Societymid j. AsdMrRoyG. Lanier Celebrate jrlli:!3y$ Ai:d Wedding Anniversary. On Sunday, March 9th., Mr. aud Mrs. Roy G. Lanier, of Keuansville, celebrated their twentSr-fith wed ding anniversary, as well , as each of their birthdays, which were on March 7th., and 8th., with an old fashioned Barbecue Dinner with ' hot ) fee. '-' '-- , ' i ' & Upon a, long .elottk covered table, placed in the yard, at -the rear of the residence, were heaped an array of delicious foods consisting of barbecue, together with all the side dishes $Hat goes with barbe-' cue to make ifa suraptious repast; added to the above were a number of beautiful -cakes decorated with - Born to -Mr. and Mrs. David YeUs of WAilace, a boy, Melvin Louis, on February 18, 1947. Mrs. , Wells is the former Miss Kathleen Lanier of Kenansville.." V.S.ofC. S. Meets Khn Kenansville Methodist W. S. of, C. S., held its regular meeting 'fctonday evening, at the home of "Mrs: W. M. Ingram. About 17 mem 1 ".s find rt es'i were present. For . the occasion the order of meeting .' was reversed and the Chairman of Spiritual Life conducted the devotional first, followed by the program on , "Children in the ; Church." - Three of our Sunday School 'Children gave talks. An gela ' Daughtry represented "A Child of the Street," Betty Ingram, "A' Child ol the Church," whose parents, '' however, remain aloof from 'Church and Sunday school, and Sally Newton, "A Child of the : Church," whose parents take an active part in all church activities. Their presentations were attract- 1 ive and well done and were an in spiration to- every older person ' present..: A round table discussion on suggestions for improving our Sunday School followed with ex cellent ideas presented by Mrs. Stokes i .Westbrook, Mrs. Ingram, Mrs. O. P,- Johnson, and Mrs. D.. Williamson. Mrs. E. A. Newton, ' president, presided over the busi !F IT'S ADVANCEMENT IN TOBACCO CURING YOU IwNlV in FHECO OIJ WANT IMPORTANT f 3 7 PLtWT iiS Q t$t$t or $AH SEE THEM AT .FASMyfi, HOME EQUIPMENT COMPAIIV; Inc. Persona Is t - - birthday and wedding felicitations. After the invocation, by Mr. Early Newton, and prior to enjoy ing the hospitality of the hosts, Mr. Lanier presented his wife lovely gold band ring, commemorating their anniversary. ; Approximately one hundred and fifty guests attended the dinner, mosf: of whom were relatives of the honorees, from Goldsboro, Kln ston, Wilmington and Warsaw. Others attending were close friends of the honorees. Mr. and Mrs. Lanier received many lovely anniversary gifts. ness session and among other items of business appointed Miss Mary Lee Sykes as Youth Chairman; Mrs. Stokes Westbrook, Student Chair man; and Mrs. J. H. Daughtry, Sec retary of Supply Work. Upon ad journment the hostess, aided by the three youngest guests, served re freshments and the members en joyed a social hour together. Week Of Prayer The WCS of the Kenansville Baptist Church held' its annual Week of Prayer for Home Missions March 3-7. A goodly number at tended each day. Monday's session was with Mrs. C. B. Sitterson; Tuesday with Mrs. Thad Jones; Wednesday, with Mrs. C. D. Dobson: Thursday, with Mrs. W. M. Brinson; and Friday, with Mrs. P. J. Dobson. . Mrs. Ellis Vestal had charge of the programs for the week and was assisted by other members each day. The theme for the week was "Crown Thy Good With Brother hood." Each day a different phase of the work of the Home Mission Board was discussed.- Along with the Week of Prayer program, one chapter a day of "They Shine Like Stars", the Mission Study Book, was presented. Circles Meet '"'.. . V , t Mrs. J. L. Williams was hostess K4 ttW n fw vi i : ;; i i FLUE & BURNER ALKANGEMENT FOR 1C BARN SO THRIFT SO SOIPLE AND SAFSS t Wm'-.Wat : Th Price Of Cmm .Ot Two YOUR NOAREST DEALER' OS WRLXS to Circle No. 1 on L.juuay a'., r noon. Mrs. Caroline Gavin presiikd fn th absence of the Circle Chair- maa Tite Survey Article, wa ivvtt by Mrs. W. M. Pickett After the business was disbursed, a social hour was enjoyed at which time the hostess served tempting re freshments. Circle No. 2 of Grove Presbyi terian Church met Monday even ing in the home of Mrs. J. B. Wal lace with circle chairman, Mrs. J. R. Grady presiding. Routine busi ness was discussed and Miss Mar tha Pickett was elected Circle Chairman for the coming year. Miss Hilda Clontz gave a most Interest ing program. A social hour was en joyed at which time the hostess served coca colas and cookies.' , , ''V V,: The Ella' Cooper Circle of 'the Baptist Church met Monday even ine in the home of Mrs. L C. Burch, with Mrs. E. C. Tyndall presiding. A program on Russia was given oy Miss Dora Betty Dixon, assisted by Misses Virginia English and Lila Wells with Miss Isabelle Jones in charge of the Bible Study. After the routine business