V 4) I! il ! I V i i (.V .'jr.'' 5 ?. I t 1. 12 KSNANSVtf L E , NORTH CARrOUNA FRIDAY; DECE: Imt. 1944 "5. V J -a "1 Lee Crown says going t i but now out of dan It . ; j; t ft Kma on bis boat : received ft scratch. The following is a portion of a letter from Ensign Lee E. Brown, UoNR, to his mother, Mrs. C J. 1 l own in Warsaw. Lee was a Btu - c' nt at State College and the Uni versity of N. C, where he took his V12 training before going into ac tive service. . - i: tTio atar -roaAa In nnrt: NOV. 3. im - - . Just before off watch we rowiwd a message saying we could disclose in general what we- 'va hoon rininff for BO lonz. WeH, please don't let it worry you but we Have Deen laKing pan in me invasion of the Philippines. (Leyte Iiihsnd). Tomorrow we should be back where I can mail this letter. "Mother, it was quite an exper ience and certainly one I will nev er forget, Although things were pretty well planned it did not keep the enemy from fighting: Our stay in Leyte Gulf, (the place of invasion) lasted for several days Biil we (this ship) are certain of knocking down at least two Jap planes, one a N medium bomber. 1 when going to the beach, we were under enemy fire and continued to be for at least half of every day w remained. However, not one man aboard this ship even recei vml an miirh as a scratch. From the iuwa w r- i tfn nun Liiiiiifa acciii lu I could tell you more about it but guess this is about all that is per- uus&auie at prc&eiii. s iiow ivioiner, uon t start worry ing auuui we uecttue nt aimgns, KINSTON "RED UCHT" DISTRICT HNALLY, . , (From Kinston Free Press) ' ' . Five . houses in . the segregated . vica aisincc in iv ins ion were ior juay ciuir ft uesuay j Ml ween uiu uie jiey luimu over to tatiei' u um n. caurcnui unoer ine it:toner ciosinu oraer signed. by uuire Clawson i Williams, it wtu ivpoi ied. i he nouses were those i irr ' CCO C FA:LTor.::T AAA QUOTAS OVEXS cits f ;x7.ot;cn Flue-cured tobacco fers fail- the AAA, t ranK rama r C, Dept. of Agriculture finds. Basing his figures on the number of acres reported to the triple-A producers and comparing them with acreage quotas set up for flue-cured growers for 1944, Par- i IA ihn ahnrtapp Was 8 XXV cvt, the quota being 722.000 acres, and the piamea acreajse y.vw. Fieured on the average of 1,000 pounds per acre, failure to meet SlmtaA wnnnooo million. n..o tnhaom from -reaching JJUUilua w - tha marKei. 11 soiu ai " of nroducers more than $22,000,000. "i iha December The flue-cured allotments ior hi 94V-and i8 th the Infantry 1944. Parker asserted, were nearly t2fLS.5. 25 percent higher tnan in - i SGT. GEORGE E. M1IXEB yh of Mr. and Mrs. George W. so Miller, TH5HTY .WHITE MEN itn f 02 INDUCTION novwzm 29th . FAISON MAN GETS PU-rLE HEART t ur Tflncr nn erf Mr. UyJ ir. tiuchnnd of MrS. :neiuir "jus, ., . lEvaian M. King, has ey.16" I awarded the Purple Heart Medal ' ' ...i ii. n.,A wAAivtvi in action Thft lollowlne group 01 wiuie ior wuuuuo -v c,tQMi men Tlef t9 KenanfviuTfor Ft. Bragg 'agamst the Japanese on the island tnr induction into the Armed For-! of "An guar. ,,,.. cv nn WpdnVsdkv- v King was with tne ist wu As o weanesaay. wtL niv-einn when they inva- Edmond Gooding Edwards, Roy ded the Jap-held Palau group of Auont Kpnnpdv Walter Leon idanris sno miles east ol tne rnu Wade, Ashley Columbus Thompson 'jppines. . t f Thurman L-ee wnaiey, ivoy ) Houston, John uawara juareaay, . Lafollette Quinn, Adell Qumton Henderson, Elmer Ode 11 .Harper, Edwin Miton Sloan, Hallie Lee Mobley, William Morris Sloan, Roe James, and Buren Urah Brin- kiey.