TII2 DUPLIN WZtTWy re.3AYMAY nth., ira r - v a t if I. , , ,v f W ' V."-- CNdlJi - (aaaa' .Nasi'' . !:VILLZ. K-Or.TI! CAROLINA o Hn. SUcy Brill Wuuw Editor UBSOBPTION AGENT Dial 23 S8 IV.rs. Costic Entertains ' ! fridge Clob Mrs. Norwood Bostic was the de lightful hostess Tuesday evening when she entertained her bridge club at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Miller. The living room, where tables were set -for play, was attractively decorated with vari-colored ver bena. - r After several interesting pro gressions Miss Eva Carter was awarded novelty soap for scoring high and Mrs. Thomas Rogers re ceived powder for second high. Mrs. Bostic, assisted by her mother and sister, Miss Margaret Miller, served heavenly hash with cookies to Mesdames Rogers, L. A. Brown, L. S. Whittle, Stacy Britt and MJsses Hazel and Eva Carter. DAPTIST CIRCLES - The Rom Hocutt Powell Circle , met Monday afternoon in the home of Miss Eula Powell with Mrs. J. T. Gresham, Sr., as Joint hostess and Mrs. L. H. Brown pre siding. Rev. J. C Powell, home from mission service in Africa, gave the devotlonals and chose the 3rd Psalm, which was. read In re ; yerse and giving the viewpoint of the sinner instead of the Christ ian interpretation. He also discus sed some of his work in The Dark Continent -in regard to burying the dead. Mrs. J. C. Brock spoke on 'cottage Prayer". Mrs. J. R. B irden dismissed with prayer. The hostesses served : ice cream, eoo.ues and nuts. The George Rollins- Circle met Monday afternoon in the home of Mrs, Fred Gaylor with Mrs. C. V. Garner, joint hostess. Mrs. B. W, Pickett presided and 'Mrs. Robert tsiacKmore . led the devotional. The Program was Given bv Mrs. G. D. Bennett in an Interesting manner after which special music was . rendered bv Misses Mae Brocks Betty Anne Hufham, Sara Gaylor and Janice Draughon. The nosiesses served an ice cream course topped with nuts and pound cake. ' The Katie Murray Circle was entertained Monday nleht by Mes dames A. L. Humphrey and Thorn-' as Kogers, irrthe. home of Mrs. Humphrey. Mrs. L. O. Williams presided and Mrs. Paul Sharpe had charge of the program, assis ted by Mrs. Wlulams. Mrs. E. F. Strickland and Misses Margaret Woodard, Annie Kate Powell and Hazel Carter. Mrs. L, S. Whittle read the devotlonals. Mrs. D. T. Chambers closed the meeting with prayer. The hostesses served a chicken salad course v with coco colas. " PRESBYTERIAN CIRCLES . The Sallie Falson Pelrce Circle met Sunday afternoon at the church with 15 present, presided over by the Leader, Mrs. W. P. Bridgers. Opening the meeting, Mrs. J. E. Williams, at the piano, presented "What A FrlencTTVe Have in Jesus.'' Miss Nell Bow- den had charge of the Bible Stu dy. Mrs. John Frederick discuss ed an article entitled "Why Con cerh Myself." Mrs. L. A. Brown gave a report - of the George Worth Band, of which she is the leader. Circle No. X met Monday after noon at the church with Mrs. L. B. Huie presiding and 12 present. Mrs. F. J. Baarg led the Bible Study which was combined with the program "Why Concern My self," as taken from the Book of John. METHODIST CIRCLES The W. S. of C. &. Circle No. 1. met Monday- afternoon at the home of Mrs. Gordan West, at West Siding, with 14 present. Mrs. E. T. Turnley, Chairman, was in the chair and Mrs. A. M. Williams led the devotlonals and gave an Interesting discussion on 'Doors" as taken' from Rev. 3:20. The program was In charge of Mrs. v. J. Middleton. At the end of the program the hostess serv ed strawberry shortcake with tea Circle No t. met Tuesday night with Mrsr Hopton Smith and 9 present. Mrs. J. A. Rackley, Chair man presided. Mrs. M. A. Smith led the devotlonals and taught the Mission Study Book in an Interest ing manner. The hostess served a tempting fruit salad course with tea. , . How to Stretch Leftover Meat ' z j r lU THOSE WHO ; GAVE ALL ... . Here they' lie. Guard them well "with your life, sentry, even as they guarded that for which we are fight ing, with their own! Peace' is theirs Let it not be dis turbed, sentry, even as the peace chey died to secure for all mankind shall ' once ' won be undisturbed in f uture years by murderous marauders such as we have known. . - " . i . And we'whol live let us do more than bow our heads in rever- ' ' eocei It is fox us wmakTanyTicrifice ' to quicken Viaory - ; : " '. i-i,- "-''-'" . .?" -,j :. . , -; . : -,.. - " ffi ; ... 