Ik '. a oi' t' t ! tkl laWao . e Creaking' Oaring I : leather Urged , Dg Besearcar Center,.- i 7ry yesr tens of thousands .of -'o, especially children, receive ... as lifts. ITie -following .tstions by the Gaines Dog arch Center, New; York City, i intended to simplify and fa ate the establishment of . ;y la his new family circle. re planning a dog or puppy i a i 'St, the donor should assure J that it is wanted; that il J have a good home; that it will -ive proper care; that there is oae in the household willing, tike full responsibility for jhe ; nal's welfare, : , ie giver should also consider i type ef dog most suitable for rdpient. For a lively child, a ,uoua, frisky dog is indicated, raes a1 little girl might prefer small, quiet dcf .. The environ al in which the prospective pet te live should alio be tons W i. For eity apartments small snadium-sised dogs sre best. Mm feuntry home a large dog 'I net only have room for-ex jo but would alee furniah wel-. protection. a puppy is purchased from i I -eder er original owner It is Pappte tarr tu retrieve th(ng. 'se te ask Tor instructions which 1 in detail how often the puppy, ould be fed. what typa of food' i is accustomed to getting, sndH actions for preparing any ior A he should have. Another aful thing whiab ahould come tng with the- puppy is an in active book orf the general cars ' dogs.: This will be especially reciated by the prospective aar wh has had a, previous "erience with -a dog.. i'eheek-up should ajso be made Ji the breeder or raiser on tether the puppy, has been rmed or not and if any further atmcnt will be necessary. If rating Is In order, it is s job tor veterinarian. Medicine which drastic enough to .eliminate rms is of necessity a potent which may prove harmful to j puppy when administered by inexperienced dog owner. t is well for the recipient to ra Tiber that a young puppy, is 'y a baby, often a timid baby. Idrea should not be allowed to lie the puppy or play with it J they have learned how easily mall body can be injured; The py should have plenty of rest 1 sleep. Loud noises around the' i should bo avoided, and feed el daUeaelea should be forbid- ' poppy should have a warm, r boa ei his owa te sleep in, out rafts, with aa old blanket, or ideeT newspapers in it - for .img. , .. v-'-.-a-f ,r."r: usebreeking duriag winter ae Is a risky Business, for ehangee ef temperature -catty Muse. illness Rather i peil the puppy outdoors to saaw er rain, a good proee. Is te spread a double thick ..-'f;i.;.S'! ,'-f., ' 4,.;4:Svif;t A If. wiFiiiinr? a 1..; Vcsct 4 ( "i rfrvy " A ? ' -rfMr r ; Hi, . ,.. .1 HVrf'V ' , ' r Photo Courteir Itorr-ltotw SMd 00. '? "It Is next to impossible to sow vegetable seed thinly enough so that the young plants do not" crowd each other in the row when they come up. This 2s particularly true when the Seeds are very small. . r . r ' Carrot seedlings, for example, should be thinned to stand about an inch apart when two to three .inches, tall. as. tney; snauio.' '-naoisnes are otT ' better shape, too, if the plants are - thinned to stand about an inch apart .-while., still tiny seedlings. Green ' onions can be, thinned by pulling1 ' end Using the extra spears for the table when they come up teo thickly. u Beet seed should , be planted at least m to 2 inches apart for each little pellet usually contains two . to four seeds. When the plants are lour , to five Inches tall, every other "one can be pulled for greens. If thi Is done at intervals' while tops , and .roots' are small, : space ' will -; gradually be left for some of ; the ' roots to reach good size. - - . t";' .'Sowing 'eaf letiuce seed sparsely helps to avctd the extra work of '' later thinning. Even when the stand . is fairly thick, instead , of .thinning the plants some home gardeners pre - fV to cut the larger outer leaves, f MWSjrD RATES Twe cents per word, minimum charge of iOc Unless you hava in account with us please send ,naey. stamps, money order o" the Times Classified ads; or U heck -with eds. Fanners: ' iryaa ' iii jo.