11 'J l U i' L ' THE DUPLIN TIMES sna eaah MAsy ta KMiMvUtek V. . dchjvckcntt knabMM ae4 pelatta ' S. KOBEBf GRADY, EDITOK OWVEB ' Entered at tha Peat Offlee, KntUuaWa, N. C '4 " ' ' as aaaaad data matte. -TILIflOKIl Mmamm IM ' ; ' V-Wessaw, SIM V lEESCKIPTIOV BATES) SS.09 paa year la Bnrplla flaunti $!.( sar year yaar auteUa Daplla County, In Vevtb Carolines lUt aaa year antslee Karth Carolina, eaeee ta Men la W. 8. Aiaiad Foresa. Anywhere, 18.00 pec year. Advertising rata furnlshe aa wanes. A Deaaaeratle Journal, devoted ta the material, edaeetloaaf, aeoaaaUo and agricultural tnteraata of Duplin County. sfonh Carolina vv jajJ3AU0CIATKWm 1 Halionol Adveitlllno. trnlo!i JIherkah Press flssotufioi N.w York CMccioe DtroIt PMImMpNa President Plans Fire Prevention r Faced with an average, annual toll of 10,000 deaths from fire, to 1 gether with property loss which ex ceeded $560,600,000 in 1946, Presi dent. Truman Is sponsoring a nation-wide effort to cope with the fire" menace. Representatives of municipal and - State governments, Federal ageu- - ciesand of non-official organiza ' . lions' with a basic interest in fire t prevention have been organized in i.U a coordinating committee to draft an agenda for the Conference " and to appoint committees which will prepare recommendations to be submitted to the Conference as a ; whole. The fire toll has been rising since ,1934, and 1946 was the most de- structive year with a property loss of $561,487,000. Committees will be appointed to . make advance studies of special aspect of fire prevention, including law enforcement, law" revision, building codes, inspection, fire fighting services, education, and to v draft , recommendations for the Conference, which will be in sess- ion three days during which, it is ' hoped, a coordinated program will y be formulated that will revitalize Butane Gas Also STOVES WATER HEATERS SPACE (Room) HEATERS GAS SYSTEMS (Tanks) REFRIGERATORS CAFE EQUIPMENT Immediate Delivery R. W. CRAFT BEULAVILLE, N. C. 2 O o o o o o o o o o o o Kinston Automobile Auction Every- Thursday 1:30 P.M. o q Sell or Buy Where There Both' New And Used Cars And Trucks. HERBERT PATE, Auctioneer For any information Call 4527 or 4361 KINSTON, N. C. o o o o C) QUINN - McGOWEN COMPANY V ' WARSAW, NORTD CAROLINA ' OAT PHONE f-4-4-1 eat ef plaaV KimmU. N. . the national effort to reduce death and financial loss from fire. Conference headquarters is lo cated at Room 7006, Federal Works Building, Washington, D. C. Consideration Is Given P. O.W Vets Special consideration will be giv en to disability claims filed by vet terans who were interned in enemy prison camps during World War II, the Veterans Administration has announced. Former prisoners of war who have any reason to believe they are suffering from a disability as a re sult of their confinement may file a claim with the VA. A study of the effects of malnu trition on former American prison ers of war has revealed that near starvation diets in certain prison camps may have physically im paired prisoners and caused ner vous disorders. A. J. CAVENAUGH Wallace, N. C. JEWELER DIAMONDS WATCHES WATCH AND JEWELRY REPAIRING & ENGRAVING O o e o o o o o o o o o o Is A Wide Variety Of O O o o o OTTO t-f-S-I SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON ;- ' Bv HAROLD L. LUNDQIMST D. D. Of The Moody Bible Institute oi Chleato. Released br Wee tern Newspaper Union. Lmmr for February 16. . laoa aublMti and ScrlDWW text M- leetea and ennvriiihtrd bv iBUitpRttuoai Couneil o4 BelUrtaue EdueaUca; uaed .v JESDS AT THE FKAW . OF TABERKACUM Ibmoh non-jtM t.u ie. si 3a'; ; i-i: UKUOIV mjCOnON I am the light of Uie world: he that (ollcwetb m iball Mi walk la darknem, but shall have the light af Ute.-John 8:M. "Ta Light of the World Is JmubI" Who does not remember with what delight we a children saaig, "Coma to the light, 'tie shin ing for .thee ... The Light of the World la Jesua." How precious was the truth that thus flooded our souls! Hat the passing of the years dimmed the beauty and glory of that light la our hearts and liveaT Do we need it renewed? God Is will ing and ready. Jesus is the light."