesday for Raleigh, where he was Inducted into the Navy. For the past few years Mr. Murray has been assistant farm agent in Wayne County. , Gives Advice On ' v Growing Tobacco ' :'; Fork, N. C. :'X ':Cs 6;23-44 Dear Mr. Editor: My father, who lived to tC ripe old age, grew tobacco for about , 70 years. He found that there are better times than others for harvesting tobacco In orded' for it to cure easily and be rich and su perior In quality. Tobacco has an oily substance and a sap (water) which come and go at intervals during he life of the plant When the sap rises it runs the oil out through the pores of the leaf (oil being lighter) to the surface where it forms a "gum", well-known to all tobacco gaowen. Ilairvest tobacco when fullest of oil for best results. Tobacco har ' vested when full of sap will cure - badly and be light and of inferior quality. . I shall be pleased to answer any letters from tobacco growers, pro- i postage is sent for reply. 1 V You-s truly, ) j. ' W. H. Davis. civil Service V.'cnts Technical Aids Trainees are feeing sought by 1 ' a U. S. Civil Service Commission i v-ork for the National . Bureau ' mdards In Washington, D. C, hnical Aids in Ordnance De ont. Starting salary, is J a year Including overtime jTid nromotlon at th. suc- ' 1 completion of training to ' ry'fig Aiyo a year, in ; overtime pay. , r '''s nioy be had by ' n. to F. J. Uaar, . . . C. SOMEWHERE IN ITALY i 1 !' ' ' ' ' ' 1 ' ' 1 '. '4 i . - V f iv-v -., v,' v "v f-m i ' . , ;iit i ; i r- ' j PVT. CLARENCE THOMAS', jit, i 19, grandson of Mr. Galloway Thomas of Pink Hill, N. C, has notified his parents of his safe arrival In Italy. i Pvt Thomas was Inducted Into service at Ft Bragg. After taking his basic training at Camp Wheel er, Ga, and-Ft Meade, J&L he wia sent ever seas. He- was In ducted into service on, November 5, iS43. 'v- ;. Rose Hill Man : Arriving From . Overseas; Furlough N The War Department has noti fied The Times that CpL Jasper L. Barnes of Rose Hill has prob ably arrived at Ft Bragg enroute to his home on a long earned fur lough. He has been In the Euro pean theatre of war for the past 24 1-2 months. - The War Department advised The Times that when personnel from this county who have been overseas arrives at port of debark ation, information will be sent to The Times advising approximately when the soldier will arrive home. Watch this paper for such Infor mation. HAVE YOUR DOGS VACCINATED ' According to state statutes all dogs must be vaccinated by JulyL er their owners will be liable to prosecution. Please contact your local Inspector at once If yoa have not already had your dog yacci nated. . ..'- Rabies Inspectors are: for. Wolf scrape, Ira Turner; Smith, Paul Wllliamsi Warsaw, Sutton Rhodes; Magnolia, W. B. Kissner; Faison, C. B. Miller; Glisson, Ed Korne gay; Kenansville, James Atkinson; Rose Hill, Hue Bradshaw; Lime stone, Stephen Raynor; Albertaon, J. H. Dotson; Cypress Creek, Van Bradham; Island Creek and Rock fish, J. R. Rose. A fee of S.75 will be charged for each vaccination but this will ! TOSACCO GROWERS HAVE BIG PROBLEM With a shortage of trained hands for harvesting the crop and a great difference in the growth and maturity of th plants grow ing, nut the farmers un acainst ! one of the hardest problems in many years. It is pointed out by State Col lege that uniformity In pulling to bacco will add of detract as much as any other factor to the quality of the crop. Curing will also be difficult and, unless extreme care is exercised In harvesting, large losses may occur. The more uniform the charac ter of the tobacco placed in the barn, the oetter the chances for a good cure. The specialists suggest that care be taken in sorting the crop and preparing it for market On account of mixed conditions, it win be almost Impossible to pro duce a uniform crop in many sections. . Bwat one fly now, prevents n '"'Ions ltr V sfion. r-n't 1ml inive Rally r y, J., 2, tt 1- ). KENANSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA The Top Sftk- WW Bond Rally To REV. ULRICH IS DOCTOR "OF DIVINITY:' Canton, N. Y., June 23. Owen D. Young, addressing the 58th graduating class of St Lawrence University yesterday condemned his generation for what he termed its failure to provide control for the compressed world of "titantlc things" which It had made.' The General Electric Company board chairman called upon the new generation to carry , the cour age it had shown In battle Into the era of neace. Young observed, by his appear ance, the 50th anniversary of his Graduation Dram St Lawrence. Thirty-nine graduates received bachelors' degrees in arts oi science, and the Rev. Gustav H. Ulrich, pastor of the Universalist Church of Outlaw's Bridge, N. C was awarded an honorary doctrate of divinity. W: S, f: -.1- . .. ... , i..:-;;,;. . 