THE DUPLIN TIMES . Mtk Friday IB KenansvUle. n c cwtr . . i i . DUPLIN COUNTY ' ' f ' ' Editorial bosincM ud printing plant, Kaiians-llle, N. C. ' . J. ROBERT GRADT, EDITOR OWNER V ' Entered at the Post Office. KenansvUIe, N. C. ' ::'V:. u second claw matter.. ,-. , TELEPHONES - , 1 Kenan ville, M-7 - Warsaw, 358-6 . , SUBSCRIPTION BATES: JS.00 per year In Duplin pountjr; W.50 per year year outside Duplin County, to North Carolina! " S4.M Per ye" outside North Carolina, except to Men In TJ. S. Armed rones, Anywhere, $S.6i per year. ;,; . . , . " .' Advertising rates furnished on request i A fiWMeratle) Journal, devoted to the material, educational, loaale and agricultural Interests oi uupiiu wmw. Caniuna vS SaalM AUOClAtt heiicm P$$ A"ociaiim Htw York Chiton 0troH - w. l SUNDAY htoZZtwHMi I SCHOOL -.-LESSON : Raltawd ter WMtern Nawapasar Union. Gentle" Bull Safe like Uuloaded Gun '" "jv You can never trust a bull! The "gentle bull" is too often the " -tne which acts at unexpected mo ments,' gores someone to death or Inflicts serious injury. ' V-One of the p.mcipal saty rules with bulls is lo handle them as "little as possible. With a well-constructed bull pen, any bull can be handled safely. The gates and doors as well as facilities for feeding, "watering and breeding, can be ar ranged so there is no need for the caretaker to expose himself to at tack. r The complete layout cinsistes of i n oblong exercise pen connected s "tp a shelter and breeding chute. an additional feature, the bot tom fence rail should clear the j 12 inches sevthat : .cAimt if he should get trapped in the pen. Upright safety escape openings are sometimes pro vided at the cnuxe anu ai u - ltd a. . Always ring bulls at an early onH roniare worn or weakened rings: A bull is less dangerous when dehorned. When ringing ana dehorning, always have the animal securely fastened. to lead a bull, always use a staff so you can keep him at a safe distance. Never let a bull run with the herd. Besides being hazardous for people, it is injurious for the bull. LESSON FOR MARCH 23 Lot mibiecti and Bcrlpttfatexti LSX toctod and eowrlshtad by .Injtwiuu wncil of Rallgioua Education: uaed Mr pernuasion. PRATER FOR CHRISTIAN BROTHERHOOD .. . - i aw.i.ii Drt-M. iSSSSSfSiii VTON-And now lam no more In the world, bul ; these are m those whom tnou na v-v.-.j- they may be one. aa we ." . m.. ..--- tha Son of God lilted to audible prayerf What could be Enlistments For Month Of Feb. Six young men from the Golds- f i) a ps o o .,; o; o o O : CI o o o o o o ECmston Automobile Auction E very Thursday o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Sell o'r Ruy Where There Is A Wide Variety Of q Doth New And Used Cars And Trucks. HERBERT PATE, Auctioneer For any information Call 4527 or 4361 KINSTON, N. C. o o o o o o o o FOR QUALITY CHICKS SEE US PARMENTER REDS - BARRED ROCKS N. H. REDS HATCHES WEEKLY Prices Reasonable All Chicks From Blood-tested Flocks UNDER N. C. STATE & XI 8. SUPERVISION JONES HATCHERY PINK HILL. N.C. -' Auction Sale iyery Thursday Vallace Livestock a ..j nnn hlossed? He Iliuru snucu - . . his disciples loving service (John 13). and had spween to wero nt .ml ftQAur&nce (John 14- tu ;v"viv. , 16), now prayed tor himself, tor them, and tor us. t17v.11. h nnke most intimately with the Father as his only begotten Son, he prayed aloud tnai nis u. pies might hear his prayer and Join with him in it i This prayer is often caUed the hlgh-priestiy prayer of Christ, and rightly so. tor here the "one medi ator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus" (I Tim. 2:5) spoke as "the High Priest of mankind who v.!-. t.1. .,riflr hr offering him- self to God with all bis people (Godet). , First we And that he prayed for himself as he spoke of I. Salvation Finished Then Glory with the Father (w. 1-5). He looked up and said. "Father," that was all. No struggling, no pleading. Just the recognition of his own divinity, his intimate and unique Sonshlp to God. Throughout this entire prayer the same close rela tionship Is found. It was not as we would pray "Our Father," but "Fa ther." Jesus was the Son of God. Yes, he was and is God. He and the Fa ther are one in blessed eternal, in finite unity. But as he is in the Father, we who believe are in him. So the poet well says: ' "Near, so very near to God, Nearer I cannot be, For in the person of his Son I am as near as he." Thi divine Redeemer, who laid down his glory when -he came to earth (PhlL 2:7. 