THE DUPLIN TIMES . rubllidtad cash Friday la Kenansvtlle, N. C, County Seat ef , ' DCPtlN COUNTT " ' "" Editorial business and prlntlnf plant. KenantriUe, N. C. I y 3. ROBEKT GRADT. EDITOR OWNER Entered at the Post Office, Kenansrllle. N. C ' Vi " waeeenddaaa matter, v, v, ' Kenansrllle, 87-7 5.. Warsaw, S5S-6 - V SUBSCRIPTION RATES: $3.00 per year In Duplin County; ISJ50 per year year outside Duplin County, In North Carolina; $4.00 per year outside North Carolina, except to Men la V. 8. Armed Forces, Anywhere, $3.00 per year. - ' ; , Advertising rates furnished on request. A Democratic Journal, devoted to the material, educational, economle and agricultural Interests of Duplin County. "north Cardiin ii rmus associ rt . vO 3 :,-!in)nai Advanliins RtpraianlalW .V-.LhIcah Press Association New York Chlcoga Datrott PttlUtfatpMs I!o Special Home Canning Sugar ; , ; There will be no special home canning . sugar stamps this year and use from the new 10-pound stamps to be validated April 1 must be SO Dlannert as t n fill nil nanifc OPA said today in atlanta Changing the value of stamps from 5 to 10 pounds does not mean that consumers wil! get twice as much sugar, OPA said, it simply means that in order to make pres ent supply of stamps last longer. Department of Agriculture spokesmen have said they expect our 1947 allocation of sugar to be a little larger than in 1946. But no one yet knows exactly what it will be. .? " . LEV ,JR General insurance N;i -ILL K.N. . KENANSVn.l.E'S ONLY INSURANCE AGENCY 17" v T Butane Gas Also STOVES WATER HEATERS SPACE (Room) HEATERS GAS SYSTEMS (Tanks) REFRIGERATORS CAFE EQUIPMENT Immediate Delivery R. W. CRAFT BEULAVILLE, N. C. O o o o o o o o o o o Q ,0 o o o o o o o o o CK Kinston teemciile 11 o o o Auction 'f I SUNDAY I SCHOOL LESSON Bt HAROLD L. LUNDQUIST.' D. O. Of ""lia Moody Btbla Institute of Chicago. Relaaaad tat Waatarn Ntwpapr Union. LESSON FOR MARCH 9 ' Um auMacta and Scripture taxti M leeted and oopyriKhted by International - Council of Religious Education i uaad by parmUaton. . Sell Every Thursday 1:30 P, M. or Buy Where There Is A Wide Varieiv Both New And Used Cars And Trucks. HERBERT PATE, Auctioneer For any information Call 4527 or 4361 KINSTON, N. C. Of ' JESD8 WASHES TBS DISCIPLES' FEET LESSON TEXT John U:S-U. 34, 38. MEMORY SELECTION A new com mandment I give unto you, that ye love on another; as I have loved you, that ye also love on another. John 13:4V, On the eve of hit crucifixion our Lord gave to bis followers a striking example of how true humility Shows itself in service to others. Almost In the shadow of the cross the disciples had fallen into an arr gument about which of them should be greatest Christ showed them the way of true greatness by an act of menial service, giving them an example for their own lives, pat tern of love. L Action (w. Ml). He who was about to wash his dis ciples feet was fully conscious who he was, whence be came, what bis power was, and where he was going. Verse S gives us a clear view of our Lord's knowledge of himself aa divine, sent by the Father and to return to him. He waa conscious that be was King of kings and Lord of lords all things had been put into his hands. What followed would seem to be a mistake a misfit In the pattern of the life of a being so great as the one described in verse 3 except for the fact that it was Jesus of whom it was said. He knew that real greatness proves itself in the ability to stoop if need be to minister to the hum blest need. It was just like Jesus to take the place of the servant' It Is Just like him to do the loving, thoughtful, compassionate thing for us today. Peter's impulsive refusal to be washed enabled the Lord to teach him, and us, a needed lesson. The one who had come clean and well groomed to the feast needed only to have the dust of the road cleansed from his sandaled feet. Just so the one who has been cleansed