ami 1 1 Hr'S A : III i r NUlEJZn FIFTEEN KENANSVTLLE, N03TH CAROLINA .j Uwjv-l-WWlUtja L.JO r : ' ,U - I j 0 ,Ii,3wjlJ .1 JGwDV FRIDAY, MARCH, 28th., 1947 NoW Funeral wrvlces vera held thla nornlng tot Lewis L. Carroll of r rurtey who died in the Gold: . ro HosplUl Wednesday night at -- . . . ivir. v4utou wai invoivea in a wreck at Bowden Sunday afternoon 1 n Ua oar collided with one t . . en by negro Funeral service were beta at . '"JvIJcQowan Funeral : Home. js.djcted by Rev.- J. B. Sessoma f Magnolia assisted by Rev. J. O. rrlson of KenansviHe. Interment v ,. j in the family plot at the Rock r: -h church cemetery near Wallace. - Te la survived by two brothers, 'ssor J. O. Carroll of Wake st and Joe Carroll, of Aulan ; two alatera, Mrs. M. E. Rice of ,.Uor and Mrs, W. It Upchurch . CxfordU He was a brother of the a Lira. R. V. Wella of Kenans . He was the son of the late and Mm George Tashlngton uu uh m roiuea ml ue oiQ roll home at Reed's Ford on i r.una ta Sampson County. Mr. rou never marnea. He was -out fifty years old. . .. - .- -v 'r-: K ' Tie coroner's Inquest was held rsday afternoon and Coroner . rson reported that ; the Jury "J Mr. Carroll's death came as a U of an automobile accident In ,a Roosevelt Smith, negro, drl- - i the other car was driving at excessive rate of speed and with . : :'sroper' brakes. .vv- Kc.i-fnsvilleO.LS. Public : ;; I if' The KenansviHe Chapter, No. 215 Order - of Eastern Star, held its annual Public Installation of Offi cers In the Masonic Hall and club room in KenansviHe on Friday ev ening, March 23. - ,. V.;rr ' Dinner was served In the club room to Stars, Masons and friends. The room was lovely with decora tions of spring flowers The usual most aumpttous". dinner was ser ved. A h;' tevm F6r the instaUaUon the retlrlna I Worthy Matron opened the chapter ana gave ner farewell speech, then turned the Installation over to the Installing officers, who were Dr. O. -V. Gooding, DJ.GJ., Peral C. Mc Gowen, Marshall, and Chaplain Bessie Kornegay. . y-.,, j '. The retiring Matron and Patron the. incoming Matron and Patron! the installing officer and Marshall were presented corsages and bou tonnieres. , EnlcrS!: :'pvt Gerald WWaters aV&v, V Grady aectlon.x is now servins !i th B9tn FlaW ArOllery Bat- f s 'I tiral - corsages except the Star j polnu, whose flowers were in keep- i ing ) wjw tne colors or tne star i point.;,.w iC;-: i' The Address of Welcome, EUa Gooding; Itesponse, JP. W. Sadler; Impromptu Speech, R. C Wells. The following were presented gifts:' Retiring e Matron, Pannle Rhodes; Retiring Patron, Earl -D. DR SAM MAXWELL Dr. Sam Maxwell, minister of the Oxford Methodist Church, a native of Duplin County Albertson Town- ship, son of the late Frank Maxwell wUl hold a revival at the Woodland jueinoaist church beginning Easter Sunday Evening, April 6th, He will preacn through the following Sat urday night All services will be new at mgnt. ; r B. F. Grcjy School Annual Dedicated - ToTI:Dlc!37.GJ(ornegoy Fire Destroys JUL. . j fci U. taomu.X, CUtloned' at i Drew, Kolsuml, Japan, ha Is i u.e KacMne gun section of 8er .e Battery, ' : After graduation froai the- B. F. TTrady high school he entered the 1 .:rchant Marina. On May 38. IMS ; entered the army and was sent 1 1 Camp Lee, Va for training, v Upon discharge, Pvt Waters in ' iids entering North Carolina College. .