. THE DUPLIN TIMES Published Mh Friday la KenaasTille, N. C' County Seat of 1 1 ' DUPLIN COUNTY ' " . Editorial business and printing plant, KenamsvUle, N. C. ' N J. WB101T GBADT, EDITO OWNER Entered at the Poet Office, Kenansville. N. C, . as second dart natter. , U jKenansvllle, W-7 Warsaw, S5S-6 , SOTSCMPTION RATES-, S3.M per year to Duplin County; SJJtt r year year outside Duplin County, to North Carolina; 1 SIM per year outside Norjh Carolina, except to Men In V. S. . Armed Forces, Anywhere. 3.M per year. , H v Advertlslnr rates furnished on request A Democratic Journal, devoted to the material, educational, eenomle and agricultural Interests of Duplin County. National Advancing .spfanti;e American Ps$ fl$$ociAii K.w York China Prtro HaWafchtS 1 Organizations Join Army Week "Patriotic, civic, labor and frater nal organizations throughout the na tioa will Join with the general pub lic this year in observing Army Week, April 6-12, in honoring vet erans, in and out of uniform, and stressing the need for a strong America to build and preserve the peace. 'Nationwide events, including parades, banquets and religious and patriotic services will herald the ad vent of Army Day, proclaimed by President Truman since the tradi Auction Sale Every Wallace Thu Yards Wallace FOR QUALITY CHICKS SEE US PARMENTER REDS BARRED ROCKS N. H. REDS HATCHES WEEKLY Prices Reasonable All Chicks From Blood-tested Flocks UNDER N. C. STATE & V S. SUPERVISION JONES HATCHERY PINK HILL, N.C. IS Til ERE SUCH A Til ! HG AS V lUt,. TJo"--claim medical authorities, who ought to know I Nature has so constructed and physi ' cally endowed woman that in many cases she's ' apt to suffer certain distressing symptoms during her Hfe. For instance when .ne enters , womanhood or during the menopause, the period when fertility ebbs away. Now if on 'certain days' of the month fe male functional monthly disturbances are causing you to suffer from pain, nervous dis- - tress and feel so tired, cranky, you snap at - your children and husband then do try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound to relieve such symptoms. It's Jatrtous for this purpose. Mad ESPECIALLY For Girls and Women Pinkham's Compound sobs mors than relieve such monthly pain. It also relieves accom- ranylng nervous tension, irritability and weak, ighstrung feelings when due to this cause, taken regularly thruout the month this ' rreat medicine helps build up resistance txrainst such distress. A thing any sensible voman should want to dol , Tvdta Pinkham's Compound is also very r - ive to relieve hot flashes and those funny, . , ossinij feelings during the years 38 to ; , ii ciie to the functional 'middle-age' . .4 jiecu ar to women. . .; 's Cornoimd la worth trying! tional April 6 falls on Easter Sun day, and the Army Week that fol lows. In view of the global responsi bilities of the United States and the mission of the Army to carry out the will of the American people in the vital postwar period, the theme for Army Week this year is "A Strong America is a Peaceful America." Army units and installations in the United States and abroad will join in commemorating the event. Many Army establishments will hold "open house" to civilian visi tors on Army Day and throughout the week. rsday Livestock 191 1 unPf i SUNDAY;. SCHOOL LBSSON-:- By H AHOLD L.. LUNDQUIST. D. D. Of Tha Moody Blbla Inatttuta of Chicago. Raleaaad by Western Nawapaner Union. LESSON FOR MARCH 30 Lcsaon subjects and Scripture facta ae lected and copyrighted by International Council of Relltloua Education; uaad by permission. ...... . JESUS LAYS DOWN EOS LIFE LESSON TEXT John 18:37. 38; 19:10 18, 25b-30. MEMORY SELECTION For God so loved the world, that he gave Ma only begotten Son. that whosoever beUevetb to him should not perish but have ever lasting Ule. John 8:18. The cross of Calvary, from man's, viewpoint, was "a paradox. There is something startling and seeming ly incredible about the idea of a crucified king, particularly if those who do the crucifying are the king's own subjects. Kingship implies rulership over others, -and not suf fering and death at their hands. Pilate told the simple truth when he exclaimed, 'Behold your King,' and when he flung out the sarcastic question, 'Shall I crucify your King?' he was speaking more truly than he knew. They were, verily, doing the incredible thing of de manding the death of their King, their Messiah, yea, of the very Son of God" (B. L. Olmstead). L Jesus Said. "I Am a King" (18:37, 38). Jesus was before Pilate. The Jews had accused him of declaring him self to be king (see Luke 23:2). Pilate demanded, "Art thou King of the Jews?" (v. 33). Jesus did not answer directly at first, but declared his kingdom to be "not of this world" (v. 36), in dicating to Pilate that he was deal ing with One who was more than an earthly king. When Pilate persisted, Jesus openly declared, "I am a king." The expression "Thou sayest" v. 37) carries the thought, "You say that I am a king and you are right I am s king." It was in ho sense a disavowal of his royalty, but a declaration of it Pilate, troubled, convinced of Christ's innocency but too cow ardly to declare it hid behind man's proverbial inability to know the truth (y. 38), and wrote himself Into history as a hypocritical cow ard. What have we to say what have you to say, dear reader, to Christ's claim to Kingship over your life? Should we not say, "He is not only king of the Jews, he is the King of my life"? II. The Priests Said, "We Have No King" (19:19-16). Pilate, , in fleshly pride, taunted Jesus with his power to determine his fate. He did have much power as the representative of Rome, but power over Jesus he did not have. Majestic indeed was the reply of the King. In a brief sentence Jesus put Pilate on trial before the judg ment throne of God. Only because the time had come for the Son of God to die was Pilate permitted to exercise his governmental power (see Rom. 13:1), and he would an swer for his decision one day In the presence of Ged. Of especial interest to us just now is the statement of Jesus: "He that delivered me unto thee hath the greater sin." It was the high priest Gaiaphas who had that guilt Tea, and ft was the high priests who declared, "We have no king but Caesar," after Pilate, driven by their cunning threat (v. 12), had sarcastically asked them, "Shall I crucify your king?" (v. 15). . The awful declaration which they made then was on behalf of the en tiro nation, and declared themselves against Jesus and loyal to the pagan Caesar. No King? Countless are the men and women today who by their re jection of Christ have declared that they would not have him rule over them. And sad but true is the fact that those who neglect to receive his great salvation have rejected, him! : ,,, m. Jesus Said, "B b Finished'' 09:25-30). In his time of greatest anguish Jesus, in an act of tender thought fulness, provided for his mother, and gave the beloved disciple John a high place of privilege and re sponsibility. He thus, as he made bis last request brought together the two . who in all his human rela tionships had been closest to his .heart. .-.V- Beady for the final word before he died, Jesus received the refresh ment which quenched his awful thirst Then crying out with a loud voice, "It is finished" Matt 27:50). he commended his soul - Into the bands of the Father (Luke 23:46). What was finished?. The great re demptive work, the work- of recon ciliation and atonement The Lamb of God had made bis great sacrifice for the worluWt is this that was completed. Our great Substitute had paid the great ransom price, paid It to the uttermost farthing. It is finished indeed. Others will yet preach and teach, and, Jesus wfll work through them; as the King on David's throne his regal work will continue forever; but the re demptive shedding of his blood once for all is finished, and stands as finished forever- (Heb. 7:27; U. 26; Rom. 8:10)" (R. C. H. Lenskl). Hallelujah, what a Saviour! Is he your Saviour? If not turn to ban by faith just now. , . ,.. A. J. CAVENAUGH (INTENDED FOR LAST WEEK) BeulavilleBTU Entertained The Intermediate BTtfs were en tertained Thursday evening at an enjoyable party at the home of Miss Wilma Brinson which was at actively decorated with jonquils and other spring flowers. The Leader, Mrs. Sidriey Hunter, assist ed by Miss Wilma Brinson, direct ed a number of interesting games. Delightful refreshments consis ting of chicken salad, stuffed eggs, sandwiches, cookies, coffee and fruit,' were served to about 20 of the young people present. ; BirlhdayParty A birthday party was given in honor of Joan and George West brook, Friday, March 14, by their mother, Mrs. Joe Westbrook. The guests assembled and sang Happy Birthday, while Joan and George blew out the candles on the cake. The hostess served sandwiches, Ritz crackers, candy ,cake and drinks, after which everyone en joyed seeing the gifts opened. Many games were played and pictures taken of the group. The guests were given baloons and lit tle crepe hats. Those present were Archie and Carol Dunn, Glenn, Mil dred, Andrew and Linwood Korne gay, Keith and Joyce Oates, Don and Connie Jo Wells, Ralph Gene Dotson, Mary Gold, Judy, Donald, Bobby, and Red Wallace, Ray, Lew is, Jr., Shirley and Ruby West brook, Linwood Earl Hill, Bryce, Hazel and Paul Williams, Ryan and Kenneth Smith. ' . .. Birthday Party Miss Kate Murrill Boggs was en Dr. H. W. Colwell OPTOMETRIST Eyes Examined, Glasses Fitted. Next Door To Cavenaugh Chevrolet Company Permanent Office In WALLACE, N. C. 3ESREC3 FOR SALE SASH - DOORS SHEETROCK PAINTS DRAIN TILE TERRA COTTA PIPE GLASS- LIME CEMENT BRICK PLASTER ASPHALT SHINGLES AND ALL KINDS OF ROLL ROOFING Z. J. Carter & Son Wallace, N. C oooooooooooa WHEN YOU NEED SERVICES OF AN AUCTIONEER CALL BILL HIHES, JR. Phone 