1 : t C LI . - " , a Tf you ar U' 1 f " . . 1 ,. a c 1 (' a -S 1 1 ' with h Cily Cousin .. y'-j''t'V1 ' t.j';:':''''v:"-y-' i-. "You sure missed out on a lot ty not being a 4-H Club boy when you were a kid," the bareheaded, strapping young lad told me.! " we aat under a tree on bis father's farm. .. ' ' -Oh,-1 had a pretty good time -all to all " I say. recalled my boyhood days In the big city' ". "But this 4-H isn au xuui n 'said with wrinkling brow that Indicated I didn't understand. "We got work to do, too; everyone of us In our club's got at least one pro ject like Baby Beef calves, or gardenln', or timber thinnln' and there's 90,000 more Just like us here in North Carolina." - t. (hut mi?" T asked. uv. h VM sflvs. and we're all a part of National 4-H Club T ..! J Lim what WAS 80001 about Katieaal VH ksfer Weak, "Wall," ha says. we use this to make all - members familiar With the theme for the year's work." 'What is your theme mis yearr He told me the main theme la "Wnrklna Together for a Better Home and World Community." I agreed that youth must do its share In establishing and maintain ing world peace, and that there was no better way or place to be gin than right at home, v . QUESTIONS ANSWERS OF INTEREST TO VETS Q I am a World War 2 veteran taking a school course that requir m a hours -Der week. Am I entitled subsistance allowance graduate cornea at a coue er vuJ- VBrsity, yeu are augim w quarter of the full eubelatanoe al lowance, but if it la a high school or vocational school course of less than 6 hours per week, you are not eligible for any subsistance allow ance. '' .. . i i PA Q, I am a veteran-amputee. Am I entitled to" a service card and what is the limit on repair service costs allowed? A. Yes, if you are a veteran morfH nn artificial limb, you are entitled to repairs at government expense and may : obtain a Pros thetic Service cam. unis cam su .hin th veteran to cet immediate repair service Up to $35 without prior approval from we .-'." a x m a disabled veteran and have completed my on:the-Job train Ing, but have Been unaDie to s 4k Am t entitled to receive un ci JUWi " . employment compensation under the GI BlUY A Vai n ri T iim mv terminal leave VMM bonds as security for a GI loan? A. No. But you may use them to pay premiums on NSU. . We Cure Meat THE YEAR AROUND ' - " WE ARE EQUIPPED TO :? GRIND MEAT MAKE LARD DRESS POULTRY WE OFFER A COMPLETE PROCESSING AND LOCKER SERVICE WE CARRY AT ALL TIMES A COMPLETE LINE OF Frozen Foods, Western Meals Dressed Fryers, Hensr Turkeys And Geese STOUT FROZEN FOOD LOCKER CO. Wallace, N. C. Southern Farm Market Summary i i. j n a mnA a half million box es of mldseaaon oranges; Valencia, 3 and a half million boxes, and grapefruit, 3 million boxes. Snap beans and tomatoes were ui heaviest truck crop losses. , rnHrni nrlrea moved ud a half cent a pound higher during the ...... v nHth tmnt market and mill buying showing -some alight pick up. -I'-- .tWK State College Hints To Homemakers to keep a.. a, Cosily Business !!ol om! License If s probably a good idea not to with 0ain nf 50 cents to one dol lar a 100 pounds, coupiea wun sim ilar gains during the previous two weeks, hog prices at southern mar kets almost equalled recora prices of last October. Smaller arrivals of hogs at mar kets and increased prices for fresh pork were price-stimulating factors at leading livestock markets. Southern cattle arrivals were small this week and prices ranged somewhat strong to higher, with advances mostly from 50 cents to a dollar higher. At southern poultry markets, fryers were plentiful, with prices holding steady at low levels. Hens sold firm on small offerings. Arri val of local eggs increased and prices held generally steady. Shipment of fruits were small this week due to heavy damage tj tkhiM will be fresher and have -more nutritive value If i..va nr tons are trimmed off before they are stored in home refrigerators or vegetame Dins. . , Although buncnes 01 caiiuw, t,.iM haats. narsnlDs. and rad- Ishes may look more attractive in .toHM wtth their leafy tops attache those, tops should be cut off as soon aa-possible - because mnistiire and nutritents IXj Mhti - from the vegetable The tops take up valuable storage space in bumt .. . Tha nuni acienuaiB explain Ihat. while 4he.vegetable a omurinff in ,-th.,ii,ground. mnnilfactlire.; tUCh AS VUV veww -' - . sugar, starch,. protein and other nutrients and pass vnera rown w the roots. l- i TTrtxovpr nnce the vegetable is