r i f Km. Karvey. Eoncy lt with o. . r NewBPiwr Bcpmen-tsilvea- .in Official . News Conference to hear latest War New. The editor was pleased to have Mrs. Harvey. Boney represent the Duplin Times at a Press Confer ence of the Secretary of War, lienry L. Stimson, on the morning of October the 12th. On the record i" hi t mil Vi n MlliuinniU (nr.. ui 1 uienuanue were ropers! utii aa me inew ior L . A. T.T l - Times, Associated Press. Inter- national News Service New York rV.liT.rr DupV'nmkewswlc U S each grade. The grade having News? l&ChSnXand": J "nt.and' hYIn forth. This conference was held In raiT the Pentagon Building In Washing-, scn001 seperateiy. , . ton. ; ? , . i s . ; The queens elected from each '" P-ii' 4V.' nlitA VotJ.Lw. ' fcradfr were: Sheiby Jean Sheffield, int SSTh m. ' 1st; Carolyn Jones,. 2nd; Martha rfJC Stonehouse and Mw?AiurSoutherland, 3rd? Betty Jean The Secretary of War and his .toff of .ft- .11 tho - iui & v. i vt. . - uuv iv mi i-iiv. v" fS.- ...i-rvi,'i I. . TrtV tnAsSeUryreao Lt. Col Kyle pointed out the places reading the news the various cor respondents asked him questions, some of which he answered and some questions he evaded. Among the news items that the Secretary mentioned was that the Allied Air Power has given the Japanese a taste of what is to come and that it was very evident that the Germans are struggling in vain. " . ,..4 . . - To V A Hon.' W. Kerr Scott, Com- "dUBaiuiicrr ui uruiiun?, Will npviiK at the Annual Community Picnic to be held at Outlaw's Bridge, Sat. ur 'ay, October 28th. Mr. Scott will speak at eleven o'clock on The w Rural Churoh and Community .. lfe. .; - - Iicnic Dinner will be spread In the Church Grove, weather per mitting; otherwise in the school building. Games and recreation in the afternoon... - . : - Rev. Gustav'H. Ulricli. Tk D. minister of the Outlaw's Bridge Universallst Church Is Chairman of Arrangements. The Outlaw's Bridge Commun ity is on Highway 111, 21 miles south of Goldaboro. i":t:d r;,j.v.::a 17 ::a clds wanted nrjAVY . J. W. Brown. Chief Petty Ottl r r In charge of the Wilmln'ton 2 vy Recruiting Station, said t a l nited number of men of 17 t . 1 1 If selected for training as Radio 1. hnicians. -- ' I vy. radio tecnlclans he said, t i.ifi to operate and maln t -i Sect ronlc devices, and the of instruction received is 1 at firrroximately 112,000 -i. ' lied aj ; Ucants are entered i ; lust class seaman and trained i rsialhematlcs.. electricty and ;i work. Advanced training is In hicher mathematics elec y, Tadio, the slide rule, and i ractlce. At the end of their t fvur months Jthey are pro 1 to third class petty officer, i sent on to school for five Months of advanced radio ; i "tronl('8. The bulk of traln- i . ived, is in the field of el s, which will fit the eppll t t r a prof cs--ion in this work. ,ul or ';.!ates are pro j t rrisl o I. 'miclon second , v, l...h is a petty Twicer ra- 2 Draft V-r -nts ti I t . I' $ I ' Mk s -.11 vJ w, L3:i7 L. uil? - . , b .ac::cua school &?wc.v.en invited to OVE2 TC? IN UNITED :f-.? WAR FUND DIVE ; J. W. O'Neal, Principal Mag nolla School, report actj vlties on United War Fund -' ;' Drive. ' " -:: Magnolia School went over the too in the United War Fund Drive, iham .V - lUr UUUW WHS sJ..V.S. a ueauiy j int. ... ,... m.i . .k- I luK"ral " I votes for the girl elected the queen SL " .tii .S.4." USUC, JUI, -uj ." Drew: 7th; Cynthia Bradshaw, 8th: i Grey Southenand, 9th; Juan- and Doris ' waS elected Miss Doris Baker was elected Magnolia High School. , ' We enjoyed working for such program., . l , L i, ' Sincerely yours, ' ' J w O'Neal, prin. R?A. CONCLAVE TO BE IN WARSAW": ' 7 ;;;; The l Roya Ambassador Con clave, of the "Wilmington Division of Baptist WMU, wiU meet in Warsaw November 10th and 11th at the Warsaw Baptist Church. - All Junior and Intermediate Royal Ambassadors and Consel ors are invited to attend and please " notify the ReV. G. 