I . . ( J lutt.ULIkiik ;UD TEAM-3.; 'VVJi 1 T- ! - - . ADBONISTRATRIX NOTIC Having this day qualified as ad ministratrix of th esUte of Louis Gaston Westbrook, late of Duplin County. North Carolina, this is to notify all parsons having claims against this estate to present them, duly verified, to the under signed on or before one year from data of the last publication of this notice or this notice win be pltad in bar of their recovery. All per sons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment This the 4th day of November, '1044.; , Mattie Westbrook, Administratrix Louis Gaston Westbrook estate. H. E. Phillip. Attorney, U-15-6L HEP , NOTICE STATU OF NOETH CAROLINA V COUNTY OF DUFIXTf. - IN THE SUPERIOR COURT . ' RUFUS C MATEWS VS " MARY LANE MATHEWS. The above entitled and named defendant will take notice that an action as above named, has been commenced in the Superior Court of Duplin County, State of North rfniina- hv the Dlaintiff to se cure an absolute Divorce irom me defendant on the grounds of two years separation, next preceding the, filing of the complaint That the defendant will further take no tice that she is required to appear before the Clerk of the Superior ; COMPLETE - - Tire Service New Tires Used Tires Ecttcries The government hcs reUcisd fjrcdi A truck rubber for use on passsrxr rcccpx. pi ben Strett (.w K cnsAT'- -1 A t r ' 'XlvSSa 3 Ms Nf. Court of Duplin County in the Courthouse in nenansvuie, r. nn hofrwo th IRth 1V Of DeC- mlmr 1UA and answer OF demur to the complaint of the plaintiff mea in saia acuon, or on or oeiurc the 8th day of January 1945, or ha nlalnttff will HIDlV to the Court for the relief demanded in the complaint This the 14th day of November. 1944. . . R. V. Wells, Clerk ofthe Superior Court Duplin County. ,. . 12-15-4t LAW ' - ' ' '' NOTICE OF SUMMONS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT ' ; -NORTH CAROLINA , PUJPLIN COUNTY , ; , i MATTHEW K. BRADS HAW ' ... VS ' " t '.' , RUTH BRADSHAWJ : The defendant, Ruth Bradshaw, will take notice that an action . CXUUU wa ' -- Imenced in the Superior Court of mmiin 1 iiinrv nonn uarouna. uj the plaintiff against the above HnuH itofpndant for an absolute ilhimoa nn th OTrMinflll of adultTV! and tne saia aeienaani nuui sniu- shaw, wul runner -taxe notice fli. otia ! raniilrml to BODear at the office of the Clenk of the Su perior Court of said County, in the Courthouse at Kenansville, North ramiina nn th 19th iav of Dec ember, 1944, and answer or demur to the complaint, wnicn nu inn aay been mea in saia omce, on or before the 12th day of January. 1943, or the plaintiff will apply to tne court xor me reuei orananuu to the complaint - . Tttla Nniamhw Ihth 1041. R. V. Wells, Clerk Superior Court U-13-M. K. JJ. -. ' ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE . Having this day qualified as ad ministratrix df the estate of James T. Wallace, late of Duplin County, North Carolina, this to no tify all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned, duly verified, on or before one year from date of last publication of this notice, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. ' . AH persons indebted to said es tate will please make immediate c:: rtiAfit) s v - - settlement This the 24th day of November, 1944. Un Garland Wallace. ' ' ; Administratrix James T.I . Wl Him mntmtm H. E. PhlUlps, attorney. - ' v 1-Mt E E. P. b I T fTT"l (INTENDED FOR LAST WEE) -, . I Tfia urlM of dimNum m tHa I flhiiMk hImmI Ci.Mr1n mam.!.. ! UIU1WI MWCU UUIiUCJ llMIIUlf , with Rev.