rLISIfIGD .BATES. Tw tsuta pec. word, minimum' chart of 50e. Unlesayon have , an account witi u please seud ' money, tamps, : money order . use the" Time Classified ada; r .check with ada. Farmers: .. af yea bars anything U aell or exchange,, or want to buy,' we will accept produce for,r. payment -"- 'L ' C3JB - MS aad , aaake . eaaalat 1 runtt w da Jflm tata andv ami : Afndar .'repaira, alow irptare : yoer ' fn!ni alasae . wftw iiwr HtaUe '.i'vnof glaat , , '' 1 - ' . rJ MOU.AVIK :',r vf. .;e: KNAN8VTT.I.. r-"- V;; .( W - - " ; IJT TOTJB : PBOP HIV 'WHS CM a DAM AOVB OTtttllWWS mix , yc; ia rvtLT wu " - at "A aU.ACKTOK!q, Airn.it - Reliable buajaaM' Service - . Warsaw, aleb Carolina ESL WANTED Male ' 40.00 tUod Jobs A Month ' No Previous Training Necessary M Postal Clerks" Crane Operators' ' "t , ..Draftsmen - ..v L" Meat Technician ': . ; - Motor-Inspectors Investigators c-v-i , -. ? Demolition Technicians ;V Stenographers -i -' !. Accountants ; ' i'J - Shop . Clerks 5 v -v , . uiider mecnanica . Traffic Analysts ' Your hew Regular Army needs ap proximately 40,000 men a month in order te fill important peacetime posts. It is offering 40,000 good jobs ' a month In the inefl who can meaa- . are ap. . ' y::y'-.-.r'-i Starting pay Is 175 a month, in ad- JifAX 4- .I.ILk.. v -A. ; medical and dental care. The chance for promotion is excellent, and you learn valuable skills and trades while seirmg.;- ' f .. ' Three-year enlistments allow choice af branch of service from those with vacancies, and choice of ver-' seas theaters which still have open ings. " r J-.1 . Get year start with the Army. In tulre at your tT. S. Army Recruit ing Station located in the Odd Fel la ws Bldg. la Goldahoro. . I Ci FiinaSing cad Hec fc3 of Att Kinds. I have had I years experlanea la IT. 3. Navy as Ship Fitter and three j Mrs plunk lag work with W. O. Easts Plumbing Heating, la Ner f T4 and eaa year amaiateaanoe U PX at Laagley Plaid. Va. Sf9frPhon ,C:D. P.'FBDCaT.' Phn22S-l '," Wcrtaw N.C - "A oMOai areO to ttw V aaHaftmtory water Mipply. " Crite lac uaUUaa, glvlag ' ' dtot a aa4 lreottoa troaa ' r".' fmx COM3PANT fl'TTTgn, MOBXII 4AB0UMA FOX SALE: Two mule colts, 11 meats eld. large la alas. One ald er male, good worker. Also lumber at reagh for pack houses and ta baeoa bams; custom sawing; will get year logs aad deliver year lum bet back te yea, ':.:-.:.;-'-', CTIS aUDGK. Rt t, Warsaw. N. C M4-M. f'l v 'V,-:' EZZ ME NOW for Leggatt 'Oil Tabaaoa Cmrars, aad Coal Stokers. Caa Deliver New. Lehmaa Williams di Williams' Repairs Supplies lariakHllL , , . COMPLETE. KSSUilAIXE COilTLETE SERVICE ' Seal Estate Beads - Beatals ' TTaraaw Real Batata St las. Co. . COSEST L. WEST Cna Fheaei M-l IIM L. ...J JJwtlVI aEt.ai " WARSAW i :T7tdieft, Diamonds, " Jewdrj ,t ' - : :jot rrrTTi roasted OVSitilS ttl NIC3T IN TSS WEES Tt UOXDAY TUESDAY : CAN TAKB CATT OP . rrrciAL PAimi .-a.v: - UPHOLSTERY. CLEANING ' , Vacuuu ad Massaging on the upholstery in any make of car. Hen ute and save your clothing, t C. HOLLAND, KenansvUle, N.C. Vheft Yoii Think of 'Life Insurance, Contact i J G. DICUSON St SON ' . .Scnesitl Agents Seeiti L Is & Trust Company . 2.A:i mds.; Wilmington, N. C. . l4-4t. pd . ' i Etps'f. ; :.I In flu?nblng Work' , ' Or ALL KINDS ' . in f.r'?'