c I t :r ii MliS. RL M. TIIIGPEN ' Beulaville, N. C. "" --. Representative For CLINTON FLORAL COMPANY ' WALLACE. N. C. "In Memory" la Memory of my Dear. Twin Brother. Mr. Clarence Thomas, Jrs Z2nd birthday, March 22, 1947. Mr. Thomas was Wiled In tragic -wreck September 18, 1946. tittle Brother, little brother, what must J say? Today is our birthday. and you have passed away. The gladness of the day is gone, and my tears are all in vain; If we could only celebrate it like we once did again! What a sad, aching feeling it gives me; I feel Just like I could die, since you left me and gone to your home on High. For I am having to wander all alone with no one that really cares; But you aren't forgotten, little brother, nor ever shall you be; For as long as life and memory .lasts, I shall remember thee. There's a little word called "bro nnn 10 HUCKLEBERRY FINN 4, v v 1u ImT Nfu 7op no VKia Srtiw' rVlO BrNMOASeO That BoY 3 KNEE I GRWtTTOU irwcc vttonep GILDA GAY i&vl MxHK - k"JZ. krL" it I COULD YOU liTYWHV ME HAVE A NICKEL FOR. A CUP OF COFFEE? T..; ; ;: i V iiiiii; ther' ' and it touches . my . very heart, with a tenderness and beau ty, that for you is set apart -In all the world of brothers, sweet and fine and precious too,-1 know there's no other deep in my heart little brother, there is only you. , By his twin sister Olive Mae Thomas Sanatorium', N. C. SUGAR REMINDER Housewives were reminded by OPA that Spare Stamp No. 53, cur rently good for 5 pounds of sugar, must be "spent" before March 31, or not at all, since it expires on that date, one month earlier than originally intended. On April 1, OPA begins the use of ten-pound stamps, with Spare Stamp No. 11 becoming good for ten pounds. OPA emphasized that there will be no special stamps set aside this year for canning sugar, so go easy. DOT CHECKED i mmJiYftf or Monty Back Far quick relief from itching caused by edema, athlete' foot, acabiea, pimples and other itching conditions, use pure, cooling, medicated, liquid L. D-D. PRESCRIPTION. A doctors formula. Greaselcss and stainless. Soothes, comforts and quickly calms intense itching. 35c trial bottle nroves it, or money back. Don't suffer. Ask your druggist today for O. O. D. MESCHIPTIOM. fi))f M IT JVL mm WARSAW, N. C. Your Headquarters For Sash, Doors, Screens, Frames Of Any Size And Design. to 30 Days D. L. RITTER SO Hftve RB (HI KlF YOU'D Lltf WloUOtHKTSHlOTVl " JOb. I1HINK MY FATHER CAM GCT V - f V 1 A . -v .VnqJ' Well, your Bugler went to an other auction sale a few days back, yep! - If anyone wants a cross cut saw, see me; anyway that's better than a blind mule. Everything happens to me, went to the Basketball game in Wallace last week and tried toss in a few between games, yep, you guessed it, that't how I lost another tooth, MRS, M. M. THIGPEN Reporter SUBSCRIPTION AGENT ' Mar. 25, Hat School and County Council, Ag. Bldg. Kenansville at 2:30 P. M. Lanefield Club at the home of Mrs. R. D. Merritt, 3:00 P. M. , Mar. 26, North East Club. . - Mar. 27, Summerlin X Roads at the home of Mrs. Perry Grady at 2:30 P. M. Mar. 28, Franklin Club, at the home of Mrs. Elbert Davis, 2:30 PM , By BOB ' : J I SHGsOrM OCWH V&D HURT HIS met vmhc Kriee. so i coup On ml Hrros v lb GCt Rid OF excuse Polka dcT Srtnr y : A t Foh MVI G06H f I if 1 ' Happenings, icivcrti3in(j, in And :. : v-;; ' The County's Eastern Metropolis now I've GOT to go see a. dentist. (I don't love that word). The Model Theatre (1 do love those words) was again the scene of a town meeting last night, (Mon day, Mar. 17) for the purpose of nominating city officials. A fairly good crowd turned out and the fol lowing were nrininated: Stekley B. flostlc, ani Gordon Muldrpw for Vayor; the following to run for Hoard of City . Commissioners Arthur Kenned, am A. Blizzard, Stephen A. Smith Gardener Kd wards, Archie Lanier, William Brown, John Henry Whaley, W. F. (Bud) Miller, Clifford C. Trott, Led B. Williams, with the winning five of the above to serve. It might be a bit difficult to pick out any certain