from his sins by the blood of Christ returns daily for the cleansing of the stains and soil of the Journey through this wicked world. We must remember that this constant cleansing (I John 1:7) is necessary. It is not enough to make a decision for Christ and receive salvation; we need his daily grace for dally living. n. Example (w. 12-15). When he resumed his place at the table, Jesus faced a humbled and ashamed group of men ready to have driven home to their hearts the powerful meaning of the exam ple which had been set before them. . They called him Lord and Mas ter, and he agreed that they were right. Now he had set them a pat tern of lowly service. They had al ready sensed the rebuke involved, so he stressed only the positive side, the need for them to do what he bad done. It is one thing to understand what has been taught it is another thing to put it Into practice. . Jesus con ditioned his blessing on the doing, rather than the bearing (see w. 18, 17). We are told In James 1:23 that the one who is a hearer of the Word and not a doer of It Is self deceived. He is fooling himself about his supposed spiritual prog ress. God Is not deceived by It, and usually his fellow men are not de ceived by his profession of what .ha does not have. How sad then to go on deceiving himself and how fool ish. ' III. Command (w, 34, 38). It is really not a matter of choice for the believer whether he) will live In the light of this great example it is a commandment of God. Oh, yes, it is a commandment of lore, but that makes It not less but mora binding on us who believe in Christ By act and example he set before his disciples the great" and new commandment of love, expressing It self in loving service, . - - ,-; The measure of our love for pur , brethren is the love of Christ Jesus That love, we all agree, was without limit, unbelievably great, . inex pressibly tender,; infinite in its pur pose and power.,:-;: We cannot measure up to it What then shall we doT Surely we must give to our vary limit and beyond that limit by Ood'a grace, of our love for on another. Nothing less .. f w 1 - W5jt 'The auto industry's stylists and designers have played the major role in the presentation, of new models, since change-over this year has been generally " confined to restyling in the modern mode. Here is . the new Chevrolet, now in production, distinguished by advanced front-end treatment that incorporates a new and more, massive radiator grille, larger parking lamps, and smartly redesigned decorative features. .-;. - ' Y7.!! 1 t!D TO iOY::? i. . ; POULTRY We Are Again In The Market For Poultry, and t Will Pay Top Market Prices. . . John Aibritfon ' CALYPSO, N. C. . -WARSAW HSU MAKXET CREATORS AND MAINTAINERS OF LOWER . rVCES ON QUALITY SEA FOODS Bebs law Taw Ftak ar Eaow Teav FWk Mas Wiltta Barttrtl - ; FREE :':. DRESSING WARSAW. N. a DEUVEB ElETOiJGA LO SEARCH ,SAYS EB.7E;:3S Was Forced To Live On Soft Foods And Feared He Was Doomed To Suf fer The Rest Of His Life, He States. Enjoys Every Meal Now And Feels Fine . "Indigestion forced me to live on soft foods and broths and my strength went so low I could hardly walk across the house but, thanks to Retonga, I now eat anything I want, and feel fine," gratefully de clares Mr. T. O. Edmonds, well known ' home owner of Route 3, Anderson, S. C. "Although I got to where I lived on soft foods I still suffered from sour stomachi and as pressure up against my chest sometimes almost choked me. Muscular pains in my arms and' shoulders seldom stop ped, even; though I took strong laxatives ; almost every night for constipation and hoping to clear out toxic poisons. Sometimes I suddenly felt so shaky I bad to drive myself out of bed. I some times thought I would never be i I D. H. CARLTON J INSURANCE AGENCY Life - Fire - Sfarm - Automobile, etc. Telephone J3496 , Warsaw, N.C. 