KENANS VIUEr NORTH CAROLINA yNonh Carolina THE DUPLIN TIMES Published each Friday In Knunn. N. a. county eeat uf Duplin County. ' Editorial biiKlnew and plating plant, ReavlUx N. C " J. BOBERT GRtY, EDITOR OWNER Entered at the Pnat Office tfenansville N C as second da maO matter TELEPHONES Rensnsvllle 7-7 SUBSCRIPTION RATES: $2.00 per year In Duplin County; $2.60 per year outside Duplin County, In North Carolina; $3.00 per year outside North Carolina, except to MEN IN SERVICE), ANYWHERE, $2.00 per year. Advertising rate lurulahed ua ruukioi A Democratic Journal, devoted to the material, .-0'i.!...i.- economic and agricultural interest of Duplin County "GHASTLY MARK-UPS" Claudius T. Murchison, Presi dent of the Cotton Textile Insti tute, recently told a House com mittee that he saw a plain gabar dine dress, in a New York store window, marked at $98.95. He esti mated the actual cost ot the fab ric at "not more than three dol lars" and said that the same dress could not have cost more than $30 before the war. He complained of the "ghastly mark-ups on such tilings as men's shirts and women's dresses.'' He knew what he was talking about. He reported that a plain shirt, with a value of less than 5.50, was marked at $12.95 The statement led Hep. Kams peck of Ga., to declare that there is vast prolileenng in the manu facturing and merchandizing of. many items ot clothing. We are inclined to think that Uic Georgia representative has somtUung. Let's see what Congress, or any body will do about it. LOSSES LESS THAN EXPECTED The invasion of Japan, for which thousands were in training in the Pacific, was scheduled for November but, because of the Jap surrender, the newspapers have not been filled with dispatches of losses as our men assaulted the beach defenses of the Japanese Islands. No man can say what would have occurred. The probability is FOXMAN'S Jewelry And Gift Shop NORTH CAROLINA'S FINEST 103-105 N QUEEN ST., KINSTON For For For TO i 1 Auction Sale Every Thursday Wallace Livestock Yards Wallace fc.-.iismansriimiiM-i.ij...i.ii T Vfa ' STEDMAN CARR HARDWARE COMPANY WALLACE, N02TH CAROLINA Warsaw 289-6 that the job, like the landing in Normandy, would have proved less costly than forecast but there is no doubt that thousands of lives were saved by the end of the war without an actual invasion against hostile forces. In fact, when one goes back to the darker days of the two wars in which we were engaged the conclusion is that the nation has been pretty lucky. Its losses, in life and money, were much less than once appeared probable. A TASK THAT REQUIRES MEN Reccommending a joint declar ation by the United States and Great Britain that they will stay in Germany as long as necessary, Dr. Vera M. Dean, research direc tor of the Foreign Policy Associa tion, says that unless this is done "Europe cannot settle down be cause every country is afraid she may rise again." We presume that the doctor knows what she is talking about, but it is difficult to see how a formal declaration will have any effect unless this country is will ing to maintain sufficient forces to carry out the reorganization of enemy countries. ' As long us every Congressman is inclined to get every man out of service in his district, the arm ed forces will have difficulty in maintaining the strength neces sary to implement the pence pol icies of this country. rt Everyone Every Occasion Every Pocket-Book ' a 1 u-Zf ! SUNDAY International SCHOOL -:- LESSON Bv HAROLD L. LUNDQUIST. D. D. Of Trie Moody Bible Institute of Chicago. Released by Weatern Newspaper Union. Lesson for November 25 Lesson subjects and Scripture texts se lected and copyrighted by International Council of Religious Education; used by permission. CHRISTIANS WORKING TOGETH ER IN THE COMMUNITY LESSON TEXT: John 17:20-13; Acts 15:2229 GOLDEN TEXT: We are laborers to gether with God I Corinthians 3:8 Unity within the Church Is God's plan and purpose, but that does not mean that some man-made plan for unity are either scriptural or -d sirable. There Is much pressure fca ing exerted now to unite the Church c-i the basis of a vast ecclesiastical organization, quite apart from any doctrinal or spiritual unity. Such unity was not in our Lord's mind. He wants spiritual unity, and in such fellowship the Church will find its only real bond of united Ufe and action. I. Unity In Spirit (John 17:20-23). Here we enter the veritable holy of holies of Scripture. Facing the time of His departure and death, the Lord prayed for those who believed, or would believe (v. 20) on Him. What was His prayer? That they should be one with the Father, with Him, and with one another. Thii had to be accomplished while they remained in this wicked world (see John 17:13-16). How? By the cleansing and sanctifying work of the truth. The Word of God the Bible is the instrument used by the Holy Spirit in this work of sanctiflcation. Small wonder that there is little holiness ana spiritual unity when the Word has so little opportunity to touch and to cleanse. Reader, do you study God's Word? Such