- V ,;,: . -: - -C' K RC Slockholdei-s Will Meet here Dec.Pth X ilt? lCHOIIBTiV ' " dit Association, which makes agn-; cultural loans to tarmers in Dup lin County, will hold its; eleventh annual meeting in thP Kenansville High School Auditorium Saturday, December 9, 1944. at 10:30 A- M Garland P. KiitR, Secretary, an nounced this week. , "At this meetjng," Mr. King ' coid "turn dimeters will bo elected by the stockholders." t "We are expecting a large- at tendance," Mr. L. P. Wells, presi dent of the association, stated. "There is always a great deal of iA.Aof ' In rum . nnniml mpetinfzs. Ill n 1 1. V ww " i. - navtimiliirlv In th rpnort on the 111 iivuiui.; - - I operations and accomplishments or our association aunng me prece ding year," '-rs Mr. Wells also pointed out that the Kenansville Production Credit luliitinn la a cnnrvpm tivp credit organization which makes short- tArm McrnciiiTiirni nnns on an types of farming and is owned and controlled by the farmer-members of the association. WARSAW BOYS IN SERVICE , , niann Rmam snn of Mrs. C J. Brown, has been with the Navy in the South Pacific for 30 months, was recently promoted to Motor Machinist Mate lt H. G. Best, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Best, of Rt. 1, Warsaw, was promoted to SISgt. recently. He has been with the Army in Aus tralia for 18 months. WINS FRAISE -! ( Bert ' Batchelor, known by thousands, and sympathized with and loved by aU who knew him, lr bnrted i Muddy Creek. BY . B. GKADY - S Sunday afternoon at 3 p. m. in a Kinston Hospital the grim reapet removed from this earth a crea ture who was probably one of we most individual and unique chai acters ever to live in Duplm Coun ty. He waff 46 year old Bert Batchelor of Beulaville. ' . . ; : n t." mnro. nr IpSS. the town pet He was known probably -faid'Dr'. Norris be pallbearers. j Monday, aiiernoon Presbyterian Chapel at r.u 3J Creek, Bert's remains were carried . by Dr. Norris, Ransom Mercer an Iu Da., fitAnhnn Smith Dreach- "ed his, funeral and: he was laid away to rest in the church ceme tery nearby; Thus nds the career of the "most missed"' man In Beu laville. . i . - ' 1 ' 1 " ,V PROMOTED IN jTALY IIOIOUII " i r-..lh..nllA trvf manv vparfl DaSt WINFRED GARLAND BAYNOR N() matter where you stopped in naiiinviiip. nctore you bh w" Bert would be seen approaching Pfc. William H. Southetland, son of Mr. Alex H. Southerland. of RL a m-wr 11 1.- Imam PlMMnttM A ' town pet He was Known proimui j, vvaiiace, im kcu by moTe People ot? . thr rank. of, S L?Z I'i person in Limestone lownsiut,., a squaa icauei -"r He was known, not only by the , Bull" Division of Lt. Gen Mark folkT to Limestone but by every W. Park's Fifth, Army in Italy. . norsnn who ftad occasion W nicontlv Mrs. Lillian Kaynor, D,,ta Rpiiiaville. receivea a UKES OURPAPEMI Nov. 18th 1944 oi twuue a, v-" i He in his innocent and pumDie , ne iiu -i,-,. letter from her son, Sllc w't nwnnerwould put his arm around , Kenansville, North Carolina. Garland, Raynor. and init was r, would pu out-DearSir,' . Tnun1 alftr. a letter of praise to young Raynor from his Commanaing Officer. . ... .s The letter Irom tne as follows: . . , it R S 1 .RT 738 CIO Fleet Post Office ' San Francisco, Calif. 