NOTICE OF SUMMONS f THE 8UPIRIOB COURT. ; "RTH CAROLINA, -FUN COVNTTr ' - aANK MURPHY . vs v - ' . JLBERTA MURPST 4 The above named defendant, Al- irta Murphf, wiU take ndtlce that - action entitled as above has i . ;n eommeneed in the Superior ''ourt of Duplin County, North rolina, by the plaintiff to secure i absolute divorce from the de ndant, upon the ground that the Jntlff and defendant have lived jarate and apart for-more than ., e years next precedlnf the bring- f i of this action; and the defend t will further take notice that e is required to appear at the "ice of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Duplin County, in the ." 'Courthouse in Kenansville on the ''st day of March, 1947. and ans- cr or demur to the comnlaint. vhich was this day filed in said cilice , oa or before the 11th day (t April, 1947, or the plaintiff wUl fPPly. te the court for the' relief ' 'mended in said eomplaint :Thie. Ue lt day cV rebrwary, .1947. ' . , R. V. Wells, Clerk Superior Court 8:14-4tRCW P. , ' covery. All persons who are in debted to said estate will olease make immediate' navmenL This the 19th day of February 1847. Garland Brown Admini strator of the estate oi .. Thurman Brown, deceased 1 Beulaville. N. C. , Phillips, Attorney H. I. Kenansville, N. C. 3-21-flt. HEP NOTICE OF SUMMONS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT. NORTH CAROLINA. DUPLIN COUNTY. NETTIE XL ADAMS VS s.- BERTRAM ADAMS NOTICE! The County Board of Equalira ;JUon and Review will meet at the Courthouse In Kenansville, North Carolina, - on Monday, March 17. 1347, at loyclock, a, m., to equalise theiyaluatlon of all property in the Countjv to the end that such prop erty shall be listed on the tax rec orda at the valuation required by law. , s , . ts47. . - V G-D. Bennett, Chairman. S-14-tt. P. Co. t 'h ' " - ; ; "( NOTICE . s- Having this day qualified as Exe cutor, ea the estate of Charles Leonard Pleree, deeeased, this is te netify all persons having claims against the said estate te present them to the undersigned Executor r Attorney, en or before the 31st day of January 1948, or this notice will be plead In bar ef their re covery. All persons - indebted to : said estate will please make Imme- diate' payment1 " r"- 1 1 -This the S4th day ef January. ' CHRISTOPHER D. PIERCE, ' - 12 LEROY AVENUE, - NEWPORT. R. I. K. A Jecuhten, Atty. 3-14-Ot vivr--W-A- The " above named defendant, Bertram Adams, will take notice that an action entitled aa above has been commenced in the Sup erior Court of 1 Duplin County, North Carolina, by the plaintiff to secure an absolute divorce from the defendant, ' upon- the ground mat the plaintiff and 1947. " " : ' R. V. Wells, Clerk Superior Court 3-14-4t RCW ' NOTICE OF SUMMONS BT PUBLICATION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT NORTH CAROLINA. DUPLIN COUNTY. - i JOHN I SANDL1N VS GRACE SANDLIN The defendant. Grace Sandlin' will take notice that an action en titled as above has been mmi. ced in the Superior Court of Du-- Dlln Countv . North , Carolina, hv the nlaintiff nhnvo namerl ao-ninar the said defendant for an absolute divorce on the grounds of adultery, and in which the defendant ia in terested and which cause of action is. set forth, in the complaint filed in this cause, and that the said de fendant is a necessarv nartv tn this action; and that the said defendant will further take .notice that she have lived separate and apart for i wUI tu?h" otlce that she " f . or is reauired to aDDear at thn nfto mule uibu iwd years next nrene. i . .. - . . " . or tne Clerk of tile Superior Court of Duplin County, at the County court House in Kenansville, North more, than two years next nrene. I ding the bringing of this action: and the defendant will further take notice that he is reauired in appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court ot Duplin County, in the Courthouse in Ke- nansvme on the 21st day of March, 1947, and answer or demur to th complaint, which waa this dav fiiMi in said office on or before the 11th day of April. 