??: None Too Small , See Me For First Class Work f-i At Reasonable Prices , y , BEN B. WILLIAMSON , KENANS VILLE, . N C J ' MORTGAGE LOANS - Atlantic Life Insurance Comnanv of Richmond is In the market for first mortgage, long term, low cost loans on improved farms,, residen ces, and business properties in this section. No commission, stock, or life Insurance required. For information 86 or write M. T. Britt, at The Brltt CorporaOon, in Clinton, N. C. , . ,H ( FOR SALE Walnut dining room furniture: table-and four chairs and serving table; Wheeler St Wil son sewing machine, all in good condition. See Mrs. B, H. Best, Sr., or Call 859-1, Warsaw, N. C. 2-21 2t. pcL ' ' .' y Hard Ccughing Scells RiSL'lting Fron Colds When year "aoM ' .brings ea a naaty' Wiaalann esncn, apewl 4$ conta at aar drag star for a bottle of BUCK UBTB CAKADIOL MnCTUHB triple etag- nllm eonghing txtt. BUCK UBT' acta pramptly te help loose thMc, sticky phlegm eoothe Irritated thraat membranes and ease hard cough fetg spells. Bo try it the very next thaa a a4d reralts ia a wrecking, atnbbam eaoga.' Final ant for younelf- Just hew gMd H is far ooucha due t ealAa, Oet atJCXXBTS CAJfADIOL IfXXTURB SMds la the VJLA. TODXI 11 drug. ;'r The owners of Stedman. Carr & Co., now operatint and transactinj business under, the new name of Wallace Hardware & Machinery . .. v Company, take this means to inform their friends and customers that this chanje in the firm's name in no way affects the present own- ' 'i, ' c'HV ' r: 'K:S 5':.'-'t'i -.f' r.i-r.",, VVt J' ;: - , - . - ... ' ' , .' ; ership and management - - 4 Wallace ' 'Hardware & Machinery Go. vcn.. ... ets exceptional i;ntj re,'t "t that only a champion fox turt desetvea. Hvre he gets the li , juch a nquirt tf the !tf tl . r, f nt-kiltars, nctrvuU- blT . i'rom iviy 'LileK-1 fiar NOTICE OF RE SALE UNDER ANT) RV VTPTTra: nv AUTHORITY contained in., that cenam juagment or order of re sale of the Superior Court Af rii; plin County( in that Ex Parte Pro- ceeaing enquea; "Janie S. Grady, Matthew Lee. Et Ala''. anA hoi no Ex Pa; te Proceeding No. 2127, duly mea in xne.oince of the Clerk of Superior Court of DuDlln the undersiened rnmmisoin.i. w wwauaujoavsivi wUl on Thursday, the 27th day of February, . 1047, at the hour of 12:00 -M-, at the Courthouse Door in KenansviUfi N.f- C.,; the 'lands hereinafter described, offer for sale for cash to the. highest bidder, all those certain tracts or parcels of land ' situated", in Albertson Tovraship, 0uplin County, North Carolina, and described, as fol lows: ' -v T :.. ' Lot No. 1 - BPlVMNTMn iron stake on the road to G. Hol lands.. Jacob Divr' runs thence as the said road South 23 East 108 feet to a. stake on said road; thence leaving said, road along the line of it m j 74 West 3420 fett to a itaJce a cor- nn nn m m rS r n n ESETETISCCirnVIS Wa Valch This Space For Announcement Of Our Moving To Our New Location One Block North Of Stop Lightpn U.S.117. ' ' k M :r-; A, V- S1 UUnt: FLA. (Soilhduhotoi-r- .Gen. Dwight Eisenaewsr, U.S. Ar my Chial of staJC, wbe aas psaa resting aad taking treatment at the Pratt General Hospital ia Coral Gables, Fla. is shown makingr aa approach shot to rreea at the hos pital's 18 hole- gnu course. "Ike" stays ia the news through, contra dictory romora that- arise from time to time aa whether ha will, or will not, aocept a. ' Presidential aomi&atioa'if auca be offered him. ner of Lots 2, 4 and 5; thence as the line of Lot Nor 5 North 16-45 West 1370 feet to a stake on the old line; thence as the old line South 86-30 East 3383 feet to the point of beginning, containing 62.86 acres, more or less, and be ing Lot No. 1 of the Elsie A. Stroud lands as surveyed and plat- i ted by W. R. Gooding, Surveyor on May 2, 1946 and as recorded in Map or Plat Book 213, page 288, of the office of Register of Deeds of Du plin County and being a portion of the lands as described in a deed to Elsie A. Stroud as record ed in Book 47, page 440, of the Duplin County Registry. Lot No. 2 - BEGINNING at a stake on the road to G. Holland, nn m fllace Hard MachiBiery K. i t -...I tiiEI f It I t V. 1, and runs thence as the said read Sauto 25 East 1M faet ta a stalre- on-BBiti roe at Mill Branch; thence- crossing said Mill Branch Soirtir 43-36 Wast IBM leaf: to a post ok stump, a