27 October 1944 From: The Commanding unicer tTo: RAYNOR, Winfrea uariana, "t ., SIC. K34 If U, uan. Subjects-LEYTE INVASION, " PHILIPPINE ISLANDS John Abner Smith, Jr., Joseph Hivonhnrlt. Ralnh Kennedy. James William Bonham, James Daniel ,T',tt. . Alvin Swinson, Leamon is . - " " . . ...rlie' WatUS operatea by Matue tsuuer, Annit -mmmmmnrxxy Brown, Lee Troy ceiie uiartc, jane Parker, Pad w atson, Raph bumner, ana jo- ianusion ana neDecoa irice. xnot.pn iamer wui remain closed until .Nov. Jtx, unoer tne consent judgment wnicn was signed in superior court In October. . - 1 ne order also provides for sale of tne property under approval oi tne court no prospective buyers nave Deen submitted to the court, however, despite rumors to the ef fect they were to be sold when Vie judgment was entered.' Some ouservei s believe the nouses will not be sold until the city condemns ine property and converts it to outer Ufess. . :.. No action has ' been taken against alleged operators of two onipr hmisna .in that district- Grace Coleman and J&ry Gibson wno are in ouier siai.es. , iney have never been located for ser vice of civil restraining order,the bncriif said. . . nrtn AtMIC CrVi!ft3 t il 1 Mrl Fred fiavlnr received )et- ',ters from her son, Bobby Gaylor, PRESENT "LENA RIVERS'-; S lie, staUng that he was back in . , , ' - oft. nnrticinatimr in the in- . ' w 1QAd t ' vasion of -the Philippines. Also she On December the 8tn,tlsWJ heard from her son,, Fred Jr., US- X i . : t - ' i8 00 o ciock p. in. uus " ivwj, ana was iniormea uii s ' " " V V ... Ftuiavllle HiEh School will pre-, in -.. eamn 't - BSbCTvm"i ils annual play, r.r .,115 Brock, ecu lavern aneppara,t . , to th stage this year c . MrBnrt Mrs R pj. yuui oiiuiuuc : . . -m,nh tnr vmi in unnprstana uiat he wanted a "nickel." No, he wasn't a beggar. He was a poor, weak-minded . person who never knew what envy, malice or hard fpeliner was. He never thought an t tkn .. Hnm 1 own anu X HUM, W. 1 " . County news so very much, the reason I haven't been receiving my paper for some time is because it was not Air Mail. Will you send it Air MailT Check and how much it will cost, unuil A nave iu evil thought. He loved everyone, 'lttr know as he knew how to love, and every, renew the Pf P"5 u LIST MCnSMAMES AND ADP."ISSS OF DUPLIN LOYS IN SL1VICE hrinpff to the Stage this year ,nn-nf Mr and Mrs. R. D ' Lena Rivers". Ned Alberts moo- jJohnson( Sr-.