- . . -. , Kls parents, Cr. and Mrs. Frank Patera, reside at t3t Itt Ct, ta ZUnston. ' ' y ", ., : vl. T e Warsaw Kerchanta wlU be i closing their businesses dirWM Izt afternoon, April a, at 12 clock. They wish to invite patrons ti do their shopping before that ur in order to enable the mer- anta to close at 12 o'clock sharp, Kornegay. ; . J ,'- The toUewtng officers were to Worthy Matron Mattie Sadler; Worthy Patron, Rodolph Davis. ' Asso; J'stron, Thelma Stroud. T . Assa Itron, Dempsey Emith. - Conductress, Rosa MaxwelLr . Asse. Coad., SalUe Eva Tyndatl. Secty. Ruby G. Newton. , Trees., Alice G. Davis. Chaplain, Thelma Murphy. : Marshall. Myrtle Quinn. . Adah, Margaret Westbrook. Ruth , Kate Quinn. . v ' Esther, Same Ingram. Martha, Mary B. Fulf ord, ' Electa. Edna Earle Brbson. . Warden, Ruth Stroud. , ' J Sentinel, Christine Williams. ' Our Chapter now haa the lienor ot. having twetlrand Representa tives: BesarTternegat-to C8lfor- tua, and Tear! C. McGowan, Columbia; one District Deputy G..V, Gooding. . . Fire of undetermined origin com pletely destroyed the home of Ed Hill, negro, on the Western edge of Warsaw about 3:00 o'clock Wed nesday morning. The Immediate response of the Warsaw Fire De partment prevented dwellings close by from catching from sparks scat tered by heavy winds.-- - .-v., v FaisSCcdet Cadet Junius B. Stroud. Ul ac hieved honor roll rating at Fish burne ' Military- SchooL . Waynes- norev va. or the academic month ending In . February, having met the recjuirements of an average of w or above :and proficiency In every subject ' - ifcclXciJest, C3 Ibid Here " - The Southeastern District of the N. C Federation ef Music Clubs will bold its Festival Contest in the KenansviHe JUgh School Au dltorlnw en turdayt.Msroh 2th. to Br. ! be8lBnin at W A. M. ado Jesting ty Dr. day. , , Dcplist Training Union Mass Meolin : Bo Hold in Beulaville For All Churcbs ViiUiam Gaston Kornegay :;:r Services Al l r e Woman's Auxiliary of Snvw 1 Church intheJEL.?. Grady see i will eponjor the Annual. Week .edipg Easter Prayer Servi the church, beginning Mo.iduy enirig, tlsreh 31 and continuing cugh Friday evening. April 4th. vices will begin each evening 7:30 with a guest speaker. The : 'owing are;; the speakers and are: . Ton. Rev. Lloyd Vernon, pastor Tues.' Rev. Sam Kennedy , r Louvena Waller; , ' ed. Rev. W. G. Lowe, Mrs, W. r.." ' -aller; ' -. -' Mr. Hubert Phillip. .. I.oCs cardon; - , . 1 m Kev. W.: Kc Jordon, Mrs. . C. KilL- i , ; r" .P:3li:j, There will be over 80 contestants from KenansviHe, Kinston, Hook rton, Warsaw, Wilmington. WaU aco. New Bern, Alliance; and At lantic. TiH!ie w',l bo three outstandinj judges in Voice, Violin, Trumpet, snd Piano. ' " " . Luncheon Will he served bv the j Home Ec Department in the Cafe teria. .The public is invited, v v -Fannie K. Lewis, - '. ..; "r Dlst Contest Chmn. i r r'.fj, r:ich.A Detroit , Tzui. I.-;:;:sr, handled by ". ( : t '.t, won f 'xst prise for t 2 1 1 $ 3 ix t l ts's lar 1 1! j s'ace Co v r, held Vrest UlcUjan livid trial "-if a r 0f h lj C;::7 zzz I:s e-Jy a: -- 'J piaee of ermkly -1 p"r .Ji e back that'e ,. ysaiy when It gats wet f ' it doesn't lock Vk much, t I I now a lot o f lids who see t" "y in CUEttle Lester seal... TV"?" wheal chairs and crutches te t j tra ft out and do things ' T 'j see a aJiooL and others see a tia to Sv.Lool . . -v - Lc s ef Cs.i see camp ;v . camp in t ini5 r, rood hot aurhine. real e 1 1 f s - - t-smd-Jre green i v j, islavL a ..." . r L . . . ."t r t re wrM, trM'g .'t i " 1 f 1 1 'a. 1 - ! i i'-i , 1 : t t'a '( i' Jtedv.jue i 1 J - r i 's , , . , -i , t " " ;." 