. . C;. mil ' o Y t , -. ' , V is Isls KsS - - ' ' - ' v..' - ;', j. I Mm rm ft 5 3 K E N A N S V I L LE; N O R Til CAROLINA TRiDAY NOVEMSI 3rd, It 14 s J Af.:rJCAN LEGION VICTORY CCLIwXATION OPENS NOV. 7th. flying Romas Troupe - Sensational Aerilists - On Midway. Seven Springs, N.. C. 1 ... Oct. 27,1944 Mitor. The Duplin Ttaies -i- Kenasville, N. C. " , ' , 5 ' " lpr Sir,- . ":. Please publish this in the Duplin c Times as soon as you can: , A FI2SONAL OP'sNIOri To the people of Duplin County, North Carolina, and , all other States In the Union: : ; A.flmv will suddIv slides want ror our nexr - --'tVvamlr " tnP(.Rt. AWARDS OFFEND IN HIGH SCHOOL SCIENCE The N. C. Academy of Science at State College, is sponsoring a plan for field trips science exhib its, essay contests, illustrated lec- tures, ana mown pu.vuic . . operation with high school science clubs tnrougnoui u: biomt, Dr. Murray Ft Buell, chairman of the high school committee. . Whom do we nrwiHontf ' Roosevelt, of course. - Ijm't you think that he haft ione enough for us in the iast . twelve ' years for us tokeep him at least for four more years f We' want a man for president to make peace "and an everlasting peace. Hasnt he done a good job so far for world peace? " , ; , ; - - JDewey said it was time for a change. Yes it is time for a change, but not to change to a new man who will change present plans for "securing peace among the nations. We don't want a man in office who dosen't do anything but point out mistakes and throw mud at our present commander-in-chief and - -tells us nothing about what he is planning to do to correct these mistakes. Yes our - President has ' made mistakes, and so has every one else. The greatest mistake any ' of us can make is to vote for Dew ey for our, next president. If he makes peace with other nations ' l.ke he throws mud at the present administration. It would, last yntil the year old, babies of today nre el le to carry a gun, 19 years from now they would be where thous ands of our boys are today,, which are In tiospitals and prison camps. I haw soent two year overseas. hctly one year In German Prison Vs imps ana nospiiais. www xtle about what war is like, and I hope we vote for an administra tion that will work at the peace table In such a way that the rising generation will be spared another war With all Its horrors. Glenn M. Stroud, ; . ' - Veteran World No. 2. LEO JACKSON BUYS H. M. WEST STOSE Leo Jackson, for the past sever- on birds of North Carolina, forests, flowers,; and the smau garueii, nHh noonmnanvine lectures for a Lcomplete program.-Other -slides of this type may aiso De uuumiw from the University junension Service at Chapel Hill." ; I Dr. Buell suggests that regional fairs or exhibits may be organized in which several schools may com-1 pete. The Academy will cooperate j in the plans to organize such fairs . and will assist with plans and sug-1 gestions.-' .; ViC;;-; v:;.f V' The Academy is offering a ser ies of awards for exhibits and es says and Dr.- Buell suggests that interested science students take Armistice Week and Victory Cele. this matter up wun meir wuu bration" at Warsaw will be staged or write him direct, at State Col- all next week beginning on Tues- i y iwf. .. t. mmm..m mm,, , - K i-' -. ' Li i" IVarcau Celling P.U C:t Fcr 2Gl!i. flrci:li:3 G:!:!jrali:3 'J;"1 , 4t A. VI Plans are rapidly shaping up for the 26th annual Armistice . Day Procram in Warsaw to be held Saturday. Nov. 11th. The speaker's name will be announced in a lew days as well as the complete pro gram. The tentative program calls for the annual parade in tne morn, ing in which it is hoped. to4ave a contingent of WACS from Ft. Bragg; Cadets from EML Boy and Girl Scouts irom an over tne coun tv and leaders of the day. Following the parade the annual address will be given at the Legion Post Hut. In the afternoon a iooi ball game wm be played at the" school house ana at mgni a aance. - R & S AmusemenU wUl arrive the first of the week and camp at the Legion Show grounds beside the Town Hall. ! : V . ComDlete details of the entire day's program will appear In the annual Armistice uay jiojuon u the Times next week. Parade; Speaking; 'Football ; game; Dance that