separation to God will result in real spiritual unity between those of all denominations and creeds. It is not some artificial thing to be put on from the outside. It comes from the heart of man and reaches out into his life and into the lives of oth ers. II. Unity in Action (Acts 15:22-27). Satan tried to thwart the mission ary efforts of the Church at the very outset by starting a doctrinal con troversy. Although the first council at Jeru salem (Acts 11) had decided that "to the Gentiles also hath God granted repentance unto life," the question did not stay settled, for there were persistent Judaizing teachers who now contended that even though the Gentiles cnuld be saved, they had to come into the church Vy way of Judaism and first fulfill the Jewish rite of circumcision. The story of how this vital and fun damental question came up is found in the early verses of Acts 15. The entire future of the gospel ministry was in a sense dependent on the so lution of this problem. Christianity is the only religious faith in the world that presents Justification by grace as the way of redemption; all others follow (more or less) the path of salvation by works. The question now was: Shall works of the law be mingled with grace? Can Jesus Christ alone save men, or is salvation through Jesus Christ plus something elseT How was such a serious question to be settled? Should argument and strife be permitted to go on until the stronger party prevailed? Bet ter judgment indicated the desira bility of a Christian method of set tlement. The final decision of the council is sent not only by Paul and Barnabas, but also by a committee from Jeru salem, a gracious gesture of fellow ship. As a matter of record (a wise pro cedure in such a case), a letter was sent which, after addressing the Gentiles as "brethren." reviewed the history of the matter and then, without mentioning circumcision at all, put upon the Gentiles "no great er burden than the necessary things." And what were thoseT Those things which relate to purity of life as those who were enjoying Christian liberty. The law of Moses need not be kept as a ground of sal vation. They were saved by grace. But t grace can never be the cioan careless living, nor can liberty of in Christ be Interpreted as license to live in sin. We are set tree in Christ, not that we n-v sin, but thai e may "go and siu uo more." IH. Unity In Doctrine (Acts 15: 28, 29). In non-essentials we should exer cise toward other believers the greatest love and consideration. Men have a right to differences of opin ion, and must follow the dictates of their own consciences.! Let us not be betrayed into controversy on such matters,. There art certain foundation doc trines which must be held 11 a church is to be Christian; concern ing these we stand together. There is a faith tor which we are to ear nestly "contend" (Jude 3). We are, never, even on the grounds of sup posed courtesy, to giva aid and com fort to falsa teachers (II John 9-11). Kindly, tactfully, but definitely the Christian Church must stand true to Its doctrinal convictions, standing united against an unbelieving world, and if need be, an unbelieving re ligious world. "' : V;-i'A.:i. CAVENATJGH ; . WaOtM, Xr. O. ' ".'..v V'. JEWELRY DIAMONDS WATCHER WATCH AND JEWELRY ETTJ-rrja nd ENG2AYINQ TII2 DU7UN TIMES Polio Is Everyman's Enemy, Bing Dedares The war against infantile paralysis is a war in which all peoples of all nations have a common foe, Bing Crosby, screen and radio star and national chairman of the Sister Elizabeth Kenny Foundation national 1945 appeal, said today in an appeal for contributions. "Wars among nations always end but the fight against dis ease is an unending battle In wnich all mankind has a common inter est," said Cros by, who is direct ing the campaign to raise $5,000,000 to expand the work ot Sister Elizabeth Kenny, Australian nurse famous for her discovery of a revolutionary treatment for in fantile paralysis. 'The war against infantile paralysis, the crippling disease, is a war in which all peoples of all nations are fight ing together against a common foe," Crosby said. Strikes Everywhere "Infantile paralysis has no partic ular battlefront; it has no particu lar foe. It attacks the White, the Negro or the Yellow man; Protes tant, Catholic or Jew; the strong as well as the weak. It strikes without warning. It may strike in one sec tion of our nation today and another tomorrow. It may strike simultane ously in many parts of the nation, in many parts of the world. "Tomorrow it may hit your com munity, your family or yourself. "The Sister Elizabeth Kenny Foundation 1945 appeal is being con ducted so we can wage an all out war against infantile paralysis and just as wars among nations cost money so do wars upon disease. If we are to win the battle against in fantile paralysis there must be money for research, there must be funds for the treatment of those who fall victim to its ravages." Old Madam Morris This Is Mr First Visit Here A Seventh Daughter Born with a Veil, not to be classed with Gyp sies. Over 