1 ef you ma t te Ls e k it Blinded Hawk ' Ccplurcd " Wallace Claude Hender son reports that Frank Caven t augh, Rt 2, WsUsce, captured 'a ehleken hawk that had a leather band around one leg. The band appeared tc have been on the leg for a long tune, It bore ne Identification. L J Cress Drive Fend Rc-:rt The foUowlng report of the 1947 Red Crosa Roll Call Drive for Du plin County aa of Wednesday la as The School Annual which is now being complied by Mrs. F. W. Me- Gowen. a teacher in heschpoI,vvlll '-dairy a pltturfdf -ftKaaLJvi ana wur do the same as that which now hangs in the school auditori um. A brief biographical sketch of mm, written Dy a feUow oublle servant A. T. Outlaw, Register of Deeds, wUl also appear In the An nual. foUowlng the picture, and it la substantiaUy ai tolIows:ris- , : y WILLUM GASTON : KORNE GAY, son of Emmanuel and Har riet Louisa (Kornegay) Kornegay. was oorn at tne. cold Kornegay homestead In Albertson Township, Duplin County. June 20, 1887,' His birthplace was in that part of said township which is 'now popularly known as the B. F. Grady school community - and was within site ' ef where the B. ' F. Grady school bnlldlng now Stands. He was a worthy descendant of those stur dy pioneers, known , a German Palatines, who came lte America about the year 1710 and loumJe3 the town of New Berne in Craven County. Oeorge , Kegayi&the first of this family in Ameriearown- ed large tracts of' land in Cfavep Next Sunday afternoon, March 80, beginning at 2:30 P. M., there will be held an assoclational-wide Baptist Training Union Rally, at the Beulaville Baptist Church, for all the churches of the Eastern As sociation. A great crowd is ex pected, Including representatives from all the Training Unions. Ah attendance banner will be awarded to the church having the greatest number of theif training union members present 1 ; There will be several contests as indicated In the program which fol lows. All contestants are urged by Mr. A. R. Teachey, the Associa tions! Director of Training Union work, to be present a few minutes before 2:30, in order to make all final arrangements for the various contests. The winners in the eon tests will go to Ridgecrest where they will compete with the winners from other associations in the -State. The ororam follows: i , 2:30 - Song; 2:35 Devotional. A. . -L. Brown; 2:40 Song; 2:43 - Roll Call; 2:55 - Junior Memory Work Drill; 3:10 - Hymn Festival; S.30 -Intermediate Sword Drill; 3:50 ; Adult Reading Contest; 4.-05 -. -Young Peoples' Speakers' Tourna- ment; 4:25 - Awarding Attendance ; Banner; 4:30 - Announcements and ' Benediction. 1 I'sClub Gives Program At School 4t;, Commissioners and served the people of DupUn County in that office for a longer period of time, with one exception, than any other man. During the year 1028 he became the first Chairman of the B. F. Grady School Commit tee; having already given the prem ises for the school, and in that ca pacity he served the people of his home community,' faithfully and weU. until his death. Mr. Kornegay waa a Universal. 1st' a prominent Mason and Shrin- er, end was widely known. At the time of his death on March 22, 1039, and' the funeral service on the following Sunday, more than two thousand kinsmen and friends packed the school auditorium, cor ridors and grounds to pay last trl- tule- to an outstanding citizen. Agreeable with his last request his remains were interred In a plot directly across the highway from the . school building. Thus he waa bom, lived a life of great useful ness, died and was buried in this Community." ''J ' and Duplin Counties and the fross c-""Kornegay married Miss lng over North. EasCrlvef in this.' Ceorg'a i Frances Grady, October foUows: i KenansviHe, $604.01. ' -' r-'ulaville, $134.73. ' C " w's Trite, r 3 i-j, trorx .x c -i. v." t. ' ' '-l.u- : community long known . ' as -Kor- negay's bridge, Leafs nd honors his' name.; ;':,--y As a young man William Gaston Kornegay attei'sftr'; the public s-hoole taught by & 1 1: "Grady, R. D. Korcegay, J. F. MaxweH, and other Inspired odit?etors of . that time,, and In arly life Je became .4 leader in this community where he spent his entire