- ps. DUPLIN TIMES nilUshad each FriJ47 la KenansvCe, N. C, County, Seat at - ' , - DUPLIN COUNTY . ' -t f ., f . i v Editorial business and vrintlnr plant, KMansrflle, N. C -y V J. KOBEKT GRADY, EDITOR OWNER Y - i ."- ..Entered at tha Post Office, Kenansrflle, N.X, . " as second class matter. vU J. ' TELEPHONES '' 'i.iW'- C'-i ' 'v. Kenansville, 87-7 " Warsaw, 353-t " SUBSCRIPTION RATES: $5.00 par year In DopUn County; 13.50 per year year outside Dnplln County, In North Carolina; 4.00 per year outside North Carolina exeept to Men In U. S. ' Armed Forces, Anywhere, $3.00 per year. Advertising rates furnished on request. A Democratic Journal, devoted to the material, educational, economic and arrlcultnral Interests of Dnplln County. i Parrilina iJa. ' Notional AdvtrtUing Rtprinttiv American Press flssociATion Niw Yodt CKIcage Detroit HtodilsMs CFG Home Ec Class Gives Xmas Program - met in we scnooi auditorium. Mrs. '-'Uus uincn conauciea tne aevouon , si exercises. ,,.?' A Christmas program was pre sented by the Home Ec Class. A chorus of seventeen voices sang a number "of Christmas carols.. The Home Ev girls also presented their Style Show. Winners were: 9th grade; Sybil Davis 1st; Doris Williams, 2nd; and . Jewell Ann Sheppard, 3rd. .Tenth Grade: Mary Ella Williams, 1st; Eva Edna Grady, 2nd; and Kat ie Pearl Wilkins, 3rd. Eleventh. Grade: Margaret Jean Harper, 1st; Gaynelle Stanley, 2nd; and Elsie Byrd, 3rd. Mesdames Currie and Hazel Kor negay assisted in decorating the stage. The following teachers won for parent attendance: Mesdames Cur rie, Glenna Maxwell and Warren Maxwell. Mrs. Zollie Kornegay read an in teresting article on "What to give my child for Christmas." Following the program the lunch room was opened for inspection. The room was beautifully decorated and delicious refreshments were served. A large crowd attended. Rest, under medical supervision, is the only proved cure for tuber culosis. No drug has been found that will cure the disease. M. F. ALLEN JR. IGeneral Insurance" KENANSVILLE, N. CHENANSVILLE'S ONLY4NSURANCE'AGENCY i OUINN . McGOWEN COMPANY WARSAW, NORTH CAROLINA DAT PHONE 2-4-4-1 . NITB ?---1 Funeral Directors ft Embalmers V Ambulr. cm Service) Auction Sale Ever, Thursday - Wallace Livestock Yards Wallace IS THERE SUCH A TIJIi: GAS - "No" claim medical authorities, who ought to . know! Nature has so constructed and physl .. . , tally endowed woman that in many cases she's apt to suffer Certain distressing symptoms . during her life. For Instance, when she enters womanhood or during the menopause-, tho ' period when fertility ebbs away. .vir Now If on 'certain days' of the month fe- male, functional monthly disturbances are . causing you to suffer from pain, nervous dis tress and feel so tired, cranky, you snap at i v your children and husband then do try Lydia Ptakham's Vegetable Compound to relieve , : ajch symptoms. It's amout for this purpose. Mode ESPECIALLY For Girls find Women ' Plnkham's Compound does mors than relieve -mioh monthly pain. It also relieves accom panying nervous tension, irritability and weak, . 1 unstrung feelings when due to this cause., 1 nken regularly thruout the. month this ( eat medicine helps build up resistance t ainst such distress, A thing any sensible ' h uiuuu suuiua want to qui - . , I ydia Ptakham's Compound Is also very f ctive to relieve hot flashes and those funny, uarrasslng feelings during the years 38 to when due to the functional 'middle-age? lod peculiar to. women, . , - . rinl- i's Compound Is worth trytngt a- w a m " '1 v rr.i ' fciw " "'i SUNDAY S'SCHOOL . LESSON -;- By HAROLD L. LUNDQU1ST. D. D. Of Th Moody Blbl Institute ol Chicago. RsteMtS by Wcitcm Newipapar Vnlon Lesson for January 5 'r Lesson subjects and Scripture texts se lected and copyrighted by International Council of ReUglous Education; used by permission. 1; '"-'.''