-'ar jjlng io sell . er -axchsnse. or. want to buyr wa ; wili .swept pt oduce fo - fHtBEST LOAD SORRELS; GREYS i i Otherwise the roots cannot develop leaving the inner ones to grow. If you like to use each lettuce plant intact, thin to about two Inches apart when ' small. Then, as they become large enough to use. null un alternate plants and leave the others to grow. . ' 'r. -V " Bush beans ahould be planted two to four Inches apart and just enough seedlings removed from the row so that the remaining ones are four to i five inches apart Beana usually I produce more abundantly' when the plants do not crowd each other. Turnips usually do ; better and grow more rapidly to table size if given three or four inches m which to , spread. It , Is important that turnips grow to eating aize quickly to avoid being tough and fibrous. Of course the thinnings make deli cious greens when youngVid tender. SEE MB and mafea appoiai meat to do your auto body sad fender repairs, alee repine year broken glasaea with new ghats Proof glass. A. CL HOLLAND KENANSVTLLB. WANTED: Indian Arrows. Prloe List 10 cents. Address H. B. Chism, Jr., 405 Margaret St, Clinton. N. C 3-7-2t C ir OF TENNESSEE MULES WE HAVE RECEIVED TK!S SEASON OR BLACKS -110. TERMS TO Ve Hava Pbty CI Oatsids end n L, J eavuMl. U. V. CO. V?w, K. C v ton nartsn btjuns ota samacs3 mixmsm, win. TOP mm rcixT rao ' B. W. KUUXSMOMM, J,' I Do Plumbing end Heo ing Wwk of All KlncU. 1 hava had yarn experleaea la U. S. Navy as Ship Fitter sad three years plomslag work with W. D. Sams rioatblag Heatias;, la Ner f oik, Ts, and aaa year aialataasaaa of FX at UuUy Tleld, Ta. ' ' So ?i Phon ) GEO. P. PWD0D4 " Phom 226-1.' Warsaw N.C yeas HKATZB VIJOX COMBFaJBTT al .MflM, VOMXM CaJaOUaiA SEC U NOW fee LegceM Oil Tobaeea Carers, and Ceai Stokers. Can Deliver Now. Lthssaa WUUaaas At WUIlaaMf Repairs Sapplisa la Flak Hilt 2-Zt-st a iJfj'VJ COMPLETE ItiSURAtiCE COMPLETE SERVICE . Keal Estate Benas BeataJs Warsaw Baal Batata as las. Ca. BOBEST L. WEST . '- i. ' Offloa Faeaei 1-1 Bast ats-e Baker's WARSAW Watches, DlaBnam, Jftwelry - ENJOY FRESH RO Ai iED OYSTERS EACH BIGHT IK TBB V?B : EXCEPT M0NDA7 4 TUSSDAT WE CAN TAKE CABE OF SPECIAL PASTIES Kenansville Oyster Roast KENANS TlXLI CATS' PLUMBING Experienced la Plumblasj Work OF ALL BINDS No Job Too Large; Noaa Taa Saudi Sea Ma Far First Class Week At Reasonable Prices BEN B. WILLIAMSON ' KENANSYDXE, N C 7 n Just Arrived Vmw, jreras Oisssais ' -. "A skBIai wefl ss law asast : TVrlte lav' atsaa gftaaaf. .' raat OCflaa. Jewel Shop BETTER MULES SHIPPED HERE THIS YEAR -WELL BROKE SUIT THE BUYER U 0 t ... ... ... .J tJ- tiS t y lu any tuMk of ear. , . Sea mo and save your clothing.', A. C. ZOhUAXD, Kemasvilla, N.C FOX SALE: One 1 Ton Ford Panel Body Truck. Motor la good condi tion. See this track at : ? DUPLIN ELECTRIC CO. ROSE HILL . . PHONE FAINT TOUR HOUSE NOW ' Fsiat Is becoming more plentiful. I now have a man available full time to paint yonr homo and out bnlldlngs with spray gun, the most economical way. A. C HOLLAND, Kanansville, N. C , , v , FOR SALE: French Alpine and Toggonbory milk goats, now milk ing. 'Sea J. L Holland Rts2, Mt. Olive, N. & Ht-St pd. . FOR BALE: 1938 Chrysler, New York Special, 4 doors, radio, heater, aew seat covers, practically new motor. Sea Rev. John H. Cline, KenansvUIe, N. C. M-2t pd. BABT CHICKS and Baby Ducks. C O. D. Write for low price. DAVID NICHOLS HATCHERY ROCEMART. GEORGIA. 