ltfe. Hs was'a far- meri pafitfaa&tef, merchsnt and pub- j ne servant for maviy yoars ana was aet've. and influential in aU; mat ters, affecting the ' public welfare II W6a member of the Democrat- lfl IftHB. Snd he is MirvlVMi hv her ami Jthe -following children: Mrs. NoT,x&n' p?vis. Mrs, Marvin W. ShtiT.cns. Thaddeus Kornegay, Miss' Bessii; Kornesay, Dr. Harvey J. Ko;nejry and Alvin Komegiy. We. th nvm1 nt th R V flrtAv spent his entire life, are justly proud ft him as' an outstanding citizen' ef , our community and county? and for his long and faith ful service to our school, our rom munityl and ur county,' We affec tionately dedicate, this issue of "The Overflew" to him.. The Creative Dept. of the Rose Hill Woman's Club presented the foUowlng program at the school au ditorium Wednesday, March 10th, at 3:30 P. M.: From the school Mrs. Carlyle Carr presented 3 of her music pupils: Sara Starling, with her own arrangement of "Dip-sy-De-Do-Da"; Bobby Teachey, playing "Easter Parade'',' and An ita FusseU playing "Bella of St. Mary's". Mrs. W. T. Hawes presented 4 of her pupils: A po?m, read by Boby Teachey; Poem, by Ella May Starling; Short Story, by Anita Fus seU; Play, by Charlotte Sbolar. -, From The Club and Town Fashion Show of original de signs by Mrs. H. W. Farrior, model ed by Mrs. R. S. Troy, Mrs. H. Q. Boney, Mrs. Paul Newton, Jr., Mrs. der jpwelry box and card tray, a liand tooled leather picture frame, a plaster of paris lamp, a paper m ache puppet and a hand painted - ' table cloth, all originals. Photographs by Mrs. B. W. Mer ritt of Rose Hill featuring wedding : dresses of satin designed end made ; by Mrs. Farrior were displayed. ' Two st 11 life finger paintings by '', Mia5 Mary Kate Allen. A piece of drawn work - a copy " of an original by her srandmother, ' by Mrs. E. G. Murray. - A crocheted wool afghan of un- -usual-color by Mrs. Hatch. Lanier. A wool patchwork spread,1 each piece put on with embroidery, in troducing new stitches by Mrs. H.- A.Tate. , - . . . -. Mrs. E. P. BUnchard exhtbUed ' a wool coverlet made by her mo ther; Mrs. Sara Venn Wilkins. The ' ic Executive , Committee and was 1 fltAr a1 Att a( Kr tV Ti as nannla tA aawa mjj use gvvt w es 1 ,nvaea k WOI aU 9. 0ama7m T awl II lraT J i HfTlK ing asvrjnaiman of the Board; of.Coun S. K. LwdterrnanJ Cart Alderd woof 'Wjjs raised on Ahe farm end - uwnn, , nwioou, uHfi ayert wiui nome maur siyes: t. a suss neuen Marsneu. xmusic for show - Mrs. Carr.) Poems were read by Mesdemes H. A. Tate, M. L. Farrior, and S. K. Lockerman. Original music, by Mrs. L. K Alderman. Diary of Welfare Worker - Mrs. H. J. Boney. VarlaUona .In Waltz Time, by Mrs. carlyle Carr. Awards of 1.00 each from busi ness firms and bhie ribbons with special honor seals from the club were presented to the school by Mrs. Graham FusseU. Mrs. Benjamin Elkin had charge of the school exhibit in the Home Ec rooms,' The' dress, cakes, scrap books, drawings, short stories,1 po ems and plays from the school were beautifully displayed. Woodwork from the school was displayed in the back of the auditorium as were exhibits of club members and citi zens of the town Two paintings in oil, by Mrs. Jack Cooper; Mrs. Llllie Bell W.. Brummitt displayed IRose Hill Woman's Club.' two glazed pottery vases, a now-1 and wove about 1880. And as em broidered bed spread made by seme , in 1928; peacock design. . An embroidered hand-made bed spread made by Mrs. Margaret WIl ' v Kins Drew - the cotton was grown on the farm, spun and wove there. . The embroidery thread was dyed with home-made dyes - made In 18- Sl, Also a piece she made the same -year of hand woven cloth with aU- ' over embroidery design end nil " fence ruffle across bottom to