corner of tt No: 3; thence as the. line of Lot No. 3 , North 25-43 West 283 feet to a stake on the South side of Mill Branch; thence down the run- . f. ' r '. of Mill Branch, general courses. to a stake, a corner -of Lot No. 4, thence as, the line of Lot No. 4 North 16-43 West 893 feet, to a stake, a corner of Lots Nos. 4, 8 and 1; thence as the line of Lot No. 1 North 74 East .3420 feet to the beginning, containing 63 acres, more or less, and being Lot No. 2 of the Elsie A. Stroud lands as surveyed and platted by W. R. Gooding, Surveyor on May 2, 1946 and as recorded in Map or Plat Book 216, page 288 of the office of Register of Deeds of Duplin County, and being a portion of the lands as described in a deed to Uncle Sam Says nc af fie lliio o.d Amri'.:n cus tama la ta tefta a now yr.ir v itti a r.-reiv.i-.Es. K mc e Ueep. - '.vt mr'-- vl'.'i '. -e f- . -"tu et I'.rt itelves aad friends. You're bc!ng a good American te resolve to da sametiilng ar atUar from this day ea nutn eternity. You're beinir a belter, W iner Ar-crV--t to ; ! a si's;r,in rr jntetfon to si: t ";' ea ( future srruriiy of yea -cif rri "..mHy. R'-s.i'v;- to pa: c f in cor.;" rert!: y -: TI. ' Boi.rls, v. ..!. 'i ;- i , . . y. Ini'r!i-.1 in i . r m. 7y r? mmmsmjmLsT ware & Co. i.ta At Eireud as i . u Book 47, page 440, of the Duplin - Advertised this 12th day of Feb ruary, :1947.. ' . A 10 deposit will be jequired of the successful bidder as'evidence of good faith. , . : H. E. Phillips, Commissioner. 2-21-2t HEP - NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION The Undcrsignea, having quali fied as Administrator of the es tate of the late Thurman Brow;i, i deceased, of Duplin County, Slat? ' of North Carolina, and hnving qualified before the C!e-k of Su-! perior Court of Duplin Count;'. 1 this is to notify all ppvsons who have Claims against said estate or an indebtedness again.": i s i d i i" to present their clainu to 'nr. im- j derslgned Administrator or hi . At torney,, on or before t';e 10th day ' it&XM Nature may endow you with breathtaking beauty, a lovely curvaceous figure. She may be stow gifts on you that make you a brilliant actress, a leader in year class at college, sought after at dances, er a charming wife aad mother. Tea, Nature may do all this. Aad yet you may find your face aaoekiagly slapped If you suffer these distressing symptoms, which so many unfortunate girls and wocoen do. Something You SheuUl Not Joke About! So if female functional monthly disturbances are causing you to suffer from pain, nervous dis tress and feel weak, restless, so ataaky aad irritable that you almost turn Into a she-devir ea such days this is soMRunra tow BHOVLDirT joke about. Start stght away try Lydla E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound to relieve such, symptoms. It's fa mous for thla purpose. And don't n wi.i te .. ..i i.i I f . i.. covttty. Ail pfuuviii iiH ais . debted to said estate will plee make immediate payment -This the 10th day of February, 1947. ' v Garland Browa Admlni-,:-.' strator of the estate of ' Thurman Brown, deceased ' Beulaville, N. C. FT. Phillips', Attorney Kenansville, N, Q, , l a-2i-et. he? : - 1 ' A. J. CAVENAUGU WaUace, N. C. - : JEWELER DIAMONDS WATCKZa WATCH AND JEWELRY KtPAiHINO A ENGRAVING MSI A forget Pinknam's Compound soaa noma than relieve snob. mo"ity pain. This great Basel cine also relieves aocompanylag nervous tension, irritability, those tired-out, mean ptck-oo-everyone' feelings when due to this cause. Taken regularly thruout the month Plnkham'a Compound helps build up resis tance against such distress a very senatble thing to da. Just aee if you, too. dont remaikabhf benefit! All drugstores. . m. usaifani It ZG2t0 COMPOUND :i If ! V rvr rTa .1 DH. A. D. CLAJO) F5UNCIS W. JOHNSON