'Van Stephens, Warsaw, at once. . The registration fee Is $1.25 - - Featuring the meeting win oe the R. A. Secretary, A. T. Greene, Jr., of North and South Carolina State Baptists. All R.A.'s are urged to attend. .,.-. I gxand mastz3 to visit st. jc::ns lodge No .T3 A. F. & A.M. . Grand Maste, ; Julius C Hobbs of ina will visit i t Johns Lodge No. 13. A. F. & ArM Kenansville, N. C, on Thursday evening, Novem ber 2, and will make an address to the Lodge.'' :. " TrASUY department RirC.TS. OCT. DOND ; SALES IU DU7LIN ; : The Treasury Department, War Finance, Division, reported bond s0es In this county as of October 13th. October quota (cornbined E, F & G) $53,705.00 Sales as of Oc tober 15th, $10,91250. Balance to go $42.792.50 - . ccLcnib cAptist T rULFIT ASD.;v.-Vvrvi;'. The Baptist Pulpit Aid Society of the First Baptist Church of War saw met! at the home of Mrs. Lena Martin Sunday afternoon. The president Miss Alberta Newkirk. presided. Devotional was In charge of Mrs. Sophia Rich. The discussion for the afternoon was, "How . to-keep the Society alive and Increase its membership. The meeting closed with prayer. iu r r Major Charles Leonnrd Pelrce, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. James liiiits Pelrce of Warsaw, is repor ted rr,' -"'n In prison In the Paci fic err a. ; Tai. l'elrce's r' .we Was sliot iwn t v the Jar He has c. 1 war rrrd. DYS J ... ' ' ..... ... f r - I v "l' . ; : ( ; :m j '. i tiv i .-, i ' tif , . ' t 'e ) i i r to a , ; ; .. .Vy i t Men - !. , ' ' 1 I -n (' -S ft' ' I H , ' f !!- f ' t i i. i ' iiii At j. !. 1 - i ; i i .! i :1 r . " f .. i a v i 1 ''A- ' ' ' ' v ; . . , .: ,, r y .. V W wa'Gii. son 12 ' HUSCH MEET NOV3 The" United Council of Church Women of Kenansville Invite the public to meet at the Baptist church on Friday November 3rd at 4:00 d m.. to Dray for enduring peace. The theme: "The Price of Enduring Peace.": An hour " of study and prayer for a just land iBKtine neace and a new world or der and to continue programs of study anq action In every church of the country. ... Mrs. P. J. Dobson. ST JOHNS LODGE TO HAVE MASONIC SERMON OCT. 29. Mr' Wm. Ritchie Smith, trand Secretary of the Grand ArchThap- will Dreach a special Masonic Ser- m0n at the Grove Presbyterian Church In Kenansville on next Sunday, October 29, at 11:15 A. M, ' Members of St Johns Lodge No. 13f A. F. & A. M., and visiting Ma. sons will attend in a body.: The public, is cordially Invited. t DEMOCRATIC RALLY WALLACE SCHOOL Friday Night, November Srd : At Eight O'clock. , Hon. John ' D. Larkins, Jr of Trenton, wul be the principal speaker for the Fourth Commiss ioner's District Democratic Rally at the Wallace School on Friday night, November 3, httAQ o'clock. Senator Larkins is regarded as one of the outstanding speakers of this State and you will enjoy n ear ing him. f " Legislative ana uounry demo cratic Candidates will be present and introduced to the voters at this meeting. -.. Come and bring your mends, a large crowd Is expected. Ladies are cordially Invited. t NURSES NEEDED Washington, Oct. t6w The, Navy reported that 4,000 nurses are a If M..ay . k. JnnA 8ft