VOLUME 13 C:!::dan Latar ToIIclp Ucasa Tcbcsco In County 51 Laborer from the Bahamian : Islands arrived Thursday; Ap-' proximately 40 (arms will use the help. Fifty-one Bahamian laborers ar-J rived in Kenans ville early Thurs dy morning to be sent put on nine larms where they will aid about five families, in each community - they locate, to house the tobacco crop. There , were 43 men and eight women. .. - ;, - They were secured through the War Food Administration.- Only 51 were allotted to this county as nearly every county In the tobac- v co belt were asking for some. The ' Bahamians came to Duplin from - Flerida where the have been help ing to house the dtris crops. When the number available was learned, an allocation committee was set up in the county to study all appllca-1 tiona and to designate which far mers needed labor worst and who would be allotted the labor. " Those securinjr workers were: L. B. Powell, Enos Lanier, Ella! Rich, Paul Goodson, J. R. Waters, ' 8. L. Garner and brothers, James Outlaw, LeRoy Simmons and J. i Mack Smith. . ! -The Bahamians came to this, country from the Bahama Islands, ' group of islands in the West In-1 dies, forming a colony belonging' to Britain lying - North East of -Cuba and . South East -off the coast of Florida. . The residents of the Bahamas are largely Negroes. Those coming ' here speak a quick broken English and have about an eighth grade education. DDT Spray Available For MeLria Infected Homes The Duplin County. Health De partment announces the availabil ity of the new miracle insecticide or DDT spray for homes of per sons having malaria- fever, provi ding they come to the Health-Department and have, a malaria slide made, 'which shows v the malaria parasites present rv Any person diagnosed by their private physician or suspected of having malaria fever, may come to the Health Department m Kenans Vtlle on Saturdays from 9;00 A. M. to 12:00 Noon, and have a malaria ttide made. If this slide shows ma laria to be present, a unit of the ' malaria control of the Division of ' , Epidemiology will come to spray that person's home with this new chemical, DDT, - which controls flits and other insects, as well as the malaria carrier, the mosquito. 4-H Club County Dress Review Held Here Tiies, Miss Theresa Miller of Beula- , ville wins Dress Revue; A nice Grady of B. F. Grady places .second. . "' Miss Theresa Miller of the Beu lavUIe 4-H club was chosen win ner at the . County Dress Revue, held June 26 at the County Coun- cil meeting of Home , Demonstra- tlon Clubs in Kenansville. . She wore a white jumper, which she - umiic ui h l w in w rrn v i niinni n Lrv , and trimmed . in ric-rac. The Jumper ws set off by a red and White print organdy blouse which she also made. The cost of her ..- dress was 65 cents. :..,,.;:', Anice Kelly of the B." F.jGrady 4-H club won second place.. Others v participating were Shirley Tyn 1 dalL Junita Dunn. Mary Sue Burch, Beety Whitfield and Fran - ces Jean Patterson from Kenans ville 4rH club; Jane- Bostlc from Beulaville 4-H club and Patsy Joyce Cavenaugh from the Wal lace 4-11 CluV . I k: The Judges v era Mrs. Garland King, Secretary of the County , , Council; I'm. Edgar Wells', of the Tcachey Home Demonstration Club, andMrs. E. C Carter, presl Cmt of the Mineral Springs Home Demonstration Club. , , -' -:.v. :Y- Beula ville Soldier Now In Okinawa Pfc. Willis F. Hinson,' Jr.,. of Beula ville, is now seeing action on Okinawa Island with, a Medical ( Battalion of the famed 27th In-1 fantry Division (The Tokyo Ex press). ' It is because of the skill, train ing, and devotion to duty of Pfc, Hinson and his comrades that fronts line troops are provided with such speedy and expert medl- cal attention.. The battalion's motto is, "Bring 'Em Back Alive". I i recently received word from - The 22-year-old BeulavUIe ser- our District Forester W. L. Brew viceman has served 24 months er that your County has