ft OS. M. M- THIGFIN v . iff , , Reporter ,. . SUBSCRIPTION AGENT M2S.M.M.THIGPEN BenlavlII. N. C ' v -- .wMtattTe For CLINTON FLORAL COMPANY WALLACE. N. C Eost:r Services SUNRISE SERVICE at BAPTIST CHURCH 11 O'clock Preaching .Service At ; PRESBYTERIAN " CHURCH Easter Pageant Sunday Evening, 7:30 BAPTIST CHURCH Fitz Bafts Honored On Last Friday Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Bostic enter tained at dinner Friday evening in honor of their son. Fife. Sharing honors at the time was the aunt of the honoree. Mrs. Ben Stroud of Kenansville, who was celebrating her birthday also. Guests included members of the family: Mr. and ' Mrs. Larry Bostic and children, Mr. ' and Mrs. Richard Bostic and Nancy, Re and Mrs. A. L. Brown, Rev. and Mrs. A.R. Brothers of Rock ingbam. Rev. and Mrs. Hoyt Beck of Warsaw and Ben Stroud of Ke ' nansvilte. W Mr w Yeir.:r Rest For , Baskefeers Th oIHb and bovs basketball teams of the Beulaville High School were entertained at a wein mi MB.t tsiasav AVAnintf. The en joyable event took place at the Warsaw gym, me- weinero roasted at the open fireplace there. in aaaiuon 10 tae tenuis, Kin" invited guests were present. Miss Mary LUy Bivenbark, coach, and Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Shaw were chaperones. ' House Warming For Mrs. Mi The new home of Mrs. Kate Mil ler was the scene of an enjoyable gathering Sunday when friends and relatives gathered there for a delicious barbecue and picnic din ner. The occasioa also marked the birthdays of her young daughter, Katie Gray, and her brother, George Bostic. . Mrs. Miller had the misfortune to lose her home, 'all furnishings and clothing by fire on December 28. She had no insurance, but through gifts from friends, etc., of money and labor, she has been able to rebuild and is now occupying her new home. Beulaville Junior Senior Banquet The Junior Class of the Beula ville High School entertained the Seniors at an informal banquet in the Jacksonville USO Friday even ing, March 28, at 8 o'clock. Thpv assembled In the reception room where they enjoyed music, rendered by different pianists un til thpv were invited into the rec reation hall to find their place cards and to be served. The recreation hall was Deaun fully decorated with multi-pastel colors of streamers, baloons and spring flowers. Candles were the nniv linhts used. The waitresses, tenth grade girls, wore white dresses with tulip shaped aprons of pastel shades. Thpv served fried chicken green Peas, creamed potatoes, tomatoes, 2L nn UvJ SAMPSON TOBACCO CURER WILL BE HELD AT J. E. (EDDIE) "CHAMBERS TOBACCO BARM HEAR HOLT'S STORE OH SATURDAY, APRIL 5th. ALL DAY, VE THINK IT'S GOOD COME AND SEE miEi. salad, rolls, butter, iced tea. and pie. The food was prepared by Coleman s Restaurant. - Toasts were made by several members of the Junior and Senior classes, the faculty, and committee men. . . -' .. At-the close the, group sang Aiiii T une Svne. floors were clear ed and dancing was enjoyed. Some of the group attended tne movies. Personals V Mesdames Mamie Boggs, Gordon MnlrirnW. , Misses Kate MUITU1 hadii and Judv Muldrow and Ar chie Muldrow shopped in Klnston Saturday. ,, . -v- ' - ' .'X'. V' ! Mm h G. McKeithan and sons of Southport spent last week with their parents and grandparents, Kev. and Mrs. A. L. Brown.. Mrs. Audrey Turner, of Pink Hill returned home Tuesday after visit ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Sandlin, Sr. Mrs. H. J. Smith of Pink Hill spent Tuesday with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Kit Brinson. Mr T.izzie Miller returned home SunHav after spending the past week with her sister, Mrs. Lula Q. Parker. Mr and Mrs. Cecil Miller and Mica Rnsaivn Harris were dinner guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Neal Smith at Hallsviiie. Mr and Mrs. Bob Demorest and Fitz Bostic were Goldsboro visitors Monday. '- ''- ' ' ATTENTION If Any One Wants A 1947 Ply mouth - Ford - Chevrolet -1 Have Them In Stock. If You 'Have An Old "Car You'd Like To Trade, Brine It With You. Terms If Desired. Phones: Office 3366 LEVIS WARSAW, N. C. IT 111 OPERATION. i DEALER ; Tho m rui Mallard and Miss : Jane BostlC of. Goldsboro spent the i j h Un AnnlA Rndtle and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. N. Bostic. Mesdames Rossie Thomas uraay nd Jjirrv Kennedy and their chil dren made a business trip to War saw Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. John 'iVMiuer ana daughter spent Monday in Golds boro. ; J. T.