light; :" Expect Wacs be In parade. ,. Editorial The annual American iege. dav nleht November 7th and con tinue for five glorious -afternoons and nights ending with a big "Vic tory Celebration" on the closing night Saturday November 11th at midnight . The event wjji oe neia unaer tne VOTE FOR THESE i AMENDMENTS ' Five unendmenU to or SUtej Oonstltutlon "are to be voted' on m.cnlpps of the Charles R. Gavin next Tuesday. They are all worth post N0. .127 nnd the location, as wUle. Below is a onei expuuuu oi each: - v AMENDMENT -No. 1. To make the commissioner of agriculture, the commissioner of labor ana tne commissioner of insurance consti- . tutinnnl officers and members oi the council of state. WARSAW SOLDIE3 Legion usual will be the Legion chow- grounds in ..Warsaw. Frank Thomas chairman of the committee of arrangements an nounces that he has again booked the R & S Amusements to present the midway attractions which will be many and varied Including sev eral of the latest rides, high class midway shows and concessions, with plenty of amusements for the oldsters as well as the youngsters during Armistice Week celebra tion. A'Thrill Circus" with several free acts will be one of the at tractions every night featuring the "Flying Romas Troupe"- of sensa tional high aerial artists; and other thrill circus acts. Thousands of visitors from all over the coun ty are expected to attend every night and arrangements are being made by the Legionaires to handle record breaking crowds all next week. "... , - HcAbcut :-OuService---RIer j . . efBHBjJMaaMHsMBSjJXJMMMBMiaiMMBisiBasjjjjjfa At present'the governor. Ueaten- VSITIS FROM FRANCE ant governor, secretary of state, t auditor, treasurer, superintendent The following letter was recei of public Instruction and the at-, red by Mrs. Rollins .from her son. torney general are namea in tne . virgu, a lew uuy constitution aa constituting the executive department. The secre tary of state, auditor, ' treasurer and superintendent of public in struction constitute ex-offlclo, the council of state, to advise the gov ernor in the execution of his off ice. If adopted, the officers named In the amendment would be added to the executive department and also to the council of state. . i . . . T 1 a I monins ciers: in uie store m ti ll. West here, last week purchased the West business, store building tnd house In Kenansville. Mr. and T : !- .Tanlrsnn ha v. alrpndv moved Nre from 4helr home In Sarecta. AMENDMENT No. 2. To exempt Mr. Jackson stated that he" plan- notaries public from prohibition r i to open a business in Beula- against double of fice holding , uiiin uhnv he had mirchased a 1 . ' v store building, but after working !. At present a notary public la an Hq. 474th QM Group TC, ETO Com.Z APO 562, co p. m. N. Y Somewhere in France October 8th. 1944 My Dear Mother, - . Well, we moved again, as I told you we were going to in my last letter. And we are out of the in a former hotel. Our rooms are on the top floor, which is the fifth, and our offices are on the 2nd. The hall is on the ground floor. so we work, eat and sleep in the that I will start getting back let- Forces, in General orders number ters. That Aug. 14 letter is still 73: - the latest one I have received, pursuant to authority contain Hope you are getting mine regu-l. in rtmular 55. US Armv For- larly, anyway. , Now that I am Cnina Bumia India, da back with my organization, there 29 May 1944, and under the shouldn't be any trouble from 1 now j provlsions AR 600-45, dated 22 on, dui x sure nope uiuae wu-n ki- lSept 1943 y,e OAK-LEAF CL.US tpra catch UD with me. too. - V riro 1 atd miirriAT i. . r tr - . 1 , 4.h nrriAH MMMtiiyitM in mniuui. j r Air. vvcsu fie uhk.vvcicu uwi " . -- -v. , - Kenansville was such a good busi- tional pronlblUoa against aounie ( same ounaing, aa we ' rtess town he decided to locate Office holding. If adopted, a notary . lore m tungwiu. e avc - here. For announcement see his publle could hold any other office cooks, and French waitresses, It s i on another page. i uzzwo turned cvzto f:?:der : . ti imiiM th miitJi. 