.; ,k THE WORD MADE FLESH LESSON TKXT John l:Mi. MEMORY SELECTION No man hath seen Cod at any time; the only begotten Son, which Is In the bosom of the Father, he hath declared him. John 1:18. A new year always carries, with It a deep sense of responsibility and at the same time a thrill of expectancy. That is why" we need to begin this new year and continue it in the study of God's Word, so that we may know his will. You will find It tobe a Joy and blessing to you, not only ai you study it by yourself, but also in the fellowship of those in the Sun day school and church. Our lessons tor the next three months are of unusual Interest, for they take up the Gospel of John which was "written, that ye might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing ye might have life through his name" (John 20ftl). Jesus Christ is here presented as the Word (Logos), and he is indeed the living Word come to reveal God to us. - I. The Living Word Is the Light of Men (w. 1-5). Men ask questions about Christ. Thsy want to know whether he is to be regarded as a good man and a great leader, or must we recog nize him as being God? The answer is here. He "was" In the beginning (Gen. 1:1). which means that he pre-existed from all eternity, and he "was God" even as he was "with God." This eter nal, living, divine Word was the "ex press image" of God (Heb. 1:3), and so perfectly revealed the Father (v. 18). He is the Creator (v. 3) and giver of life both natural and spiritual. This eternal Word became (as he was) the light of men. He came to shine Into the darkness of a sinful world .with the only light of redemp tion. We say again, "This is the Lord!" n. The Living Word Is a Divider of Men (w. 6-13). The darkness of sin was so deep, and still is so deep that the glorious light of God is not received with gladness, nor accepted at all. We see that in the close of verse 5. Now the question comes, Does it make any difference how a man regards Jesus Christ? The answer is clear. You must decide what you will do with him. You cannot avoid that decision or evade that light which shines. You must either accept or reject, and a failure -to accept is a rejection, i God has witnesses to the Light, John was such a witness and he, like all true witnesses for Christ, directed attention to him. John's great testimony was just a lesser light to point men to the true Light. That true Light is shed abroad for all men (v. 9). As they face Christ, men divide into two groups. His own people, and his own creation rejected him when he came (v. 11). How utterly tragicl And yet the same thing goes on today. Men hear the gos pel, .art made acquainted with Christ 'and his claims, yet fall to accept his proffered salvation, and are eternally lost (John 3:19; Eph. 2:1). But, thank God, there are those who receive him (v. 12), and to them ha gives the power, the right or authority, to be the sons of God. This change is expressly declared to be (1) not by reason of family or heredity "not of blood"; (2) not by natural instinct or development not "of the will of the flesh"; and (3) not by human volition or by man's will power not "of the will of man." III. Tha Living; Word Is a Re vealer ef God "(w. 14-18). The eternal Word, the Lord Jesus Christ, laid aside his place of honor In heaven, came to earth and took upon himself our flesh that he might redeem. us from sin. What infinite condescension, what unfathomable lovel He dwelt among men and 'showed forth the 'grace and truth of God, tor he was full of .these heavenly attributes. But It was in his giving of himself as Redeemer and Sa viour of mankind that be fully re vealed God in all his gracious love for us. . j. Notice the antithesis here. "Law" Is set over against "grace"; "giv en" stands in contrast with "came," and "Moses" with "Jesus Christ" The law was a schoolmaster to bring us to Christ (Gal. 8:24), but it could not save anyone; but grace oh, It is by grace that we are saved (Eph 2:8). . Moses was God's honored servant,, but Jesus was the Son in tha house hold Oleb. 8:3, 6). It was this Son of God who came to reveal the Fa ther and to declare his grace In sal vatlon. . . '.. ' i' The law was sent through a mes senger, but no messenger, no mat ter how great of worthy, would do to bring the gospel of the grace of God. That message at "grace and truth came by Jesus Christ" (vs,7) , , ,t 1 i 1 I c , . . i t.U .iv J II I I A 1 1 II - II - 1 Byrd and. other officers. nc:u ai iiuiisYiiie Funeral services for Mrs. Garri son; Albertson, 60, of 313 South Ave., in Kinston, who died in a local hospital there at 3 p. m. Tuesday Dec. 24 was held from the Hallsville Free Will Baptist Church at 2 p. m, Thursday of last week; with Inter ment in the church cemetery.' Sur viving are a son, James Albertson, with whom she made-her' home; three , brothers, Black ;.Willlams, "Boss" Williams, and Wesley Wil liams, all of this county. ; Held are Sred Taylor, John Ste- v. i, t, . : ; . .. hkSi cl:ar , .,.. J i tering the iuitn L.cctric r"l ance store, Long's Service and Herrintf'g Service .Station. Report Gas Gil Gtcmnch Relieved la 8 miontes or doaLI your monT V V Whe trrrma ifomsfld wtd ... , gt,ffv.,e- Bift ffmt. r fi4.