'OOOOOOOOOOOf WHEN YOU NEED SERVICES OF AN AUCTIONEER CALL BILL HINES, JR. Phone 270-1 262-6 ., WARSAW, N. C. oooooo oo 6 o or Auction Safe very Thursday I7allace Livestock Yards mandment ''V : Such love between Christian breth ren has always been the most ef fective kind of testimony for Christ. Aa men see true and sacrificial love shown between Christians, they art drawn to Christ and the church. The opposite is also true. Divi sions and strife among 'believers' quickly become known to the world, and are always a (round Cor scorn ful rejection of the truth which the church professes' to believe and is asking the world to accept We can not effectively apply the gospel rem edy (and it is the only remedy!) to a strife-torn world while we are saw gaged hi unlovely battles with oat another. "By this shall all men know that ye art my disciples," said Jeeus, "if ye have love one for aav ottwr." A. J. CAVENAUGII Ws2ice,N. C. i -i I!sv:r::rc? girls maygetr;:i;fc:dre!j2f from funeHoSsI periodic pain PaMuI. -awnr won.n has brought n Bef Iran tM cramp-lika acony and uraoa ' ami aS fnacttoml pvrlaeia dlstrM. ntcii , JIM a toolo, M abould tlaulata appUt, aia aisaraoe.- wa nap ouua iaun anoa foe tha tin" to eoraa, BUrtH s oa eeiora "roar uma". n aiKnioj help nUeva pala 6ua to purely fuactlonal periodla eausaa. Trj Ul A!PUD in Loaci. wmcTiwi. 1 w . MB. T. O. EDMONDS good for anything again.-" , 1 ; ' "Retonga soon relieved all this distress. . My appetite is fine now and my food, tastes good. I sleep well, am relieved of constipation, and am on the Job every day feel ing fine. Retonga is the finest med icine know.' , , Retonga Is Intended to relieve distress due to Insufficient flow of digestive juices In the stomach, loss of appetite, Vitamin B-l defi ciency and constipation. Accept no substitute. Retonga may be obtain ed at the Kenansyille Drug Store in tCenansville or at the Warsaw Drug Co., in Warsaw. (adv.) USE . Pill EE COUGH SYRUP It's Different You'll Like It OUJNN McGOWEN COMPANY . WARSAW, NOBTO OABOLXKA DAI PHONE 1-4-4-1 NITX S-4-4V1 Funral Diradort A Embeilmtrt Ambulo-c Srvic CONCRETE BLOCKS , "A QUALITY BUILDING MATERIAL" We are a member of the N. C. Concrete Masonry Associatien. Our blocks are tested anil approved by the Pittsburg Testing Laboratory. H. C. PRODUCTS, Inc. Olive St., KINSTON Phone 2514 What Cn fcanK Atto Lean Plan Offers To " ' Yea:" . - - Instead of paying high tinuitcuiK ch;i geh, you Arrange f. low-eeet bank loan here. .There are no commissions, no "buries .charges,' ant; yea mm include the cubt of ear insurance in your loan. " ) I - v ; : '; .1 . Tour loan application Is acted on promptly. ; No co-makers or eadoraers are necessary and you don't have to be a depositor in order to borrow hers. You chooso your ntw cur borrow up to two-thirds of its cost from us, ; (somewhat less for used ears! and pay cash for our pfirchaae."Yoi can ; shop around and buy from any dealr. . , - . ' :.. v ' ; : : i With as bank auto lonn you can deal with local people from start' to finish 7ou buy your cat frcm a dealer you know, borrow at our basic and pUoe your Insurance light here at home with a home agmt ef your ebeios wher yeu can depend en getting prompt, on-the-spot service whenever you need CXTRA BENEFITS 87 m your mrnthly auto loan payments regularly, as aereed, yn , ' r 5 can help build yeur lank criviit for the rotuTe-wn anet that win prwve valuable to you again and again. r ' . ' '. ECONOMY FAST ACTION CONVENIENCE LOCAL SERVICE i For Best Prices and Complete Job a Hon amenta. See me Write Before yon finance your seat ear anywhere, eampare the esmplete sal af the plans Indndlng flnnr charges, fee, eaDuulftaloas, extras with a almuat ftaa actios) hfre. Then choose tha plaa with ast beaaflta. " W; are eeaftdeal anto loan win be roar eholee. v r . , . . t- i i ' ' --- , . . " " ; T.,' -rg for new car loan is t5.C3 pr $TC9.C3, , saaed ta ben. Lccn Cra rt psryc "f i IS r-.r.:!. cr rr-i. :