- Aubrey Todd doing the preaciung. .anere were iour aoxu tions to the Church membership. Rabbi J. Gerson TolochkQtff the Goldsboro Synagogue was guest speaker f or th the Youth FeUow- snio meeunf sunaar niirbt Mr. and Mrs. Richard Taylor an. n ounce th birth of a daughter on November 23rd. . . -. ... - bgt. Robert J. Field recently visited hi wife and baby. - rothy Outlaw spent Thanksgiving . We wlU buy Pe.a .ct tt'J!i IVcrj house in. Wallace, ft C. en t''f-II-v.Ir.j cans to us and be auured cf z-''3 h!!.sst dote: Thursday December"21;X.in3 your Pe cash price. , i ' - Thb U our 19th year In the pecan bzlr.tti. This market sponsered by !.!; Item C-b cf Wallace. , . x d. Youwa, i::cf rlsrericivSrC. I " - a tMttMMWtw','" 4 L. 'Pine Pt:!pvcoJ Urcntlyi; Needed Jn-WcrBuortV' Tc!;3 cJr.:.r3a' t! f. l p lr 23 .?vr:.Mn- I "A 1 with the home folks. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Nicholas and Dennis Nicholas spent the week-end with Miss Rachel Out law. - aii Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Sutton vis ited relatives in Kinston Sunday. Mr E rj Outlaw of Golds boro spent the week-end with Mr. and m urovw .uncs. . . -ifra. J. Rnbart Jonea and babv are spending this week with Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Jones in uover. RusseU Outlaw, USN, spent a few davs her with his parents. Mrs. Nora Malpara and boys vis- iiA M mrkA Mm W It Mtmr U.MrfMA ' .' fflMj&V UJC Mr , aiul Urc Alton Barnes of Lucoma visited her mother, Mrs. Mlaa Miirina Outlaw Trtttn Man-1 - ley uuuaw or a.i; ana itoger uraay or kaii, spent tne nouaays at home. Mrs. Eva Rouse of Llddell spent several days last week with h"r dair-. '-"L? .r. ano. ' L. i-w. LMij and Jose- i. rlng ampng v " anJ La-s, .', 1 1 1 j c ye:; ct t: s "5 f M F. ALLEN JR. , " General' Insurance : KENANS VILLE.N..C KlsNANSVlLLE'S ONLY INSURANCE AGENCY MrB..W. C.Kornegay is visiting "relatives nere. Miss Essie Mae Outlaw spent the week-end with th home , folks. . Hardware . -and 1 Farm Implements .ALL!3-CIIALV.:.7S TCACTC.S rvr-a r.Ti.riNa. paints. 1 3. ixoi caxs. :rr FAm ijacttinest, 'JAa,i AND lJPAUJ Ccrne la See Us 1iA:j:vAn2 cc.v.?at4Y i Fair x. prioas aad atDpct Job W H n. a V; A A & ..- If - 1 I 1 II" II HEY Tltl.vEi cor that Xmns a iff net ' f . them a year's subscription AT FIRST SIGN OF A n poW PnpaxatioBi at directed first choice of thousands 1 zxz'.va la needed Caution, Uu Only u Dlracfia .''Auction: Salle-;,' Every. Thursday. Wallace : Livestock , Yards ":: 7?.!lace !; ; r ft .- TO-DEI.IQTTF.NT TAVPAIT:' ' . - CF MAGNOLIA: You had better kcb Julco Hon, and settle your back taxes at oik or me or my lawyer will Jump o yon wiiiv ooin leei. W.E. DZLA?;Cf 12-17 4t ' FCH SALE" SASH - DOCSS - ; SHIETOCK - TAINTS cz,i:i TILE TE"nA COTTA F.TZS " CLASS - U.V.: CELViZMT DoiS F LASTLY ASPHALT SHiriCLES Ar.'D ALL Kir:DS Cr roll cpcr:::3 MB W VtmJ awi ui . . VcIJaea, f 4. C. 1 "3P,'( V ,V d. "1: 3