V 1 o T O )0 Y , -. - e VCLU.V.S 13 ".; la CO C::d ' WITH THE 38TH DIVISION . ON CABALLO ISLAND The Americana always beat the Japs in the Olympic games And ' on this tiny isle the Yanks also won in a dash for a hilt -when lives and not trophies were at An assault squad of the 151st Infantry including Pfc. Felix T. Heath, of Kenansville, North Caro lina, although pinned down for a short time by machine gun fire, raced to the ton of the plateau, ahead of a Jap patrol by ten min utes Automatic fire came from a tunnel which was neutralized by a TNT filled satchell charge when the Yanks took the mil. : ; ' Securing the hill paid off heavy dividends as the squad accounted for an. estimated thirty Japs. Three machine gun nests were also wiped out by the grourj of In fantrymen. ; l - j BAR man Heath accounted for nine of the enemy. . He is the son of Mr. ana Mrs. Felix T. Heath, Sr., of Route 1, Kenansville, and now holds toe Combat Infantry Badge, Asiatic Pacific ribbon with one campaign star and the Philippines Libera tion ribbon with one battle star. Small Town Boys And Girls ' To Help Duplin Farmers ISO Boys and Girls Enroll as Victory Farm Volunteer, j Farmers Needing This Labor ' Place Request With EJchard 1 ' Plekett. . ' ' One hundred and thirty boys and glrla living in Duplin County towns and villages have enrolled as Victory Farm Volunteers in even white and four ofred schools, stated ' Richard Pickett, r.mi Tjihnr Assistant, of the county asrenfs office These boys. and girls are onenng weir wis- Mice to farmers ior vanou tt-k. Most of them having had no perienc will be given training. need of help of such nature that these school age boys and girls can do may place their request with the Farm Labor As- . sistant at the county agent's office who will be glad to refer them to the nearest group. Following is a . list of schools and number enrolled- ' . WHITE: BeulavHle, 15; Falson, 14; Kenansville, 17; Magnolia, 10; " Rose Hill, 18; Wallace, 8; and WCOlORED: Calypso, 8; : ville, 4; Magnolia, 8; and Wallace, 23. - s - - V" Women, Children Benefit : Under Social Security ctofonea"?!5 nobyWUxnir.gtonSo AI?.r,er of thousands of , through old age or death ol th .'. breao-wuuMw. - ' lick ot information often . re WfUefnU lobs WUU1 w card mTy be omKined free rSe ve a'coXttdenUaT statement of , .-.ji.. a hi. nr hpr aC- total wage cretuw count ' M NIW POINT VALUES L7FECT1VE NOW ' To glva American housewives T,"r.V."7o? civilian bse, during the rationing period begin- suamb i ..Ji-H Tim A 2 Ping April anu e.u trict Director said today. . n .ofiitrninir Dolnts to cull and " B. l A ty veal ana iamo iu i -"- 4 ess popular cum, uiut point vaues of more desirable cuts can be kept down, he explained Beef roasts and other beef cuts, . Anam fwm One tO tWO POUltS a wund, while most beef steaks are increased only a point and there is an increase of one to Jtwo rminta a nound for most cuts of lamb end veal under the new point vs. 'e schedule. Hamburger will re- m&ln the same at 0 points a pound he said Point values of margarine go up to twelve points a pound, a rise or A mints and eroi'D 1 cheese will i' ir nee to 12 rolnta, he said. 1 statements of poM r on c!:rti r ""'s' .1 ' J- ' ' U J:p:n::3S, Soldiers V LETTERS FROM V OUR SOLDIERS ; Arra 27. 1945 Editor, Duplin Times !i Dear Sir: ", , ' A few weeks ago I sent you two of. my poems. You were : kind enough to print them toyovf April 6th issue of the Duplin Times. At this time I have enclos ed three, I do sincerely hope that they also meet with your appro val -. J' -V'!' I have also recleved letters from your readers. Td like to thank each and every one ofjthem for taking such Interest I have enclosed self addressed envelope and stamp. Sincerely yours. Pfc. Wayman E. 899290 Std. Br. Jenkins Co. Hq. Bn M. P. C -Camp Lejeune, N. C P. 8. Editors Note: See Foets corner. . "Hi School Students Get Warning Atlanta, Ga. Major General F. E. UhX Commanding General, Fourt Service Command, today warned high school students and other youngsters against the practice ot marking "PW" on their clothing as a prank. "This is an extremely danger ous oractice." General Uhl assert ed. 