bang -on wait Just above the rufle was v embroidered, "Margaret, 1851." ;. A new recipe for orange cups Mrs. Horace Ward. , ' , At the close of the program the hostesses, Mesdamea K. P. Blanche -ard, E. G. Murray and S. V. Wil- , kins served Russian tea with sand- -wiches and pecan cheese biscuits. During the social hour flash pic tures of the fashion., models: were male by Bobby Herring of UNC. The program waa presented by the Creative Department of the -v B. F. Grcdy Legion Post Is : Orc:nized; Officers Elected The Simmo-v 'Mawborn-Turner Post of the American Legion held its regular meeting Friday night March 21st Judge Henry L. Star- ens, of Warsaw, made a most inter esting talk. ,- : .--.- ' Following Judge Stevens Ulk an election of officer was held with the following results;". ' C & Thompson, Com-aander. ' J. H. Byrd, 'Vlce-Comminder.' L. O. Parter, Adjutant end Fi nance Off'cer. .f.;?:i f .-. : i;yft::&. Harry Stroud, Sergeant, at Arms. John Grady Historian. Rev, Norman P. Farrior, Chap- Uln.'.- ' On Prtif-iv evening, April 4th at I I P. M., the Post will have a fish supper at Maxwell's Mill. FoUow lng the supper, the Post will hold Its regular meeting. AU ex-service men of World War 1' and 2 are in vited , On FridaynighV April 11th at 8:00 P. M. there wiU , be a mi meeting at the B. F. Grady School to discuss ways of raising money to build Legion Hut and Communi ty Buuding. , .;- . ; The public is cerdiaUy invited to attend this meeting and take part in the discussion. Respectfully, C- S. Thompson, , . Commander Warsaw Methodists To Dedicate Organ Before Pre-Easter Services The Rev. A. M. Willisms, pastor of the Warsaw Methodist Church has announced a program of pre Easter services, which will be held in his church next week and at the 11 o'clock worship hour Sunday norning, March 30, at which time the Hammond Organ that was re cently installed, will be formally dedicated. . ' .-. The pre-Easter services will be gin each evening at 7:45 with out standing ,visiting speakers of note at each service as follows: Tuesday April, 1, Rev. C. T. Rogers of Rose ft Hill; Wednesday, April 2, Rev Leon ; Russell, of Goldsboro; Thursday, . April 3, Rev. John M. Clineof Ke- ' nansvUIe; and Friday, April 4. Communion Service. ' The public is cordially invited to attend all these services. ..a- Rev. Williams also wishes to an nounce regular Church School at ' the Warsaw Church at 10 A M and at Carlton Methodist Church at 2:30 P. M. followed by preaching service at 3:15 P. M. - . Baptist Church Choir To Present Musiccl it::- during the recent Illness and desth of our mother.-, . ; , f , Family of the late i Farrior. The Warsaw Baptist Choir, under the able direction of. Mrs." C. J. Brown, win present a program of music Sunday evening, March 30 at the 7:80 o'clock Worship hour. The program wiU include well known hymns, spirituals and classi cal with a solo part by Mrs. Henry L. Stevens, Jr, The program is as follows: "Now the Day is Over"; "The Lost Chord"; I Waited for the Lord'VThe Shepherd's Call"; "It Shall be. Light"; "Were You There?"; "Steal Away"; "The Lull aby Hymn"; "Prayer?; "Jerusalem": "Saviour, Hear Us. We Pray"; do sing with ""The Seven Fold Amen". A most cordial Invitation Is ex tended to the public to attend the r,. '-i r- ,--... v..j ., Cotton Ginning ;! Report Census report shows that BS6 bales of cotton were ginned in Du pUn County from the crop of W is as compared with 1200 bales for the crop of 1845. . f IIOTICE Effective : March 18, U17. t' -Issuance ef Opera tort Ucenes t Learner PeraUta to perse 1 rears at age was deontlneeX Ne person smder tee t : t years is allowed to r-'- ' j a i. -

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