THE DUPLIN TIMES' rajhed eaeh Friday. In KenanevUle W. C' Cowety Stefi. . DUPLIN COUNTY 'Editorial baslneM and printing plant, Kenansrllle, N. C. ; .- , .!. J. ROBERT GRADY, EDITOR OWNER ', ;; ' . i v i Entered at the Post Office, Kenansrllfe, N."C.'; "4 " i1 f , ' second class nMtter ';;;;; i-i-':' . C " " T e L I P H ONB J (l;,;;,:!;; : , , - Keaansvllle, 17-7 Warsaw, J5S-I SUBSCRIPTION RATES: SS.00 par year In Duplin County;,, $3.50 per year year outside DupUn County, In North Carolina;. $4.00 per year outside North Carolina, except to Mon In V. 8. .- ,- . ' Armed Forces, Anywhere, $3.00 per, year. ! v , Advertising rates furnished on request A Democratic Journal, devoted to the material, edaeatlonal, economic and agricultural Interests of Duplin County. North Card'.na C man AuociAiicMyt . ,k - ' N. York Chicane At home ; On The Farm --yVi with The Cify Cousin ' As I walked down the street, bent on catching a bus nome, Wallace Appleton caught up with me. Both of us had been to the reuglar Mon day nig'at meeting of our civic club, where a man from Chicago told us of the going-ons behind the in ternational scena. i: "How'd you hke the talk?" I ask ed him. ". "I don't know "he says, "some times I bunk we hear too mucn oi national and international prob - lems, and not enough about what we can do in this city ox ours to cure its many Ills." "Take the small rural commun o o o Klinston o o o Auction Every Thursday 1:30 P. M. a: t Sell or Buy Where There p Both New And Used o o o o o o o HERBERT PATE, Auctioneer g For any information Call 4527 or 4391 O KINSTON, N. C. O FOR QUALITY CHICKS SEE US 4A PARMENTER REDS - BARRED ROCKS ' N. II. REDS HATCHES WEEKLY ; Prices Reasonable; ( - All Chicks From Blood-tested Flocks t .' t . . UNDER N. C. STATE & V & SUPERVISION JONES HATCHERYI . PINK HILL, N.C Auction Sale ivery rallace Livestock Yard P"o ity of our fathers time, . Wallace says. "Every problem was met as a community enterprise, with a great deal of loyalty and spirit. Husking bees, log rollings why, in those days, when a man was up against and needed a house, he just called in his neighbors. Each farmer was a stick in the bundle, just like the old fable: They made a pretty strong bundle, too." "That sort of thing just isn't done anymore, huh?" I asked, look ing up the street for my bus. "Now, says Wallace, "everybody is too busy these days." Then I told him the story of Wil lie Duke. 1 told WaUace how Willie had run the general community store in tiny Rehobeth until his place was destroyed by fire. There was his business - -a mess of charred wood and bursted canned goods no building, no stock. But Willie didn't run to his nei ghbor for help. They came to him, bright and early the n.orning af- O o o o o o o o o o o o o o Is A Wide Variety Of g Cars And Trucks. O Automobile Thursday bnprtmd ; , f SUNDAY t" AOt t.' LUNDQtl'lSTD. o. Of Tb Mooilv Blbla Initltuta of Chicago. ReltuMd to Western Nfl Union. LESSON FOR MARCH 16 Lanen (ubjecta and Scrlptun text e; leetad and coBrrlithtad by Intarnatlonal Council of Rausioua Education; uaad by annlaaioii. , -.. " .INTIMATE rELLbWSHIP WITH . - ' .CHBIST.v;V' " : LESSON ntXT John" 14: Id. UtS; UMEMORY SEiECTION-Y ara W friands, U ye do whatsoever I command you. John 19:14. The hour bad come for our Lord's final intimate words' .with "his dis ciples. It was indeed1 a solemn: but also a blessed,, hour, ; It was the night before the dark est day In the world's history. On the morrow the Son of man was to hang on Calvary's tree for tb sins of the world for your sins and for mine. But for the moment he ws, alone with his disciples. The last Passover bad been eaten together, the betrayer had been dis covered, and the Lord has told them that he was soon to go where they could not follow. Peter had, by his hold self-assurance, brought forth the prophecy of his denial. The disciples were disturbed In heart and mind. Then came from the Saviour's lips the vords of com fort, assurance and .power which have been the strength and solace of his people through all the cen turies.' Our life both here and here after la in his mighty hands. We lean in this precious portion of Scripture that . L The Christian Need Not Be Fearful (14:1-6). That is indeed a good word a needed word! Troubled hearts are everywhere in the palace and in the cottage, on land, .in the air and on the sea. There is a place of rest, thank Godl There is One who still speaks the majestic words, "Let not your heart . be troubled, believe in God, believe also in me." . . His comfort Is one which covers the future