'Military personnel, believing them to be Prisoners ot war, may shoot them if they do not halt when ordered to do so. "This oractice also hampers ap prehension of escaped prisoners of war." . . Beulaville Soldier Returns From Overseas Pfc. Linwood O. Williams who was reported missing in action on Feb. 27 was captured by the Ger mans and liberated on the 28th of March by part of his own division, the 69th. His parents were notified last week that he would return to the States inthe near future. So, on April 30th he landed at .home for a sixty day furlough. Williams is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Lester Williams and has two more brothers in service. Pfc Ed win R. Williams was - slightly wounded in action on April 4th and is recovering in an evacuation hospital in Germany." His parents have already received the,Purple Heart Another brother, Pic. Jul ius L. Williams is in a hospital in the Netherland East Indies where he has undergone an operation on his shohlder for a hurt he received last October. Both boys were get ting along fine when last heard from. BEULAVILLE SOLDIER GIVEN AIR MEPAL ' An Eifirhth Air Force Bomber Station, England. Sergeant Lar ry P. Bostic. 24 year old Beula vilie ball turret gunner on an mi Air Force B-17 Flying Fortress, has been presented the Air Meaal for "meritorious achievement during bombing attacks on Naj. military and industrial installa tions ana in cooperation wiin aiu ed aground forces The award was nresenteo dv uoionei uiaries o. Dougher of Wllkes-Barre, Pa commanding officer of the 94th Bomb. Group. Sat Bostic la the sob of Mr. am Mrs. S P, Bostic of Beulaville. Hia wife, Mrs. L. P Bostic alao lives fat Beulaville. He was a carpentet before enistingln the Army Air Force. PVT. BANKS RETURNS FROM OVERSEAS Pvt. Earl Banks, of the Outlaw's Bridge section, has arrived from overseas and is spending an 80 day furlough with his wife and son of Mt Olive, and his mother,. Mrs. Sudin Ranks of Cove CltV.. Pvt Banks was with Patton's 3rd army in Germany when wounded. He was- placed in a hospital there and later removed to Paris, from there to Eneland where he remained un til beinzsent back to the states. Pvt. F-nks wears the Good Con duct Medal, the Bronze Star and the Purple IIart. He win report to General Hospital, Meltlnney, --.?, for tw""' -."t at the exfir- l ! 1 1 1 ; I KENANSVILLE, NORTH hompson Announces $532,000 ; i Is Duplin -s 7th. War Loan Quota Dnve Will Start May 14th 1945 lArger Than Sill Drive; i Bond Quota $369,000; Jri V E Day Bonds Be 4 In Series" E; E Bonds Bought Now Counts in the Drioe. 'J. C Thompson of Wallace. chairman of the 7tH War Loan Drive in Duplin announced this week that the overall quota is.1 mmn "i? . ii1- -"iFS'li -S"0" ls- Mr. J. C. Thompson, Chairman Duplin County 7th War Loan Drive Wallace, North Carolina. Dear Mr. ThoouMon: Please accept my order for Beneflolery's name is Beneflciery's address is Chinquapin School Commencement Exercises Baccalaureate Service Sunday, May 6th at 4 P. M., in the school auditorium. Sermon by Rev J. V. Caae,-oa- tor of Rose Hill Baptist Church, Special music by the Seniors. Graduation on Friday Evening, May 11th at 8:15 p. m in the school auditorium. as a pari or me uraauauon exercises the Senior Clan will pre sent a Pageant "The Soldiers Dream1. This pageant presents certain aspects of military life and what our returning Service men would like to find in America alter the war. The idea of Community co operation economic social re ligious recreational and moral is brought out in the pageant, - The following is a list of the Seniors: James L. Bradham, Cecil Brown, Cornelius Dixon, Orlan James, Marshall Jones,Rivers Jones, Sam uel Lanier, James Earl Lanier, James Lee Lanier, Stacy Lanier, Jr., Johnny Quinn, Ernest Sholar, and R. B. Wallace Lena Gray Andrews, Julia Batchelor, Lois Brinson, Rowena Brown, Beatrice Cavenaugh, Katy Ellen Cavenaugh, Mary Virginia Cavenaugh, Frances English, Lou ise Jones, Christine Fountain, Shelby Fountain, Glendora Lanier, Lessie Mae Maready, Shefton Pad- gette. Frances Parker, Bernice Smith, and Cherry Williams. v Local Red Cross Worker Takes Course In Atlanta Mm. 1 Louise K Boney has re turned from Atlanta, Georgia, where she attended a two-weeks