1 ' , . . Miss Helen Margaret McLendoa of Kenansville graduated on Fri dav. June 2nd from the well- known New York fashion school. Laboratory Institute of Art and Merchandising. Many notable fashion authorities attended the graduation luncheon exercises which were held at the Waldorf Astoria. Miss McLendon is an alumna of Kenansville High School and at tended Peace College and thei Ringling School of Art and for the past year has been preparing herself for a1 fashion career at the I tag, "The secretary 'of War ad- M. I. " Institute. She has been appointed vises that I asure you of bis deep'. Truly the war cloud has cast to the Resource Squad at Rich's, ' sympathy in the loss of your son, a gloom over Magnolia and we Atlanta. Georgia and is taking up Technician Fourth Grade, George deeply sympathize with his mo her duties there next month. ' B. King, Jr. Report received states ther, his two sisters, Mrs. Mack Miss McLendon graduated he died the 18th of June in New Autley of Wilmington, and Mrs. fourth in the clasB. was a member Guinea." Signed: The Adjutant Bob Bailey of Louisville, Ky.; hit of liSS!00 9 5nd, ed. General. r . .v;. I two brothers, Bob of Wallace and u ni( cAaivr vi div otjiuoi paper. She is one of over eighty young women who graduated into tne junior executive ranks of the reunion mercnanaising world. be deducted from "the 01 dog tax, so that in the long run, there to no cnarge ror una very worth while servfce. It is hoped that everyone will cooperate with the Inspectors by havln? their dn vMwtnatarf I against rabies. This disease, to' now under control, 1, but still a po- tentiai danger. Rad 10 Varsaw "HI - Mate" It Title; Rotary ' Clan Sponsors N. C. Ship building Co. Show to Boost - Bond Sales. The Hi-Mate Radio Revue, giv en by the employees of the North Carolina' Shipbuilding Company will be presented under the Aus pices of the Warsaw Rotary Club in connection with the Fifth Wat Loan Drive at th. Hi eh School auditorium on Frldav nkrht. June' 30th at 8:30 P. M. Tne ill-Mate Revue Is an an nual fixture with the employees of the Nortft Carolina yard. This spring 23QP people attended the production In Wilmington at two as the finest presentation of Its kind ever produced in this area. The Revue offers a galaxy of mu ' nl and. comely talent Many cf t t" i l 1 in V e i;i- POLIO REPORTED IN MT. OLIVE A report this morning, com ing from Wayne Comity Health Department, stated a ease of Infantile Paralysis has been discovered In Mfc Olive. A IS year old boy. He was carried to a Wilmington hospital Wednesday. . This brings the state total to 106. 105 Cases Infantile Paratysis Reported; None In County 4H Camps WH1 Be Closed For The Summer j Largest Outbreak Since 19 S3; Wil son, Sanford Nearest Cases to County. Raleigh, A total of 104 cases of Infantile paralysis, centered for the most part In western North Carolina, have been officially re ported to the. state board of health a survey showed today. The 104 cases, all reported this month, compared with 675 cases tabulated In 1935 during an out break which reached epidemic pro portions. The 1935 outbreak star ted with 198 cases in June and reached its peak with 229 In Julyiif.il1 Eleven new cases were reported Vf'Vj, wh.ich WM viously had not reported a case. The new county - reporting was Wilson, where a 13 year old girl was striken. Dr. Carl V .Reynolds, . state I healUr 'of f icec. .wa not available for comment on late development! and . Dr. C. P. Stevlck, acting state epidemiologist, was In Hick ory, center of the current out break. ,, I m These cases were reported by counties: Alexander 3; Ashe, 6; Burke, 11; Cabarrus, 2; Caldwell, 11; Catawba, 89; Gaston, 12; Iredell, 1; Lee, 1; Lincoln's; Ro wan, 7; Stanley, 1; Union, I;. Wa tauga, 2; Wilkes, 3 and Wilson, 1. Magnolia Boy Dies Guinea From George . B. King, ft Died1 Jane 18.; Injured Jane 16; Boger Smith- of Magnolia Beported Wounded, By Maey Cox Mrs. Maude King of "Magnolia received a telegram Monday say tn receivea a teiegsam oaiur- day saying he was seriously ill from injury of June 16th- so he only lived two days after being wounded He was the oldest son 'of Mrs. King and the late George, B. King, Sr. and would have been 27 years old In August. He enlis- iea m uie Arw oepiemoer uv 1 1941 and received his training at Camp Walters, Texas. He se.