life, for he says, "I go to prepare a place" (v. 1). Concern about future destiny is settled at once when Christ Jesus becomes our Lord and Saviour. We need worry no longer. He has gone on before to the Father's house to pre pare a place for his own. When we come to that ever-peaceful shore we shall not come as strangers, but aa sons and daughters to a pre pared place In our Father's house. His words, '1 will come again" (v. , gives present meaning to the future promise. He not only pre pared the place, but he It la who brings us there. The glorious hope of his coming again Is the Chris tian's greatest comfort and might lest. Incentive to useful, holy living. H. The Christian Need Net Be Powerless (14:11-19). Christ's followers are not her In a world of sin and need as little group of hymn-singing weaklings, thinking only of the day when they; shall be In a brighter land. Ah, yes, they sing hymns and rejoice in them; they look for a better land; their weapons of warfare art not carnal. But weaklings? Oh, not God uses them to do great and mighty things for his glory. . Note the blessed wads of Jesus, "He that believeth on me", (v. 12). the army of God carries the royal tanner of faith la a living Christ "Greater works . . . shall he do" (v. ID. Jesus only began his work on earth; Its greatest development was to be the Joyous pttrOeg of his followers. We are ashamed mat we have not lived up to Una great prom ise, but by his grace we will do bet tar. ;' v ' "If ye ask , . . I win do" 14).' Someone has celled this 1 signed blank check on all the resources of God.''.' .V'itfs v.- 7:-; .: '; ML The Chiisttaa Need Net B Distressed (14:18-18), , - : , The Holy Spirit, promised by Christ as the abiding comforter, eame so to abide m the believer on the day of Pentecost (Acts 3).. " The ministries of die Holy Spirit are many, but here the emphasis is on his work as Comforter. What blessed and helpful ministry, and how much needed by distressed and disturbed souls! The Christian may count on him and not ie die IT. The Chrlstlaa Need Not Be Detached (18:1-6),, . What is Worse than the feeling that one does not belong to any. one-else, that one is a detached individual! That la never true of the believer In Christ We are as close to him as the branch Is to the Vine. We arc m him. - 4 , - Christ is me vine, aad the be liever, as a true branch Is united with him. There is a oneness Acre which is dlfflcutt to express, but de lightful to receive and believe. He who la the vino needs no cleansing, but the branch needs constant, dally salification b the word. Are we permitting God" Word to keep us dean? Only if we are reading It, Studying K, meditating upon It 1 Then is, moreover, a severer type Of purging to which the husband "man. subjects the vine that It may bear more richly, and that Is prun mg (v. I). -';: r Some branches must be cut away altogether and burned (v. ). They lack the evidence of Ufa fruit bearing and must , be) destroyed. ter the fire. Nothing was said about the lumber shortage as -aws went t v i boards. Perhaps these neigh bors flidn't break any records, but "Willie Duke's General Store" was open for business Thursday morn ing ourday?hfter It had been leveled by ilre. ! Meanwhile, my bus had come and gone. But Wallace Appleton was' convinced that Tar Heel far mers, at least, have, not forgotten the lesson of the bundle of sticks. ive Summary At the close of the 5lst legisla tive day, 242 bills and resolutions had been introduced In the Senate, and: 620 in the House, for a total of 862, which is 199 short of the 1,061 introduced during the same period in 1945. This apparent "slow down" In the Introduction rate may tend to .produce a shorter session than if a greater number of bills were being handed In; for it means, that the legislature will have a smaller volume to attend to before it can adjourn, and it may mean that the members are giving more time and attention to maters that are pending than to thinking up 5 LEASONSWI increasing! millions . hMf mmr Kit"" - "i-SSV D Designed to speedily relieve simple headache and painful ;J discomforts of neuralgia. E) Measured doses In powder form for quick assimilation. fwvvr nf merit Same tvn for mula over one-third century. Standard V S. P. ingredients.. Laboratory tested, controlled. In price range of everyone. 