- and just as the sunlight sheds Hs glory on an awakening " world at dawn, so Christ sheds abroad the light of God in the hearts of be lieving men. The writer of these lessons pens these words wifii the prayer that as this portion of God's Holy Word is studied and taught, that light may break forth on many a soul lost in the bewilder ment of this dark world. Our study centers around three simple words fraught with beauty and rich in meaning. L Light (John 8:12-16). The text says, "Then spake Jesus." When? Just after he had silenced the hypocritical accusers of a woman taken in sin, and had spoken the word of peace to her troubled soul. She was to "go and sin no more" because she had met him who is the light of the world. They that follow him "shall not walk in darkness"; they are the children of light, they have the very light of Ufe. How sad it is that with the light of the world shining in all its bright ness, men loved their own darkness. The Pharisees, instead of receiv ing the Light, had to argue, and to do it on a low, fleshly plane. They even accused Jesus of being a liar. Think of that! So it is that men may reject the Light of God and go on into a dark ness made deeper because they have seen the light. Now we look at our second beau tiful word. How sweet it sounds as we repeat it H. Freedom (vv. 31-36). Free Four letters, but what a depth of meaning! Chains ha ve fallen off, prison doors are open. The one who was bound is free. But here we are concerned with an even more important liberty, the free dom of the soul. Many there are who boast of their Independence, but who are merely slaves. Jesus said: "Whosoever committeth sin Is the servant of sin" (v. 34) not its master. How shall they be freed? Note three things in these verses. (1) A condition "If ye continue in my word." This means not only a pro fession of faith, but a daily appro priation and realization of his truth in life. (2) A promise "Ye shall know the truth." The philosophies of men profess to be a seeking after truth, but how few there are who look to the one place where it can be found in Jesus Christ. (3) A result "The truth shall make you free." Truth always sets free. Men are enslaved because, as in some foreign lands, they have not had the opportunity to learn the truth (we have failed to send it), or because they have rejected it. Freedom and light can lead only to m. Vision (John 9:1-5). This is one of the most instructive passages In Scripture. A man born blind is seen by Jesus. His disciples note his interest and begin to theor Ize on a theological question The had learned so little of the com passionate Spirit of Jesus that they saw In this blighted life only an il lustration of a theological problem. May God help us that we may never be so blind. - :, Jesus goes at once to his blessed work. He was in the world to do the works of God. He and the Father always work. Let us follow ' his blessed example. The King's busi neis requires haste. Let us work "while it is day, the night cometh when no man can work." ; i By a loving and gracious act, Jesus stirs in the heart of the man that faith which causes him to go, to wash, and, glory to God, be eesl , . .. Such a personal experience of the divine power s of the Son of God leaves bo doubt in the man's mind that the One who caused him to sea "is a prophet" All oi a man's doubts concerning the deity of Jesus Christ disappear when ha becomes bis Saviour. Do not fail to read the remainder of the chapter and note how this man's faith was victorious ' in the face of trials, persecution, and even of excommunication; for outside the temple he met Jesus and took him as his Lord., As Dr. Scroggie puts it, "His excommunication was a promotion. He went from the syn . agogue to the Saviour." : Improved Vaiforqt "j httratroital CI Tm 6G0RQE I BENSON , ; ..Young Economist ' J aaat a young aeonamtst in Eng land. His thinking aavaalad that ha would Uaa to saa the oomplete crum bling at tb ataseal ander and the ultimata satUaaUaaqan af all Eng land, His iflfiwifalnrt aaowad tao that he would tboraugaly nallaa fail ura f "the eapitaUstin aader" in JUaariaa. wbiek aa boldly predicted would auaeey eoaae watbla a few jaana.V;; -: v Notable thlag aaaut this young man is that ha la vary iaflueatlal la the Labor government. He talked freely and with spirit, and the en thusiasm ha. exhibited shows eon elusively which school of thought la England is on the defensive. It is Unfortunate when Truth and Right ara no longer- on the crusade, but instead must be called to the defen sive V--, '--'KyMy Inflaenoe of Tooth I asked this young eaonoaaist the secret of the growth of the Socialist party in the United Kingdom. Dis playing polltioal acumen ; which- is engendered only from a thorough understanding ' of reality and a knowledge of facts, this economist said that victory in the last election In close