-ved one year m the Hawaiian Islands. He graduated from Magnolia High School with the Class of 1937 and entered tawara s Military insu- tute in the fall of the same year, Review To F eature Rally Mate show come fsom professional. ranks. Several of the stars of the Shipyard Radio program which concluded a very successful win- ter series of braodcasts, will be featured in the Revue.' Mr. Wavne Jordan, head of the, War Loan Drive in Warsaw, ata- ted that th primary purpose of bringing, this outstanding Revue; Bond X-7mrr2 Z?'rJZ" "!J3L wr. Fifth War Loan Drive. "The im- petus gained tl ' ough the presen ronnnetinn with the Bond Drive LHL1UI1 III 1 1 IK ZXL-lVUILt- 1 IVCVUB 111 i x i r... i should help put Dunlin County well over the top , in our tJond Drive," stated Mr. Jordan. Mr. Jordan explained that a purchase1 of a Bond would serve as the ad - I mission to the Revue and that Rotary Club sr- now selling bonds children would be admitted upon as admission tickets for the Revue, purchase of $1.00 worth of War! Auctioneer Dudley of Qinton i-'ars. . ' 'will auctlpn the IkMMts. . - - FRIDAY JUNE 30, 1944 Be Held Series "E" Drive Will T QUINN SENDS OUT LETTERS REQUESTING MERCHANTS TO CO-OPERATE Dear Friends: . The FIFTH WAR LOAN DRIVE is on in full swing. We, as retail merchants, are expected to do our full share in helping to put the program over. We, and our clevks, are expec ted to buy and sell every bond possible. The Drive will soon be over and now Is the time for us to hustle. Take orders from your customers and get the bank to is sue the bonds. Buying War Bonds is a safer investment than additional farm real estate at present boom prices. The "E SERIES BONDS" are the best buy for the avevage purchas er. The limit on this class is $5,000 per person per year. We, as fighters on the HOME FRONT can do our country no taMish a bWkhead of sound SS? from wffw. clnTht the battles that are sure to come after the wair is oven. Let's do our part NOW and help put over the FIFTH WAR LOAN. Please amount of purchases and sates each week until tne campaign closes, Cordially yours, f! K. Chilnn Keiau uuurman. Notei The above letter bas mailed . to every merchant Service Station operator within Kenansville and sorrouMfng sac- Since the above story was re leased, a report says a case has developed In Sanford. In How In juries .where he finished In two years.; I He was a fine young man of ster- lling character, had a host of mends, was a memner or tneIE0 th the Branch Bank Baptist Church of Magnolia and in his "teen age" was the beloved President of the Royal Ambassa- dors two years tlll he left lor u. Bill of Norfolk. Va. Mrs. Autley and Mrs. Bob King are with their mother. Her pastor,1 Rpv Bin and wife: Mrs. Lula Herring and sister, of Rose Hill. Mrs. Sidney Johnson and son, odell, came to her Monday even- son,' ing. , RENEW YOUR SUBSCRIPTION if everybody in Duplin would really work for the public good in 1944, the rest of the United States would send delegates nere .to see how we do it To-Night Louis E. Keith, foreman of the Erectors Department at the North Carolina yard, Larry Drlnard and Roy Sandim. employees in tne yard are in charge of production. 1 The shipyard t.-oupe is coming to Warsaw purely in the Interest ' the Bond Drive. No compen- satjon to any member of the Revue will be accepted.. ' The .people of 5r J2KEr a-1 w l i- u LM If 1 1 L nmrer UVllflV UUWII 111 U1CBC nnrta and at the urn. time will i have the privilege of supporting and backing tne attacx witn uie purchase of an extra War Bond, I We wish to thank our many stated Mr. Jordan. It was lrtherirtends- the expressions of ' announced that members of the Loaiia Monday Continue ARRIVES IN INDIA s7 'M:v - I. PFC. DANIEL JASON WAJJLER, son of Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Waller, of Route 2, Mt Olive has arrived safely in India, according to word received last week by his parents. He entered service m November, 1943, at Ft Bragg. Waller recei ved training at Maxwell Field, Aul. Greenwood. Miss- Newark. N. J- SDringfield, Mass.. and Ft tplx. N. J. H- is in the U. S, Air .Corna. ' Lacy Week Resigns Assistant Agent Hunt Realms In Tax Collector's Office; Weeks aad Miss Hunt Go to Wal- Lacy F. Weeks, for the pass few years assistant county farm agent Lesigned the job and will go with the Wallace Motor and Implement Company In Wallace on July 1st Mr. and Mrs. Weeks will continue to reside in Kenansville until suitable quarters can be found in Wallar. Helen Hunt, for the paet few years, clerk in the county tax collector's office has resigned to d , Trust Company in Wallace, h win take up her duties on July 1. To