thThTsIfii I , i. Jtimi hh th aM un, uav am - navy said 2,000 of the new re- crulta are sought before the end of the year, v THANKS - C The following was received by the Times this week from Mrs. L. Clayton Grant of Wilmington, president of the Eleventh District of the North Carolina Federation of- Women's Clubs: - 1 enkwed readinir through the Duplin Times'. It is very Interesting and comprehensive" and I am sure fills a vital need In the communi ties it serves. . -Thanks, Mrs. Grant. . - --" :. v. LEFT FOB NAVY " Boys leaving last week for the Navy ' included Frank Thomas, Otis Simpson, I. J. Mines, Ralph Jackson and Ariia Aioenson. Nnm is the tlm to warn hunters about shooting when they see the bushes move, : . ' I ?3Y3 Ab TWO DU7LIN lAriES ov;.sias' 'X: Among the marines that have returned from long service In the South Pacific and soon win pe home on a 30 day furlough is nc. "'irk Denwood Savage, son of vs. Cora Tew of Teachey. Pfc. ..,v' has spent a total of J3 mof.ii.s in the t'.outh Pacific. A! .o among them is Jagt.-Wulic Fdfrl Uowcrs. son or Mr, ana Mrs. A. S. F lowers of Falson, who has served 33 months In the South Pacific. t flurry v Thompson as- I ! i:.e Air Trnn - ort Com- j i i t ! .r:ry Air 1 rcos, fita- 1 fit f- v Oii.ue Air 1 'le, 1 i v. ore, is t 'i pfirf'i Thoi. . is, r. C:I::ic!:y b Last E:y io u3i:lcr FcrJibticiK A final call for registration of all- eligible voters has Dean issued here Dy , William &. umstead, chairman of the Democratic State Executive Committee. Caling attention to the tact that Saturday, " October 28th is the fin al day tor registration in order to vote in the Vienerai Election in beTMrTeaTsere were large numbers of new rest dents in many precincts of the state who had not 1 placed their names on the registration books. Many have moved into communi- ties in recent monhts, or during the war period, and still have the right to vote in North Carolina rprovided they either have them- selves ... properly recorded on the on the books of their new resi-. dences or apply, for the absentee years, a popular 'merchant in War ballols to vole in the precincts saw, expecis next week -to open a from which they moved, if their new. modern and sanitary self- transfer to new places' is not per- manent. C , ' ' . ; - In addition, .hg mentioned that of the store building in the Branch WIU one wua on nex. yy w Hocay a large number of young citizens Bank block this week and stock is lMuuin u neip ium sister ana stop-have-become of age in the past already coming in. He stated he utfer w ner niotner tul tew years, - especially among the hoped to open on .November 1st luomer ga tne girt lett uie house women, and those have not regis- tered in thousands of cases. He the first self-service store to open urges them -.to assume their re- th Duplin Couny. The name will sponsibilities aa citizens of North 'be "Ellis' Self-Service,,. . ,. Carolina ty taking part in the gen-1 , , , - eral election. Saturday of ilusiMEUf IIKin OB YHIFC week will bethe last opportunity jMCW IVIWU wr inicr Tuxme'to- a. discussion of the MAKES APPEARANCE ' absentee ballot, the state ' iemo-1 Gn Tuesday night of last week cratic chairman pointed out that someone visited the chicken yard persons working in war plants sr of Mra. l. F, Byrd, near Magnolia, other places and temporarily ab- M Byrd had a flock of 50 New sent from their homes, may vote h Red chickens and she as usual if they apply to the coun- . mrtkailarh nroud of them. Snfv'STfnthruS! ballots. They should file