KENANSVILLE, NORTH CAAOJRA THE dUpun times rv " . . " ' LaT Iff r LD ML JJ LI " VJ" ff Leadership !v.s its rewards. But it has its obligations and its 1 responsibilities too. Whether you are a Captain leading your men or J a fertilizer manufacturer in the first rank of your industry, you will not; 1 keep your position for long unless you are ready and willing to assume. the obligations that your position entails. No one is more conscious of these facts than Smith-Douglass.v In the making of tobacco fertilizers, Smith-Douglass has attained a reputation and position second to none. That reputation and that posi tion were NOT attained by making fertilizers "just like" or merely "just as good as" the other fellow, but by making fertilizers that were BETTER. You'll never make anything BETTER ifjou make it just as everyone else does. i "if i HiT'XiJjilfl ' Qm5th.rrkiid1icc frtiVt-rara oro HTThFRRFXTT. ThV JllwflVS haVfi Ulllllll A- V W AUtJU A WA MI Ut W A AAA, AAM A JMV v mm r ' . been DIFFERENT. afl And we expect to keep on making them DIFFERENT. If i cmith-Douglass has blazed a trail in the making of tobacco fertilizers tint produce more pounds to the acre and mean more dollars when crop is sold. Smith-DouilassCS We arc :onvinced that tobacco farr ant dnd of fpri!!rer for theii bacco crops. We feel that is one of the obligation's of leadership to continue making that kind of tobacco fertilizer for you. Yes, Smith-Douglass fertilizers are DIFFERENT. They could never have attained their reputation in any other way. jriith-Pou glass Co imjpaiiyjnr S-D Stands for Smith-Douglass and a Square Deai ...... '''jnt'-; . , . i Jt4J;a-"' '! !' -"" '''.'.1 WWWWWP " " " - FKDAY, FEBRUARY., K-M J 0) fc