training course for Home Service Workers in .the American Red Cross. Mrs. Boney was one out of five in North Carolina who at tended this course and there are eight states . represnted in the Southeastern area. Mrs. Boney attended as Executive Secretary of the Duplin County Chapter. , WARSAW FAMILY v ARRIVE FROM THE v PHILIPPINES Mr and Mrs. Norwood Carroll and family arrived in Warsaw last Thursday to spend some time with his mother, Mrs. C. F. Carroll. Thp Oirrolls were in Manila with Liggett and Meyers Tobacco Co., when overrun by the Japs In 1942. Thev were in two dinerem concentration camps and were lib erated in Feb. Arriving in the states last week they came ny way of New York and on to Warsaw Thursday mornine. Mrs Carroll is from Durham ana win visit mere, MARINZS ASKING FOR DONATION OF SUPPLIES Mm Hnrvev Bonev is In re- ont nf a letter from Mrs. J. T. Little of Greenville., Chairman of Tar Heel Camp ana nospnai Council at Cherry Point. The let ter states that the following items are needed badly t Once and not later than Mav 10th - 1 60 checker boards and checkers, ff) or" " boartisi. CO sets flvm CAROLI HA FRIDAY, $532,000 or $37,000 more than the 6th drive quota. Series "E" bond quota is $369,000.. Mr. Thompson urges purchasers of. Series E to begin buying now as every bond sold from now until the 14th will count in the quota. As -a special incentive to get more E bonds sold the Treasury department will issue SDeda oonas tor v Day. Those bonds I bonds for V E Day. Those bonds (Tour Post Office) (Date) V Yours very (Your Name) Dr. Coding dcappointcd To State Highway donnicricn WARSAW MOTHER BE GUEST OF ARMY AT FORT BENNING, GA. Fourteen mothers of soldiers and WACs at Ft, Bennlns have ' been selected by lot to visit the G. V. Gooding or Kenansville as Army post there, ail expenses -State Highway and Public Works paid, as a special feature for Commissioner for the Third Dis Mothers' Day weekend, May 11- trict 13, it was announced by Brig. Gen. . mKt,i ' on William H. Hobson, Pos Common-. rl0' JTL. der. The mothers come from 12 dif- i ferent states including North Carolina, From the Tar Heel state will be Mrs. Atha Williams of Warsaw, mother of Pfc. Chester C, Williams, Co. A. Service Bn. 1 1st Student Training Regiment in the Infantry School. Y , : Duplin School Closings : Get Underway Sunday All schools in the county will Lbring to a close their commence ment exercises next., rnaay jnay 11th. Bacculaureate sermons will be held Sunday. In Warsaw tha sermon will be at 8:15 p. m. with Rev. B. E. Dotson of Mt Olive delivering the address. In Kenans ville the program will be held at the same hour with sermon ,by Rev. John R. Edwards.. Class night in Warsaw will be held Wednesday night at 8:15 and graduation exercises Friday night at the same hour. Lt. Governor L. Y. Ballantine will deliver the graduating address. . In Kenansville. graduation ex ercises will be held Friday night in the form of a Class Day way, PINK HILL CIVIC CLUB ' CELEBRATES ANNIVERSARY WITH LADIES Dr. H. A. Edward, presiaea; Jesse A. Jones of Klnston de livered Principal address; 200 persons attended. . Jesse A. Jones, Klnston attor- ney, was the principal speaker at the annual ladles' night banquet of the Pink Hill Civic Club in the schoo gymnasium lasi rnaay nlcht. Dr. H. A. Edwards, presi dent presided. Nearly 200 persons attended. A review of the pro gress during the past year was a Kicrhiicht of the Drofixam. Jones lauded the work of the club and Wini-ed it was an instrument through which the ideals ior which our service men are-fight- ing. decks' pinocle cards and 350 pock et size books.' ' -v : ' Anyone having any of the above they wish to donate to Cherry Point are asked to leave them at the local Welfare building tmme- diately. ' "... MAY 4th., 1945 will be inscribed "V E Day Bonds" and will be dated as of that day. Any one wishing to have a special V E Day bond may make application, now and it will be de livered at that time. Below is a coupon you may clip and mail to mtvj j u Thompson in Wallace U you desire one of these special Donas: 1945 E DAY BONDS. The truly, aTs ?