their iip- eaVfohat self may be completed and return - ed to the county board hefore election day. - f - -V2i;icc 'AiasscJ Ly SOMEWHERE IN INDIA (Passed by Army Censors) Thess members of the U. S. Armed Forces are amusedly looking on as an , Indian dhoble (pablic lanndryman) quaintly drubs a garment on his . primitive "wash board." This is a far cry from the hygienic and, scientific methods used by laundries in the good old U. S, A. Note the serious expression of the swarthy "linen beater's" daughter (center) vbuj the Yanks chucUa. . 1 - , - - - - RUDOLPH DAIL FOUND DEAD JN BED " " tl Just as we go to press,- we learn that Rudolph Dall was found dead in his bed about noon today. It cut Our Service Ulen WARSAW BOYS -IN SL1VICE Mrs, Charlie Johnson has recei ved word from her son, Sgt Page Johnson, who has been with the .Army in Iceland for about two years, that he Is now in Holland with the Allied Forces. Seaman Jack Boney. son of Mr. and Mm. J R, Boney, of Warsaw, is recuperating in a South Pacific hoFpital following an emergency ojHrration recently. A brother, Gunners mate, Wllbert Boney, V- -I, is also in the Pacific area. ' Cyrus J. Raynor, Slc, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Raynor, RFD, 2, Warsaw, has completed basic training at the submarine School In New London, Conn. Franklin Thomas, Jr., 3c Petty O.T.'fcr, son of lr. and Mrs. F. J. T' ling Is now in Chicago, speclal i t in Naval Aviation. I urr(:i Jones, 3c Petty OTflcer, v ; 1 1' fiees. son of Mrs. Tom h ' ' iit C nton, and husband of l rl "s 1 len M;trs!i 15est d in Cub Torn la Koute 1. rnr,nt'..s i t over- I ' on 1 - 1 .i"ir X ! v. S enter V-( ! - i Fcxlln Toun Of ANOTHER POLIO CASE REPORTED IN DUPUN The local Health Department this week reported the fourth caae of Infantile jfaraiysis In Duplin County this year. The victim la William Outlaw 4t 1 year oia child of Mr. and Mrs. Wlilie Oui- - ST to llicJiory and tbe home qoarran vlned. ..." ; ' WARSAW TO HAVE - - , . . MODERN SELF-SERVICE ; - ........ GROCERY & MARKET 5 Ellis West, for a number of service grocery and market. - Mr. I West is completing the remodeling hut mav be delayed. Thfa will be The morning after the , visitor " t out to ieej ner S and CdYhS '. k" .Hampshire Reds. The visitor left no note.. ' - -: ' Stone Age Wash BojvixI 1" v i v.- . i seems that when his brother Ern est, who lived with him, arose this morning to come to work, he called Rudolph to get up and come on. Thinking him asleep, Ernest went on to work. Around noon his bro ther did not show up so he went .to see about him and found him dead. WOUNDED IN ACTION Pfc. Ralph D. Precythe of Fal son was reported wounded In ac tion In the South Pacific on Sept. 18r according to word received by his mother, Mrs. Henry Precythe. He -had been overseas with the Army since last July. AWARDED AIR MEDAL Vernie Heath. Jr... of Deep Run, has been awarded the Air Medal for "Meritorious Achievement" on a B-17 Flying Fortress bombing mission over enemies in Europe. He is 21 years old. with eight bomber attacks to his credit TVO FAISON MEM RircTZD killed ;; The War Department ' Monday mad public the deaths of two soldiers from Falson. Pvt. John T, Avent. husband of Mrs. Hazel .W, Avent, and Pfc Woodrow Weeks, son of Bob L. Weeks of Falson. Coroner Ralph Jones said sho ., was Murdered Been dead ; '. about Six Weeks. . -. ;C ' A human skeleton identified as Auncey iee xnompson, ' ietro, auoui ZA years ox age, was iounu late rnoay atiernoon, Dy ; ir. james narnur 01 Wallace in a