Wvisiewsx Eveiry. ill . bl'ACY BEITT - WABSAW EDITOB ' : Subscription Agent Advertising Solicitor , Dial 293-6 yr-1 r Please --, Call In Your News . js. Draiighon Viiartains Af Party Mrs. Allen Draughon was a de ' htful hostess at two pretty pre iiristmas parties at her home on ne St. The home was attractively 'corated with festive greens min 4 d with holly, mistletoe and pyra cantha. A varicolored tree stood in the hall and In the living room was silvered tree holding' red bulbs, e dining table was overlaid, with i lace cloth, centered with white t. tiers and crystal punch bowl. ' ' 1 t Thursday evening Miss Ruth Best v ho was married in a Christmas 1 ay ceremony, to Julian Gatling, f f Tarboro, was honoree at atridge I ngo party at which time Miss Best was presented a miscellaneous shower of bridal gifts. Miss -Hazel Carter bingoed most time and re ceived a novelty gift of stationery. , During the evening Mrs. C. B. Best, mother of the honoree, poured; 'punch 'and the hostess was assisted by her daughter, Miss Janice Draughon-, In serving sandwiches, pecan roiis ana- nuts xo me xp ciose friends of Miss Best ','"" Vrlda; -'evening Mrs. Draughon, assisted "by Mrs. L, S. Whittle, en tertained at three tables of bridge. After several progressions instead of presenting, high score awards, the hostesses entered with a novel ty Santa Claus gift basket and each guest was remembered with a gift A delightful candle stick salad was served with coffee. I!:nors Bride-Elect - Saturday evening, preceeding her Christmas Day . wedding. Miss Ruth Best was honored at a mis cellaneous shower and party by Mesdames Henry Hunter and J. C. Brock in the home of Mrs. Hunter on Hill St, which was attractively decorated with Christmas greens and candles. , ' During the evening Mrs. jm. a. Smith directed various interesting games in which Miss Betty Loftin was presented Cars Nome powder and perfume. Mr. R. F. Wadkins, as Santa Claus, presented a shower .- of lovely gifts to Miss Best. . Th hostesses Banted a tempting sweet course of fruit cake topped with whipped cream and coffee. C-det Mallhis Ignored At Party . '-""" ' "- ' Mrs. ' D. L, Matthis entertained at her home at a Christmas Eve dinner party, honoring her son, Cadet Sgt. Harold Matthis, on his birthday, and home from Hargrave Military Academy. , Christmas decorations were used threughout the home and a tempt ing three course dinner was served by. Mrs. Matthis, assisted by her daughter, Miss Nellie Gray Matthis, also home from college. Following dinner the iguests attended the theatre. Entertain At - Misses Barbara Thompson and Jean Gardener delightfully entei tained at a semi-formal Christmas dance Monday evening in the Leg ion Hut The lounge was decorated thru out with holly, mistletoe and Xmcs lights and made a pretty setting for the young high school and col lege boys and girls. ' ' ' V! From the punch table, which was decorated with red and green can dles, nuts, popcorn and punch was seivd by the hostesses, assisted by their mothers, Mesdames , L, R. Gardner and J. C. Thompson. About 100 guests enjoyed the hospitality of the hostesses. 1 mi man Miss Eva J. Swlnson wishes to t ';e this means to thank the Bible Cla.s and Junior Class of the Tarsaw Methodist Church for their kind remembrance of her during fe Christmas season. Also thank i : each and every person, who sd to gladden her heart with c 'mas gifts and cards. . ::oPlrfh' r High School Seniors Juniors The Senior Class of the Warsaw High School entertained the Junior Class and Grade Mothers and Fa thers Wednesday night of last week at the Legion Hut at a pretty Xmas party. Decorating the lounge .were Christmas greens mingled with red and white candles, a lovely Xmas tree and holly and mistletoe dang ling from doors and mantle,, Cand les, burned ' in each" window - and with an open fireplace was a pret ty setting for the young ones. ; Mr. R. F. Wadkins, as Santa Claus presented each guest with a gift .v......if'. . i Rotarians Entertain Informally ' At Christmas Party And Cheer The Warsaw Rotarians were hosts to their Rotary Annes at a Christmas party in the Legion Hut at which time baskets of Christmas cheer were brought to be distri buted on Christmas. ... ; -: The lounge was decorated in Christmas greens, tree and candles. Streamers of twisted crepe paper in colors were strung around the room and the lights, covered with red paper and hanging underneath each were huge bunches of mistle toe The guests gathered Informally around the