a K E N A H S V U L E ,"N Wstcsaw Hews. CClassified ADS I I.ASSIFOCD RATES 1 cent per word, Muamum charge of Ko. Unless yon have mi account with us please send money, stamps money order or cbeck with ads. Farmers: If you have anything to sell or exchange, want to -buy, use the Times Class ified ads, we will accept produce for payment Make a rule of carrying; ade quate Insurance protection. R. W. BL&ckmore, Agent Reliable Insurance Service. WARSAW, N. O. ROCK WALL BOARD baa arri ved. Also have Lime, Cement and Brixmonl J. C. BUSS, Warsaw. ll-2S-4t WANTED PECANS: We will pay HIGHEST PRICES FOR YOUR PECANS. We will buy pecans In Wallace, N. 0., on the following Thursdays at the Brick Warehouse: Thursday, Nov. 15th, Nov. 29th, Deo. 13th, and Deo. 20th. We buy ail varices and It will pay. you to see us before you sett. This market sponsored by Lions Club of Wallace. T. B. Young St Co., Florence, S. C. 12-21-6 1. FOB SALE: Westinghouse Elec tric cook stove in perfect con dition. See Fred Baars, Warsaw. U-23-St. c LOST or STRAYED: Feeblemind ed Negro man, named James Hill Savage, age, about 22, Ht S 8", Wt about 170 .lbs, dark color, wearing shirt and overalls. Any one knowing the whereabouts of above described person please no tify Arthur Graham, Rt 1, Box 60, Magnolia, N. C ll-2S-2t pd. MR. FARMER, have your well drilled now and pay for it twelve month later. Write for quotation and give direc tion from town. HEATER WELL CO., RALEIGH, N. C. JEWELRY AUTO SUPPLIES AT HE HINES AUTO SUPPLY NEXT TO THEATRE IN WARSAW FARM FOR SALE: DupUn County. 2 miles West of Wallace. On a community road about 1-4 mile off hard-surfaced high way leading from Wallace toward HarrelPi Store, Formerly Marion Wells' property near Julius Wens' tore. ' 46 acres In tract with IS acres cleared. 8 acres tobacco al lotment Good 4-room dwelling, new tobacco barn, and small stock ' barn. Win sett for $3250 - part cash and balance on terms If de sirable. Look It over, and If ln-( tnmntjuL writ P. O. Has 14S or i telephone 509-4 In Clinton for further Information. FOB SALE: See me for Dynamite, Cape and Fuse. E. W. Brltt, Turkery, N. C. ll-SO-St O FOR SALE: Native hay and 400 bushels of corn In the shnck at my farm. J. C. Rosa, Warsaw. 11-2S-2, O " One track tire found in woods near. my house. Owner describe make and serial number and size ' of tire. fit. M. West, Rt 1, Kenans ville, 12-7-pd. FOR SALEi Two Farms, 50 acres , each; 16 acres cleared. S acres To bacco allotment each place. Two miles from Kenansville. . SOUTHMONT MFG. CO. Bo H1U, N. O., 18-7-21 pd. . - .. WE bTJT Jerusalem Oak Seed. ' D. E. BEST, Warsaw 13-14-U.a ONE MARE MULE for sale. Nine years old. Weighs about 1200 pounds. Gentle, work anywhere. Priced reasonable, M. V. ORR, WARSAW. It pd. EXPERT AUTO SERVICE Let us give your ear a check ever for cold teh JAtjMir ' riAir tMwttiets: ' Brlttf s Shell Service Station, - TTarsaw. O RT H C A R O L I N A Mrs. Stacy Brltt y Warsaw ' Editor SUBSCRIPTION AGENT Dial tOSfl Warsaw Has New Night Policeman T. W. Waters was sworn in on Sunday night as the new night policeman for the town of War saw, succeeding Ira Ezzell, who is ill.Mr. Waters, a resident of War saw for a number of years was formerly with the police force in the early 30's, but for the past 12 years was with the State Sanita tion Department in Kenansville. Attend Carolina-Wake Forest Game Among those attending the Caro lina-Wake Forest football game in Wake Forest Saturday, were Rev. G. Van Stephens, L. H. Brown, Eugene Carlton, Allen Draugbon, Allen Draughon, Jr., and guest. Mrs. Quinn Hostess At Bridge Dinner Mrs. J. W. Quinn was hostess on Saturday evening when she entertained a t a bridge dinner at her home on College St. Her lovely home was ensuite for the occasion and decorated throughout with white chrysan themums and candles. A tempting three course dinner was served buffet style after which the guests found their places at individual tables and fol lowing dinner- enjoyed bridge. PERSONALS Miss Eva Swinson had as guests last week Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wells of Laurinburg and Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Swinson of Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Womack of Greenville and Miss Lenora Wo mack, of Princeton are the holiday guests of their mother, Mrs. C. A. Womack. o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o We buy them daily at top market prices Southern Produce Distributers 2 o FAISON, N. C. O O o o o o Contact Us PHONE FOR Smith Doug:! FERTILIZERS "S - D MEANS SEE . Warsaw, t TRIBUTE TO SERVICE WOMEN nUiMal Arm Photo WAO MEDAL WINNER. In Buying Victory Bonds you are a lellow shareholder In the Nation with T3 EloUe Robertson, Oak Park, 111., who was given a Bronze Star by Ma J. Oen. J. L. Prink for her work In Manila. U. S. Treasury Department Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Strickland had as week end guests Miss Ha zel Strickland of Raleigh, Mrs. James Strickland and son Jimmy and her mother, Mrs. W. L. Sim mons, of Sanford. Mrs. J. B. Quinn returned from South Carolina Saturday after visiting her sons for some time. She was accompanied home by Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Quinn, of Colum