- of Warsaw, who has ern dramatization oi y - been at Camp Lejeune was recen- nuiiiicra . i"1"' r . .. . i v iransierreu ill wunnui.ii. , i t hi. L IIOSPITAU .) -- Hit in his rirM I h bv machiiie run bul . , e rar.j;ing his rllle s on anuUier Nazi inachine t wxr i:nst, 5 '. David . "ttc, 21, of ' w, is i "Win" j at this U. S. Ar-y ' ' 1 in England. i t , Purple Heart and . C- , . at Infantry I.Ici- broken all records throughout the years, first as ;a novel then an play, ana iaier o Sntil it finally made new records as a talking picture. . , i.J YnaA tR- noveL you will remember curling up in your where he will take his officer's training. .::: ; 1 Sgt. Bill Taylor, Jr.,' son" of Mr. and Mrs. W4 E. Taylor, of War saw, has returned to Tyndall Field, Panama City, Fla after a 10 days furlough with his parents. Mrs. Metta tsonev ureene nau a arm. chair ana aiternaieiy , - -- ---- h"han qj A! inlaanf S Rivers W 'QFtUv, OiiBrt enSlS In1.f Beulaville are In 5 months. He write that he is briTngingStorstoy to yoTagain. ; in Burma and Is 0. K. but work- sure to sea th"production of a Mng hard. story you can never forget. . . The admission is muy , ,i r T I unie. Jane Dyr ErSe-dTOSaeniol Little Mary Jane Byrd, ' Infant ted to atte"d"i?evf toTnt daughter ofMc and Mrs. James E, promise it will be time well speni. s Warsaw died Wed- PlL, nof andWrthe word ne'sday" Fnneral s7rvices were held one who does not . admit tne woru ' . h . , m p.ne. 2S!S: iSSS y' in Warsaw, District Sanitary Inspector Closes Number Of Cafes . t. 1 .. very tat; . ict now i'7 and 1 thn dj. .i s i.i 1 ;-(! 1 lea ' 'i Oi a, I.l-t r . t:!i.atic r'". s (' ( i !'.;( r: I, i ) r is ' i ! r l , ette Is makir"i a ry recovery, lie is .' ;ppf wHh ninny of , i ward. r of a 12-man baz , and Trown au- i, I t. 1 .i.tt'e 1 v in t e I 1 , i c' i i t ! a i. of- lin B ' Ouinn 346638900 Sec Co. 3a0th Inf. APO 35 QO PM isew .York, N. X. ' f c tlnn W tjinmtan 14012658 100U1 Q. M. CO. APO 447 CIO PM wew York, . x. , Pvt Harry J. Williams 346638- 9 Btry C. o4Yth A. A. A. Bn , APO boi C0 P. M. " New York. NY. Pvt. Thurman A. Jernigan ; 34964C84 Co. A. 119th Int. APO 30 QO P. M.. New York. FISct. C. B. Jernfgan 63801108 3407 Ord Co. tMM) IQ) APO 578 CIO P. M. New York, N. Y. - Sgt. S. II. Jernigan 6972076 . APO 15107 CIO P, M. New York, N. Y. , . Pvt. Goo W. Sullivan 34203751 M. D. 167th Gen. Hosp. Com. 2 E. T. O. APO 562 C0 P. M, New York, N. Y. , - , Hedrn Fair, Win, Two CIO FPOcare San f rancisco, CuiJ.' , , Kir uiViniohnnrtpn" coneratU' lations-are extended to you for the -lrlM manner In which VOU ful- BU1C1IU1U - . " . f;ii niiT- Hiitia dnrine the SUD- 1111CI, J w... w ject mentioned invasion. You truly lived up to the American Spirit in coming "Back With Mac." 2. You, as an Individual mem- K f fa nw nf thp LST 738. vrcj. - wt -, . deserve all the praise that goea in to the" Navy's phrase, "WellTtone -. . . .Tnhn T. Rarnett ' s Commanding Officer Young Raynor is but 19 years old. His picture appears above. In Memory Ot r.ly Son ' First Lieutenant i. D. Blmmons who lost Us life In the fighting In Italy on the 16th day of February 1944. - ' If I could have my dearest wish fulfilled, u..-l I Take my choice of earth treas- ures too, ' n Or choose from Heaven whatso : ever I would, Dear son, I'd ask for you. Alive and well, full of ambition one who ever came in contact with him felt a warm heart Deal on we inside. . - - ' s ' rto.r't mili)n't make a livinB , He V - - was not a derelict, he was not ev en a burden on his community, ne always wore a srmie ana iur reason sent a warm feeling Into the heart of everyone who came in contact with him Yes, Bert did his best in life, he probably taught many, a person the qualities of humbleness. -' trio JostK iwsnltMl from an OD- eration in a Kinston hospital-the cost of which ran pretty high. The nannio nt Rpulftvilla knew Bert had nothing so they made up a purse and paia an oi nis nospiuu uui .