270-1 262-6 t WARSAW, N. C. oooooooooooo B Designed to speedily relieve simple headache and painful discomforts of neuralgia, '- D Measured doses in powder form for quick Mslmilatlon. . D Proof of merit. Same type for mula over, one-third century. Standard V. B. P. Ingredients. Laboratory tested, controlled. Din price ranm of ovsryona, lcje and 2So sisses. C ''-: D only ss "-'-! U incraasind millions t H V Snap With, Jf tertained by her'mother, Mrs. Mau rice Boggs, at her home. Saturday afternoon in celebration of her 12th birthday; Interesting games were enjoyed after which, candles, Were lighted on a beautiful white birth day cake with blue and pink dec orations: The mother of the honor ee served chicken salad sandwiches, cookies and pepsi colas to the 15 guests present. A number of at tractive gifts were presented the young guest of honor, " Potters Hill Faculty Entertains PTA The Potters Hill School Faculty were hostesses Monday night' when Whit Our ECONOMY FAST ACTION CONVENIENCE With a bank auto loan you can deal with local people from tart ta finish. LOCAL SERVICE You buy your car from a dealer you know, borrow at aur; bank, aniplaae ' your Insurance right here at home with a home agent of your eholee wfcart you can depend on getting prompt, on-the-spot service whenever you need , r It . .-. v. EXTRA BENEFITS n& yur monthly auto loan payments regularly, as acread. yaw can help build your bank credit for the future an asset that Will prm '. valuable to you again and again. " r Before you finance your next car anywhere, eonapare the eomploto eost plans Including finance sactlod here. Then choose the plan with most benefits. anto loan will be your choice. Branch uowo -..mmm m n 1 urn i' Am m a - mibmi f ::. .C ; Ihhm tojto SanrShow aarrSS Mnoh Shore oa , r Ju mitii n n OuirtlXto Nslwaiit Uolhm Wsdaeadoy eveoloe i ', 4 ' .1 tSTIBATES they euteriuim.u at lmonnal dinner at. the school. A Wee course dinner, carrying out the St Patrick triotlf, In place cards, napkins and menu was served by the following girls: Tynia Thigpen.y Elsie Hall, Elner Futral, ..Maxwell Lee., and Peany Rae Qulnn. , , : . .; ( : .. , . V The table which was covered with a . white cloth 'and centered with greenry and jonquils, looked most attractive. Each place was laid with individual programs. The high' light was the after-dinner speech made by Supt O. P. John son. , - y'"S): Guests included: bupt. O. r. Johnson of Kenansville, Rev. and Mrs. N. E. Gresham of Jacksonville, Rev. G. W. Shepard of Wilmington, members of the, school committee and their wives, and members of the faculty. ' Immediately following the din- Bank Auto Loan You: Instead of paying high financing charges, you arrange a .law-jeflat bank V loan here. .There are no coinmisslons, no "buried chargea," and yW'oaa include the cost of car Insurance in. your loan. f ; Your loan application is acted on promptly. .No ao-malwrs ar andorsars ' are necessary and you don't have to be a depositor' totrder'to borrow hetv ,;: You choose your new car, borrow up to two-thirds of ita cost'aVom ua. (somewhat less for used cars) and pay cash for your purchase. You esa shop around and buy from any dealer. . charges, fees, commissions, extras -arge for new car loan is $5.00 per auaed to loan. Loans are repayable 15 Of Duplin County MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION, Brina it "back home" ; for this 4-way Fdrd Service The Dlaos to tret winter out r .-' of your 'car's system is s risfat "hack home" at vnur " Ford Dealer's. Our Ford- traioed mechnnics use Ford- approved service methods, Gennjne.Fozii Parts, and ,.a special ora tool ana 1 - - , . . means a better job with . time and money saved. 4. FactoryHipproved Methods m - v. ' 1 . b . IH L nEi Uiit0Unx BUDGET PLAtl. ner, the legulur meeui-g of t.e PTA was held with fclrGmhanj : as guest speaker, v y ,. ..... T r 1 i. m A:.;'-.v Old Madam -Ivlcrrit This Is My First Visit Here A seventh Daughter ..Born with a Veil; not to be classejl with Cyp- . sies Over 80 years . experience. Advice on all affairs of life. Please don't eon fuse my", work with that " of . the ordinary fortune teller. The truth or nothing. Re member., .. a : doubtor finds mo : superior to all readers. Reads past, present and future. .Office ) for white and colored. Hours 10 a. m. to 0 p, m. Open dally and Sunday.' ;, Permanently , located ;ln trailer studio on Wilson highway in front of Guy Best's store: Take Greea Gables bus to my office. Look for Hand Sign, Goldsboro, If, C tadv.) Plan Offers To with a stanilar We are confident a bank 't -frit $100.00, months or Ins " & Trust Co. 1. Ford-trained Mechanics T 2. Genuine Ford Parts c i ! 5 ir-J2 . II l J ; jy 3 Speelttfl2ed , , . , . t- rera tquipmem v i t JL ' i. ,K " ... h"l Theres na pbra iii:3i:::iE; fr M frtter HrfHI Vv a..- . . '1 y Mil i 1 . "t V. rfiSSrf!! J y- ;-W i 1

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