8) to be Saviour, was now ready to take up that glory aooin He snoke bf the work of sal vation as completed for In hit obe Ji.rt snnl the death On the CTOSS which was Just ahead was already accomplished. . , Mmii Via was readv for the Father to glorify him even as he had glori fied the name of the Fattier. That wai anowpivil. mttA ChrlSt now sits .ft the right hand of the Father in heaven. Wnat a gionoui Saviour we have! ., . Hli nraver was soon tUI'Ued to those who had believed in him. They were precious to him, for they were given to him by the Father. - r n. Out oi tne woria-xiM.vv by the Father (vy. 8-U). TVi.ra it Komethintr nowecfully as- mrino tn the believer to Nad the words of Jesus which declare that these who had believed on him had been given to hiiat by the father. Phav helnneed to the FathW -and he gave them to the Son. They kept ) Wnrri of non. ana mus vaoy knew the Son as the manifestation of the Fathers name." what couia be more certain for time and eter tiltv! Nate that thev were taiten rout ox th world" that does not mean that they left this earth. They uvea nere as we live here, but tney were ae--livered from that evil world power which opposes uoa. ' Some professed Christians who And their greatest delight In fellow ship with the Christ-rejecting world had better read carefully here, tor U appears that tne one wno is may In Christ U not "of the world," I These disciples had to remain U the world (though they were not of itl) and they needed to be kept Now that the- earthly ministry, of Jaana win to be brought to a clone. he tenderly placed them anew In the Father's mighty nana. ' Agam, we say, what could be more blessedly secure than tnati We must note that our Lord had a special interest and prayer for bis own. Verse 9 obviously does not mean that he is not interested in ell mankind. He died for them (John 2:16). But here his prayer was for his own, and in that prayer the world was left out ' That Makes us feel still more assured in h.m. Ha, the blessed Son of God and only Saviour, prayed for mo. lor you! -. The closing words , of verso 11 reach out into the third petition of our Lord, at he prayed for ttuslr m. Cutty in Christ Thea Teatl- many to fho Wortt tvr. woo. ' The verses between the foragoing Mvialfln and thla one . 12-1B) are Important Our Lord was concerned hnnt the hatred of the world for these who had received the Word of the rather, and yet ha would not have them taken out of the world. Ther were to ho his witnesses awn as .wo are to bo' to our day. They must remain In the world; but being one In Christ and sanctified through the truth, they were to bo kept for rjoa ana usoa wj mm. ,,vn ..f ...rv were u.uouk vw tal of 612 men enlisted in the Col umbia Army Recruiting uisinct j..-tnn tha tnnnth nt February, ac- umiiiB w.w ' . cording t6 a statement issued by MSgt MoUn J. Jr., manding Officer of the Goldsboro e.,k..Hnn nf the Xrmv Recruit ing Service. Sgt. Hite stated that, during the montn oi, waren,' u Army is conducting concerieu drive to acquaint pamaiiy uisameu veterans with the offer to accept them for enlistment proviaeo xne are capable of caring for them selves, and can perform or be train ed to perform one oi me many military occupational specialities. Dennis Autry Dies rn0 Aiitrv an. of near Beula- 1CUUlO a v I r ville died at his home. Monday night of last week. Funeral services were held at the Church of God near Verona Wednesday afternoon of last week at 3 p. m. Dy tne nev. Luther Taylor, pastor. Interment was in the churcn cemeiery. om viving are his wife, three children, James, Hugh, and Deloris Autry, all of the home; his. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Autry of Beula ville; one brother, Clifton Autry of the Navy stationed in New Hamp shire; four sisters, Mrs. Oliver Wil son, Mrs. Kinsey Wilson, Mrs. Lu ther Pickett, and Mrs. Bud Whaley all of Beulaville. J t This la My First Vhdt Ear A .avanth nauchter BOHl- With Veil, not to be" classed with Gyp sies Over 50 years . experience. v Advice on all affairs of me, Jena uwii'hw fiise y work with that of the ordinary fortune -teller. . The truth or nothing. Re member, a doubter ..J all readers. Reads past, oresent and future. Office for white and colored. Hours 10 a. m. to 9 d. m. Open daily and Sunday, Permanently located in trailer studio on Wilson highway in rrpnt of Guy Best's store. Take Green Gables bus to my office. Look for Hand Sign, Goldsboro, N. C. (adv.) Mrs. Pinkney S. Tyndall of Deep Run, Mrs. John Heath of Chinqua- pin, Mrs. John Rowan of Swans boro, and Mrs. Paul Murphy of near Richlands. services weie i J i.t t a lia Church at 3 p. tn. Friday, con ducted