Grow Perennfal Flowers From Seed ' 't ;" ' "-Phrto Courtesy Ferry-Morse Seed Oo. ; . You can save considerable garden money and afld new zest to your 'gardening by growing your own perennial flowers from seed. . The best 'quality seeds- cost only a few cents a packet and with simple care will produce scored of plants to bring color and beauty- to the garden for -yean to come. ,Most perennials grown from seed bloom the second year after sowing. : '- . - j ,,;',...' Seed should' be started -at about tha same tima as that of the an nuals, such as zinnias nd mari golds. "The secret of success la to gt the seedlings to 'transplanting also early enough so that when set la their permanent places in garden or border, they will get a good root hold before cold weather comes on. , jA specially prepared seed bed or seed box is best for starting peren nial seeds. A seed bed can be easily prepared by knocking tho bottom out of a good-sized shallow wooden box and sinking the sides into the ground. The - top should bo about two or three inches above the sur face. Use finely prepared, crumbly garden loam containing plenty of litmus. It is important to locate the seed bed where it will be sheltered from strong winds and from sunlight during the hottest part of the day. A seed box or flat may also be used, with holes bored in the bottom for drainage. This has the advantage ot being movable to sheltered loca tions when necessary. , Same perennial, seeds are very small. Mix them with sand so that they will not be sown too quickly in the row and. merely press them into the soil Instead .of covering them. Larger seeds need a shallow covering of soil. Firm the soil down on them so that they will make im mediate contact with the moisture and plant food. Keep the soil moist but not wet until the seeds sprout Some gardeners spread damp burlap over the surface to furnish needed moisture, removing it at the first sign of sprouting. ' - Here are a number of perennials that beginners can start from seed with almost sure success: Colum bine, gaillardia, coreopsis, hollyhock, palnjed daisy, sweet william, hardy pinks, hardy alyssum, and the violas. : Perennial seeds usually take some what longer to germinate than those of annual flowers. Don't be discour aged if the tiny sprouts do not show themselves- for two or three weeks after the seed is fown. D A R Health Work BY GERTRUDE CARRAWAY In the belief that a cheerful mind , help improve a ' disabled or sick body, North Carolina Daughters of the American Revolution are ac complishing - notable ' results through their Military: Camp- Ser vice Committee in providing com forts, recreations and occupational therapy facilities at the military and naval hospitals in this state. Their work aling this important line is so outstanding that it, might serve as an example for other or conizations to adopt similar pro- f Jects, for the calls are great and the needs of the service personne. re numerous. ' , Now that Moore General Rospi- m ' ' ,l " ' J -1 iiifiiii, ...MHi ;i, ,f50''.-'v,- ' '.'.v-fe "-'4 r.rf; ; . :::-:,:. : ;.".;'.--"''.'...' " 1 "- .. tt em actually giv you. magnificent new-Butck angina "performance right In your '37, '38, '39, 40, '4 1, or '42 Bulck. HftH Install a new factory-built Bulck angina "Power : Packaga" in ana (Impla operation. - ' i easier and cheaper In tha lang run than parr-b -1 part replacement, and H makes your Buick at good as now as far as angina parfarmanca Is 'concerned. Tha cst Is lot bss than yea night think coma on In 1 cad ask as about V. AimI V you Rk wall snanga far WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF, , , ' : BUICK PARTS and rpi"i" a Repair ServiceVwitTb. Expert ' Mechanics to do the job -,"'' . - ' . - ALSO ? G:r I Io:torsr Tires - Prestone 2 Oil I Iczf crs For 2 & 5 Room House tal at Swai aanon Is ti-vsR tna over by tbe'.Veiaraai 'Administra tion, the fwrner large staff of American Red -Cross recreational workers., is being reduced to one person. . This means that' outside aid is sorely needed. - Human conservation includes all types of health improvement; such as cancer prevention, work for the crippled and the blind. Some mem bers of the DAR , have already agreed to will their eyes to the eye bank, 'which transfers : eyes from diseased persons to live blind persons. ' , ; j . ,"'- This committee for human con servation also stresses the impor tance of safety, on the highways, elimination of traffic hazards, first aid treatments and home nursing, as well as the prevention of all kinds of accidents. , Results have been most encour aging, but the field is so enormous and far-reaching, ; extending into any . phase- of life or living that seeks to conseWe humanity, - that the surface has merely - been scratched and points to the dire necessity for continued effort! on the part of the DAR members" and the members of all other organiza tions throughout the -entire state to save life and improve the health of all North Carolinians. - Maysville H. D. Club Holds Meet' The Maysville Home Demonstra tion club met in the home of Mrs. Robert Grady on Thursday after noon, Feb. 6 at 2:30. The house was decorated with potted plants and cut flowers, and the Valentine mo tif was carried out in the refresh ments. :' V' The club president - was in the ; Menibarship Drive In History The largest