fireplace and were led Philathea Class Meeting Held The Philathea Class of the Bap tist Sunday School held their an nual Christmas party and tree in the home of their teacher, Mrs. G. Van Stephens with the president Mrs. It. M. Herring as Joint hostess, with 14 present Hrs. Herring presided and Mrs. Paul Sharpe read the Christmas story for the devotional and con cluded with a poem. Following the business, at . -vMch time . the new hea.t biters were drawn. Mrs. Stephens read a unique and fitting Christmas List and Prayer and the gifts were distributed. The hostesses served fruit cake topped with hld reajnand coffee." " ' Geo. Worth Band wis guy The George Worth Band of the Presbyterian Auxiliary met Thurs day of last week in the home of the leader, Mrs. L. A. Brown, where they enjoyed a meeting and Xmas social. Christmas decorations were used and under the direction of Mrs. Brown, assisted by Rev. Clarke, the group sang. Christmas carols. Donald Hitchcock read the Christ mas scripture and Red Brown gave a reading. Each child recited the beatitudes and Rev. Clarke read an interesting Chinese Mission story. Delicious refreshments were ser ved the ten little folks and pastor. James Kenan UDC December Meeting The James Kenan Chapter of the UDC met for their December meet ing in the home of Mrs. J. J. West with her daughters, Mesdames R. L. West, W. E. Taylor and Q. J. Sut ton as Joint hostesses. The West home, on College St., was decorated, throughout '. with Christmas trees; candles and sleigh arrangement on the mantle. ' - ? Mrs. H. L. Stevens, Jr., presi dent opened the meeting with a Christmas song followed by the flag salute. Following routine busi ness at which time several com mittees, were appointed, Mrs. L. B. Huie read an interesting paper on "The Fannie and the Jenny", re lating the incident of the fate of this ' blockade - runner, on the Wrlghtsville Beach coast in 1864. Mrs. West, assisted by her dau ghter, Mrs, Sterling Marriner and granddaughter, Miss .Anne - West, served a tempting fruit salad course with coffee. , . , " " w - Mrs. Blackmore Hostess to Class j- , Mrs Robert Blackmore delight fully entertained 18 of the little folks of her Sunday School' Class at her home, with a Christmas party and tree". Yi 'V-f ' '-" ' Carols were sung and a story told after Which Little Miss ' Anne Sharpe jec" I a poem Why Do Cbri. r ', r- instead of Enteriain . , At Christmas Party and Miss Isobel Bailey, Junior Spon sbr, who was married Dec. 22, was presented with a lovely sterling silver mayonnaise bowl. From the punch table decorated with holly, Miss Faye Quinn poured punch and the Senior girls served sandwiches, cookies and nuts. Miss Linda Cobb, Sponsor, assisted the girls In serving: ; During the entertainment, of Christmas carols and games Miss Martha Anne. Smith recited "The Night Before Christmas." About 75 enjoyed the party. in singing carols by the Rev G. V. Stephens with Mrs.' C. J. Brown at the piano. Jimmy Kitchin present ed each guest with a lovely hand kerchief. Prizes were won by Ross Wadkins and the Rev. Clarke. Gifts were presented to Miss Fannie Wil son, Mrs. Brown, Miss Mary Ella Bennett and Jesse Smith, colored, who assists with the weekly meals. The coffee table was placed at one end of the lounge and centered with an arrangement of holly. Coff ee was poured and served with sandwiches, hor d'oeuvres, and fruit cake. the tree and each child received an attractive favor of popcorn wrapped in cellophane, with a candy cane, featuring an umbrella. She served oranges with peppermint sticks and cookies. Baptist Choir Xmas Party - Saturday evening, before Xmas, following the final rehearsal for their Christmas cantata in the home of Mrs. C. J. Brown, Mrs. Allen DraUghon, in behalf of the Baptist Choir, presented to Mrs. Brown a Santa Claus filled with surprise Christmas gifts in appreciation of her faithful services , as director. Mrs. Brown in turn1 presented at tractive stationery to each member as her token of appreciation for their services. During the social hour Mrs. Stacy Britt served fruit cake, top ped with whipped cream, and cof fee. Personals Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Longest and daughter of Cherry Point were holi day guests of Mrs. J. R. Barden. Miss Anne Holland, student at Campbell College was home for the holidays. Miss Holland is on the staff of the school paper, "Creek Pebbles" and also vice president of the Baptist Training Union at the college. Mr. and Mrs, R. E. Wall and John Fonvielle spent the holidays in Tampa, Fla. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Oakes, of Wjildon, were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Oakes. Mr. Oakes was guest speaker in the Methodist Church Sunday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Pollock of Augusta, Ga., and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Glisson and son of Rocking ham and C. R. Corbett of Ivanhoe spent Christmas with their mother and sister, Mrs. M. C. West Mrs. Edgar Pollock accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Pollock home for a visit Miss Haroldine Katz has return ed to WCUNC where she is a stu dent. :; ' Henry S. Kornegay, Jr, of Winston-Salem and Miss Margaret Kornegay of Clinton were home for the holidays. v Franklin Thomas, announcer on station WBUY in Lexington was home during the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Thomas. Miss Margery Thomas ;. visited her brother in Lexington part of the holidays. : ."J Harold B. Bland, Jr., of Peters burg, Va., spent part of the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. W, R. Black more. ... Mr. and Mrs. Bernice Bostic of Raeford were ' Sunday guests of Mv. and Mrs. Thomas Rogers. Mr. and Mrs, Rogers visited her mother, Mrs-. C; L. Bostic in Raeford on Christmas Day. ; Mr. and Mrs. B. Y. . Womack and son of - Winston-Salem, were guests of Mrs. C- A. Womack of Warsaw and Mr. R, H. Holland of J Bowden during the holidays. , . W. RBlackmore spent the week end - in Winston-Salem with Mr. and Mrs, ; Frank Blackmore and children. ' Clyde Surratt visited relatives near Lexington last week. - Arthur Apple" left Sunday for Newark, N..: J., m a business trip. Mrs. W. OvTaylor and Mr.? and Mrs. H. B. Ohmer, of Raleigh were puerts during the holidays of Mrs. "-. . - ! :or, Mrs. SulaJPrew. Gatling-Best Vows Solemnized In Baptist Church Christmas Day In a lovely ceremony, which was solemnized on Christmas Day in the Baptist Church of Warsaw, Miss Ruth Carolyn Best daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Claude Bur bank Best became the bride of Mr. Jul ian Irving Gatling, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Gatling, Sr., of Tar boro. The double ring, candlelight ceremony was performed by the bride's pastor, the Rev. G. Van Stephens, at five o'clock in the afternoon. "':.v. The chrurch presented a beauti ful setting, being decorated with greenery, baskets of white gladioli, -and burning white tapers in seven branched candelabra. Pews Tor members of the families were marked by white satin rib bons over-hung with silver bells. Miss Mae Brock, pianist, present ed a program of nuptial music, which included "Serenade" by Schubert;. "Prelude" by Chopin; and "Romance" by Rubenstein. The traditional wedding marches were played. "To A Wild Rose" was softly played during the ceremony. Miss Janice Draughon sang "I Love You Truly" and the prayer, "O Perfect Love". The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore an original model blue afternoon dress trimmed with silver sequins. Her hat, bonnet shaped of matching blue, was trim med in blue ostrich feathers with blue veil. The bride's flowers were an arm bouquet of white carna tions, centered with a white or chid and long satin streamers. Mrs. William J. Yost, the bride's only sister, was matron of honor. She was attired in a rose dress trimmed with gold sequins with a hat of rose satin identica lto that of the bride. Her flowers were a bouquet of pink carnations tied with pink ribbons. The best man was the groom's brother, Wendell Gatling, of Tar boro, and the ushers were James Earl Gatling of Tarboro and Will iam J. Yost, of Warsaw. Mrs. Best, mother of the bride, wore grey with silver accessories and American beauty roses. Mrs. Greene, Jr., of Elebron, N. J., and Mr. and Mrs. Lindsey Winstead of Richlands. Mrs. David Currie'and daughter, and Mr: and Mrs. G. D, Wright and R. L. Wright of Raleigh visited Mrs. Inez Currie and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Pridgen Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Roxby, of Oklahoma City, visited Mrs. J. B. Quinn Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Rox by formerly resided in the Quinn apartments. Dr. and Mrs. W. H. Freeman and Beverly Jo, were holiday guests of j his parents fn I.eaksville. j Mrs. C i-rie Peele has as holiday guests M' and Mrs. John Peele, Jr. J and child: n, Mrs. Leis Peele and i children, E d Lloyd Peele of Rox obel. Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Whittle and children were holiday guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Whittle in McLeans ville. The week end Mr. and Mrs. Whittle went to Richmond, Va. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Barker of Oxford were Christmas guests of her mother, Mrs. W. A. Carter. Miss Bessie Quinn of Wilson, was home, for the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Solomon of Richmond, Va., spent Christmas with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Brooks. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Currie left Sunday to spend several weeks in Los Angles, Calif., with David Cur rie. Mr. and Mrs. George Bennett had as holiday guests ber mother, Mrs. Nan Burt of Dillon, S. C, Mrs. Emma Isham of Kinston, and Miss Lula Hinson of Kenansville. Ernest Hussey of Ro k Hi I S. C , was home for the hoi days with Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Lyna Shore ar.d Lynette, of Sanford were w:?k end guests of her sister Mrs. M. H. B;. . Miss Louise Farrior of Richmond, Va., spent Christmas with her pa rents Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Farrior. Miss Lillian Swinson, student at Meredith College, was home dur ing the holidays with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Torrans and children were holiday visitors in Florida. Mrs. Otho Williams and Miss Elizabeth Blanchard and C. L. Blanchard of Kinston spent Christ mas wfth -their mother, Mrs. Irene Blanchard.' Mr. and Mrs. Norwood. Carroll and children were holiday guests of his mother, Mrs. C. F. Carroll. Mr. and Mrs. George Steele vis ited his mother and sister, Mes dames G. G. Steele and Blanche S. Wilson during the holidays. Mes dames Steele and Wilson recently returned from Canada, where they toent several months. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Souther land, and children of Goldsboro visited Mrs. B. F. Cooper over the week end. " ,;' ' ' . " Frank Pickett spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. W, Pickett. ':i':::X ' '-.': V:"'-V '? . - Miss Nell Bowden was home for Christmas with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Bowden. ; H. C. Allen and Bobby Gaylor were home for the week. : : Gatling, the bridegroom's mother, wore brown and a corsage of pink roses. The bride attended .East Carolina Teachers College and has made her home in Warsaw. The grc-'c a Marine veteran, is an em plet f of the Carolina Telephone and Triegraph Company in Tar boro, where the couple will make their home. Following the ceremony the pa rents of the bride entertained rela tives and out of town guests at a dinner at their home on Hill St. Out of town guests attending were: Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Ledbetter, of Raleigh; Mr. and Mrs. Norwood Carroll, of Durham; Mr. and Mrs. Durwood Clifton, of Faison; Mr. and Mrs. Jim Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Vann, Miss Lois Biz zell, of Clinton; Mr. and Mrs. Ed ward Fishel, of Littleton. MISS BEST ENTERTAINED AT "OPEN HOUSE" On Monday evening, Dec. 2, Mrs. William Yost, of Wilson and War saw, entertained in honor of her sister, Miss Ruth Best, bride-elect of Christmas Day, at "open house" at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Best, between the hours of 8:30 and 10 o'clock. The home was beautifully deco rated in the Christmas and bridal motifs throughout. Greeting the guests was Mrs. J F. Strickland, Mrs. Tuicell Jones introduced the guests It the recei ving line composed of t'.ie hostess, her mother, Mrs. C. B. Best, Miss Best, the honnrco, and Misses Mae Brock and Janice Draughon, mem bers of the wedding party. Recei ving in the dining room were Mes dames Allen Draughon, Charles Sheffield, and Robert Blackmore, of Warsaw, Mrs. D. F. Odum, of Mt. Olive and Mrs. Durwood Clif ton, of Faison. Bridal ices, nuts, cakes, and lily-shaped mints were served --om a beautifully appoint ed table covered with a handmade lace cloth, red centerpiece and burning white tapers in silver can delabra. Mrs. Stacy Britt presided at the bride's book in the gift room. Throughout the evening Mies Belty Anne Hufham, of Clin ton, rendered appropriate musical selections. The hostess, presented the bride a corsage of white carnations and silver in her chosen pattern. About 65 guests called during the evening. 