rLktSAtlXD KATES Two ants par word, nununtra ehaif of 50s. Unless you have an account with tu please tend ; money, stamps, . money order use the Times Classified ads; ' r check with ads. Farmers?: If you lure anything to sell or exchange, or want to buy, we will ascent produce' for payments - - 23 MS and mahe appolot s to do your auto, body and lender repairs, also replace your t rotten glasses with new Shatter Proof (lass. - . A. O. HOLLAND . V KKNANRvn.LK it wra raonimj burns C3 SS DAMAGED OTHER WHE, utli yqu . be fttixt pbo- -TSJCTEDT s , ; -i 1" R. W. BIJaCHMORK, Agent. ' Bellah'e Insurance Service ITertb Carolina I Da Plumbing and Heat ing Wcrlc of All Kinds. -f - , . I have had 2 years experience in . V. S. Navy as Ship Fitter and three years plumbing work wltu W. X, Saais Plumbing & Heating, in Nor folk. Va., and one year maintenance f PX at Laaslt field, Va,- I I - See or Phono GEO. P. PRIDGEN Phene 226-1 Warsaw N.'C. "A drilled weU la the moat , aaUafaetery water supply. -' ; Write for quotation, giving distance , and direction ryesir Post Offloe, . ' ' E3ATFB WELL COMPANY t UZZZZL NORTH CAROLINA ' FOB SALE: Two mule colts. 11 aaentha eld, large in else. One old er mule, good worker. Also lumber in rough for. peek houses and i hacce barns: custom sawing; will get yonr logs and deliver your lum bar book to you. OTI3 RIDGE, Bt 2, Warsaw, N. C. 2-14-3C B SEE ME WOW for Leggett Oil Tobacco Curers, and Coal Stokers. Cms Deliver New. Lehman Williams At Wttllams Repairs V Supplies - In Pink HUI. -2-21-SL .e - " - V . ; Wu i Bab I Is ' -, ' -' ?;i;SiU.lAi;CE JCMFLETE SERVICE Baal Estate - Bends Rentals -. Warsaw Real Estate Ins. Co. . L. WEST , eiSiee Phone: 212-1 Res: IM S ' C:!::r'$ Jewel Shop '. "WARSAW ' T"-'' ' Watckes, Diamonds, . -Jewelry . L ". t ENJOY FRESH ROASTED ; OYSTERS EACH NIGHT IN THE WEEK EXCEPT MONDAY TUESDAY WE CAN TAKE1 CARE OF ; j t ' SPECIAL PARTIES v Kenansville-?;; Oyster Roast ; KENANSVDLLE CAFE . ;, UPHOLSTERY CLEANING , Vacuum and Massaging on the v holstery in any make of car, 1 . t ee me and save your, clothing. A. C. HOLLAND, Kenansvllle, N.C. When You Think of Life Insurance, Contact v JAMES G. DICKSON & SON General Agents Security Life & Trust Company. 2 Acme Bldg Wilmington, N. C, , 2 14-4t pd PLUMBING ; .erlenced In Plumbing Work CF ALL KINDS , -Too Large; None Toe Small I"a For First Class Work At Reasonable Prices r::.N B. WILLIAMSON KZNANSVILLE, N C. . MORTGAGE LOANS , I "e Insurance Company i is in the market for -, ! "r term, low cost J yJb i -...S aw..,. m FOB SALE Walnut dining room furniture; table and four , chairs and serving table: Wheeler & Wil son sewing: machine, all In good condition. See Mrs. R. H. Best, Sr. or Call 259-1, Warsaw, N. C. -2-21 2t. pd. FOB SALE: One 1 Ton Ford Panel Body Truck, Motor in -good condi tion. Soe this truck at .. 1 ; , . DU?LIN ELECTRIC) CO. .'' ROSE IULL V , PHONE S3-I L0",T: One whole wheel with tire, size C09 - IS. between Zion church and Cii'nqi apln. Reward to finder, Return to juawton Smith (Col.) RL Kenansv He. 1 It pd. ;. PAINT YOUR HOUSE NOW , Patnt Is becoming more plentiful. i now have a -man available full time to paint your home and out buildings with spray gun, the most economical way. A. C. HOLLAND, Kenansvllle, N. C. - , - ' , 'i ! BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES it Looking For That Sliver Lining? You'll find It for sure with the U. S. Array. At no expense; you'll get the finest medical and dental care, excellent ; quarters,, sports, recrea tion, : and travel opportunities. You'll get nt higher' pay rates (plus 20. for overseas service). Learn a profession and save while you earn. Get full details at your Army.' Re-i-nitfng -Station located In Odd Feliuws Bldg., Goldsboro. fliifhwc RrirlriA J w MIIU If lJV . New- v Regular "4th Sunday services will be at 11 o'clock. . This service will be the last service before Rev. G. II. Ulrich, with his family, will leave for Providence, R. I. The best wishes of the ; Community ; goes with Rev. and Mrs. Ulrich and boys to their new home. Misses Sallie and Essie Mae Out law of the Seven Springs School faculty visited the home folks dur ing the week' end.". Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Outlaw of Goldsboro,-! Mr. and Mrs. AJlvln Outlaw of Kinston Were visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Vance Outlaw on Sunday. v . , Messrs.' A. J. Outlaw and James Parker spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Nichols of Simms. ; Miss Pauline Holmes of Southern Pines Visited her sister, Mrs. Ar thur Smith Sunday. ' - t . ii, Zk O'Qulnn with, the Army, has been visiting his parents Mr. and "Mrs;,- Johnnie O'Qulnn. " : ;Mr. and. .Mrs.. Leroy Simmons' and W. G , spent Sunday with Mr: and Mrs. M. W. Simmons in Golds boro. ; - . . ; Miss Lucy Outlaw of Pleasant Garden, School faculty spent the week end with her- mother, Mrs. , Leona Outlaw. . Mr. : and' Mrs. Steven ' Robinson of Kinston, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Sutton of near LaGrange -were among visitors with . Mrs. I. B.- Sutton Sunday. Mr.--and Mrs. D. H. Outlaw and Miss Danny Sue of Mt Olive were visitors with relatives here Sunday. Miss Dorothy Outlaw and Theo dore Outlaw of Goldsboro spent the- week end with relatives here. They had as guest, Max Ferrell. also of Goldsboro. . ' x ; : The" community club held its regular: meeting Saturday night with ;Wm. N. Outlaw presiding. "' The meeting opsned' with song and Rev. -Ulrich .led in prayer. :-u DurfhT business officers were re-elected for another year: Pres. W. N. Outla .v; V-Pres. -Remus Creel: Sec-Treas. Cleo Outlaw. Miss Pauline Outlaw was appointed Program Chairman. ; - Boy and Cub Scouts gave the program for the evening. Mr. R. L. Wolff of Goldsboro, scont jexecu tive, spoke briefly. A number of boys received awards. . ' - Mrs. -Arthur Smith was hostess to the H. D. Club at her home on Monday afternoon. The meeting wis called to order by the presl- Uncle Sam Save Abraham Lincoln's birthday should be a reminder to my nieces and nephews that they have the oppor tunity, to emancipate themselves from futnre Insecurity by buying United S'atci-ivinp .Sends regu larly. Every tii.:e ou bny a bond you've added somethlrr to the fu ture yeu're cri-at:nj home, an education for your children, a secure old !?e for yonrsclf. Every sifrned r'vroSl :vi-i"-s anthor'ration card it i ; t :.n VTQr' Dogs Played an In Lincoln's Life, To the long list, of historical ugures wno were-lovers of dogs, the . name of Abraham Lincoln, martyr President, should be add ed, according to the Gaines Dog Research Center, New York City. Npt only wds Lincoln very fond and. understanding of dogs and owned several during his l&e, but they in turn seemed to have loved ana understood him, it states. At Fort Wayne, Ind., in front oi ine Lincoln National Life In surance company building, is i huge bronze statue named "Ahra. ham Lincoln the Hoosier Youth," executed by Paul Manshift world famed sculptor. This statue shows young Lincoln wearmg a home spun shirt, buckskin trousers, an1 boots, his left hand caressing the ueaa oi a nouna aog seated at his side. -This striking memorial has been praised as the truest as well as the most beautiful, concept of uincoin as a young man: ever given this country. The inclusion of the dog in the statue was in tended to symbolize Lincoln's great . love - for animals and the many occasions , upon which he showed kindness toward them. . Lincoln's constant companion as a child was a large hound owned y ms lather, Thomas Lincoln. he doa went .with th hnv nn fishing and hunting expeditoins and on jaunts over the Kentucky ana ana streams. -- Once when playing in the woods young Abe and his boyhood chum, Austin Gollaher, found a dog with a broken leg. Abe made a splint for the injured leg, carried the dog to a nearby cave for shelter and brought food and. Water to it for several weeks. When the broken leg had healed Lincoln took the dog home and named it Honey. Abe's devotion to the dog was- re-: paid,-for Honey ince brought aid to his. owner when the bov had Lbeen trapped in a cave by falling uuumerg. When Lincoln was 21 his family moved from Indiana to : Macon County, 111 During the long, tedi ous journey in March of 1830, the family was accompanied by a small dog. The dog trotted along under the big covered wagon 1 dent, Mrs. M. L. Outlaw, Jr.H Fol lowing business committee leaders reported on their assigned topics. :i Miss Pauline Outlaw directed an interesting recreation hour through which everyone enjoyed a delight ful time. Refreshments closed the meeting to meet with Mrs. R.i D. Simmons in March. Husband Duplinite Dies In Pender Clebon Mertie Brandon. 