membership drive in the history of the North Carolina Department of the American Le gion is now under' way; and all veterans of World Wars 1 arid 2 sre being urged to Join the Ameri can , Legion, which is the largest veterans organization in the world. " - ' ) ' chair and had charge of the pro gram. During the social hour, Mrs. Henry King led a kitchen contest Mrs. Charlie Jones won first prize, Miss Virginia English and Mrs. K. M. Nicholson second. The hostess served a delicious congealed salad plate with rits crackers, cakes, Valentine mints and hot coffee. ' The club will meet In the home of Mrs. Mattie Williams for the March meeting. , . ... .' For Best Prloes and Complete Job on Monuments, See or -Write , . ?V',y:-;y " Rev. H: J. Whaley BeulavUle, N. C. ' '5'.. !!' rli?ct II IN A Li. -r I a HUT 1 CAN SAV&XpSy 'M-v j ni ini itvi HERCANTILC CQ. Q mm liiMiUiiiHi. uii :$;ti - - WARSAW FISH MARKET CREATORS AND MAINTAINERN OF LOWER PRICES ON QUALITY SEA FOODS (Next Door te A P) Both Wholesale aad Retail Know Your Ftsti or Know Tear WHOs BettJett FREE - . rawew BSM DRESSING WARSAW, N. C DEUVEB - Under instruction from State headquarters of the Legion and Auxiliary in Raleigh, Legionnaires, members of the Legion Auxiliary, and members of the Forty and Eight, the Legion's honor society, are undertaking a house-to-house canvass for members of the Legion and the Auxiliary' ' 'The Legion goal for the year is 107,149 and State Legion Com mander William M.. York, of Gre ensboro, said it is the "aim and hope" of the department that not only will this goal be reached but that it will be exceeded. "We are 'calling this campaign the Dusk to Dawn' drive and we hope Legionnaires and Auxiliary members throughout the State will do 'their utmost to acquaint the 459,330 eligible veterans of World Wars 1 and 2 with the. work that the Legion and the Auxiliary are doing in behalf of the veterans and their families." Plans for the "Dusk to Dawn" campaign were perfected last week at a series of divisional meetings held at Wllliamston, Clinton, Dur ham, Salisbury, and Asheville. , Local Legion officials have' re ceived full Instructions for the Bronchial Coughs Due to Colds Spend 45 cents today it any drug store for a bottle ot BUCKLEY S CAN ADIOL MIXTURE triple acting icts promptly to help loosen up thick, sticky phlegm loathe Irritated throat mem branes and ease hard coughing spells. Try It the very next time a cold rcsulk. In a wracking', stubborn cough find out (or yourself how good and effective if Is for coughs due to colds. Get BUCK LEY'S CANADIOL MIXTURE made la the U.S.A. TODAY all druggists. 1 fmmu campaign front the exec.uiive vice commander of the State Depart mexit of ttoe'Americaui Legion., Lit erature explaining the work of the Legion for the veterans and their families has also been received locally by Legion officials- . Under the 'Dusk to Dawn" cam- pu-j til J la t j I j nized Into a county group coi-4Jg.,'-,f Lesi,Ojn f.i)0ola, '' Auxili.u i ututs and Forty and Eight Voitui cs. Every eligible Veteran will be con tacted, given Legion literature on the work pf the Legion, and invited to join. -.- ' '' '' JUST RECEIVED ANOTHER n. Load Hew and Used Internalic::! Cultivators. Also One Oliver i 0 Tree for and Equipment; some 5-V Galva nized Tin. Two Fresh Cows. L H. HEAD; Seven Springs, N. C. WANTED TO DUY: POULTRY We Are Again In The Market For Poultry, and Will Pay Top Market Pr'ces.' John Aibritton CALYPSO, N. C. , RECOEDINGS for the best home entertainment! Choose your favorites here. Complete selection of classical and mod ern. Deeca, Capitol, Majestic and Victor Records. WARSAW APPLIANCE CO. Warsaw, N. C. ScHtchins, ft May Causa ilnfacttan For quick relief from itching cawi 7 eczema, athlete' foot, tcuhies. pimples and other itching conditions, use pure, cooling, medicated, liquid D. D. D. PRESCRIPTION. A doctor's formula. Crease leas and atainless. Soothes, comforts and quickly calms intense itching. 35c trial bottle nroves i t or money back. Don't suffer. Ask your druggkt ; today for O. O. O. Prescription. How women anrf girls may getwanted relief from functional periodic pain Cartful, nany womsa say, has Drought n- Vet from the eramp-lfk asonr and nervous strain of functional psrlodlo distress. Taken , Uka a torio, tt should stimulate appetite. , SJQ cusssuon. inns nsip ouua imm no lor sne -amr-10 come, swraa aay Deiore-Toar unir, n vnus help ceuer paia due to functional parkin in . nsttr CARDUD vvttver &. Tumer i INSURANCE AGENCY , "ALL KINDS OF INSfRANCE" & PINK .HUl, N C. hy U C. TURNER, Jr. T. i. TCRNEB Pink HUl' Oldest Inrnrnniw Agencj CONCRETE BLOCKS ; "A QUALITY BUILDING MATERIAL" P We are a member of the N. C. Concrete Masonry Association. Our blocks are tested and approved by the Pittsburg Testing Laboratory. . - N. C. PRODUCTS, Inc. Olive St., KINSTON Phone 2514 HUCKLEBERRY FINN 0toceR- y ib oeTMp of oda earn XUA Mmiints! aoes ... , 'HUrlTt IMW. we Tsoe ' : -esc ' cv '.''t' no 0'!. e GILDA GAY 5 . By BERNARD BAILY. k nLU,DMiu itc -umc,r i itsi: nmni a Birr mm aiivTaiTnr H ftnuiiiTiirtiiTtr wn ui mti mu? n i dc. 1 1 uk. uii ihl"j i tOOLDORTOTOWl SALTY. I WANT THM K A tJTm iT -Sl ::::!:: m,&- .. I UIW till f I V 1 V VJ mill II I I MIILLf tM HJU I UUUh M 'I S S S I IV1 VfH I IHiIsT I IMfL. MM' 1 I PLEAstmJ 1nowoiiuter?JJth Riiic'f Co. or -