ciump ot uui weeus on tne Uorui vue Ot town, i:. - ine pouy was decomposed,, ana accoitung. io uie county coroner, xuiipn juues, nau oeeu ui me Wectu. lui'.ui. . least" six or ignt weens, coroiier dUMies was w Uie upuuuu uie wuinua nod oen jiiurueiea. i lie sKuu Wan iraciureu in two piucesi oeveioi iiegto wiuiesses lueiiuiieu ai'uues ui. ciouuitg us uetuuging vo ine woman,'-" ixei- luouier, MU-s. .uuy Ezzeu, saiu ner uaugiuer imu oeen Uiissiu nu uiemoers ot - uie 'Jamuy - nau nearu lruiu ner. Hie tnouier aiso luenutied uie uouuiiK. . Accoruing vo ner inother, the eir, haa ben worKine in Wiiminii- tutu sue uiuuiu sue Was gouig lu return beiore lakmg tne bus lo xvucay iviount. uice sne Oia not return u was assumed sne went, on to nocky Mount. , Later, it was said, her suit case was xound" in the Wauace bus ttation. oheruf Williamson said this morning that no clues bad been lound yet. 'there was one possuue suspicion, a negro man le.it Wal lace aoout the time the girl was luued and no one knows wnere he is. Officers arc continuing Uie in vestigation. w: v . -.;. -J;-;'. WARSAW BOY GETS FIRST TRIP TO PARIS The following la a letter from Sgt Sam R. Jones, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph J, Jones of Warsaw. Young Jones is with the Ninth Army .Air Corps somewhere in France. He has been overseas for one year, having landed in Eng land in September,. 1943. Somewhere In France Sept 29. 1944 , - Dearest Mother and Dad; - . The other day I had my, first uudu uj roris ana Ji was quite ur- prised. I had thought itiwould be i sort of old-fashioned even more so than London, but it was the 'very opposite. It is much more modern . than London, the streets are wide and compare with ours. The people are very friendly. I had four invitations to have supper with them but I declined, knowing the food situation as I do. A French newspaper describes us as having a tan outdoor complexion, broad shoulders, and an easy-going nature that they like. They were used to the robotness of the German soldier. They.Uke the way we walk down the street, not like the Germans who were always in step with one another.' I am getting along fine and I don t want you to worry about me. Write often and let me hear from you all. . .- v. ... ... .,"'-'" Love, 'Sam. -v . .Sam's address is: Sgt. Sam R. Jones 34670631 921st Sig. Co. Det. AYN APO 149 CIO P. M. New York. N. Y. - THREE FROM DUPUN REPORTED WOUNDED Included in a list of wounded North Carolinians released from Washington yesterday were three hnvs from Dimlin. Pfc. t red K. BlayiocK-ot Jtseu- ivU1&.B0"f SWiHKINO SAYS ABSENTEES nc. Diayiui-K was wuuiiueu ui uiv European area. ' " 1 T5 Morrta W. Howard, son of Mrs. Ellen T. Howard, of Rt. 1, Pink Hill, was wounded in the Eu ropean area. s; Pvt. James P. Piner, son of Mrs. Hazel E. Piner of the Quinn's Store section near Beulavule, was woun ded in the European area. The nature of their wounds was not re vealed. . WARSAW COY OVERSEAS 'Pfc. Chancey E. Boney, son of Mr. and Mrs. C B. Boney of War saw Is with the 81st "Wld Cat" Division,- now stationed in the South Pacific. A letter to his pa rents last week stated that he was well and had received two battle stars. He entered the Army in June 1942 and was Bent overseas last June. His address is Pfc. C. E. Boney. ASN 34307153 Co. I. . 