51. who resided at the : Penderlea Farms near Wallace, died Sunday night, at 11:15 following a lingering ill ness, He- was a veteran of World War and had recentlv snent mn time in the Veterans Hospital in rayeueviue. Funeral services were held from the home Tuesday at 2 p. m. conducted by the Rev Ben urown, pastor of the Potts Memo rial Presbyterian Church assisted by the Rev. K. D. Brown of Burgaw. Interment was In the family ceme tery near Magnolia. Surviving are his wife, the former Sally Quinn of Magnolia; three daughters, Lucille of Willard, Mrs. Ernie Gray of Ice OOOOOOOOOOOOOOIOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO; m i ' a. ;.; Impcrl ant Pari History Shows Statue Lineohi and Ida Hog. pulled by eight oxen. On one oc casion the dog fell behind , the caravan and didn't catch up until after , the wagon had . crossed a large stream. The stream was high and thick with broken ice, and the dog stood on the bank whining and howling as he saw his family disappearins.. Lincoln could not endure the dog's distress, and as it was impractical to lord the stream again1 with the wairon; ha waded through the icy water, rescued the dog and carried him over.- a ; On leaving his home irr Spring field. HI., for the Whit" Hniou. Lincoln presented, his dog Fritz to an old friend, -John E. RolL But in the White House, another dog soon became : a member of . the President's family. Frequently when exhausted and worried Lin coln would seek relaxation by getting down .and Dlavins with the family dog. When the Lincoln cat had kittens and the Lincoln dog had puppies, both litters ar riving on the same day, the Presi dent shared the excitement of his children to the extent of announc ing the news of the births to sen ators and other officials calling on state nwtters.'i:w5-iv-.'i -:'; land, and Mrs. Eddie Jones of Kerr; two sons, Otha and J. C. of Willard Father Warsaw Merchant Dies Matthew Haywood Smith, 77, re tired farmer, of Maysville, died at his home Sunday evening following a long illness. The funeral was conducted from the home Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock with the Rev. D. H. Lowder, Baptist minister of Maysville officiating. Burial was in the - Friendship ' Cemetery near Trenton. Surviving are his wife, four daughters and three sons, Mrs. Otis Winborne of Gold&boro, Mrs. Theodore Mallard of Trenton, Mrs. Raymond Batts of Maysville, Mrs. Robert E. ' Carter of Farmville, Hampton "Hop" Smith of Warsaw, and Elijah. Smith of Trenton-Two brothers and one sister, Charles R. Smith of Orlando, Fla., Adrian Smith of Pink Hill, and Mrs. Geo. West of Kinston; and 17 grandchildren. Is Dress-Up Time COilTS or SUITS You Will Lead The Spring PARADE In One Of Our EXQUISITE, Fashion First -Suits or Coats That We're Receiving ' Every Day In Our Exciting Spring Collection. Casual, Dressy and Sport Styles and Toppers That You Will Love In The 1947 Colors $22.95 To $49.50 THE BEST DRESSED WOMEN SHOP HERE Aff&W- m GEORGE S. BENSON PmittMfitrilut CtlUft Sttrr f. ArttMut , i V A Heritage : Phrase-makera who refeo tw Dwiei a$ the Bible Belt have missed art' .Important point. W thr:ut '.ignoring anything, I. shoujd .like, to appraise the-whole ;of America' as a Bible Land- 'This ft 'done humbly, for Americans have' sometimes failed to follow the light of truth when that light burned brightly before them. Despite effort of some modern historians to interpret the facts dif- .1 ferently,' Our forebears developed this nation with religious principles In mind. They read their Bibles. Regardless of how many Americans have forsaken these fundamentals, it remains , a nation that has been blessed bountiful by God, Our Best SeUer - Where in the realm of recorded human experience can you find a land .so blessed with liberty and opportunity,-- as in America T And where in history has there been a land so prosperous, where material, blessings fit only for kings of the past may be enjoyed, by each -man and his neighbor? Let it be remembered that America's best Seller is .still: the Bible, a phenomenon which is cause and not effect. f; National Bible Week wa celebrat ed this year from October 21 to 27. Where else among the -nations can you find a land so dedicating itself?. In calling America a land. of Bibles, I affirm that the religious people of this nation constitute its great est asset. There no: would be no hope , for world peace, there would' be no prospect of good citizenship at home, were this not so. Practical Application For example, the Bible offers us the perfect formula to put an end to industrial strife. In fact, I could never expect fair