arranged overseas. He entered 'service in to aDDroDriate $6,000 for our co January 1943 t0 the Oklna- wa operation, he participated in the Makin and Saipan campaigns. His parent, Mr. and Mrs. Willis Hinson, Sr., live in Beula ville. AUTO USE STAMPS NOW ON SALE Collector of Internal Reve nue, Charles H. Kobertaon, has announced that Auto use Stamps In the denomination of $5.00 were placed on sale in all post offices and office of Collectors of Internal Rev enue on June 9. The stamps will evidence payment of the tax for the fiscal year begin nlng July 1, 1945, .and must be purchased on or before that date. The stamps wilitte serially numbered, and , will ' will have provision on the back lor entry of the make, madeL serial number and the State license number of the vehicle. . Every owner of a motor vehicle which is used upon ' the highways should call at his local post office or at the ' oifke pf the Internal Revenue Collector and secure 'a S5.00 use tax stamp and affix It to his vehicle on or before July 1, 1945, the Collector said. The various post offices will sell the stamps over the counter for cash only and no mall order business with re spect thereto Will be conduc ted by the post offices. Col lectors of Internal Revenue are authorized to accept cash, post office ' money ' orders, ' certified and cashier's checks In payment. Personal checks will not be accepted. : Robert Sykes Gets Bronze Star Award First Sgt. Robert H. Sykes, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Sykes of Kenansville, has been awarded the Bronze' Star. He has been in the Army since Jan. 23, 1937 and went overseas in August 1942, serving with a Field Artillery Unit Be sides his Bronze tar, Sgt Sykes holds six campaign stars, won while serving in Italy, Africa, Sic- ily, France and Germany. , -. ; v FOOD STAMPS BECOME VALID NEXT SUNDAY five of each Blue and Red . Stamps In Ration Book 4 ; will become valid July 1, OPA ' :' announced." They arei ":' . Blue Jl, Kl, LI, Ml, Nl. Bed Al, Bl, CI, Dl, EL , Sunday Evening Service Outlaw's Bridge Church The regular Sunday evening Service will be Beld at the Out- with three" battle stars. Prior to law's Bridge Universallst Church entering the service he was an this Sunday, July 1, at 8:30 p. m. ' automobile dealer. v ' Rev. Gustav II. Ulrich, D. DH ' , His wife resides with her par wVl rrech to the question "What ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Bryce, in KENANS VltLE , NORTH Commissioner Wells Receives Letter The following letter was recent ly received by County Commiss ioner Chairman L. P. Wells, re garding Duplin's appropriation for forest fire control work:- Raleigh, N. C. May 28, 1945 SF-FC Agreements Duplin County " Mr. I P. Wells, Chairman Board of County, Commissioners twm- n f i j Mt. Olive, N. C. Dear Mr. Wells: operative forest fire control pro- gram in that county next Fiscal year. As you know, this office authorized Brewer to agree that this Department will match this amount with an equal amount of our State and Federal funds. As you further know, the arrange ment is that approximately $3,000 of the county funds and a like amount of the Department's funds (or a total of $6,000), of this $12,000 total is to be used for the purchase of a Crawler Tractor, fire line plow, and transport truck, with the further, stipulation that such equipment purchase be found feasible and possible next Fiscal year. We are glad to accept this Increased appropriation by your County, with the understanding that we will endeavor to make the equipment purchase to the best advantage under existing condi t tionsi AS'you have also been in formed the equipment will then be stationed in Duplin County, for our exclusive use in fire control and fire line plowing operations in that county and in adjoining ter ritory. I am sure you will be interested to know that this is much the ' largest appropriation ever made by a North Carolina County for