bia, and Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Brown ofWallace and Miss Bess ie Quinn, of Wilson, spent Sunday with them. Rodney Andrews of Jackson ville, Fla., visited his mother-in-law. Mrs. G. P. Pridgen last week and his parents in Mt. Olive, Mrs. H. L. Stevens, Jr., spent Friday in Raleigh. Mr. and Mrs, Belton Minshew had as guests Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Frank Minshew of Calypso. Mrs. Harry Britt and son, Harry 41 O o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 0 0 o Before Selling o o o 53 YOUR ass SQUARE DEAL" . Torrans N. G. THE DUPLIN TIMES fetoest To -Rehind- Your Bonds lies the Might of America INDUSTRIAL STATE In Rhode Island, mast highly in dustrialized state in the Union, more than half the population Is employ ed in manufacturing, 134 per-thousand compared to 49 for the Nation. The state leads in per capita wealth in this business, $243 per person. Con verted to civilian needs, it will con tinue to produce resources to add to National wealth guaranteeing Vic tory Bonds. U. S. Treasury Department Jr. of Clinton were Sunday guests of Mrs. Stacy Britt, Mr. and Mrs. Finn Lee, Mrs. R. E. Wall and Vivian Johnson spent several days in Charlotte this week. Harold Matthis, and Miss Nellie Gray Matthis spent the week end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Matthis. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. McDonald, and son, who have been guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mills Hodges, left last week for their home in DeQuincey, La. Mrs. Thomas Rogers and son accompanied her brothers to their home in Raeford Friday. The Misses Powells had as their guests Monday Mr. and Mrs. Tom Moore of Sardis, Ga., and H. B. Powell of Rock Hill, ,S. C. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Topel of Wilmington visited Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Rackley Sunday They also brought their little niece, Martha Anne Kelly, of Carolina Beach, w who is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Rackley, this week. Warsaw Girl ECTt? Repc.ter Miss Edna Earl Moore of War saw, is serving du. ing 1945-1946 as a reporter on ju TECO ECHO student newspaper at E. C. T. C. Isued bi-weekly, i he Teco Echo is a four-page newspaper edited and managed by students at the coll ege and written by a staff of stu dent reporters. The paper has at several times, rsceived national recognition for excellence. Mary Young Bass of Enfield is editor; June Best Brandenburg of Warrenton, business manager; Mamie E. Jenkins of the English Department, editorial advisor; and Dr. Beecher Flanagan, faculty advisor. ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING $110,000 REFUNDING BONDS OF THE TOWN OF WARSAW BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Commissioners of the Town of Warsaw, North Carolina, as follows: Section 1. That pursuant to the Municipal Finance Act, 1921, bonds of the Town of Warsaw of the maximum aggregate amount of $110,000 are hereby authorized to be issued for the purpose of re funding valid existing indebted ness of said town incurred for necessary expenses within the meaning of the Constitution of North Carolina and evidenced by the following described bonds of said town which are redeemable at their face amount on any Jan uary 1st prior to their maturity: $49,000 General Refunding Bonds dated January 1, 1937 and payable January 1, 1967, and $61,00 Water, Light and Sew er Refunding Bonds dated January 1, 1937 and payable July 1, 1967. Sec. 2. 'That a tax sufficient to pay the principal and interest of the bonds herein authorized shall be annually levied and collected. Sec. 3. That a statement of the debt of said town has been filed with the Clerk and is open to pub FINANCE YOUR FARM 1 WIM Mlsf:1 Through accamaw Trost KENANSVILLE If the only thing holding you back from buying a farm or expanding your farm is lack of cash come in at once and arrange for one of our Farm Loans. More heads of livestock new barns or silos hen houses and brooders seed and feed can all be paid for with cash: then you pay out your loan with long term convenience, as you re alize income from your produce. Every Omie lic inspection. Sec. 4. That this ordinance shall take effect upon its passage and shall not be submitted to the voters. The foregoing ordinance was passed on the 22nd day of Octo ber, 1945, and was first published on the 23rd day of November, 19 45. Any action or proceeding ques tioning the validity of said ordi nance must be commenced within thirty days after its first publi cation. Dorcas B. Rogers, Town Clerk. ll-30-2t. A. J. OAVENAUGM WaUare. ,V C. JEWELRY J1AMONPS WATCHES i W Vi i n AND JEWELRY RETARIW) ami ENORAVIVC. (hearing revolution I QADI0NIC HEABINO AID Warsaw Drug Co. jjjO BALLARDS OBELISK FLOUR Plain or Selfrising 10 Lbs. .68 25 Lbs. $1.68 Ellis Store WARSAW LOANS Bank Company ROSE FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 23rd, 1945. 900000000000 STANLEY HOME PRODUCTS, Inc. We carry all the needs to make housekeeping easy and quick. Sold through demonstration only. Bee MRS. INEZ CURRIE in Warsaw for arrangement f demonstration. o boob o o oop 6 ttntvt mm eaur as uuw E&attz Is In Clothes Too Warsaw HILL