one to vote for, as it seems all are running on the same plafform, this includes ' city lights, and street improvements, including more adequate drainage, as the first and most important undertakings, to be followed by an attempt to secure a city water sup ply and a program sponsored by acting Mayor Bostic to clean up and beautify the city streets and private yards. (Let's, hope this means back yards as well as front yards). . An urgent plea was also made, for all city residents to REGISTER for the election, as those failing to do so will not be qualified to vote; watch this column for the registra tion dates. Now the thing for the voters to do is to pick out the men they think will make the above improve ments the quickest, the most effi ciently and the most economically. We all want thiese improvements, but quick, especially the street and lights program, so contact these candidates and get their views, then it's up to you to vote for the ones whose views most nearly par allel your own. Now is the time for the citizens of Beulaville to do something, there has been too much talk, and not enough action lately, so let's wake up and stop dreaming, work to-; gether and pull together and we'll get something done, and above all stop belly-aching, DO SOME THING. -- More anon!! Announce Birth , Mr. and 'Mrs. Julian Houston announce the birth of a daughter, Evelyn Grace, at Parrotts Hospital in Kinston, March 14. Mrs. Hous ton was formerly Miss Louvene Hall of near Beulaville. Cottle-Brown Miss Virginia Brown of Beula ville and B. Frank Cottle of Chin quapin were married Wednesday evening, March 12, 1947 at the Bap tist Parsonage with Rev A. L. Brown officiating Only members of the immediate family were pres ent. , The bride is the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Thurman Brown. They will make their home near Beulaville. 1 Celebrates His Fifth Birthday Mrs. Harry Home was hostess Tuesday afternoon when she en- NMKt PONT VBU Nffll'MI OFF Toft tFeSE r r- By, VaJNToV (V uwown tertalned honoring her young son, Willie, 'in celebration of bis 8th birthday, i . ' , , , ' Following a number of games she served ice cream and cake'o the honoree . and several of bis young friends.''.:; ,. Wvv'. The Boys' Basketball . Team of Beulaville wish to thank Mr.' W. R. Teachey for the. ice cream bud. per which he recently gave in their nonor. ,.'.v.y .. .,.. OES Installation Held Monday : On Monday night, March 17, Beu laville Chapter No. 237, Order of the Eastern Star held its regular meeting. After the- business sess ion the following officers were In stalled in a candlelight ceremony: Worthy Matron, Mrs.' Susie S. Teachey. 1 ' v Associate Matron, Mrs. Mamie Kennedy. - - .-. Associate Patron, Mr. Ashe ft j ler. " ; Conductress, Mrs. Effie Mercer. Associate Conductress,. Mrs. Olive T. Kennedy. ' .. Secretary, Mrs. Fonnie Mae Mil ler. r- Organist, Mrs. Elizabeth Raynor. Adah,. Mrs. Dollie Miller. Ruth, Mrs. Irene B. Miller. Esther, Mrs. Mary S. Mercer" Martha, Mrs. Lucille Miller. Electa, Mrs. Callie Miller. Due to illness some of the offi cers elect could not be. present and will be installed at a later date. The new officers were Installed by the out-going Worthy Patron, Mr. Leslie Kennedy, assisted by Mrs. Piccola Kennedy, a past Wor thy Matron, as Marshall; Mrs, Pho ebe Pate, out-going Worthy ' Ma tron, as Chaplain; and Mr. Walter Gresham, a past Worthy Patron, as installing Secretary. The installing officers were pre sented by Mrs. Mamie Kennedy, retiring Conductress, and were presented corsages and boutonni- eres of carnations. vUpon her in stallation the Wortby Matron, Mrs. Susie S. Teachey was presented-a corsage of rose buds tied with a bow containing the Eastern Star Colors. Nosegays were ' presented to the officers, forming the Five Star Points. i A social hour was enjoyed, at the close of the installation and refreshments were served by Mrs. Dollie Miller and Mrs. Fonnie Mae Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hocutt of Clayton spent the week end with their parents,, Mr, and Mrs. I. J. Sandlin, Sr. , Mrs. Adelle'Matthews and Robert Matthews made a business trip to Clinton -Wednesday. Mrs. Dollie Home of Rose Hill and Miss Madeyln Home of Nor folk, Va., spent Wednesday night as guests of , Mr. and Mrs. Harry Home. ' ' , '. Mr. dhd Ms. Willie Singleton of Midway Park were dinner guests of Mrs. Lou Belle Williams and Richard Williams. Mr. and Mrs.