323 inf. APu tnu P. jvi. san jtrancis- CO.'Gallf. '" i, is'i,'; 4, : . ';' Work hard and you will finally finish what you are trying to do. Wondering whether you can ac complish the task will -never get you anywhere or anything. , Fr-v criii.' ' have 'any rc-pect T 1 V ar. .! ( ' T. Ls-ii-il .L uT l?t jj Only threa communities over , Top; Same aa tost wtnJt; Ohalrman Cavenaugh urges workers to work; Dupua . ;' i- moat go over. . . Collections in the Duplin Uni ted War Fund drive have passed the 50 percent mark, but are far short of the goal of 011,500, chair man Aubrey Cavenaugh said. Fai son, Rose hill and Kenansville an over the top and he believes War saw is over but the funds have not all been turned in as yet Beu laville is having a hard struggle. Willie Jones stated there. People seems to have lost interest he said. - Other communities in the county report slow progress.. The drive will continue Mr. Cavenaugh said, until the quota is reached. DEMOCRATIC RALLY BEULAVILUE SCHOOL Tuesday Night, October SL At Eight O'clock,, . V Hon. Graham A. Barden. our Congressman and Democratic Nominee to succeed himself, will -be the principal speaker for the Third Commissioner s District Democratic Rally at the Beulavule School on Tuesday night, October 31. at 8:00 o'clock. Congressman Barden is a very able and entertaining speaker and you will enjoy hearing him. ' v Legislative and County Demo cratic Candidates will be present , ind introduced to the voters at hi3 meeting. ; i Come and bring your friends. A arge crowd is expected. Ladies are cordially invited. WOMEN'S CLU3 MEET IN WILMINGTON , ' ' Next Tuesday, October fist: ' ' ' ..JbsvXk-ic-Xaaytoa. Oraat District president to predda. Duplin County Women's Clubs; will have representatives at the Eleventh District Meeting in Wil- ., mington next Tuesday. Mrs. Clay ton L. Grant of Wilmington. Dis trict president, . will preside and , the following program will be ,,., Club Woman's Hymn," Assembly Invocation. Rev. Mortimer Glover , Collect ' ' Assembly Salute to Flag led by Mrs. N. U , Fov. Greetings from Hostess Club, Mrs. C. Wayne Spencer.; Responce Mrs. N. C. Blake Greetings, H. D. Clubs Miss Ann 'Mason. Vocal Solo, 3 Mrs. L. W. Durant Pianist, Mrs. Miriam Humphries. Greetings N. C Nurses Ass'n, Mrs. Laura Carroll, R. N. Minutes of Last Meeting Appointment of committees . Report of District President 1 " Report of Half of Clubs of District America the Beautiful, - Assembly Address; Mrs. J. H. Highsmith . Pres. N. C. F. Women's Clubs. Piano Solo Polichenelle Rachma- -' nioff, Mrs. Humphries. Address, . Mrs. R. A. McLaughlin - Vice-pres Director of Dist's. Report of Half of Clubs of District Announcements Adjournment !'.'vw " Luncheon v Speakers, Mrs. J. D. Robinson, " Chrm. Veteran's Comm. G. F. ' W. C, and Mrs. G. E.sMarsh- - , alL State Commander, Worn- . ens Field Army for the con- l trot of Cancer. . Pages Mrs. Samuel Sondey and, Mrs. Wiiuam Boles. . ; . 1 SLOWING DOWN NOV Garland P. King, chairman of the Duplin County Board of Elec tions, Bays applications for absen tee ballots are slowing down. He has mailed out 720 to service men' and 30 to civilians.. ARMISTICE DAY BCNO PLANNED IN WARSAW Aubrey L. Cavenaugh - stated this week' that plans are Under way for the Annual Armistice Day. (November 11th) program in Warsaw.. The program this year, he said, will be an Armistice Thanksgiving. The speaker and bands have not been secured -as yet. Details of the program will be announced next week CIULAVSLLE WC.7J-.II Mrs. K. S. Jones ' who rR' " near Beutaville. suffered i 1 j loss by fire TursJay at - t r i. when her stockade barris, r packhouses,-e'c.,' were l. the ground. Ti ry were r".r; j red by insur. . Smart P" i Jc? p 1 : ; t'