100 ana 2ac sizes Caution: Use only as directed. USE PINEE CufsT Sores, Burns It's Different You'll Like It Bronchial Coughs Due to Colds Spend 48 cents today at any drug store for a bottle of BUCKLEY S Can ADIOL MIXTURE triple actlng-Mt: premptly to help loosen up thick, sticky phlegm seethe irritated throat mem branes and ease hard coughing spell.' , Try it the very next time a cold result: in a' wreaking, stubborn cough And out for yourself how good and effective it is fbr coughs due to colds. Get BUCK LETB CANADIOL, MIXTURE made in the U.S.A. TODAY all druggists. A. J. CAVENAUGH Wallace, N. C. - JEWELER DIAMONDS ' f WATCHES WATCH AND JEWELRY REPAIRING & ENGRAVING tooooeooooooo WHEN YOU NEED SERVICES OF AN AUCTIONEER CALL GILL HIKES, JR. Phone 270-1 2G2-6 WARSAW, N. C. oooooooooooo TYNDAIL - FUNERAL HOME , IN MOUNT OlIVB Duriel Association " ' ' PhosM W mmmt fHMtmn. I7anha.lmere dm1" lance Henrtce, dsv or night - 1nmm of Wrm-tvnim GUFFunERS! 66 STARTS REUEP IN enw measures. - Among new bills introduced dur ing the past week was SB . 224, which would give the State Board of 'Health increased powers over the production, processing and sale of milk and' milk products; HB B7J, , which would . require that heating equipment be Installed in school buses. State College Hints To Home Makers Almost every Tural housewife Is cotton- bag-conscious, but chances are that very few have realized the full potentialities of the material. For many years bags have entered the house as" dish: cloths, curtains. and slip covers, , but now they are oeing iooKea . upon as dresses in the-making. , An unlimited number of items for yourself, your home, and your children ; can be made from this sack -material, 'f. -fi: ; ' Let the daughters try their hand at making their own clothing using WATCHES DIAMONDS JEWELRY LUGGAGE WATCri REPAIRII, 3 FOXMAN'S "Your Jwlr" IN KINSTON fOOOOOOOOOOOi FORSALE SASH-DOORS SHEETROCK - PAINTS ' DRAIN TILE TERRA COTTA PIPE GLASS LIME - CEMENT BRICK PLASTER ASPHALT SHINGLES AND ALL KINDS OF ROLL ROOFING Z. J. Carter & Son Wallace, N. C ECONOMY FAST ACTION CONVENIENCE Instead Your i 1 '. shop around and buy Irom any dealer. - .h - , ' v , . ' . : :,r r...with a bank auto Ipan you can deal with 1 LOCAL SERVICE , You buy your ear from a dealer you know, borrow at eur eaak. fei j.iee ' - ,'your Insurance right here at home with s henie agent ( Wa ess) , t , you can depend on getting prompt en-the-ipot serviee tatnt rl be-1 EXTRA BENEFITS Bj meetln nntMy uto an payments regularly, ssi eee f Whdpbufld your bank credit for the niture P valuable to yeu again and again. ' w " . - v "X ' ' ;-'"' ' JA Before yea flnaece your next ear anywhere, oompare tjie eeuspleto eeet e esiaer .. .. plans IncIndlBg flnanoe charges, fees, eomml salons, extrai w4tli S stain aw tats)- ' saetlon here. ; The .ehoosw the plaa wtm (ttost benefits. We sure eeafldesi tadt : auto loan will be your . 7 -virde for ed to loan. bag material, "ity a. gd far at tractive school dresses. .Washed and dyed ahd made toto anr of the Hundreds of possible items, cotton feed bags become indispensable around the homeT 1 -! e - When shopping for dress-making materials, don't overlook the rem nant tables. , -.' ; . a " 1 :.'. When powder puffs become- old and frayed, they can still be. use ful after being washed. Use them VHEll YOU Fir ii tit a COME TO SEE US WE SPECIALIZE ' IN QUALITY HOME FURIIISHI1IGS Paints, Varnishes, Brushes, , . ' HARDVARE SPECIALTIES ( "It Will Pay Yen To Visit Cs " t- T,, ' c.E. QUir,fe0MV, PHONE 477 T!E HOWDY .CUD. (Means Good FeUowshlp and -a Oeed TtsM Wm SS H' ORCHESTRrEVERYS ... WEDNESDAY AMD; : SATURDAY NIGHTS OPEN EVERY NIGHT EXCEPT MONDAY 7,'tilL : CATERING TO SPECIAL PARTIES Specializing In the beat of meals at restaurant arista , 7 te 9. No cover fueot charge er cabaret tax eel etMSSat , aid beiore nine e'elsek. ' l ; LOCATED. MOLES SOUTH 09 GOLDSBOBO ON ' ROUTE - NO. Ill N PHONE 704 FOB BK8EBTATIONS What Our. Bank Auto Loan Yoa: of paying Ugh financing charges, lean here). .There are no commissions, no include the cost of car insurance in your loan application Is acted on promptly. .No e-iiosei o are necessary and you don't have to be a depositor In order to beetsw tasav You choose your new car, borrow up to two-thirds of Its 9mX tnm tx (somewhat less for used cars) and pay cash for your fwahas. ten c: ehotee. new ear loan is $5.00 per Loans ere rcpaycL!a 1 5 to poL.i s.vti. .. . . dress, alUch ones a yi.v ti a ruLW band anJ ud3 ea a i i onaljcm. ,- uom tunctm , 3 f ! ' " llf from ti.a sw ttnln of fiiuakuu :. Uka torn a, H i . aia aifrfsuon, i i aua for ti ,tt-', . 3 aaya ocffa : nip reueva p t D, ' ebse: HEED - -3 ; KENANSYILLB. N. C: Plan Offers To you arrange a burled obArgea, loan. , , '.f--, $100.C3, meni. - ss cr U. " , -W to work on pine trees that were