--m iM Thpv'nnid some -over a i hundred dollars and no doubt they will pay tne Daiance. rnree years Deiore e uu uc l cm. " f t ' J . i a will thank you and and send thai sum. -w 1 : . - " ' Everything is u. k- oown u way, and I wish au ine iouui - there, A Merry Amas ana py New Year. - i Cpl. S. E. Parker 34307176 Btry C. 316 F. A. Bn. APO 81 CIO P. M. . San Francisco, Calif. ' 1 4 new h:::des Mr. and "Mrs. Willis WUson recently- received a letter from fc. ..t son, Pvt Bill Steele Wilson, saying that he was in tl. New IlebridVs. and had recently m up wiu. v. Gib" Buck, also -of Warsaw," I the two had dinner together. W has been across about 3 years, one of the , ""t lu "T" closed; One Cafe reopened; Three towns Inspected;,. Others being Inspected to . day." .;-;' v District Sanitary Inspector, Jes ie Canady of Fayettevllle,. accom- !j k,. .nnntv annitarv lnSDeC- HUllll'U uy w.i. .j v .- i Waters this week have inspected a number of cafes ana kntnt, iiinw voars neiore ne iuu ucic, quested that Rev. Stephen Smith, Warsaw " . Frp'e Will Baptist Minister of Beu- , . - ' . ; UleV-preacri his funeral. Bert When" n go-getter gets going, didn't even know what lt was to thegoing is believe be a member of the church. Also v There are ft?" ""f" he requested that Ransom Mercer that a schi l m factory. New-Board County Commissioners Will Take Oath Of Office Monday t?v offiMrs wUl be sworn intov.Gowen. a foregone inclusion. office on MonX. December 4 Other of ficers tobe sworn U After hPinir sworn in. the board; are: Register of Deeds, Albert 1. witnW JZt andppCssa ' Vou We that' g ff5SSfSS3i tinier Sf. aSr' of Wu inn now hnnrrt Will De IO ntuuc saw t "-- SUPERIOR COURT rrtMvrNES DEC. 11th COUNTY COURT DEC. I8:gtfifgn W ved your B. S. degree diploma in my hands and threw your arms around me and salV " -Well Mom,' ' after four years of hard work and many happy hours, heltis,andamIhappy.Nowif I just could go on and live the normal life that you and I . honest lv believe I am entitled to Sould be glad and happytoo. But another voice nas caneu, But some uay "" v.. be over, then I hope to tore that life now tnai can jici . M Mr Dear . Son t you have,' lost vour life, given your all in this I Warsaw re- cornmenCe Monday, Dec. ' awful that X.? .iTjUth has been cancelled: The second, vjou ha "WJ1 dear 01 nf frrairt R. V. Wells sta ted this week-that the first term of a two-week term of Superior Court for trial of civil cases, sche-, ' markets in Faison and Warsaw re sulting in lour cares mung "r4lh naa been canceiiea. ine secunu, - -and one - market. They .-visited : "k. term wiu begin December great "Ji10 Sr. o"frt ht found no market or- JK"! riawson L. Wll-I boy and' I know you ha I ; i 1 ! T r t a .,-.. n t Pvt Forrest h. I T rtin, USMCR, U. S. N. Hi , 1, Ward No. 10, New lUver, N. C, W. S. Martin S 21c Box (1) IT. S. S. fc-t.iifard D. K. 411 C0 E TO V n Francisco, Calif. . Cpl. J'Ph T. Grady S1l73.r.67 Co. I). 12lst. M-d. i;n. Al'O 716 C.O P. M. i'an l runci:co, Calif. 