1 OOOOOOOOOOOOOt ooooooootooooooooooooon Wanted Winter Dresses at SLASHED PRICES A. BESOOK Miss Bailey, Mr. Grady Ved In Formal Ceremony Miss Isabel Fields Bailey, dau ghter of Mrs. McQueen Bailey and the late Mr. Bailey of Carthage, be came the bride of Mr. S. Leland Grady, son oZ Mi-. uid Mrs. J. J. Grady of Kenansville, in a candle light ceremony in Union Presby terian Church Sunday, December 22, at 5:30 in the afternoon. Rev. C. K. Taffe was the officia ting minister and the wedding music was rendered by Mrs. W. E. Gladstone, pianist, and Mr. R. C. Fields, uncle of the bride, solist Mrs. Gladstone played "A Vene tian Love Song." before, and "To A Wild Rose", during the ceremony. Mr. Fields sang "The Sweetest Story Ever Told" and "Because" prior to the ceremony and follow ing the prayer, he sang "The Lord's Prayer", as a benediction. The church was banked with tall cedars and long leaf pine, Eight seven branched candelabra, en twined with southern smilax, hold ing cathedral tapers, arranged in crescent shape and baskets of white gladioli were used around the altar. The bride, given In marriage by her brother, Gilbert M. Bailey, wore a gown of white duchess sa tin and net, fashioned with a fit ted bodice, sweetheart neckline and leg of mutton sleeves that end ?.1 ii -""'its ovsr the wrists. The full ski. t. ended in a circular train uric' her f; gertip, two tiered veil of iliusi n fell from a crescent of ceeded pearl and orange blossoms. Her necklace was a single strand of pearls and she carried an old fashion nosegay of white bridal rosebuds and snapdragons, center ed with an orchid. Miss Frances Gillis, of Fayette ville attended the bride as maid of honor. She wore a floor length dress of white satin and marquiset te, fashioned similar to that of the bride. Her nosegay was of pink roses and her shoulder length veil matched her dress. Misses Edith and Joan Bailey, sisters of the bride were brides maids and wore identical white ta ffeta and net dresses with fit ted bodice and full floor length skirts. Their flowers and veils were identicpl to the maid of hon or. The groom had as his best man h;s father, J. J. Grady, and ushers were James and Robert Bailey, brothers of the bride, and Ken- A BREAK FOR YOU Our Complete Stock of DRASTICALLY COME EARLY AND TAKE YOUR PICK Detriment Sicre WARSAW, NOHTII CAROLINA neth and Morris Grady brothers of the groom. .': . Mrs. McQueen Bailey, mother of the bride, wore a black crepe dress with white lace collar and black' accessories. Her. corsage .was of white roses. . V .-'v. ;;";;,' Mrs. Grady, mother of the groom, wore a black velvet dress , with black accessories and . her corsage was of red roses. " , i ' Immediately after the ceremony : the bride's mother and aunt Mrs. t R. C. Fields, entertained at a re- ' ception at the home of the bride's ' ' mnthpr. in Cnrthnae': Hr hnm . was decorated with greenry and . white gladioli. In the Dining room wnere we inree uerea weaaing 1 A !1L. , 1 . 1 IJ. :l . ...v cue, vuppeu wim immature unuc and groom, centered the lace cov- - ered table, white tapers in crystal ' holders were used, with steva out- - lining the cage and holders. . , - Mr. and Mrs. Fields greeted the ' guests at the door and introduced them to the receiving line com- ' posed of the parents of the bride ' and groom, and wedding, party. After the bride and groom cut 1 . the first slice, Miss Frances Gillis cut the cake. Those serving ice cream and punch were Mesdames Kenneth Grady, Ashe Miller, Wal-J ter Hardister and Jack Barrier. - During the reception Mr. and . Mrs. Grady left on a wedding trip ', ' to unannounced points. The bride changed to a black wool suit with white felt hat and black accessories.: ' A A 1 1 1 J 1 1 a .1 . orchid from her bridal bouquet. The bride is a graduate of Vase ' Lakeview High School, attended . Montreat College and received her ' -Bachelor of Arts Degree last spring from Flora Macdonald College. She is now teacher of English and : French in the Warsaw High School. The groom is a graduate of B. F. Grady High School and attended State College before entering the Marine Corps. At present he is connected with his father In farm ing at Kenansville, where the cou- . pie will reside. U U J U U -or Montr Keek - Vor nick relief from itching csUMd by mmh, IMef 'i foot, loibiei, pjmpln nd thW itrhmg ': oaditiom, use pure, coolinx. medicated, bqaMl .. . D.D.D.PMSCMPTION. A doctor' formula. Greaseleai and atainkai. Soothe. umKaU mmd quickly calm interne itching. 35c trial bottle Miwiiit miwwm ImwIt Dnw't anffp AflfrnM dmggiet today far D. D. P. mctCfttPTloei. REDUCED 1 M Vro-,''r rtackburn and H. D. "i i ' ' 'e Gnfrr