- Miller has returnea to ui een after spending several days here with his mother, Mrs. Katie MUtark - ' ' - . ,. .. is i -- l f . Rev.' and Mrs. 3. L? Powers of Benson, RFD., have been guests of Mr. and Mrs. Orao Thigpen this Messrs. S. W. Gresham and Doo ley Whaley were Kinston visitors J. G. Thomas of Swan Quarter visited their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J i nomas maw and Mrs. R- C. Kennedy.. Tuesoay. f Mrs. Bertie Matneny or inaian aoolis, Ind., was a recent guest of her sister, Mrs. Tracy Edwards. ; Mrs. Bill Willis ana son, uavey, of Savannah, Ga., have arrived to spend the Easter holidays wwn ner parents, Rev. and Mrs. A, L. Brown. Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Lee and Miss Nell Lee of Smithfield spent Sun day with Mrs. Barbara Williams. Mr. J. D. Thomas has accepted a position as clerk "with the I. J. Sandlin Co. ' Yates Dobson was home from EMI over the week end. - noi, ami Mrs. A. R. Brothers re- ,,nui tn their home in Rocking ham Monday. The former has been conducting a series of -evangemuc iteswence two MOTORS '- : ",': V " County's Extern Lietropoib services at the Baptist Church for the past two weeks; , . . - Misses Joyce Jackson and Calesta Thigpen spent Thursday afternoon in Warsaw. . . " - - Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Sandlin. Jr. and Mr. and Mrs. Charlton Sandlin spent Sunday in Rose Hill with rel ative. TYr mnA Mrs S A. Pnna Rnmmv and Harriet Pope have 'gone to Wheeling, w. va., wnere tney wui spend the Easter holidays. : . : . ; . J. D, Sandlin, Sr., made a 'busi ness trip to Raleigh -Tuesday. ft Mrs. Dick Butler and .son- of Warsaw have been spending a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Jackson. ,' ' ' Mrs. Sherwood Snyder and son, James 1 Oliver, and Mrs, Addle Smith of Pink Hill spent Tuesday with Miss Glennie Miller and Mrs. Daisv MUler. ' : . i - Mr. and Mrs. W. O.' Jones and son. Bobby, spent tne weak end at Albertville, Ala. . .... . . , . Alwood Thisnen was ' at 'home from Kings Business College, In Raleish. for the week end. Mesdames Annie and Wm. Bostic and Miss Daisy . Bumham spent Tuesday afternoon in Warsaw.' Bonny arown nas reuirnea to Mars Hill College after spending the spring holidays at home here. He had as his guest BUI Walker of Marion. N. C. Mesdames Rivers Rouse of 'Tea- rhevs. Llovd Padrick and Ed Sloan of Fountain Town H. E. Truax and son Stevie, of San Diego, Calif visited their mother and grand mother, Mrs. Barbara Williams on Monday. - . up For Best Prices and Complete Job on Menoaients, Sea er Write Rev. R. J. Whaler BEULAVILLE d6oooooooooo - ' CHARM r ! i M1 .V, 1 0j ' "SIT .; ' : mm M seen In A f A ." Walter Holland of Micro spent Tuesday with relatives here. . Raybourne : Kennedy, ": Adolph Mercer and Carl Home -attended the air show in Greenville Sunday. Mrs.' Mack Jones and daughter, nottu Jnvn. and Miss Maude Er- vln of Swansboro, Mrs. Fred Ervln and son ot Richlands spent Satur day afternoon with Mesdames T. y. Dopson ana uruce uaroee. ; JUST OVER" THE HORIZON . I'.': f " . comas the first caravan ' of fine now to bring tho luxgry highway transportation - (c, i"5-i i: 000000000004 r a u ' -'iJtf'jjr ' ' '' ' '-' ' LJ , 7r "vij . .1. ' . -It. I 1 fV; bio Hill Girl bllcr.ord , Among other officers ' '""n this week by the Women's A s association of East Carolina ..i ers college is Miss Winnie F n-icg of Rose H11L Miu Herring 4 s the honor of being treasurer of,' as sociation. " - i - Crtyhound cocrchot you'vo waited fat ta V1 is? Vocobcooc i xi' !? :r it 1 V 1.. s- . f , t ,. 4 -4 v't 1 UP ta -, ' - I - formula for Catto? fat . torriSo toao-pieea wtdi twiali flared pepluns .'. aplai the Jacket with a braeaaa - r v colorful einbroidarjr. r Brisked with cap-happy eloevoa . and closed with buttaaa t ; ? from ehia to waist, It's toy .. ? Jrauac wr aaung. i :. ; , ill T- J i 1