-Harry Jackson and daughter of Wallace spent sev eral days last week with J. W. Jackson. ; ': , Mrs. Lizzie Thigpen of the Quinn Store section spent the week end with Mrs. E. P. ThigjJen. .Mr. and Mrs. 'Leon Quinn and family, Mr. and Rfrs: J. G. Kennedy and Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Quinn enjoyed an oyster roast at Sneads Ferry Sunday,' , BERNARD BAILY FASCINATES ME r f lots or Peopue r V 5PnOTr6ift uwes coctecTiHff .1 Mrs. Annie Bostic, Mrs. Wm. Bostic, Miss Daisy Burnham, Lin- dell Thigpen, Janice and Billy Bos tio spent Saturday In Goldsboro. Mr. and Mrs. Orzo Thigpen and son were in Kinston Saturday. Mrs. Jvey Nethercutt spent, Wed nesday in Wilmington. Her grand daughter, Tonya Howard, who has been visiting here returned with her to her. home in Wilmington. Mr, and Mrs. Mack McLamb 6f Clinton were guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. . Harry Home. Mr. and ' Mrs," Sila Brown of Snow Hill visited Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Kennedy .Sunday. r Dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Jones' Saturday evening were Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hocutt of Clayton and Miss Bessie Sandlin of Jacksonville. Dr. and ' Mrs, Paul Bonn spent several days recently with their parents at Williamston, S. C. Yates Dobson of EMI was a week end visitor at home, i Mrs. J. D. Sandlin, Sr., served on the jury Monday, .V : Messrs,. Glenn Lanier and Ad olph Mercer made a business trip to Raleigh Wednesday. Dr.- and Mrs. S. A. Pope and daughter spent the week end in Durham. ' Mrs. Lacy Vines of Wilmington was the guest last week of Mr. and Mrs. T. Y. Dobson. ft Uuddeiily-ft's spring PS- Let MARCH WINDS be your '" " hint fiot 'i Km to pick our your nw ' i " k aa srraw . . . wim its smort groigrcM . - , j trim and ehie, shape-holding veil ,-. ( J , From $5.95 ; In MATS IT OAOI IN STOCK READY . t I - i ii i ; --- I , . .;:;.. iirir.imity IT'S ' ' -1 ; vrv'ffl LET M- KNO"' IF;, J I . , AU0V0 KG. .-f; k J ; ( - AT Wnity . f -,raslt? c- !. T LI.'-- ; - ' . 'i '. - ' t -".'( ... : ; JkJL"-"x I.., ..- y All Type Philco Radios t ' ! Ccmeni - Cement locks - Brick ; ' 1 ' Jicn" Fir13uiatj ar.d Smithway Stokers ' h Buckeye ' Leggett Southern - and -.Amtii: -'y f OIL BURNERS : J .Ove'raWs T ?aiits r- Shirts r- Shoes ' - rAnd Many Other Items r Around f Mrs, S. H. Johbson of Rose Hill spent a part of last week with her daughter, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Sand lin, Jr. " i r . , Mrs. York Lanier and children , have been visiting her sister, Mrs, Jack Thomas' In the Cabin commun ity. ' , , J. D. Sandlin, Sr., spent Tuesday in. Raleigh where he attended the wedding of his nephew, Yancy B. Sandlin to Miss Louise Carter. V Durwood Albertson, USMC, ar 1 rived Monday from Peking, China, for a visit to his mother, ' Mrs. George Albertson.' He ' was called home on . account : of the recent death of his. father. : - Mrs. Leonard Nethercutt 'and .Mfss Betty , Gray Nethercutt of Rocky Mount and Miss Mary Jack son of Fayetteville were week end ' guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Jack- ( son and Miss Lou Jacksom ; , Miss Nancy Casteen of Rose Hill', has been the guest of her sister, Mrs. Roland Batchelor for several -days. ' j. t"' Mrs. Larry BoBtic and children spent Tuesday with her parents at Charity. ? . Mesdames S. W. Gresham and . j; D. SandUn, Sr.; were Kinston visitors Wednesday. v Mr. and Mrs. Francis Oakley. Woody, and Mrs. Arthur .Wood spent Monday in Kinston. " ' -iii".''.'- Warsaw r OR IVItjrA.CLC OR DELIVERY V - . . "..:.-' a .1 ' J