a social hour was enjoyed at which time the hostess served cookies, sandwiches and coca colas. Konfracf Klub Met Mrs. F. W. McGowen was hos tess to the Kenansville Kontract Klub Wednesday evening. No vis itors were present. At the conclu sion of play the hostess served a delicious salad course and coffee. Mrs. J. O. Stokes was awarded high score prize. Mrs. Boney Hostess To Club The Thursday afternoon card club met with Mrs,. N. B. Boney. Mesdames C. B. Guthrie and Caro line H. Gavin were guests..,When the guests were seated with attract ive jonquil tallies, the hostess ser ved a tempting sweet course. Love ly bowls of jonquils were used for decoration. Mrs. G. V. Gooding scored high for club members and Mrs. C. B. Guthrie for visitors. ... Sewing Club Meets On Tuesday afternoon, Mrs.' J. G. Morrison was hostess to the sewing club. Miss Lula Hinson Was the only visitor. The usual sewing ra oil v f a ed a delicious sweet couise. Personals : Mesdames ' Joe . Wallace : Amos Brinson and Misses Martha Pickett Land Hilda Clontz shopped in Golds boro Saturday afternoon, i Dr. and Mrs. E, C. Grady and daughter of Elm City were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Grady. Mrs. D . H. McKay shopped Jn Goldsboro on Tuesday. . -4- Mesdames Vance Gavin and Wra Pickett shopped In Raleigh Tues day. V f , , "J ' Misses Gilda and Gloria Whit field of James Walker Memorial Hospital spent Tuesday with their mothers Mrs. Betty Whitfield. .' ft - Mrs.- Park Pridgan and Mrs. R. C, Prldgen of Warsaw and Mrs. M."Danforth of Lynn, Mass were Wednesday guests of Mr. and Mrs, J. R. Grady. -rTv'V Mr. and Mrs. L. F, Weeks and Jean visited in Newton Grove, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Holland and Miss Dora Betty Dixon spent Sun day near Mt Olive with Mrs. Dora Swinson. . -.v. -y .. ' '" ... . Mr, and Mrs. Jack Sitterson and daughters, Frances and Linda, went to Wilmington Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Cora Brinson and Mr, and Mrs. Lester Brinson have been confined to their home with flu. Several people from Kenansville attended th( Southern Conference games In Durham last week. . Mrs. Mary' Sou therland and Mrs. N. B. Boney went to .Wallace on Wednesday to observe the Home Nursing Course being given in the school. Mrs. Robert Hollingsworth and Mr. and Mrs. Leo Jackson shopped in Klnston Tuesday. . J For A Real Taste Thrill EAT HINE5 ICE CREAM Good Every Day . ',''-T''; ililfllilEIIMAIl'WLIAMS, The Community Club will meet In the school auditorium Saturday night, for the regular meeting An interesting program is being ar ranged. Everyone Invited to at tend. i Mrs R. D. Simmons will be host ess to the . Home Demonstration Club Monday afternoon, March 17. All members urged to attend this meeting.',1 A ' Miss Mavis Outlaw of Raielph was a recent visitor with her, par ents, ;Mr. and Mrs." Jesse . Outlaw, Leroy Simmons was among. those attending the ball games" 4n Dur ham Saturday, i ; 1 , , Mrs. Nora Malpass and son visi ted Mr. and Mrs : Norman Batts at Camp Davis Sunday, ' ' , Ervin M. Outlaw spent the week end with, his parents. v u '! Mr.;' and, Mrs. M.-1. Mewborn -of Goldsboro were visitors here Bvm- 'Miss Elizabeth Mullens of Wil son was the guest of Mrs. M.( L. Outlaw, Jr., Saturday night and Sunday. . . : Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Parker were visitors at Smiths Chapel and Fal-. son Sunday, J . ' Mrs.' L. R. Sutton, Kay and Ann from near Mt.' Olive visited Mrs. Sutton's mother, Mrs. Katie Out law Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Jones and baby of Klnston were visitors with relatives Sunday afternoon. - The AUW met with Miss Pauline Outlaw Saturday afternoon ; for their March meeting. Mrs. Herman Outlaw presided. Worship services being led by the Chaplain. Follow ing the business period, -- program AT REASONABLE PRICES CAN SUPPLY- 24 GUAGE GALVANIZED FLUES IF YOU NEED FLUES OR LEGGETTS' OIL CURERSSEE ME HOW '-.- by lu.irfi Ua,;,is. i...,. benediction was used in closing. Refreshments and a social : hour was enjoyed. "Mrs. Eric Berger and Miss Ka- . A''.f- :'AJi: -:V' J',VK.: 1 w ' ' ' t And ready of smart walk; ing in thesejclever flatees. Resigned for comfort as s -perfect wardrobe com-1 " s 1 ' - plements. KJ .-Sv' . WALLACE, N.C. "riZ'& y'p i W';:.:. ; tornoon honoring Mi's. li. C. i Jr., the former Miss L.:.;.e C law. The honoree received is. useful1 and attractive gifts. ' Ankle strap sandal $3.95 , ' Slack Patent tn 'Eed, c Brown, and Black, ; Size AA to B ,;;,skcejtore;:wS- , "Your Shoe Store" , , - Shoes For .The Entire Family v.,! r 4 J T , '"' h .'" .c-t-i ;iv i'Si :-r,-:.:rj;i-. f -,vi:i "'y'r,rr;.ibi:,;,yi;l Sfc: tji;'i yifM $fpt'i'-'r&'; v-V:S' i r; : x-. A PINK HILL, N. C - ., ,' ... I.- :"l-.'-. ..: -' v ';.-r;'V.,v'.:'J:,.