1 -4 ' ( ' 'V' . ' s v 1 . . ' I.. ;' :. v. -s. ',."' C'd Crjlh Chtribafors IN KENANSVIUE ' 4 WITH THE SICK Clyde Surratt was carried to the Goldsboro Hospital Monday suffering from a throat Infection. He is getting along as well as can be expected. Mrs. Alice Blanchard is resting easily In the Goldsboro Hospital, where she underwent an operation Tuesday. Mrs. D. J. Hubbard and daugh ter. Miss Annie Ross, are recuper ating at their home after a recent illness. Miss Janie Belle Blackmore continues ill at her home on Pol- oclk St, where her parents recen tly moved from their home in the country. : - " ..-..in. mtmmw m m ,i amim-Jim . Single cup of cooked veal or chicken combines nicely with ' custard mixture to serve six. Green salad, rolls, a glass ot milk completes nutritious lunch or dinner menu. Chicken or Veal Custard 1 cup bottled milk 3 Kg 1 cup cooked, diced meat 4 tablespoons sliced stuffed olives 1 teaspoon chopped parsley 4 teaspoon salt Is teaspoon pepper tablespoon melted table fat (or bacon drippings) beaten eggs, beat until blended. jw m on iciiiaiiiiug ingrt'wenis. Pour mixture into six well-greased custard rum or inrii viVJm.tI seroles. Bake in slow oven (300 deg. F.) 40 to 45 minutes. Here's a meal for six, made out of practically nothing, and it solves a common' "leftover" prob lem, too! . Next time you have a small amount of cooked chicken or veal on hand, serve it up in a custard mixture for an unusual luncheon, dinner or buffet supper casserole. Remember- the secret of good custard is in slow baking, so be sure the temperature of the oven is not too high. oooooooooooo .CENTER THEATRE MOUNT OLIVE SUN. - MON. Patrick Tire ' Great , DONALD O'CONNOR, PEGGY RYAN. BONDS NEWS CARTOON ' Special News, See The German Murder Camp Miss Carroll Wed To Sgt. Burton ' Mr. and Mrs. CX S. Carroll, of Warsaw, announce the marriage of their daughter, Joyce Lynn, to Set. CharlpR Rpnn Rnrrnn on Saturday, April 14, 1945, Chocopee rtuis, jviass. Mrs. Burton is the only daugh ter of Mr anrl Mrs. Pnrml anrl was eraduaterl frnm Vpara rVtllon Raleigh, in 1943 after which she did voice major at Greensboro Col lege, Greensboro. She graduated from Kings Business College, Ral eigh and accepted a position in Knoxville, Tenn., where she was employed at the time of her mar riage. Sgt. Burton is the son of Mr. and Mrs. JohnR. Burton, of Wash ington, D. C.,and is stationed with the Army at Chicopee Falls, Mass. Announce Birth Cpl. and Mrs. Herbert L. Cooke announce the birth of twin sons, on Wednesday, May 9, 1945. Mrs. Cooke is the former Mlaa Pearl Boney, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. R Boney. PERSONALS Lt. Emmett Dedmon, who has been on furlough with his mother, Mrs. Frank Haislip, left Thursday for Kearns, Utah. Judson Rea, III, USN, of Nor folk, was home on a 48 hour leave Tuesday. Raeford Bostic, M. S., spent the week endwith his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Bostic. Sunday they visited Miss Geraldine Bostic at Meredith College. Sgt. Jerry Rivenbark is visiting his parents Mr. and Mrs. P. S. Ri venbark, after serving overseas 27 months. Mrs. Sue Neil Wester and dau ghter of Goldsboro, were guests last week of her brother. Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Best Mrs. Stacy Britt and children are visiting her mother, Mrs. An nie Greene in Concord. Mrs. Edwin Morris and daugh ter, Carolyn, of Carthage are the guests of Mrs. W. E. Currie. Mrs. B. W. Pickett visited her TUBS. Double Feature Dead Man's Gulch 'also Krazy Knight WEDNESDAY She Gets Her Man JOAN DAVIS. March Time - Cartoon Sports THUBS. FRL The Flame Of Barbary Coast JOHN WAYNE .NEWS MUSICAL 1 SATURDAY Both Barrclls Blazing COMEDY SERIAL CHARLES STARRETT 000000000002) nuin ki:::xt c:i::3 doctor's HcTerjr CUt rtuarM backacks, run-dowi i3 to exceu acivLty in lLa nrias Preple varrwaar are Bm4ta