&r'itrilra!ra!ri!riifikri!rartfrt!raFtir4rtpt Governor Cherry Announced Appointments Monday) Far mer Lt Gov. A. H. Graham Named New Chairman; Only 10 Members Old Commission Renamed- Governor Cherry announced Monday the re-appointment of Dr. mer Lt, Governor A. H. (Sandy) Graham was named chairman. Dr. Gooding represents the Third Highway District comprising Du- pun, iew Hanover, Pender. Col umbus, tsrunswicK, Cumberland, and Sampson Counties, Dr. Gooding made the following statement concerning his re-ap- pointment: "I am deeply grateful to the citizens of this District and J ios Governor Cherry for the con fidence reposed in me. I will en deavor to perform my duties In such a manner that all communi ties in this District will be benifi ted by our highway program. I trust that the restrictions placed on materials and equip ment because of the war will soon be lifted, and that the many high way needs of all the people may soon be met and to this end I pledge my best efforts.'' Local Girl Scout Earns High Honor, Tha Girl Scouts of the Kenans ville Troop had an important meeting on Tuesday evening at 7:00. At this meeting Mary Sue Burch was awarded the honor of being a First Class Scout with the Curved Bar. This is quite an ac complishment for Mary Sue, as she is only twelve years of age, and has attained this honor with in a period of two years. The only other member of the Scout Troop of Kenansville who rates so highly Is Janet Boney. ' , The Merit Badge was passed by the following: Shirley Tyndall for design; Angela Daughtry ror ac tivity work in second degree class; Juariita Dunn for work on second degree class; and Mary Beth Southerland for basketry. Mrs. N. B. Boney, the leader, was assisted by her committee composed of Mrs.' A T. Outlaw, Mrs. Parker Quinn and Mrs. E. C. Tyndall. The Scouts remembered their assistant leader. Miss Ger trude Johnson, with a going-away gtft. $ y After the program the scouts enjoyed a social hour, and Man- Beth and her mother served homo made cookies and. tea. With USMC In Pacific SlSgt Ben Bartlett. USMC, son of Mr and Mrs. S. B. Bartlelt, Jr, Is with the Marines in the Pacific. Dry Leaders To Appeal For Outlawing Sale Of Wine In County Mrs. Shaffer Receives Purple Heart Mrs. Nora Shaffer recleved the Purple Heart last week that was awarded to tvt. jonn w. anairer, Jr., posthumously. MEMORIAL SERVICES Memorial Services wiHl be held in the Presbyterian Church on Sunday. May 13th for Pvt. John W. Shaffer, Jr., who was killed In action on Alsace Lorrane on March 4th, 1945. Services will be conducted by Rev. Allen Craft LOCAL SAILOR HOME ON LEAVE F lie Jack Sitterson of Kenans ville, arrived home Wednesday for a ten day leave. He is now station ed at Lambert Field, St Louis, Mo. Pellagra Sufferers In Duplin May Get Free Treatment REV. CASE TO PREACH EVANGELISTIC MEETING AT JOHNSON'S BAPTIST CHURCH REV J; V. CASH Beginning Monday night, May 14th, and continuing through Sun day night May 20th, there will be a series of evangelistic services at the Johnson' Baptist Church near Warsaw. Rev. J. V. Case, Baptist Pastor of Rose Hill will do the preaching. Mr. Case has made a splendid name for himself during the few months which he has been in Duplin County. He is unusually good as an evangelistic preacher, and the people are expected to hear him with a great deal of pleasure, and profit. The pastor, Rev G. Van Ste phens, will have charge of the music. The old gospel hymns and songs will be used. Congregational singing will be one of the leature; of the meeting Services will begin at 8 o'clock each evening. The public is very cordially invited to attend. Warsaw Soldier Gets Good Conduct Medal A Ninth Air Defense Command Unit, France. The Good Con duct Medal of "exemplary behav ior, efficiency, and fidelity" has been awarded to Sgt. Ralph J De Luca, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mike DeLluca, Route 1, Warsaw, Awarded only to those who have proven themselves for at least one year, Sgt. DeLuca earned his med al while living and working under very adverse conditions and great personal discomfort The anti-air craft unit of which he is a member is charged with the defense of Ninth Air Force Fighter field against attack by the German Air f orce. " gt. ueuica, a member of an automatic weapons battalion, now