1-7-Zt C HELP WANTED - MALE Openlnsa Now For Picked Men Good Pay And Expenses If you can measure up to the stan dards ef the peacetime Regular Army, yea bow have an unusual opportunity. By enlisting for 3 eyars oy ncan choose one of the famous fighting divisions now on occupation duty In Japan and Ko rea. The divisions In which you can enlist Include . such outstanding units as the 1st Cavalry Division, 6th Infantry Division, 7th Infantry Division, 24th Infantry Division, each of which had a great battle record durlns; the war. After initial training in the U. S., yon can Join thte unit of your choice and take part in the inter esting work of maintaining a Just peace in the Far East. Toull have the advantage of 20 extra pay for overseas service. Starting base pay for a Private overseas Is $90 a month In addition to food, clothing, good quarters, medical and dental care. And youll enjoy excellent living conditions, plenty of sight seeing, sports and recreation, and the satisfaction of doing a worth while Job. Enlistments open to men 18 to 34, inclusive (17 rrilh parents' consent). Get full daVls at U. S. Army Recruttin; S'ntion located in Odd Fellows Bid?., :n Goldsboro. rr The Proteins" Just off the press for farm poul try raisers is a booklet, ."Life Among The Proteins," distributed by Kasco Mills, Inc., of Toledo, Ohio and Waverly, N. Y. . This colorfully cartooned, yet down-to-earth, booklet explain" t" meaning and significance of Bk. Proteins - Thoussn-I". o! sjpics sre I being mailed to jg;i1. ia; .ers. I -BIO Prouens a.e -j .v;-..;.ic.--.i re sult of many years' actual poultry feeding tests made with thousands of chicks. The purpose of this re search was to discover a measure ment of protein quality. Kasco Laboratories realized that the "crude protein" standard of measurement required by state Inside Point 3L-JV LkiL ..1a-v'i - :i all lintls of.proteia muitiud Ui feed. The result was the develop ment of the ''Bio" system of ra ting proteins. In other words,; Bio Proteins are the proteins known to be superior proteins easily digest ed, thoroughly use We tor growtn, life and production. The booklet, "Life Among The Proteins" tells the scientific story in everyday language. Copies are available free through W. E. Bartlett, Jr., in War- Paul Swinson Paul Swinson, 40, died suddenly at his home In Jacksonville Mon day night at 10:45. The funeral was held from the home of his sister, Mrs. H. W. Dickson, In Calypso on Wednesday afternoon at 3, with the Rev. L. L. Parrish. Methodist minister of Jacksonville, officia ting, assisted by -the Rev. J. W. Smith, Presbyterian minister of Calypso. Burial was in the Calypso cemetery. Surviving are his wife: three children, Martha, Donald, and Paul, Jr of Jacksonville; three brothers and one sister, Jack and Jesse Swinson and Mrs. Dickson of Calypso, and W. E. Swinson of Concord; his mother, Mrs. Lola Swinson of Calypso. Nature may endow you with breathtaking beauty, a lovely curvaceous figure. She may be stow gifts on you that make you a brilliant actress, a leader ia your class at college, sought ' after at dances, or a charming wife and mother. Tea, Nature may do all this. And yet you may find your face mockingly, slapped if you suffer i these distressing symptoms, which so many unfortunate girls and women do. . Something You Should Not Joko Aboutl So if female functional monthly disturbances are causing you to suffer from pain, nervous dis tress and feel weak, restless, so cranky and Irritable that you almost turn into a 'she-devil' on such days cms is soxbthxkq too sHOULwrr joks aoui. Start right away try Lydla B, Plns ham's Vegetable Compound to relieve such symptoms. It's fa mous tat this purpoee. And doat .im w$ ;sf a-,- - ... '.. .-. . . "-,:r, t . i.. : s rm '). A Veteran and Wife Desires) a Flaaw To Live In Weraw STOUT ICE and Phone 2641 - IN PAIRS OF DIAMONDS W'-'v JEWELRY LUGGAGE WATCH REPAKLTfa FOXMAtl'S "Your Jawalar' IN KINSTON Aoofoooeoocot nervous taastaa. Irrlta these tired-eut, everyone tkla Taksst re - r thraaot tha :t. -,-4 bactrssfc was -e vary aenslhla Bring to aa. I- i see if yea, toe, dasit ran 1st AS aaugalisjag, C0 COMFOUI. COAL COMPAXY V. - Wanaw,N. C i a fcaPlsOchsma Case. 1 aoas noaa than seHs s i y awnthky peThss sraS r I.