the cooperative forest fire control program. I am sure you are also aware that sixty-three of the State's! 100 counties are now co operating with the Department in this work, and it is expected that several additional counties will take advantage of the Depart ment's offer next Fiscal year. The cooperative agreement has been ineffect in Duplin County for a number of years and this great increase in the county's appro- priation Is evidence of your peo- pies' satisfaction with the work of County Forest Warden Miller i as a member of the State Forest Service. - ' Let me assure you that we will do our best to purchase this equip ment, which we know from ex perience is "The secret" of ef fective fire control on the large woodland areas over much of Eastern North Carolina. I know that your county's experience with similar equipment which we have stationed near Waccamaw and which was able to operate to Onie Whaley of Beulaville. He has some extent in your county this recently been transferred from the past Spring has convinced you of Infantry! to the Quartermaster its value. .; , , - . . !. i Corps, and. Is now assigned to Please feel free to call upon us , driving. He says he is pleas for further information as you i anfly located . in a large modern may wish. Very truly your, W. K. Belchler State Forester. ' 1 ROSE HILL SERGEANT AWARDED AIR MEDAL Sgt. Harry T. Fisler, 32, son ot Mr. and Mrs. G. E. . Fisler of Ivanhoe, and husband of the for mer Miss' Kathleen . Bryce. of I f8ewH?1'. r?. wcelvd. the Air Medal for "meritorious ach ' Jevement while participating in the enemy. : ..; .. . As an engineer of a 7th AAF Liberator bomber, Sgt. Fisler has more than 20 missions against Jap installations from Truk to the Philippines. He holds . the PhiliDDines Liberation ribbbn and I AniattcPaclfie theater rihhon CAROLINA FRIDAY, Regarding Forest Symphony Conductor Dr. Benjamin' F. Swain, Con ductor of the North Carolina Sym phony Orchestra, which is now in the midst of an expansion pro gram and state-wide campaign to raise funds for operational costs. ATTENTION "The Local Draft Boards of Duplin County have been re quested to obtain the names of non-registrants In the Armed Services for statistical reasons, and any of yon who- have rela tives In the services can assist materially In sending a post card or letter to one or other of the two Draft Boards, de pending on which l ares tbe member would have registered. Please : give full name of the party In servtde stating wheth er white or colored, male or female, and their age and borne address. Also give the branch Of the service, that Is ARMY, NAVY, MARINE CORPS, OB COAST GUARD. Do not give Coast Guard (Temporary Re serve).'' j Beulaville Boys Meet In Germany Pvt. Lloyd Milton Whaley of Beulaville, now in Germany, has written his wife of an interesting incident which happened recently. Milton had been assigned to K. P. duty and was busy serving to the chow jine when a familiar face appeared. I "What's your nameT" asked Whaley. "Craft", was the answer., "What's the first," asked Whaley, "Qell" was the reply. And there they were, two boys who had attended school in Beula ville, riding the same school bus, Craft as driver and Whaley as a passenger. "They had not met be fore in a number of years. Craft is the nephew of Mrs. Su san Turner of Beulaville and Whaley is the son of Mr. and Mrs. home and will probably remain with the Army of Occupation. jv Helps Eliminate Japs on Island of Luzon With the 6th Army on Luzon First to reach the summitt of Chalky Cliff in the mountains east of Manila, a rifle platoon of the 38th "Cyclone" Division Including SSgt. WIlllamT ; Smith of Beula- ' ville. euminated the Japanese op- position on the hOl In a day-long battle. t'''Vi'':':' r , After climbing the heights In the face of enemy fire, the platoon assaulted with automatic weapons and demolitions to clear the Nips from the . caves which honey combed