1947. or the plain tiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said complaint. This the 18th day of February, Carolina, nn tha a i) nf in.ii 1947, and answer or demur to the petition filed in said action, which has been dulv filed in aaid nffw on or before the 25th day of April, i47, or the plaintiff will apply to tne court for relief demanded in the complaint.. This the 5th day of March, 1B47. R. V. Wells. Clerk SuDerlor Court 3-28-4t. HEP lTnTlfm n - inimnava mrfnu - The Vnderslgnea, having quall fiflj ; as Administrator of the ee t i at the late Thurman Brown, l.eaae of Duplin County, State of North Carolina, and having qualified before the Clerk of Su perior Court of Duplin County, this lia'U'hotIfy all persons who have elaln-v against said estate er an indebtedness against said state to present their claims to the un- rsirted Administrator or his At t rncy. oa er before the 10th day ef reartuuy, 1MI, er this neaiee fce plead la bar of their re- t Best Prfeea sad Complete -est Meaauaenta, See er .lie . ;-::f-' r:rsV.ttJ.WluIeT tZCLAVHUI ! PIIIEE ; r-3ir:;i syrup D's 0;.:.':rcnl Yfi'IlLitell WISH TO ANNOUNCE THAT I Can Get You New 1947 Cars Of Any Make Have Good Used Cars. All Models Terms If Desired LEVIS MOTORS Office 3360 Phones Residence 2266 WARSAW,, N. C WANTED TO BUY: POULTRY We Are Again In The Market For Poultry, and Will Pay Top Market Prices. John Aibritton CALYPSO, N. C. D; H. CARLTON WARSAW, m, NORTH CAROLINA , INSURANCE AGENCY Life - Fire - Storm - Automobile, efc. ' Telephone 3496 Warsaw, N. C. IT- r 1 1 clnni b a ntrtr i ci,- "i, spend 4S cants at " ! a bottle of BUCK jU MIXTURE trtrle ve conghinf fat. BUCii. iv y ts be'o loon VT P 8 Irrimt- i CONCRETE BLOCKS 'A QUALITY BUILDING MATERIAL- '-"t'':-': .-''' : : '.''.-.'.-i'..:' "f'v! i'i -?:i-':':'."y ':$ r '",). '( ; '; We are a member ef the N. C. Concrete Masonry AseeciatieB. Our blockTare teated and approved fcy the Pittiburg Tegtinf Laboratory. . 11 C; PRODUCTS, Inc. State College Answers Farm Questions Q. What are the advantages of using radiant heat for brooding chicks? A. Radiant Beat is greater in effi ciency in fuel consumption, labor, disease prevention. More chicks, per man can be cared for, floor space is more fully utilized, larger bunch es of chicks can be brooded togeth er without orowdlne. litter re. mains drier, and less trouble is en countered when radiant : heat is used. -,- vi-w; . I Q. What is the average number of pigs per litter in North Carolina? a. statistics on file at the Ex tension Service show this figure to be 6.5. pigs per litter. r.X .jSir... : :1yi. P ALLEN JR-i . General Insurance KENANSVILLE.N, C. NANSVnXSS ONLY INSURANCE AGENCY i Week Aug. 25-29 Featurine demonstration of ' all i arm mecnanizauon and labor sav ing devices, the fortieth annual Farm and Home Week will be held on the State College Campus Aug ust 25 to 29, it was announced this week by Director I. O. Schaub of the State College Extension Ser vice. , With "Information, Inspiration, and Recreation" as the by-words, this year's event will combine two hour lecture and discussion per iods each morning with demonstra tions, tours, and inspection of ex hibits in the afternoon.,; : Suggesting that farmers and homemakers bring their problems along with them, Dr. Schaub em phasized the fact that "one simple problem solved may be worth hun dreds of dollars" to an Individual. CASE FOB EWES NOW VETERINARIAN SATS . Pointing out that pregnancy di sease in sheep is fatal in nine out of ten cases, Dr. C. D. Grinnells, veterinarian for the.N. C. Experi ment Station, suggests that sheep men give - extra attention to tne care and feeding of ewes in the next .few yntilu..? " ;? 