holds three Bronze stars for par ticipation in campaigns in Sicily, Italy and France during the 20 months, he has been overseas. TWO DUPLIN BOYS BACK FROM OVERSEAS A Fort Bragg report last week said that Lt. David Currie of War saw had reported .there after months -fighting in- Europe, and Cnl. LeRov C Greihnm of Kennnn. A. . " . . th.c nam iciumm iwr as iiiuiiui fightlng in the Southwest Pacific Theater. -;t , " . r ::-!' I f ' I C ' i ifc i No. 18 Citizens of Duplin to Appear Before County Commissioners To Ask Outlawing of Wine. Representative : citizens from various sections, end churches of several denominations are expect ed to meet before the Duplin County Commmissloners, next Monday, May 7th.. at two o'clock, for the purpose of having the sale of wine prohibited in Duplin County. This movement is spon sored by the Allied Church Lea' gue, an organization composed of the churches of practically all de nominations. The recent State " Legislature passed laws giving the County Commissioners the authority to prohibit the sale of wine in the County, except in the case of in corporated towns. The town com missioners will have thjs right. The County Commissioners, in order to act wisely, want to know- the will of the citizens of the County in regard to the wine is sue The opportunity will be given to the citizens to let their desires be known at this meeting, on Monday, May 7th., at two o'clock, at the Court House in Kenansville. Duke Hospital Offers Free . Treatment; Following Letter Received By .Mrs Harvey , . Boney. Tpril 24, 1M5 Mrs. Harvey Boney, Supt Public Welfare Dept. Kenansville, flf. C. Dear Mrs. Boney: We are planning to continue our study of pellagra. Nicotinic acid is effective in curing the cardinal symptoms of pellagra, but is not a complete substitute for all the factors present In yeast and Hyer. We are particularly anxious to have cases with plugs in the nose and cracks in the corners of the mouth. ' We have arranged to obtain funds for the free hospitalization of a limited number of patients. If you have any patients suffering with pellagra who might wish to apply for free treatment we shall be very glad to pass on their eli gibility for admission at noon on any day except Saturday or Sun day. The requirements for admission are: ' 1 A present or recent skin lesion on the hands, feet or face and either (a.) Sore Tongue; (b ) Diarrhea- (c.) Hard plugs in the sebaceous glands around the now or (d.) Cracks at the corners of the mouth. 2. Must not have been treated with red meat liver, yeast, salmon or nicotinic acid during the past month. We certainly appreciate your cooperation, and ' will . furnish without charge sufficient nico tinic acid to cure any patient you send Us, whom we do not consider suitable for hospitalization. Yours very sincerely -F. R, Porter Assistant Superintendent Duke University Historv Southern Baptists On Air Next Sunday The special Centennial broad cast on the Baptist Hour next Sun day morning at 8:30 Willi reflect -a hundred years or the life and his- ; tory of Southern Baptists This is the closest regular broadcast to May 8th, the 100th Anniversary of the organization of the convention.: It is to be a colorful broadcast. with the program opening from the First Baptist Church in Au gusta, Ga. the exact spot on which the Convention was orga nized. Scores of descendants of members at the time the Conven tion was organized will be present for the broadcast. 15 White Men Go To Bragg For Induction The following list of men left Kenansvile Monday for induction at Fort Bragg: Bertis Jackson Brown, Leslie . Cole, Adell Qulnton Henderson, Raymond E. Cavenaugh, Halite Mabley, Davis Norman Brinson, William Earl Price, . Cyrus Ray Mobley, Sylvester James Whaley, Cleo, Kennedy, William Randolph Smith, Alton Brown William, Ivey Harold Sutton, Vivian Wells Miller, and Ervin Mobley. Joins Extension Service Mrs. Vallle Campbell, who has been employed by the Agricultural Conservation Association in Ke nansville for the past 6 years, has I " .v. wax. " V JCaiO. II" suuepiea position Wltn tne l.X- tension Service. We hope for hor much success, .If,: u V i '.-:v i !

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