1 nuite a nleasant change from sit- w - . J irflo Iung on uie Igmuitu ui mic of a field to eat And the 5th floor ters catch up. with me, too, 'TER to the AIR MEDAL is here- Had a little more tough luck the by awarded to STAFF SER other day. Cut my thumb while ;GEANT HENRY C, MERRITT, opening a can of "C" Rations the : 14188214, Air Corps, for merito day before we left the field and rious achievement in aerial flight came to town. It was a pretty 'On 18 Aug. 1944, when-the un deep gash right on the ball of the I armed transport type aircraft In thumb and they had to take two 'which he was flying as aerial en stitches in it It 1b healing up jgineer was attacked by twelve en- woods for a change. We are blue- iBtitche8 mt this morning. Expect ,m jettisoning the cargo in record ted right In the middle of a town, jto have the bandage of f in a few ;time although the plane was being more days, i m naving u aresseu flown at very low level, lonowmg with a clean bandage every, day. Ithe torturous twists of the canyon My eye is still the same, but does-: jto which the transport had de n't bother me in the least; vision ;scended to drop ammunition to as good as ever, ana iooks luce its - Chinese forces. In spite of uie ai- golng to stay that way. . Tm to jving banking ot the pane, and good physical condition, generally, ith complete disregard to his and feel fine, Hope you are au ;own increa,ed vulnerability to en- orlty of the state... AMENDMENT No. 3 To change ' the state board of education am endment. I This would rewrite the amend- Last week Duplin County offl- men adopted at the last general c rs arrested Hosea Matthls Neg- 'election. The principal changes ro, for Pender County authorities proposed - arei The position of td turned him over to them. He 'comptroller would be stricken U charged with cutting someone out and the state superintendent i i ti'iat county. - of a hotel is a little better than a pup tent, In said field, too- There is no heat in the building, as the fuel shortage over here is rather acute, but still it is a building. Hope we are lucky enough to have these or similar quarters, at least for the winter. 1 WHY VOTE FOR ROOSEVELT? The present Democratic Nation al Administration has:, - is not whether it will be his first or his fourth term, but whether he is the man who can best be trusted with the interest and -welfare of this Nation. "It is better to have a first rate man for the fourth term than to have a fourth rate man for the first term." VOTE FOR ROOSEVELT: be cause under his leadership your fighting man has the BEST chance and coming 2. Pulled the Country out of the Red by: (a) Guaranteeing individual j savings deposits up to $5,00U J through the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. (b) Cutting bank- failures down to 63H in twelve years, 0f coming HOME oa cupiimreu w . " home soon. ; ... four years before , the FDlCi The shorter the war tte avueker went into operation.. . the Victory, the better the chance (c) Saying hundreds ot tnou- of our fighting man coming through alive and uninjured. Ev ery hour- it is prolonged means sadness in many times a thousand homes. It does not stand to rea son that a change in leadership at this time with a New Command- er-in-Chief who would be a stran- ger to 'our Military Leaders -would shorted the war. In all ombnhilltv it aiio-ht Imarthan tha (b) Keeping his prices at a war. whn profitable and stable teveL for the casualties brought about iO Supporting and helping by prolonging the war if you vote to expand farm cooperatives, 'the Republican ticket T v (d) Bringing , electricity to ; his farm at a price he coula VOTE FOR ROOSEVELT: be-' afford to pay through . the cause more than any other Ameri Rural Electrification Admini- can today he has the wisdom, the ' sands of homes from foreclo sure. -t - -(d) Protecting Investors. Taken ' the- Farmer off the Road to Ruin by: (a) Saving bis farm and ma king farm loans available at reasonable rates when be ; could not gat credit eisewnere, stration, ways. - and in many other 73 vot:::3 hoiks :l:ct;cn tuisday This is the first time I have out ana tne state uihihuj contact with very many of public in strucuon would be the and iWd them ediiUnlstraUve head of the publlo - ,.rini MvnAW. althoueh of school system and secretary of the fa m rathep Qifficuit to fJThnrif converse with them - in fact prac be appointed by the govensor sub-, jmnossible. However, there Ject to connrmation ny uie ener- t- - thr men m the out- oin at six-thirty and close, al Assembly, one from eacn of ,f . who speak fairly good French (y. Don't let voting time ei, 't nwonai u"'. 