the top. J 1 By evening the platoon had es tablished a perimeter on the hill, having captured two Jap machine guns, several knee mortars and a 77mm gun in the day's fighting. I SSgt. Smith is the son of Mrs. J. D. SmltH who resides on Rt. 1, - ' i JUNE 29th., 1 945 Fire Control WINS AIR MEDAL SGT. LARRY P. BOSTIC With a distuiguished combat career oi over o missions ui lua credit, Sergeant Larry P. Bostic, 24-year-old Beulaville enlisted bombardier, has been awarded the fourth Oak Leaf Cluster to the ' Air Mmlfil He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Bostic of Beulaville. His wife, Mrs. L. P. Bostic lives in Beulaville . Sgt. Bostic received his gunner's wings at Las Vegas, Nevada, in July 1944. He is a member of the 94th Bomb. Group, which was cited by the President for its his toric bombing of the Muhlem bau aircraft .assembly plant at Brunswick, Germany. This group also participated m the Third Air Division England to Africa shut tle bombing of Messerschmitt air craft plants at Regensburg, Ger- many, in August 1943, for which the entire division was awarded a Presidential citation. BIBLE SCHOOL FOR ALL KENANSVILLE The Bible School for all Ke nansville Children will begin on Monday, July 2nd, at 9:00 A. M., and continue through Friday July 6th. The school will be under the di rection of Arnold B. Poole, Pres byterian Supplypastor of the Un ion Theological Seminary in Rich mond. The faculty will consist of three members from the Baptist Church, three from the Methodist Church and three from the Pres byterian Church. This year the school will meet in the Presbyterian church at which place also the commence-1 ment will be held next Friday night at 8:00 P. M. All the town's people are urged to have their children enrolled in the school on Monday. It should be your Joy and dutv to (rive vour child an opportunity at so much Christian instruction as Is poss Me. Everyone is invited to the com mencement at 8:00 P. M. on Fri day night to see what the children .have accomplished during the school. Pfc. Charley Moore At Camp Butner . Pfc. Charley J. Moore, son of Mr. and Mrs. Junious Moore of Rt." 2, Kenansville Is- stationed at the Redistribution Station, Camp Butner, where he will spend two weeks .before reporting to hit hew assignment. Pfc. Moore returned recently after having served 34 months in the Pacific as an am munition handler. He now holds the 'Bronze Star, Good Conduct ribbon, American Defense ribbon, Asiatic-Pacific theatre ribbon with one campaign star and the Phil ippines Liberation ribbon with one star. ... - . v ' Receives Promotion - Promotion of Cpl. James E. Jones to the rank of Sergeant was announced to day by Brig. Genl. J. T, Kennedy, Commanding Gen eral of Ft. Bragg. Sgt. Jones Is the son of Mrs. Lola Banks Jones of KenansvCa. , 1 I 1 . Health Department Lists Clinics For Southern End Of County APPLY FOR FUEL OIL NOW, SAYS O P. A. Users of fuel on are urged to fill out applications for their Win ter supply now, OPA said today. OPA stressed the importance of ordering the first tank full on the day the coupons are received as heavy storage will not be avail able to meet your instantaneous needs this fall. Every tank which is filled now insures a warm home this fall. Farm Slaughterers Face Dissappointment r - ; Trt, Mnrth Carolina who have slaughtered meat for sale so far have failed to register for new slaughtering . permits which are required, OPA !t Sir-re"" Mrs Southerland Visits Times Office Mrs. Lucy Southerland of Al- bertsoa Township paid her first visit to the Tunes omce yesteruay morning. She said she enjoys the Times and has been wanting to v,sit the office since its establish" ment here. j Mra. Southerland was born Aug. 3( i860, near old Sutton Branch school House in Albertson. She will be 85 years old her next birth- day, and Is almost as spry as a cricket, considering her age. Rev. Ulrich Attends U. of Va., Course ,T1 . , ... Gustav Uh-ich muuster of the Outlaws Bridge Universal- ist unurcn wui auena ine worK Shop" , on Community Develop- ment being held at the University of Virginia, Charlottesville, during the first three weeks of July, Mrs. Rebecca. McL. Ulrich will preach at the regular service at the Outlaw's Bridge Church, July 8th, County Council Home Demonstration Clubs Meet Here; Reports on District meet ings; Mrs. E. D. Tdgerton of B. F. Grady nominated for new president. j The VupUn County Council of Home Demonstration Clubs met In 04 fice of Home on Tuesday, June 26, at 3:30 P. M. i Mrs. Herman Outlaw, president of , tne county uouncu cauea tne 1 meeting to order. Mrs. Garland K"1, County Secretary, read the I minutes of the last meeting. I women of the Council en joyed a Dress Revue put on by the 4-H Club Girls of the County. Mrs. Jake Wells, Mrs. Henry Grady and Mrs. Edgar Wells gave reports on the District Council Voted Best Canines of 1944 I f HP i ThM are th best fenr oa f 1944, m ike aplnion f Ajneric,s dot Jases polled by the Calnea Doa RhittIi Center, New York CU7. Female Boxer El Wendle f RocWlaod (Uft), kewn with her owner, Mr. Philip Cirital of HarrUoa, M. was voVed &nl plaee. , Second, third aad lonrtk plaees r EfU""1: lw 1 m? AtmV'Z'?i "T nJi'L T . V .J Edward P. Alker. ' VI VrVBll AtJMBSSfct female VP ire Foxlerrier waed by dale, Ohio (thown mt rfcftr wUh v. Clenhufrl, a male l)oSmani Marine Capt. and Mrs. Bob Aijnu No. 26 Announce Clinic Schedule The Duplin County Health De partment announces the following schedule of immunization clinics for the southern end of the county. The State Board of Health and local health officer advise one In jection of typhoid vaccine each year, Instead of the former three injections every third year, : as most effective against typhoid. Therefore, in view of the fact also, that there is a shortage of public health personnel, the number; of trips around to each place will be less this yeart Everyone desiring the vaccination is urged to be on time at the designated places. In addition to typhoid, the following I vaccinations may u ouutuieu. Diptheria Whooping ,cough .Tet- . : anus (lock jaw), and Small Pox. wiays ---my TnMlrann'a Ctitta 111 A Jackson's Store, 10 A. M.; Ly- " SSVpTE Pin Hook, 2 P. M.; Chinquapin 3 P. M. Wednesdays -- July 11-18-25 Charity (Church Yard) 10 A. M.; Hanches Store 11 A. M.; ...Tin City, 12 Rockfish (Rlvenbark's store), 1 P. M.; Teachey, 2 P, M. Fridays -- July 14-81-28 Magnolia, 10 A. M.; Rose Hill. (White School) 11 A. M.; Brlce's Store, 12 N.; Corinth 1 P. M.; Iron Mines, 2 P.M. Shoes To Get Ration Holiday Nearly four and a half million mtlnnwl fehiuu nrill ttA anlfl Wlli- out stamps during a inree ween "odd lot" sale in July, OPA offi- " dais in Raleigh predicted today. "The ration holiday," extending from July 9 through July 28, al lows dealers to sell certain odds ' and ends and broken sizes, which accumulate after every selling season, without resuiring ration stamps. . Such odd-lot shoes must be sold at prices at least 25 per cent under June 1, 1945, price ac cording to OPA. PHEWI AINT IT HOT? 1 1 meeting which was held in Wil mington on June 1st. . The Nominating Comlttee made the following report and the Council was unanimous in its vote to accept these Oficers. President: Mrs. E. D. Edgerton, B. F. Grady Club; Vice President: Mrs. A. B. Lanier, East Magnolia Club; Secretary: Mrs. David Wil liams, Rockfish Club; Treasurer, Mrs. Ash Miller, Miller Club. Miss Verna Stanton, Southeast ern District Agent, talked to the Council about Neighborhood Lea der organization and the program for 1948. V "The meeting adjourned with the singing of the "Old North State." J reapeeUvely wn aeeorded to FlorneU A SU I SlUIVrHI( iVa 0IWWOI s7 " and Mrs. T. II. Carrathen, Cln- r koniltr, . Trhn)t and Dictator I lri-i v ( cn'-r, bottom ) oh i l jr . 'nn, Va. ; ""

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