by the Rev, J. B. Sessoms, pastor. Burial was in the Magnolia Cemetery. Surviving are two sons Jud Chestnutt of the nome ana wn-i 1- f4 Waalitrllla eight grandchildrenand one sis ter, Same stricmana oi magnom. looooo.ooooooi . SEE US ' FOR TOUR HOUSE WIRING . WK HAVE THE MATERIAL Duplin Electric Company Phone 231 ROSE HILL, N. C. WATCIIZS DIAMONDS iW.. jewelry; Zeb V.Howard Mrs. Chestnut! Hear Magnolia Dies i , Mrs. Emma Chestnutt, 76, widow of Frank Chestnutt, died at her home in Magnolia Thursday after nnn nt inot week after several UUlll aw years of declining health. Funeral Zeb Vance Howard, 79, died at i Richlands at 5:30 p. in. Sunday of last week after an iiinncc nf lnne duration. Funeral services w.--; I.'cl t the Howard cemftc-v i'wr fioh'es Mill m L,-nf.-" County rt p. m. Tuesday, ,;h tho Bpv W. K. Jordan Kins- ,-nn tpp Will Baptist minister, om- ciat'ne. SurvivmR are his wife, one son, Jasper Howard oi Kinston, a riana-htor Mrs. Nannie Grady of the home.: a brother. Rufus How ard of Deep Ki n; a:'d lour sisters, How wcisen aitti girls may get wsnted relief from functional periodic pain LUGGAGE WATCH EEPA1HIKG Cartful, many women ur fcas Urouahtta Uel traaa tha eramp-llka wonr and nerrorai aSo? funcUmtIprtxlio dlstreas. JTakm. SETa tonlo. It ihould itlmuute appetlta. ,4 help relieve Bain dua to J"w i?Sc Inaction! pcrlodlo eaoMt. Try l CAROUD BronchLir Coughs Due to Colds Spend 45 cents today at any drug tore for a bottle of BUCKLEY'."! CAN ADIOL MIXTURE triple octins-.-icT promptly to help loosen up thiu.. phlegm soothe Irritated t. i'' branes and ease ''ard cuuglunn spells. Try it the very next time a cold rosulu in a wracking, stubborn cough Bnd out for yourself how good and effective it is for coughs due to colds. Get BUCK LET'3 CANADIOL IITXTUTU: ir.adc in the U.B.A. TODAY dl druggist I I ima i ! V Snap Bdck With 1 . ' v f i in n -v i jmmi - fin, ) isss: Mil- J am rwuriimed to sneedil; reUeve i fit simple headache ana paom 1 --T . - . r , m Measured doses - to powder 1 f jAL rT form for quics assuuuuu. a i . IT. Proof of merit Same type lor- Iji - f - as- i. nmr nnp-thira century I ta s liST """" " 1 ES I FOXMAH'S "Your Jewsler" IN KINSTON 3 O QOOOOOOfOQ . i"1 " 1 " . 1 , USE PltiEE Cuts, Sores, Bums It's Different You'll Like It K v BEMEMBEB TODAY '7 i , WITH A . FBOTOGBAPH KRAFT'S STUDIO V ,1M MOUNT OLIVE ' Phonos M7-J or 2 . ' :. COMMEBCIAL . PHOTOGRAPHY A SPECIALTY Standard U S. P. ingrsments. ' Laboratory tested, controlled. in price range of everyone. 10c arid 25c sizes Caution: Use only as directed oooooooooooo WHEN YOU WCltf' SERVICES OF AN AUCTIONEER CALL BILL HIDES, JR. Phnne 270-1 262-6 WARSAW, N. C. o ooooo op op p o TYNDALL FUNERAL HOME TO MOUNT OUVH Burial Aaaoclonon PfcAO It :.. n, nivaajiAra. r.Hibalmere Ambulance Hwvfc d w . Hem of waraMj.T"n profits. r .a-.m . !be farmer s r - :c .ajtss-f . "SowtfceSel41 - r. K 1 ". , sh , What Our Bank Auto Loan Plan Offers To You: V YKUF FMM PAIHM I trnin MISERIES) I A -M.aiHo lalZfaa , I I ECONOMY FAST ACTION CONVENIENCE mi 7 mm Jwmm FOQJALE SASH - DOORS SHI2TROCK PAINTS DHAIN TILE TERRA COTTA PIPE CLASS -UME Cmiitt - BRICK ; PLASTER ASPHALT SHINGLES : VJiD ALL KINDS OF HCIirOOFING : Instead of paying high financing charges, you arrange a loan here. .There art no commissions, no "burled alurge,M include the cost of car insurance In your loan. Your loan application is acted on promptly. .No eo-makera e are necessary and you don't have to be a depositor in order to do You choose your new Car, borrow up to twothlrda of ta coat (somewhat less for used cars) and pay cash for your purchase. Jmt f" ,. - " shop around and buy from any dealer, , , . . , . With a bank auto loan you can deal with local people from atart t tot LOCAL SERVICE You buy your car from a dealer you know, borrow at eur kamls, and taa your insurance right here at home with a home agent mt yoar choiee where you can depend on getting prompt, on-the-spot aervlee whevr ye ! K. , , " . ' v- J : EXTRA BENEFITS meeting your monthly auto . loan payment regularly, aa agree. r eon hell build your bank credit for the future an asset -hat wO prove , valuable to you again and again. - - ' t Before yon finance your next oar anywhere, compare the empa ooet et atSwi , stlani lnclndlng fJnanoe charge, fees, Mmmlaalona, extras - wWh' alnat team aacHoa here. Then choose the plan with most benefit. We aw confident aa -if : anto loan wfft be your ehotoe. r.-arge for new ear loan is $5.00 per $1C0.C0, ied to loan. Loans are repaycbla 15 mon'.hs cr It:.. A. J. CAVSIAOGH V.'.-"-?;, 11. e.