'and j am picking up a word and a phrase nere ana niere; iu ably be "parley-vooing" all over the niace.Deiore leave rjrante. This is a very nice town, and has escaped much of the destruction that made a shambles of many towns in the process of driving ,-.g !.! experience in pusi- j where he came from. d finance, who shall not be j a letter from Dot day before yesterday, on Oct 6, which was written Aug. 10. The last one I received from you. which I have already told you about was writ- o i X- s -r (nates contuse you. Home -i vi ;;i vote later than In North "-irye Ar". .... ,. 1 9 - .3 ::i r;::.LLY -lnhia'.'' Nov. 1. A slight. r-..; 1 former, government I ;? l.irth tor' quadruplets ( ' Is and a boy within the . i t two minutes here, In the (Vu-snrean omrat!on quad- .very In medical hintory. o ' t t'.ie l'i,nn,,lvaiiia ho- V r i t!.e tl-'V l.i Mrs nl t!- :r ,ve t t-two lit piMina r"iir-r, j . , . ' 'f'n Vnt hOT CilTTi'i.l- "i t well and that t' two m"-l.i rs at large; (The pre sent ntt-iUod of selection Is by ional districts); and the foi.uv r provision In the present cons ... would be stricken out: "A r .' n-.'y of the members of g 1 hj,.ri shall he persons of trs -Ins si.J experience In pusl- connwstwl witn-me teacninr pro fession or any educational admini stration of tlie state." ' ; " AMENDMENT No. 4. To auth orize the General Assembly to pro vide compensation for lieutenant governor. -..; At ' - scut the co"7!"' '' a ef fat ' t j- v"" ' r I i f III i is? , ) f ' r " well. Love to the family, and re gards to the folks around town, f . , All my love, Virgil. ; - P. S. Almost forgot to tell you that we are getting the World Se ries Base ball games every day on the radio by short wave direct from the Dlayine field In St. Louis, play by play. They start at :00 at night by our time ovea here, which is just 2:00 in the afternoon in St Louis. By the way, it is now 5:00 o'clock Sunday evening - here, which would make it 11:00 A. M. at home so you are most likely in church now.-, . DEULAVILLE SOLDIER . WOUNDED IN ACTION - According to an official War De partment release, Pfc. Carl a. Home, son of Mrs. Mattie Home of Beulaville Rt. 1, has been woun ded in action. He was fighting in the European area. 3 LISTED AS WOUNDED 7" am farm-Uicomes, fall, fall, fall and rn psmiw rrom uie hhuiu nuui ' 3. Given the working man and woman a New Place. ' 4. Given every American a New Sense of Security. - 5. Raised the Standard of Living v ' for the American People, v 6. ' Made a Good Investment . by i Puttins Ita Faith in the Am- -eriean People. , Three Republican Administra tions watched the farmer sink dee per and deeper into the depression and did nothing about it ' The Republicans watched farm debts get bigger and bigger and They watched farm-prices, and reflects great credit upon hunself and upon the Army ait rorcea, S Sgt. Merntt s nome aaoresa Republican Administrations are run for and by City-business men. They are not run for the welfare Warsaw ior suineumc F1 1U1 " a,, V- a TP.. AA 4. A TlI ujtoa In, thA 1 JU1 U1B A1UC1U,CUI 4 MUlM ' oVee of the Warsaw Motor was proper help to restore farmCRATIC - FROM PRESIDKNT C?mp and wTs a member of the 2 Rr0dUC I g?- TOWNSHIP CON- w.UTi, uni,mtr Fire Denart- tion record in history! . I STABLE. i . v , experience and the world stature to qualify iuhv to represent this Nation in a world-wide movement to prevent world war III. ' Forty-four years of Democratic Control in North Carolina . finds this great State today in a favor ed and enviable position in the sisterhood of States. R. Gregg -Cherry as Governor will carry on, and forward the great traditions of his predecessors in this high office," and will add something to ' the edifice of service to the Citi- Izenship the Government renders " Its people..' 