m"49 rell.i Iroal painful sysspHaaa af bm trrltatloa caused hr aclrtity I a orlna. DR. KlIKiERS SWAmC kif acta faa the klita.ra to aaia di.eomlarl by prooKrtlnt taa tlow al urine. Ibis pure harfcal ditla la iwcUiljr vakaaM wb.r bal4ar trrltatloa aua ta aaaaaa acidity 4s rMpeaslhle far "attln up al irhta". A carafuilr bl.nrf.d .hliMitll af I(i barbs, roata, m.tablaa, baiMail Im Kilnur'a contains aatAin barak, ia aa eut.'r aon-ltabit forminf. Juat (aad la grd.nl. that roanf atapls aajr bava marucloul afaat. Snd for Irea, ar.p.ld aamrta TODAY 1.11 a thnimnnilii of athrs Ton II ba laa thnt you d.d. S-nd at. and a ' ta lirr.nrl.7nt .,'' t ' . ' r , I -n ,. .,!,. ..l t. I LiLJLuiijiiniaiiilliauj limjLLli.ii.i.liillli itniiL Warsaw, N. C. J. E. WEST, Prop. FANCY GROCERIES, PRESH MEATS, FRESH F(SH & OYSTERS, FRESH VEGETABLES Modern and sanitary in very respect. All stock new-merchandise. You will find beef in our freezer most any day. We invite you to sell your produce here -and trade with us. , -: - . Your business is appreciated. IN SEVEN SFrtWGS carries Pet, Carrmtion and Nestles evaporated , milk. Also a line of sausage, cheese and what ever meats that are available under War con ditions. Full stock groceries; hog, chicken and '-,.'v ' yi ' ( : . ; . ,- -' v . .- - -j :' ' ' : cow feeds; drugs and dry goods, notions, etc. .Come in and let us serve you. 9 ' , - sister in Robbins Wednesday. Seaman and Mrs. George pridgen were week-end guests of their mother, Mrs. G. P. Pridgen. Mrs. John Best visited her sis ter in Jacksonville last week. Miss Margaret Miller was the guest last week-end of her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Riv enbark near Rose Hill. - Miss Bessie Quinn of Wilson, pent several days this week at home with her mother, Mrs. J. B. Quinn..- .-' -,f.-.' Rev. J. C. Powell and family have returned home after a series of meetings In Kannapolis. - Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Porter and Mr. and Mrs Sanford Packer and daughter, Mary Elizabeth visited Misses Jewel Porter -and Edna Earle Moore at ECTC Greenville Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. L. O. Williams, Miss Elois Williams, Sonny Will iams and guest Mrs. Otho Will iams, of Kinston were Sunday guests of Mr. Williams' sister, Mrs. V. B. Smith at Roseboro, Mrs. Smith was notified Friday of the death of a son in Germany. Mrs. Kenneth Fussell visited her husband in Rocky Mount last week. . I Mrs. Sallie Holljngsworth, of Raleigh visited her son and dau-ehter-ln-aw. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Hollingsworth this week. She was accompanied home by Mrs. Holl lnirsworth and sons. Dallas and jerry. Cpl. Bill Carroll is home with his mother and brother Norwood. Miss Mary Hester Powell spent the week-end in Wllmineton with her aunt and uncle Mr. and Mrs. Lambert' Turner. Sgt. Bill Taylor is visitine his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Taylor. Miss Louise Farrior, end riipst Miss Nellie Butler, of Farmvllle were week-end cuests of her Da- renis, mr. ana Mrs. H. t. arrior. Mrs. J. P. Harmon has spent quite a bit, of time with her mou ther, who is ill, in Jacksonville. - Robert Pridgen, M. S., haa re- turned to his base after visiting his mother, Mrs, R. C Pridgen. Mrs. Pridgen attended the May Day festivities at Flora McDonald College with her daughter, Miss Martha Pridgen Senior.. . A. sT. CAVENA.UGH Wallace, N. 0. Duplin's Only dTawelry Stor . JEWELRY WATCH AND JEWELRY DIAMONDS WATCHES REPAKrNfl and ENGRAVING Save Food! Save Points! Halp la tha praaant feed skortoga by canning frvIN end barrlat. ' ex it a svgur no ana uiiorraai juu far this purpose. Apply far It ta year Rationing Beard. I v 1 1 To THOSE WHO SACRIFICED... Some men are awarded Jrhe Purple Heart posthumously. ' Some live to wear it with pride and memories. Memories 1 by how slim a chance they llved.whlrejothers died. ThViKtlMjyvhoJc of rthweTwho; wryTvel liltrieIUye: . EiTchlhlifobJ wlthXfwWmtwicllJJJ! thTptwclTT wchiMCTjfjc ' hohorTcdwdllCIC : dolngall wFcctpyivrfT?'" . -Tl Qninn-F.lcGoven Co. V!

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