--i. n h - . t r Census report shows that 956 bales of cotton were ginned to Du plin County from the crop of 1946 prior to December 13 as compared With 1282 bales for the crop of 1945. Three Negroes Held For Robberies In Faison Three Negroes are held under bond for Superior Court on charges of breaking and entering three Fai- D. R Garlton TELEPHONE 849-6 STRONG ENOUGH TO PROTECT YOU LARGE ENOUGH TO ; SE3VB YOU SMALL ENOUGH TO KNOW YOU - INSURANCE OF ALL KINDS , An Interest!:- anS i" exfptloa of Jssus will I -any one striving to know i the Lord and his works, I . postal request brines It A. rnoazzszrvx rci ; BOX Ml KENANSVILLS N. For quick rdtal from ltrhn t athlete's foot. scabKa, pnnvqesai,n o oooditioas, nn pire, cooiuiff, iwn D. D. D. tiKSiHirTiHi, A doctor s Greasdeis and stainless. Soothes. ora quiduy calms mtetme itchinir. iJ ' Braves It, or mow; back. Don t Sratsist today te la, tV la, . 00000000000,00000000000c oooooocooc USE PIN EE Cuts, Sores, Burns It's Different You'll Like It mm SUFFERERS! 666 STARTS RELIEF IN JUST 6 SECONDS auu stsMrMMly rtllef r... Irorn cold mtMriet. Try AM aftolll TaahlMH. OIS tfUltf caution: Um onlj IHSU.1AIICE IN DMIItSltlCE 1920 JAMES,-L. e: KIJCHItl Assistanf Manager hi:. mm BIscVDfaugbt a b 3-Unalhi 9Kr. 25 to 40 dMMMlhf , avtWM..ii(S uiur eaten A. J. CAVENAUGH r WaUace, N. C. JEWELER IE DIAMONDS WATCHES . WATCH AND JEWELRY . REPAIRING & ENGRAVING Bronchial Coughs Due to Colds ' Spend 45 cents today at any drug Store for a bottle of BUCKLEY'S CAN ADIOL MIXTURE triple acting acts promptly to hc)p loosen up thick, sticky phlegm soothe irritated throat mem branes and ease hard coughing spoils. Try It the very next time a cold result In a wracking, stubborn cough find out for yourself how good and effective It is for coughs due to colds. Get BUCK LEY'S CANADIOL MIXTURE made in the U.S.A. TODAY all druggists. 5 tEASONS increasing millions 4 &naj jLtacK. rvitn : muzzle Designed to speedily relievo t simple headache and painful '. aiscoauorts of neuralgia. Measured doses In poarder form for quick assimilation. : Proof of merit. Same tirpe tor mula over one-third century. Wants to, Thank each and every one of our cusfoniers for their business rnd to wish AIIYoih A Prosperous 1947 AUBREY L. CAVENAUGH ALL KINDS OF INSURANCE SURETY BONDS Warsaw, North Carolina OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOOOOOOOQOOOC,. B D ' r- Standard TJ. It' P.' ingredients. v J Laboratorx testeoV. eontroHed. D In price ran re of tveryorte. 10c and 25c sizes. C sn: Vffo-7 f ' " WM C-r BcpA Locn Fin Offers To " - : M..m V-y i.- -iy' FfOMrtMY Instead of paying his financing, ckarsres.' vou arrange a Itm-erm loan here. .There are n csmmlssions, no "burled charges,'' and you totf uds. the oost of aar sssnact ia your lean. - ' .... . ' ' You sm suaaattea la aeaad aa Dramativ.No eo-snakara or V : ' . aecaasaty and ro don't have to be a dannaito t. aw a w. 1 rrtKiWBMirijre yUr Bw borrw "P t twWJ t Irom m.: CONVENIENCE (samewhat fen tor used oars) and nay cash tor your purchase. You oaa araund and buy f ran any dealer.'; ' j ' j, ''' ' I rtrnl r iuisc' -"k lo 700 " M wltn M)U fsatn stsart to finish. LOCAL SmIVICc Yrjhs;,., , tmmn We nt hasna wish a hem. nfsnt ef yoot ehelea wheW u yu fd en attttaf nivanyt, on-the-spot service whenever yen need " . t . , , ; - EXTRA lENSTiTS yeu sneathly aula loan payment! regularly; as agaeedyou - ean bara kuUJ mmw kav jm a t- - "' - . m wn suiure an asset mat wb nreve . - TBsuanie S yoil ansa . Bafsre yen Jinanea ytr next plana aattea hare.' ;' ante lean urin be yenr tHilss. wh anaet bssistlls. t. We are she Msanlete eoet ef eCMr ' extras with n stndtar tran- " . " "WC for nw car loan U $5.00 pr $lC3.C0- 1 1 ln. Usm cr repayc&U 1 5 mcr.::;$ er Irrs. C.

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