Oociety and : '"n:n$villeP.T.A. . .l Monday Nighf ' The KenansvUle PTA met Mon day evening , with? the president, tirtl. N. B. Boner presiding. The I TA so nc wag sung and the devo tionaT services' were conducted oy Rev. John M. Cline. The program ."The' Corner of Health" was pre "sented most effectively by the Du plin. County Board of Ueaitn. ut. G. V. Gooding, county health offi cer, was Introduced by the program : chairman. Miss Lela Mcdonald, and made a short talk on the work of the County i Health Department, and stated that the health depart ment of Duplin County was organi sed In 1934. Dr. Gooding also stated that It was. Impossible to serve a county of this size In preventative diseases . and the various other works of the department with such a small staff and that he hopes ' that the staff will be increased by ' July I. For an example of the nec essity of vaccinations and inocul - ations. Dr. Gooding stated that in 193.0 there were 100 cases of small pox in Duplin whereas in the past ' few years only one case a year has been- found.; ,'Dr Gooding introduced Mr. " Richard Gay, County Sanitarian who discussed the value of school lunch rooms and the necessity of . th lunch rooms serving real, sub- statial meals. JFIigh standards of nutrition and sanitation in ui; n: ;cn . rooms of the county must he nam- tained. stated Mr. Gav. rue Ke ' '-nansville lunch room ranks he highest of any lunch room in llio .. county in sanitation. Miss Mflry Lee Sykes. County Health Nurse, spoke on T. ii.. ind .'. UWVUWVU ..' tfvub. r. u0.u... . ....... is making a desperate effou to1 If Fate should tqke you from your family tomorrow, would your loved ones find tliemsclv" '' wiihout immediate funds, fenced in by a multitude cf deb';? ? Or will they have the cash to pay off all bills, plus a definite ' - Income to help tide them over the trying period? With the Jefferson Standard Readjustment Income Plan your - family will have the necessary time to adjust itself gradually to 7 changed circumstances the sever shock of sudden change - can be avoided. Ask for complete details todayi at no cost to you. D. H. CARLTON Special Representative Warsaw, N. C. r JEFFERSOfl LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY GRIINSBORO, NORTH CAROLINA GILDA GAY HUCKLEBERRY FINN M, i im avvInT ShJ IhfH UP trxift StiiRT rf OMOASeo "Wit 8o7-3 Knee &ulo you letYvvmy of A ? you'd liice a , koH mvi Vt .1.ike wouk.? whv. ? ME HAVE A k COOKSE' JOB, I THINK MY L G06H f (v Lll WOW) VoAl0V AWOtU-IT Vvorl- if 1 v . k, - l1 all, Tf- , ,Wn J Ayj . -y? - . , n Persopals have every person in North Caro lina X-rayed. Miss Sykes stated that the Health Department did all that it could when T. B. patients were discovered to Keep it irom spreading to other members of the familv. ' :, Mrs. FinaLvstfn.: County Health Nurse, spoke on the program of the Health Department ; In the schools. She further stated that home visits were made to parents, of defective children; quarantines are enforced; lectures on health are made; children checked for weight, bad eyes, teeth and com municable diseases; Immunization program is carried on. Mrs. Fin alyson stressed the Importance of cooperation of mothers, teachers and health workers. ; V During the business, Miss Mild red Pate, local teacher, spoke on the school teachers problems and their efforts to suoDort the Pied mont plan. The KenansvUle- PTA went on record as approving the Piedmont plan.. Miss Pate urged the parents to help their children by getting trained teachers back In the profession which can only be done by paying. Our . teachers enough to live on. The attendance prize was won by Mrs. Hallie Daughtry's room in grammar school and Miss Louise Ellis' room in high school. Reports were made by each committee chairman. During the business ses sion, it was voted to -donate $200 to the school lunch room. $34.33 was donated by the KenansvUle Woman's Club to be used in the lunch room for milk for under privileged