11th with Judge Clawson L. liams of saniora presituuK- County Court will convene Mon day December 18th.- TO NEW'.YO&: ; Mrs. A. Brooks of Brook s uepi. t l?nlnn tha nnlv two CBieS were inspected and found to be be low the lowest graae anu i u. One is reported already completely n-modcling and preparing to meet nil Knnirnrv renuireniems. In Warsaw the E & W Cafe and' 'Warsaw left last Friday the LPKion Cafe were closed. E & . , e. N Y k City Where V HM.Hrtril-W iwuaj v - r - afttr mPilnff certain reauiremetits - a " . llll'f I1C W UClVlinv"i'v. w and making arrangements to bring, , . t ahmtmas Merchandise thP raf( to a too rating. Also in ... . t,!,. .tut. that the new . . . . at:.. . t .. i . , . tuoo .- vnriw boy and I knowyou w where ail gooa ooys ru. more and more as time goes on, and in, Oh so many way. It is so hard for me to carry on without you dear, so hard, so very hard. No one living knows how its been, none but God and me. untk ,. holn nf C.nA I believe TV Jill WM5 t I shall be brave and strong enough eotlng certain requirements new Shandise, including; ,,Aht g5, TM?r? so kinglrrangements to bring, gr g ggg", Merchandise, wou f want me to do , To. .were so c: it. ro. i; 'aiiip Pvt "1. f r-.i c I ,.1.,-r 41011076 ! l. 1. 1 icegi. , T r ,!tpr. aiofO 1 l-,f. Al'O PI CIO I ( . : i i , n, Culif. '1 r A wnrsnw me v-njr (merchandise is aireauy ucguinun clo- 1. . to arrive. She will return Dec. 8th. '1 1 is afternoon Mr. Canady went 10 r "ve' , t-vrnllnn. nnrl DQ WO P( tO WPSS I . VV. J. .."ODLLION, Jib, tZCOVES AWARDS A no.4- ol VPfl this week from Ivtrs. W. J. Middleton, Sr., of Wil mington reads as follows: .., -.. . V17 .T Mirtdlfiton. Jr.. on this trip to com-: has recently received frorn wasn to Wallace and as we go to press hive heard no reports rram urae. r:r. Can;idy made special compli r nt.nry remarks on the cafe in i. .lansviiie which has developed a v , Ir. reputation as being one of t ; 1 1 m and most sanitary in this gri't inn. ilv stated that he did nr,( l..ivp time t a f 5 t.'t i nr ! ( te-l n f. , t 1 t c f ' V ( 1 , : t c ri-irtv anl !e riil. ire 1 .-ft. 1 to 1 e ; ',(1 c"i til-1 ite a ton, r!.i"T 1 . War S. A t' "A ) (t 11 " a 1 c c siTvh:o Vi" 1 t Ilarin . ) t 1 1( r t!.i v f..e.i;trir.'i' nr., certineates !c War .ov.e i . 11- service m I ;,) 1' t V;t Cf.i n f ! O- .'ie U. 3. i.ior f.t war area in . lie is still in 1 overyeno of us if. It rf- I , ,) t ) H ) ill- brave and courageous, My, Dar- MOT. ulllnrf nntn! The above Was nrlfan hir MM. Minlll KIlTIIIlOIlS of the Outlaw's linage jommun-; SHC? NOW!, MAIL ICOVI "We urge everyone to buy now, mail in November and mark gifts 'Do not open until Christmas'." such is tne urgent request 01 me Postal Service. And if the request ii f .Suwed it n- ns that the acl "c you F-re 1 rioting will raeh ye-'i in t i cf lime for a - y l ' - 1, . and ine snme ai ti tin. expecting that lovii.,; remornbiance from you. .. ..f.;,. . ; LOCALS Mit! Adell Brown has returned to f-,."'k, Va. after .vWt'mg her fam 7 1 " in I --"-svi'ila. T. i i T ,i. J. I.. Tltclier ef I'.' 7 "XT' v. ,Jt- . i . ,' f " If " "' - : a, I jr --rtf v Jr "' ' - 1.'. ",. . . '" am ' -. iJ. C, f f rt te v ;l , , . 1 ( ! .1- i t r ni'i; r, l-,Us. J.