1 As lambing time nears, watch closely for signs of pregnancy di sease. Symptoms include grinding of teeth, dullness, weakness, and finally complete collapse. ' f If a suspected case occurs, ob tain a veterinary diagnosis at once. In the early stages recovery can be aided by medicinal treatment In recent research scientists have found that niacin and thiamin ap pear to be helpful. Md., were turned over to 183 boys for planting. , . -t r.T. Irom inf mm4 fcy mriim. atthteVb. nbm yhmyimn a tehtw Sri. acteairnofil'X SaSmfntinmaa. ttnmtm wnA tuttim. Swthn. amtam ml eofcklr alaa ntoiM itcMnc. 3Se trW bmult A ev:.,i I ... Vs'J, r i ts la t at 4 t -a ti J Advice ea i . , life. Please t . fuse nty wo. -that e Ce c f truth M uf' member, finds me sur ail readers. ; present and . future. O.V white and colored. Hours 11 t. to 9 p. m. Open daily and I Permanently located In t studio on Wilson Ughway La ; of Ouy Best's star. Take ( Gables bus to my office. L Hand Sign, Goldsboro, K. C ( I- 4- In a project designed to help make the United States independ ent in its supply of cork, eighty pounds of cork oak acorns were re cently distributed to boys' 4-H clubs in Franklin County. The ac orns, supplied by. the Crown Cork and Seal Company of Baltimore, Dr. H. V. Cohvell OPTOMETRIST , Glasses FlMeel Next Bee Te Camaaawfc Cfcevrole Ceaaeny PeraMaeat Offlee Ka WALLACE, W. a V REMEMBER TC3AY tomoow wrm a FBOTOGRAFU KRAFT'S STUDIO nr Momrr Ltrv ' rhenes M-J er CSf COMlasCIAL raoTOGRArarr A IPXCLtXTT ma: CHECKED er Montr R Fnr atrick rIM from itchinc cmaed br atUetc't foot, Kabtea, pimple and ether itttunc conditmw pure, coolinc. maieatea, uqan D.D.n.PREaeRiPTKM. A doeter' fannala. Greaselca and atainleai. Sonthea, cumfmH asd quickly eah-a iittenu itching. 36c trinl bottle provea i t. or money back. Don't euffer Aokyoqr dracgiil today foe Ov . P. PnsacitirTioN, OU1NN - McGOWFN roMDAMv . ' w.-., nil .. WAanlAW, NOKTH CAKOLDTA BAT FaTOsraj t-4-4-1 tnrm t-e-e-t PHrol Directors Embalmors Aj..bulo-eo Sorvlco SEED POTATOES Just Arrived, I Carloads, Maine Grewn IT. 8. Ne. l's. IRISH COBBLERS, Certified .. 1... .......... $3.35 100-lb Bag RED BLISS, Select $3.75 100-lb. Bar BACKYARD GARDENERS: Buy as many aa yea wish, from a quart to t peck or bag at uual low Roadabnsh prices. " ROUDABUSH'S SEED STORE Wilmington's Oldest Seedhonse Corner Front Dock Sta.. Wilsalngten, N. C. WARSAW FISH MARKET CREATORS AND MADCTABflSM Oaf LOWam PRICES ON QCAUTT SaU IfOOS (Next te A OP) Befta fyhslmaie aa w Tour rtak er late law Fbai WDtts BejdJet ' . ' PBEX DRESSING WARSAW, N. a We Cure Meat , THE YEAR ABOUND " INSURANCE AGENCY ALL KINDS Or PfgWalfOar PINK HILL, N. C. L. a TURNER, it. " & CTTbWEO) Pink HOI'S OlOsel IS VMS SBC!! ATllltlG 16 "No" claim medical authorities, who eneM te know I Nature has so constructed and physi cally endowed woman that in many eases she's apt to suffer oertain distressing symptoms during her life. For instance, when she enters vomanhood-or during the menopause, the period when fetyebbs away. Few If on "certain days' er the monsnie- Mue functional monthly disturbances are causing vou to suffer from pain, nervous die Tees and feel so tired, eranlcy. you snap at Spur children and husband then do try LVdtav R. Plnkham-a Vegetable Compound to musts) sftM8A araBtomaV Ifa lamou$ for thk purpeae. : Mode ESPEaAUY Per Otrfe ewel Weasea : rtAkham's Oompmmd ton atoaa tkta reRsvsj : sun aaonthly pain. It xeo relieree amm i ' rnylnf nervous tenatod, lrrltbility and weak, . 1 fiwtrung feeling when due to t- came, '. Taaea regularly thruout the motiua this, great medicine helps build tip reslarM e'unt shOi distress. A thing any eeuoible, woman should want to dot It- rir'-harol CnrnTiotmd Is also very efl,- . - r"ve hot r it"1 those f ?, 1 WE ARE EQUIPPED TO GRIND MEAT : MAKE LARD DRESS POULTRY WE OFFER A COMPLETE PROCESSING AN& LOCKER SERVICE ' WE CARRY AT ALL TIMES A COMPLETE LINE OF . . , 1 Frozen Foods, Western Meafs Dressed Fryers, Hens, Turkeys . And Geese STOUT FROZEN FOOD LOCKER CO; Wallace, N. C. Grade "A" Steam Cured CONCRETE AIID CINDER BLOCKS Ve Can Make Delivery Of Any Size, Anywhere . .... j . j, . ... - ' - m