children. Mrs. Clarence Murphy, manager of the lunch room, was given a rising vote of h:nks for her splendid work in lunch room. Trie rtew officers: Mrs. E. V. Vestal, president; Mrs. N. B. Bo- ney, vice-president; Mrs. w. M. Ingram, secretary; and Mr. Gilbert FENCE THEM IN -STANDARD- Tone, yv IHfcT 8iRT o.a I MTor. .T. I BUI V flO H"W "-! -II i, . M A RED POLKADOr II n'.en MHO I SWPOI LPKTHB &-, ftEO W.KA POTS J WS nncc Alphin, treasurer. They were in stalled by the out-going president A moving picture- on Red Cross work was shown, after which coca colas and cookies were served by the refreshment committee. ; Miss Ellis Is Hostess To Club Miss Louise Ellis entertained the members of her bridge elub last Tuesday evening In the home of Mrs. G. V. Gooding.- Early spring flowers were used for decoration. When scores were tallied. Miss Hil da Clonts was awarded nigh score and Miss Mildred Pate second high. The hostess served delicious straw berry shortcake and coffee. Sewing Club Meets "Mrs. O. P. Johnson was hostess io the members of the B. M. G. Sewing Club on last Tuesday after noon. Miss Lula Hlnson was the only visitor. After the regular sew ing bee the guests were Invited into the dining room ' where the hostess served fruit Jello, pound cake and coffee. The dining room was decorated most attractively with yellow Jonquils and yellow candles. "i Meet Tuesday The flirl Scouts held their regu lar monthly Board of Review in the home of Miss Alice Jolly with 19 members present. Mesdames I. C. Burch and P. J. Dobson assisted the scout leader, Mrs. N. B. Boney, in a discussion on architecture. Pictures and examples of dark Ionic and Corinthian columns were shown. The scouts as a group are" working on their architecture badges. A social hour was enjoyed and the young hostess assisted by her mother, and sister. Nida, ser ved Indian punch and ocokies. Woman's Club Holds Meeting The KenansvUle Woman's Club mot. last Thursday afternoon In the club rooms with the president, Mrs. A. T. Outlaw, presiding. During the business session, the following officers were chosen: Mrs. J. Dobson, president; Mrs. John A. Gavin, vice-president; Mrs. Harvey Boney, secretary; and Mrs. C. B. Sitterson, treasurer. The executive committee will appoint department chairmen later.THrs. J. Q. Morrison, chairman of the Fine Arts depart ment, was in charge of the pro gram and she in turn presented Rev. J. G. Morrison who showed r l'orcd slides of tropical flowers and plants of pictures he made himself while serving as Chaplain in the army on the Hawaiian Islands. After the program, mem t ?rs of the .fine arts department served angel' food cake, coffee and nuts. Personals V Mrs. Wilbur Adams and children of Angier spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Williams. Miss Ellen Shine of Rocky Mount was the week end guest of Miss Mirparet Williams. Miss Hortense Tyndall of ECTC was home last week end. Miss Bertha Isley of the Pender l'ea faculty was week end guest of Mrs. N. B. Boney. . Mr. Jimmy Jerritt and his friend of Duke University spent the week ISHOVeOHHW DOM4 ' air w flr Hft'D HURT Wf THRee viUHea es is . Cf ) KIC& SO TO TEAR UP THKT Reo PoinA OCT SVT Toec-T wo 1f7 -a T. H. KEATING i. General Sale Manage : Chevrolet Motor Division General Motors Corporadoct end with Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Jerritt. Mrs. Doris Fulgo of Raleigh spent -the week end at her home with lier parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Dobson. Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Newton spent the week end with their daughter in Goldsboro. ' '" , Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Ingram and children spent Sunday with Mrs. Ingram's mother near Beaufort. . ; Mrs. C. B. Guthrie spent several days last week with her sister, Mrs Noble Martin, In Quantlco, Va. - Mt- o-nA Mrs. William Mercer of Goldsboro spent Tuesday-afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Newton: Mr. W E. Belanga who has been confined to his home' while recu perating from pneumonia, celebra ted his eighty-first birthday on March 4. Atlantic Coast Line Agricultural Topics Wilmington, N. C. Dr. J. M. Jenkins, Jr., Hortoculturist fn charge, of the Vegetable Research Laboratory, states that last year cucumber growers suffered losses as a result of downy mildew and angular leaf spot infection. He says that the original infection Usually comes from Infected seed. There fore, an Important control measure-is the treatment of the seed prior to planting. . The treatment for angular leaf spot consists of soaking -the seed SOTTA FINISH DUPLIN MERCANTU CO. . " V lililrilliiliililiiliniFiEri By I mme evn off I tor Mfasas 7 ; -y f i.a CJ,uv ...J taorj i , bt control consists cf .. i u plants with a mixture of, 8 pounds of cuprocide to 94 pounds of clay at intervals of five to 10 days, de pending upon the weather. Other dust are available and . may be satisfactory. ' - Mrs. Weeks Is Hostess To Club On Tuesday evening, Mrs. L. F, Weeks was hostess to the members of her bridge club and an addition al table. Lovely, bowls of yellow daffodils were used for decoration. At the conclusion of pfay, Mrs. C. B. Guthrie was awarded high score for club members and Miss Mil dred Pate for visitors. The hostess served tempting pear salad topped with cherries;' crackers and coffee. During play candy was served. . F.F.G. School The B. F. Grady 8th trade Bas ketball team beat the team of the 10th grade last Thursday evening with a score of 23 to IS. Playing in the 8th grade team were: Ruth Teachey, Sarah Waters. :. Edith Byrd, forwards; Ines Smith, Anise Kelly and ., Wilms Gray Smith, guards, , . -.-. ", for 5 minutes in a 1-1000 solution. of bichloride of mercury. Then the seed is washed for at least 2 min utes In 3 washes of clear water to remove the mercury. Afterwards it is spread to dry in a shady place, but care must be taken, to dry the seed quickly. One. bichloride of mercury tablet to one pint of water makes a 1-1000 solution. It is a deadly POISON. . ' - Black-Draught . h &i 1 4om eahr 1 1 mm avneM uci smut siaktju ivV IrtotriijtOi W 1 4kise-;a) -xiui BERNARD BALLY uoTs or peopvs T 'Li V' L-niu iJ Li Our Furniture is . a "windfall", for value-wise homemakers who appreciate quality, yet want to save money. ALL are quality pieces and splendid values. .r ' .Many Are One Of A Kind. ' mi m frTT ' . - U.'.u.. ... r-mtm' 4 ; V Twin Bed - 18th Century Bedroom : We're proud of tlie many-quality details of this beautiful, suite . . ; the chest-on-ohest . ; the brass drawer pulls y the fine quality of the mahogany veneers, and the superbly executed carvlnf. Frankly, thore' are Just a few suites, to different styles, which we've rrouped at this special price. 8 Pc. Living Room Our de:oratrs have skillfully for you . .. . cnr.s stln; of a biff sof.i. :wo luxurious Jounce chairs, two lam-? trb'ss with harrjonhrirs lamps, and a match ing coffse. tcble. Xverytli'n? In-luded, ready tp be delivered , -to you. - ' '?i-:f&&ifA V Occasional Chairs We've Illustrated just one of a group in moiem and traditional styles, covered in fine fabrics. New Chrome and Porcelain Set ' r A :c;e I UM Sta'jtprooffl s.:a utij, gieamingno chrome framework on the iable! If and chairs which have leather ette seats, and. backs. " THERE ARE FCitJR WAYS TO BUY Ton can say "charge It". i (Pay In 80 days.) Arrange for a 80 Day Charge ACCOUnt V :';.:4:f', ' " Ton can pay cash If yea wish. . . Ton ean take a whole year to 'IJ "3 ...t?ij-: I I assembled this beautiful Chest - on Chests For the bedrooms, study, or hall . -thai needs extra drawer spaee, . and an exceptionally good look-, ing piece. . - - iQr Big Colorful:, Boudoir Chairs - : , You oan choose your cot- -; - era and designs to add t a gay new note to Jut'- J . bedrooms, j Covered n cbinia . i . . beautifully ' madrx and a truly si)le: dld'bay.'"' , - . r I i i l ' ) Lit :' .7-;i...V'- I , r' 1 c:.2. a "jtumMmw1