date no one has been secured to replace either. Forest Fires Spread In New Bern Area A New Bern report said that forest fires of serious proportions were berning in the New Bern to Morehead City area the first of the week. A pall of smoke settled over Dunlin Sunday night and clouded the sun all day Monday. ville were called to assist in get- ting the fires under control. Negro church and several dwell ings were reported destroyed on Monday afternoon. LOCAL BANK COLLECTS $44,000 IN TAXES The local Waccamaw Bank. acting as collecting agent for the Federal Government has colleet ed in withholding taxes iince July In 1943, the beginning of the pro Tam. a total of $44,025.47. It col lects from the larger payers while small payers send theirs direct to the Collector of Internal Revenue In Greensboro. This service, rendered not only by the local bank, pui Dy au, banks, is a . government free service to our Warsaw Methodist Church Preaching at 11 by the pastor, Rev. C T. Thrift AeceDtion and; baptism of new members. Every1 tlAurA taed bT present at this service: , Preaching at Turkey at 12 and mt uiTUun r. m. CARD OF THANKS i klndneses and sympathy shown us since the loss of our son and brother. , "Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Bowden, ;' " and daughter Bonds Lagging No. 26 Dirive Morning: Thru 8th. reported to Be Third County '.,kIn State; To Beach Quotas Craven First; 1595,000 Sold To Date; Only $56,000 Series "E" Sold); Rose Hill Only Community Over Top. Chairman J. C. Thompson of the County War Finance Commit tee called The Times osfice yester day morning and announced that , Duplin was over the top in its 5th War Loan quota with more than $595,000 already sold. Craven County was the first in that state and it is reported that Duplin is the third to reach its quota. Rose Hill took the honors in the county last Saturday when at a Bond Sale Rally, they sold $119, 000. $33,000 over its quota of $86.- iOOO. $ Other communities are lagging, Mr. Thompson said. Commenting further, he said, not only Duplin, but every county in the state are having a struggle trying to reach their series "E" quota. Our quota is $223,000 and he urged that we put forth an all-out effort be tween now and July 8th, when the drive ends, to reach that quota Mr. Thompson asked the Times to express his sincere appreciation to every worker and to every pur chaser who made possible this early success. . ...... Weed Harvesting ; Becoming General "Puttln-ta-terbaccer" time in Du plln is getting well under way and by next week will be in full swing. Although the crop Is short by about one-third, and quality poor to start with, farmres are ex pecting a good harvest and money to jingle when marketing time comes. Some farmers are housing their second curing this week. New Rulings On Gasoline Farmers and others who use automobile motors to power saws. pumps, muis and so forth, may now be given E and R non-hlrh- way coupons to purchase gasoline ui una ju ixjse urji announced. An automobile reDalrman mnv be granted non-highway . ratk ns for testing motors. Change Commercial Vehicle Rules Of Purchase Operators of commercial motor vehicles who ned to purchase new -equipmentCafter July 1 should file their applications with the District Office of Defense Transportation instead of the Bureau of Motor Carriers ol the Interstate Com merce Commission, O D T an nounced. . JW item woric incidental to tne rationing of new commercial ve hicles will be handled by the Highway Transport Department of the ODT. Office of Defense Transporta tion for this district is located in Wilmington, N. C. DUPUN MAN ASSIGNED TO LST Edward J. Stroud S lie, whose Earents ceside in Pink H1U, Rt 1. i preparing for duty with the nm- nhihimm fniwj ahnarrl an I5PT. - Landing Ship, Tank one of the j biggest ships in the Navy's invas- i ion uex. Stroud S lc has been assigned . to the crew of an LST at the Am-. " phlbious Training Base. Canu t Bradford, Va where he is going I through the strenuous trainine required of bluejackets who man the beach-hitting tank carriers. - Heavier than a modern destroy- to.er. the 300-foot LST tends assault I troops and .equipment, directly on- enemy peaenheads, under the -. warships and Navy Dlanes. respite its size and weight, the landing vessel is designed to navi gate snanow approaches to hos tile beaches, spilling its troops and tanks ashore, through; huge bow doors, - - Seaman Stroud's address is: Edwaird J. Stroud, S lc U. S. N. AT, B. Crew 4505 L.S.T. 370 Came Bradford, Va., Norfo?:t 11.

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