harvested and the roots are put of the ground, the situation la rever- BroiiciiL! Co&igiis Due to Colds Spend 45 cents today at any drug tore for a bottle of BUCKLEY'S CAII- ADIOL MIXTURE triple acUng-acti nromntlv to helo loosen up thick, stidK phlegm soothe Irritated throat mem hmnps Anil eniia hard couehire spella Try it the very next time a cold resulta in a wrnrlrlns? stubborn cough find out for yourself how good and effective it Is for coughs due to cblds. Cet BUCK LEY' S CANADIOL MIXTURE made la the U.S.A. TODAT all druggists. )PASON Wl incrasirvcj millioris 5t r Old Madam ; Morris this la Mv First Visit Here A seventh Daughter Born with a Veil, not to be classed with Gyp sies Over 00 years experience. Advice on an an airs oi 1 life. Fiease aon't con fuse my 1 work with that of the ordinary fortune teller. f The truth or nothing. ' Re member, a doubter finds me superior to all readers. Reads naat. present - and future. Office for wnite ana coiorea. tiours iu a. m. m On. m. Onan datlv uM Runnav. Parmjinanrlv , f lnjatai1 In frailai" studio on Wilson highway in front nf Rnv RMt'n ntnrit. Tulra Rnoi Gables bus to. my office. Look for Hand Sign, Goiasporo, N. c. (adv.) L a a t i - r - for a look, twQ.Anaqn County hun ters discovered when Protector Paul J. Klker, Jr., of Wadesboro checked them In the field. When the two men refused to let him look at their licenses', he brought charges against them. The cases were heard in Anson Super ior Court, and for their refusal to comply with Hiker's request, the When your cold brings on a tmuhtAwim aourh. anend S c" any drug stora for a bottle of t I.BT'H CAMAUlUli BUlunii acting to relieve coughing fast E T DV'O Bfl,. MAmntlv ta Vial n looaea - thick, sticky phlegm soothe h-riii i throat membranes and ease hard eo -tag spells. Bo try it the very next t a a cold results la a wracking, stub! a cough, rind out for yourself Just b" Sod It Is fjr eoua-ha due to eoM. Ctat OCmJCY'8 CANADIOL MIXTURE made la the U.S.Av TODAY U rug- Tut1' burner INSURANCE ACL'JCY ..'J ' I II ST HlH ' I . MJXX K1VM 99 CSSaaWCT IU N. C St. Hut's MsVsat T,'9t ttiSNaA. oooooooooooo booooooooooo ooooocooooc: Duplin Electric Company ; Have That Wiring Done TODAY, While Materials Last. Designed to speedily relieve simple headache and painful Qjieomioixs w uciu cugi Measured doses In powder form for quick assimilation. . Proof of merit Same type for mula over one-third century . Standard V S. P. Ingredients. Laboratory tested, controlled. n In price range of everyone. 10o and 2So sizes , v . ; -' Oautlon; Use only aa directed. We Aim To Please See Us For All Your ELECTRICAL Troubles When They Strike-- Don't Cuss, Call Us DUPLIII ELECTRIC COMPAIIY Box 16 -Phone Ho. 331 -Rose Hill, II. C. " H. D. SOUTHERLAND, Prop. - ' , 1 -t. , ft C'; '- -Se-. i'K. X. ' i-arta4-v. JIM SsIA ; ; ;,r'-K;TRIC,TY"'tne 0NE ervce' that's ; 'Jul best for ALL the jobs ifs used for - -and. ALL the people who use it new .brings city conveniences to small town anl rural America. ' . ' Flectricity does the job- better... and u , cheaper. It does all jobs quicker, cleaner, safer, more profitably throughout the ;ome and farm. , ; t 1 i' CO All-ELECTRIC and get the quality aerv ' ice at a quantity tit: You oaa Refrigerate, Cook, Heat Water, Launder better, faster, more conveniently . . . and, at the same time, achieve great economies throughout , the home and farm in time, labor and energy on every job. The ALL-Electric Way serves, saves, satisfies. '" : Economy and convenience begin when you GO ALL-ELECTRIC . . . satisfaction . begins anew every time you turn on the. ' twitch. " TO THE AUTOMOTIVE TRADE The Opening 01 ' .""V-1 - V.H, 215 NORTH HEBRIATGE ST, (Old Byrd Garage Bldg.) KiMton,N.C .f. l wore rCfJ-0mmmmam At . .iapaas-. i gy-p a; saB aaaja easa fssjj ag esa sjpaisjsi i - ' '- . . CALL TELEPHONE NUMBER 8567 FOE 6ELIVEBT 9' iy ' jj.tr). DistributorsOf A COMPLETE LIKE OF Automotive Paris, Supplies and Equipment W13 fjFFER THE FOLLLNG NATIONALLY ADVERTISED LINES . ; 1 PRATT BITJFFLEBS . " , - .-"WIRY JOE" . - - republic gears - .- gilmer belts - ' " bl.:gess batteries ' - "i HmURAND TOOLS - ' FITZGERALD GASKETS , : NATIONAL OIL SEALS t J- -1 HARTMAN BATTERY . CHARGERS ACCURATE CLUTCH PARTS 4 WEIDENHOFF EQUIPMENT -, AMERICAN HAMMERED KINGS HYGRADE PRODUCTS ALEMITE GREASING vi. EQUIPMENT , WELDING EQUIPMENT v , BKOOKINS SERVICE ' " ' " STATION EQUIPMENT " ; HUFFMAN SERVICE ' 1 " efiTfAM rTrptntsnr ' r v. , GRKY ROCK EXAZ3 LEXNG