play in industrial relations to come about in a land where the Golden Rule is unknown. We must not forget it, here in Amer ican Shan labor forget this rule of action and become a pressure group so determined to apply pressure upon industry that Investment capi tal will be driven out and become unavailable to .buy and replace tools? That Is exactly the way to cut production and achieve lower and lower wages. . ' Industry aims at profits: it wants dividends for stockholders 'and capi tal for expansion; Should industry withhold fair wages and seek spe-. clalized legislation No. that is the road to bankruptcy; Industry's first objective should not be its own wel fare, but the. welfare of labor and of agriculture." 3 ; , . . . Back to Fundamentals Agriculture wants high prices for all it can produce. How shall. it ob tain these -high prices? ;; Through selfish, class -legislation? No. that's the road to. failure. Agriculture wants a prosperous market, with many people eating and living well. This it cannot attain by selfishly looking to itself. It must be more interested in the welfare of other Beggars to Be Surveyed In State Dr. Ellen Winston, Commission- 1 m SIMPLICITY TAILORING : STYLE ' You Will Want One When You See They're ; Botany Fabrics $32.50 To .$4750 : ar of Public Welfare, fn-d that plans" are being ' made for a statewide- survey' .of 'individuals who are -soliciting alms as a- means of livelihood. These persons solicit on the street and occasionally go to homes in residential sections. Although they are concentrated in cities, almost - every . area - of the state has beggars during some per iod of the year,, "The purpose of thi9 suiyey," Dr Winston. dfqla.r.e.d,,, "-is -not- eniy - to- ascertain tne . nuair ber of persons in the state who de pehdruporf begging as a means-of livellhciod but also to determine how ;: social .agencies may -assist these individuals to plan construct ively , for - their own welfare in using- the local, state and federal resources provided for needy per sons. " IS THERE SUC u i "Ke" claim medical avfhoritlcs, who out ht to know I Nature has to (Mjiisuurted and p.ua- : ally endowed wornam tluit, in uiany cases i h- 'i .apt to suffer certain' cistresshig symptoni -,. . I during lier.UXe..For instance, when she ei:w; : "i womanhood or during .the menopause, Uj : period when fertility ebbs away. Now if on 'certain dty3' of the month fe male functional monih! 7 ciifjturbances a: i causing yon to suffer from paia, nervous ,dw. . ,T tress and feel go tired; cranky you snap it your children and husband then do try Ia-J: v i E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound to r'ehei ). . . such symptoms. It's famous for this purpc Mode CSPECIALtY For Girls and Women ' " Pinkham's Compound does more than relie ve such monthly paiu. It also relieves acconiv panying nervous tension, irritability and wetW highstrung feelings when due to this caur3.! Taken ; rofjularly thruout the month tl; . great" medicine helps, build up resistant : against euch distress. A thing any isensit.j Woman should want to dot Lydia Pinkham's Compound is also ven effective to relieve hot flashes end those funn: . embarrassing leeliugii durui the 83 when due to the functional period peculiar to women. Pinkham's Compound is tuort Af Your Service . Drive in! BRIIT'S SHELL SERVICE STATIOU In Warsaw ANNOUNCING THE FORMATION AND , OPENING; OF- WALLACE OIL CO. 't Td Supply Gasoline Fuel Oil Quality Petroleum r .Products To Wallace and Vicinity"' ' -, "" Call 207-1 For Delivery To Your Premises : WE INSTALL OIL HEATERS AND , SERVICE THEM WITH FUEL OIL J, WALLACE Call Or Contact Me At.Rivcnbark Furn. Co. Far quick miaf from lb . l MtiHete'i foot. KWaa, pimuui otm o . soodltiem, oh pure, cording. mrri" O. D. o. paiscairrioi. A docur t i Cfaaaalcai ana uinlM. Sootbca. eoo( nlm mmm tfrhin Undr trim i . ... provw it, or money back. Don't eufTer. A " v druggiet today tat IK O. 0. rammfiw WARSAW . ' LODGE ' Af a AH - No. 677 . ' MfitM EVERY SECOND AND FOURTH TUESDAY NIGHTS AT 7:30 ALL MASTER MASONS HE INVITED TO' ATTNED.-. 1 U7s 4 .. M If, H.ft f years 384 'middle - age' . . , ., trying! VEGETABLE COMPOUND -i We like womien drivers and we're always ready to help ; you. Count on us to gas your car, service it, repair it . . make driving easier and safer. J : . , . - ,? v v - OIL CO. - W. B. "Wixie" Rivenbark - it nit m- '. r.

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