districts came because' of the yote of the young people. "In fact, the percentage of young people who voted the Socialist ticket was greater than the percentage of older people In the ranks of Labor," be told me, adding a fact I knew already:, that the growth of Social ism has been more rapid among young people and among skilled workers. The influence of higher ed ucation, he stoutly 'affirmed, was a definite factor in the spread ofJSo clalism throughout the Kingdom. I did not encourage him in this re gard, about America, but the paral lel was clear. I found myself wish ing that our own high schools and colleges were doing a better job of buildirlg into the very fiber of Amer ican youth a deep appreciation for the fundamental principles of our American way of life, lest our youth some day lead this nation down that same unfortunate road. Strange irony it is, that wealth created by honest work is used in the form of taxes and in grants as means to de stroy the philosophy which begot our freedom and our wealth. Competition Needed Even the government officials in London do not seem quite sure that the. principle of nationalization is sound. Some uncertainty exists, for they are already detecting basic weaknesses. During the week of July 15 a London newspaper quoted the London County Council as say-. ing that the London Transport (a government monopoly operating street-cars, and buses) needed com petition. In the same week an other writer stated his opinion that the . British Broadcasting Corpora tion, the weaknesses of which were at that time under fire in Parlia ment, needed the competition of oth er broadcasting companies in Eng land. Failure of the private enterprise system in America, our young econ omist said, would soon come be cause of the inability of business to operate at a loss. This thing the government cpuld do indefinitely, just for the sake of maintaining employment, be affirmed, insisting there is no limit to deficit financing available to government - owned economy. I have never been able to con vince myself that Socialistic and Communistic minded economists could be sincere in advocating this philosophy, characteristic though It is of their thinking. If the principle were workable, why does not Some Communist nation issue a million dollar credit to each of its citizens and let them all enjoy wealth in a nation that cannot go broke? How women awe? girls may get wanted relief from functional periodic pain Cental, many vomea say. bM brought re lief from the ersne-nka eeonr and Berrout train of funMlooal peratata dlitreas, Tsjcea Ilk a tonic, it taeuld stlanilata appetite, Id dlontleeLe thna helB kuUd realat- I ance (or the "time" ta eome. Started s u Dfiore '-yotar omar-, n annua neip relieve mu aa u purer nweBonai penooia oaueee, 717 CARED tUD aac eee im pmccnowa It May Cause. Infection For quick relief from itching caused by ecsema. athlete foot, scabies, pimples and other itchm conditions, use pure, cooling, medicated, liquid D. D. O. PRESCRIPTION; A doctor' formula. Greaseleaa and stainless. Soothes, comforts and mnrJrlv calm intense itchinz. 35c trial bottle proves it, or money back. Don't suffer. Ask your druggist today for O. D. O. PnESCaiPTlON. RECORDINGS for the best home entertainment! Caeasa 1 your favoriUss bare. Cemr'He ' selection of e'j' s'l r V e-1. r -. ' Cr " F " ' ' : To llcL7r.::!xrs It is a mistake for the housewife to keep all the wood ashes cleaned from ' the fireplace. - The ashes should be kept level with the and irons to provide a bed for glowing charcoal which- yialds steady beat and helps to Ignite new logs as they ara added. - -Before laying the fire, put a log on the floor of the hearth against the back wall. Thia keeps the draft from drawing the fire directly in to the masonry and wasting beat Split wood kindlee easier than round wood, . , ' Softwoods make a' quicker and hotter fire but burns up faster than hardwoods. -" A combination of hard and soft wood, such as oak and pine, makes a successful fire. Green wood ta poor In beat value because of the moisture It contains. ' Dry seasoned wood kindles mora quickly and is easier to tend than wet or green wood. ' -, Woods that throw off sparks are chestnut, butternut, tamarack and spruce. These should be burned only behind a screen. ' State College Answers Farm Questions Q. How can I rid my house of cockroaches? A. .The most practical material is a ten percent DDT dust. The pest is killed by coming in contact with the dust, so every possible hiding place