50 years experience. Advice on all affairs of life. Please don't con fuse my work with that of the ordinary fortune teller. The truth or nothing. Re member, a doubter finds me superior to all readers. Reads past, present and future. Office for white and colored. Hours 10 a. m. to 9 p .m. Open daily and Sunday. Permanently located in trailer studio on Wilson highway in front of Guy Best's store. Take Green Gables bus to my office. Look for Hand Sign, Goldsboro, N. C, (adv) ll-30-4t pd. For beat price and conipkJU .Jot) on Monuments, ot wilta Rev. H. J. Whaley BanUvffle. N-Cl I All (9SM) Alka-Scltzcr l B C L.ETI.0.) A Alka-Seltzer, start taking it " at once to relievo the. Dull, Aching Head, and the Stiff, Son Muscles. ; B Be1 careful, avoid drafts and ' sudden changes in tempexav tora, Rest preferably in bed. Keep warm, eat sensi bly, drink plenty of water or fruit juices. Bo sure to got enough Vitamins. C Comfort your Sore,' Raspy Throat, if caused by the eold, by gargling with AJlca-Selt-eer. If fever develops, or symptoms become mora acute call your doctor. ALKA-SELTZER is a pain re lieving, alkalizing tablet, pleasant to take and unusually effective in action, ,;. . Take it for Headache, Muscular Pains and for Indigestion, Gas ea Stomach, when caused by excess stomach acid. At your drug store Larjre package 60, Small packaire J0, by the glass at soda fountains. t r ra - Establish Local CUnle Crosby emphasized that one-halt of the. funds raised in each of the 48 states where the drive is being conducted will remain, in the state to carry on local campaigns against the disease, to finance training ot Kenny technicians for clinics throughout the country and ' to finance treatment ot the stricken. Funds also will be used, Crosby sai.l, to: Enlarge the Elizabeth Kenny In stitute in Minneapolis, Minnesota Carry on extensive research as to the causes of the disease. Provide periodical study courses for physicians snd technicians. Perpetuate and extend the scop and benefits of the Kenny Institute not oaly, in the-United. States bui throughout the world. Lessen ravages of the crippling disease. Work of Altruism "EllzatietJt Kenny's work has been a worlso' altruism,"' Crosbysaid. "She fees or salary from her work. Her only reward is the realization that she has brought happiness back-' Into the-' lives of countless persons. "I realise, that the people of Amtr ica have been called upon to contrib ute to many worthwhile ventures during the trying years of the war. We have won that war through the generosity and the unselfishness of the people of America but -another war that rages continually remains to be won. The people of America can help win that war too the war against infantile paralysis by con tributing as generously as their purse permits to the Sister Eliza beth Kenny Foundation campaign fund drive." I WILSON-PEARSALL Miss Florence Carr Pearsall was mnrrlprl SnturdAV afternoon. Nov. 1 10th, to Lt. David Wilson of New ;York City at the Pearsall Mem orial Church in Wilmington. Her mother was the former Melva Carr of Rose Hill and a student at James Sprunt in Kenansville. Those from the Carr family atten ding the wedding were Mesdames Willard Hoffler, Alman Carter, John D. Robinson and Luke Bo ney of Wallace and Mrs. Harvey Boney of Rose Hill. NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING AT YOUR SERVICE TO.HELPYOU SELL- Blood Tested DADY CHICKS For Sale NOW.BOOKIN&OIIDERS FOR Spring Delivery ALL CHICKS GUARANTEED " $18.00 Per Hundred JONES HATCHERY C. C. JONES and R. B. JONES Pink Hill See Clarence Jones at Turner's Store PINK HILL, i . : NORTH CAROLINA FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 23rdr 1945. u TRIBUTE TO SERY1CE WOMEN J naiimt tlmum Phnta fO MEDAL OliL First to receive i Legion of Mem, u. nn f nautus, navy nurse, m uw, .4 am nistineuishad rpmnj " , - (.Badge for work at Bataan, Tegidor. enow ner we e j t victory Bonos. V. S. Trttturf Dtputmtot COTTON GINNING REPORT FOR DUPUN COUNTY Census report shows that 887 USD 66 6 COLD. PREPARATIONS LIQUID, TABLETS, SALVE, NOSE DROPS USE ONLY AS DIRECTED QUINN McGOWEN COMPANY WARSAW, NORTH CAROLWA DAT PHONE S-4-4-1 NOT t---l Funeral Directors A Embalmers Ambulance Service WARSAW FISH MARKET (Next Door to A at P) CREATORS AND MAINTAINERS OF LOWER PRICES ON QUALITY SEA FOODS - Bofh Wholesale asta ReteJJ Know Your Fish or Enow Tour Flsn Man Wmts BarUett FREE FtaMsstSS-1 WE DRESSING WARSAW, N. a DELIVER flew Hampshire Reds AND Barred Rocks READY FOR Immediate Delivery L' 1 bales of cotton wiere ginned in Du plin County from the . crop of 19- 49 prior to November lit as com pared with 4,007 bales for the crop of 1944. c WA1 H OUT Oi INfrTlT Head eold can cans much suffering. auuvii, nuui tress. Also helps prevent many colds from devel oping If used In Umel Try It. M- low airecuona m folder. Works fine I liUllfcpil Mtelgiii.,. m KADIS ; it IN MT. OLIVE i: P IS YOUR NEAREST LEADING CREDIT CLOTHIERS I quickly sliM . I ; it miimumnrr .. mnnimnrmjiiiimiiinai

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