5.'V..:; ; It now behooves us to get out the largest Democratic Vote ever; tnereoy puttine our staim of an proval on the present Democratic Aoministration; to say nothing of the benefits that will enure to us ' during the post-war period. Government is the business of every Citizen not just those ser ving in the various offices. Every Citizen should take a part In the Election on November 7, because it is the most important election ever to be held during the history of our Country, i - GO TO THE POLLS NEXT TUESDAY AND VOTE DEMO- Warsaw ment Captured Beulaville Boy Now Reported Missing. ' Shree Republican Administra tions would do nothing effective to help the farmer, but one Demo cratic AOministrauon, Because ii A ,A.kAln thA fortnar waft) able to: '; - I. Three from this section are lis ted as wounded in an official re- nnm V Wot TVnnrtnMnt 1 ' - J T A I ten Aug. i, anu x hxcivcu .1 wu ,Ti(1odav Auff. 31. Mv mail certainly messed up, but mayhe 1 wiu get it an some time. Keep hoping every day J Mr. and Mrs? Chesley Williams received a telegram this week from the War DejMUtment advis- 2 ing them that their son, worman, was missing. Several months ago he was reported missing ana later found to be a prisoner of the Japs. A few weeks ago an American boat or submarine torpedoed a Japanese ship carrying prisoners of war. At the time the Americans did not know the boat fas loaded with war nrisoners. As the boys began to Jump into the water the Jans shot and killed as many as " . . 11.il sn possible, ine report goes tnai 00 1. Raise farm income to parity. 1 li rl i ft 1 t e c.i lorn :rr No. 5. To 1 r'i'iirf;. ' ' -u rf vi., - 1. In I i r 1 t a e f r solute title to rei.1 estate free ot and Pfc. Henry H. Lee, son of Mrs. iS-.wer and 1 "ei 1 r :t t".e JSarah LCc, ot Kt. 1, ueep w ... .. . I . It . 1 r tl, tVlk riii. t I 1 J In- j, All uiree wt-ic huuiium m "'t 1. sit i r--- t H ccwtl- TI3 Gr. Willie R. Bostic. son of1 uot to land and are now back with Edd Bostic. Rt. 1. Warsaw; Pvt. McArttiur's men. Norman was not Harold R. Jonesson of Mrs. Ellle among the 83. R. Jones, Kt. l, seven springs; ' Cut farm debts, interest rates r and farm taxes. ' , i, - T- 1 ' . t 1 ' Reclaim milltons of farms; so that the American farmer rvuilrl make this Nation the 7 best-fed Nation, with the best i' M Armv In the world, de- spite the dislocations of , this - greatest 01 au wars. , Think back of existing local con ditions in 1932 - banks breaking all over the County business men going broke homes being fore closed school teachers having to go home without being paid . jur ors serving without getting their , tees - rarm produce selling for al most nothing. Do we wish to go back to this? For the want of a Vote a pre cinct may be lost, " , ' ' For the want of a precinct J a ' ; County may be lost, Fof the want of a County ' State may be lost, : For the want of a State a Coun- try may be lost.. . t l 8 t -itt . t V" r (if f I II 1 . f f if Vi. --l. If f 1, S'i' U I i tt t ' 1 v ' i y l.i i 91 -t "a t r-Ml VAHSAW COY :c::vz3 citation On Ort 2. 1944 Maior General ' '.V Ct inn ndinR, C, L. Chennault 1 r. f .ilowina from Head- I a rf thfl Kmi'tAf-nth Air WARSAW BOY NOW , AT-GREAT LAKES rvnvnnd J. Dunn. 21. of Route 2, Warsaw is now receiving his initial indoctrination training at the U S. Naval Training Center, at Great Lakes Illinois. ; : When his recruit training is completed he will be granted a period of leave. The American farmer must have hi. Government working for him, not aeainst him. So his cnoice is clear. ' " .-' Elect the Adnunistra tion that knows how to protect the Nation in War and Peace! Lasting reace -... . . Lasting Jobs! Th miestion is: In the present world situation, who is. the best mm for the iobT if vnu were hiring a man ior a Job,' what would you consider? His experience ana juaiu.-uuiw, urmildn't vout .. v. . In electing a President of the United States to serve during-one of the trreatest crises in woria nis tory the jn-M-rt cr,"''f'"'"itior "TWELVE LONG VEARS" " The Republicans for twelve long years ' -Have shed, their coatg and skim and tears To tell their comrades how they feel Regarding Roosevelt's New Deal For twelve long years they'v. . Plead for votes ' But never mention nine cent -' oata. - -They say "This New Deal el '.if: is rotten." But never speak of four c- t - cotton. - ......... ,.1 " 1 j