must be thoroughly treated. Make sure that all food and cooking For Best Prices and Complete 7ob on Monuments, See or Write Rev. H. J. Whaley Beultvillt N. C Bronchia! Coughs Due to Colds Spend 45 cents today at any drue Store for a bottle ef BUCKLEY'S CAN ADIOL MDnfURB triple acting ct. nromDtly to hehfloosen up thick, stick) phlegm soothe irrltarld throat men. brues and ease hard coughing srli ; Try It the very next time a cold result In a wracking, , stubborn cough And ou for yourself how good and" et cive it is for coughs due to colds. Get BtTCK LETS CANADIOL MIXTURE made In the U.S.A. 70DAT all druggists. CHECKED or Money Bsok For quick relief from itching caused by eczema, athlete' foot, scabies, pimples and other itching conditions, use pure, cooling, medicated, liquid D.D. D. PRESCRIPTION. A doctor's formula. Greaselese and stainless. Soothes, comfort and quickly calms Intense itching. 35c trial bottle proves it, or money back. Don't suffer. Ask your druggist today (or D. D. P. PBSSCRiption. , What Qvx ,: ECONOMY PAST ACTION e sm 1 Yaa ohaoae yeur new oar, karrew ua ta trro-ttarda af its east ftna n, CONVENIENCE (sannawhat leas far aaed aswat aM pat aaab tar yaur ptrafiase Taa tma Wt a eeak ante leu yau aaa deal wsisi laaai fea few sa4 to fUstakt LOCAL SERVICE Tea harTaw aar aaaas a aaais yea lanaw. baseaw at aata aad tZaae - : yam tSwiraaiii rtgart bawe at Isaaae wMfefa kaaim agasiS el yaaa- ehelsa wktra - yaa easi depend m gaatiBg peaaapt. am the spat service vrtMsavar yau n4 EXTRA ICNsTtTS aaaathir auta lean pavasasite racalacir, aa acsead. yea aa betp baav) yeur baa erdrt Jar the fatare aa asset ttsat will pree vehiaWe ta yea agate am acate.. ..' . -VI? f'"" ;r " ';"'"--! ; '''-'''i' Jli' "''feirv .1 Before ya naaree ynr ut aaw ns eeaspana Sis imirliii matt mi . plans ; Iedia1ef fl-aare ehf, Ssaa, nasilsslias, ara wfh staller asaw : . ,. . sacMaa kere. Phis hVMe she pta NI jmm( iiSW We are nmmi a baa ' aa'e Use rtW be yMr ebeke. utensils are covered beioie duct is applied'- " Q. I have some apple trees that eed pruning. When and bow should this ba dona? A. Trees should be pruned in late winter. Remove 1-4 ot the ter minal,: growth of "one-year-old" whips. Prune 2-year-old trees, or one-year whips after one seasons growth, by selecting several bran ches spaced six Inches apart, and the lowest lateral branch two feet from the ground. Prune lightly un til tree reaches bearing age. - Q. How long will the Tobacco Stabilization Program be in oper ation? v A. So long as the producers vote to produce under the quota system, the Stabilisation Corporation will operate as it la sow. Attention Yorld War II Vels SPECIAL North Carolina veterans of World War IIt who desire to take co-operative farm training under the GI Bill, -must fce enrolled for in struction by a vocational agricultu ral teacher prior- to March 1 in order to receive benefits under the VA training program. - Officials of VA said that tuition costs and subsistence allowances will not be paid in case of veterans who enroll after the end of this month. Farm training a co operative program of organized In struction and actual on-the-farm MRS. M. M. TIUGPEN BEULAVILLE : ' Representative Per CLINTON FLORAL COMPANY WALLACE, N. C. D. H. CARLTOII INSURANCE AGENCY Life - Fire - Storm - Automcbilc, etc. 11 mmmtmmmmmmwBmaammammamaaammmaaamma' '' ; ' . Telephone S498 ' rV', Warsaw, II; C. ' Auction Sale Ever Thurcday Wallace Livcctcsh; Yards Wallace 6cith Auto Lcen Yea: Iasted af paylag biwh' fmn . hargc. you asveage a- law east baak laaa aaae. .Taare aaa aa snwlssisas. aa "started akaccea," sad yaJ oam ineiiide the east af aar auraee la yaur Issa ',',.?' Veur loaa apallcaataa is astad a pctma&V. .Urn aa asalisss r amimpan are aeeeasary and yea daa't have ta be a deaeafter la aedar ta baraetr ksae. awaaad aad buy fraaa aay Ky$ f'r new ear loan is $5.C0 ptr $1C3.C5,. Md t bsn. lerr j m r ' " 1 3 r : - ' i r r i- . .training -viJ. ter -are t.at at the beginning -of each crop year. 1 Veterans desiring to enroll' f ,r agricultural training should con tact Vocational agricultural teach ers at once, VA said. 1 TYMDALL " ; Df aiecxr cLcra . . tturtal AaeoetotUa , ,. art Fuiseral UlBsMtor. aSaaaalasafs AmlmlnsKie Mervtre. a mr llnao ef VVSLT-s?iS) KEMEMESa SBBAY TOMOZSOW WITH A' PMOTOGKAPH luWT'S STUDIO . INMOCWTOUVK Pswaas tll-3 SO COataORCLftX . PaOTOORAPHT ' - ' ' '. A SPECIALTY V USE PIIIEE Cuts, Sores, Dums It's Different You'll Like It Pica Offers To i-V '' ; Fvnrc r-re??rs fir: I it 5 i