: . W III' y 1 1 Keuansviile, N, C DUPLIN COUNTY 1 f.l Li 5 County Beat of Editorial easiness and prln this plant, Kenansvllle, N. C. r ' - ,. J. ROBERT GRADY, EDITOR -OWNER v , ; , Entered at the Post Of flee, Kenansvllle, N. C. I t ' , as second class matter,' - " . TELEPHONES Kenansvllle, VtA' A - , Warsaw, 353-8 SUBSCRIPTION RATES? $3.00 per year In Duplin County; 13.50 per year year outside Duplin County, In North Carolina; 14.00 per year outside North Carolina, except to. Men In U. S. Armed Poreee, Anywhere, 13.00 per year. i . .advertising rates tarnished on request. A Democratic Journal, devoted to the material, educational, and agricultural Interests of Duplin .County. Otanh Carolina v Js. ESS ') 9- Notional Advrllna l)rtiiM'. American Pbess ssocunoi Nw Vera CKkoge Dtfoll nmmmmm i - ' h .,i.Jl iLr.- I ulrnatiqy I SCHOOL : LESSON : Bv HAROLD t. I.UNDQUIST, O. D Ol I th Moody Bible Institute 04 Chicago, (teleued by West Newapeoer Union. Lesson far April G J Lesson subject nd Scripture texts 1 lectid ind "opyriKhtert b.v Jnternttcw.I &une!l o? Religion Education; ud bj permission 1 Crime In North Carolina Shows Substantial Increase THE RISEN LORD AND . HIS DISCIPLES. . IESSON TEXT John I0-IMS. "memory selection But now is cStae? iS. T id and become the first IruiW o them thst slept. I Corinthians 15:20. . V' Pertaining To Duplin County Washington A crime was com mitted in North Carolina every half hour of 1946. In the first full postwar year one in every 41 North Carolinians was a crime victim. . In the nation as : a ''Whole each ' hour there were , 40 burglaries, -107 petty thefts, 26 cars stolen, 7 robberies, one rape and seven as saults with a deadly weapon. ' "These figures come from the fed eral bureau of investigation's an nual crime report, which also shows: Crime Increased in North Carol ina in 1946 over 1945 as follows: Murders from 101 to 135; rupe from 84 to 103; aggravated assault from 3.748 to 4.01M: larceny ti urn 6,936 to 8.070; automobile thefts from 1,599 to 1,973: ivansiaughter cases dropped from (Sfi to 65; and 335 robberies were committed c"ch year. The FBI explained "robbery" includes "stealing or taking away FOR QUALITY CHICKS SEE US PARMF.NTTF.R REDS'- BARRED ROCKS - N- H. EED& , HATCHES WEEKLY v Prices Reasonable . All Chicks From Blood-tested Flocks UNDER N. C STATE & V S. SUPERVISION JONES HATCHERY PINK HILL, N. C. Auction Sale Every Thursday Wallace Livestock. Yards Wallace V JJ&3ST k Raton may endow you with : hreathtaHng beauty, a lovely ' curvaceous figure. She may be : stow gifts on you that make you a brilliant actress, a leader in yrny class at college, sought aii far at dances, or a charming wLe and mother. -' - - , Tea, Nature may do all this. A"1 yet you may find your face r ingly slapped if you suffer t e distressing symptoms, v tcb so many unfortunate and women do. SsiMiMng You Shoulcf KotJoka About. f ) If female functional monthly t in-bances are causing you to r r from pain, nervous cHs i and feel weak, restless, so j and Irritable that you i t turn Into a 'she-devil' Ui days this xs boketkino ' "nrLDifl jokx about. Start , s'fty try Lydid E. Pink s V. 'table Compound to , l svtpntoms. It's fa- rt ' : " And dont r av a.- 4 forget Pinkham's - Compound . does hobs than relieve such monthly pain. This great medi cine also relieves accompanying' nervous tension, irritability, those tired-out, mean 'pick-en-everyone' feelings when duo to this cause. Taken regularly thruout the month Pinkham'a Compound helps build up resis tance against such distress very sensible thing to do. Just , see if you, too, dont remarkably ' benefit I AH drugstores. Ever new and blessed in its touch upon our, soul, is the message of Easter: To bt assured once more that the grave could not hoW our blessed Lord and SSviour." and- that Lbs ; arose In victory ovur sin death, is our aeiiKmim - day's lesson. .v. , It is very sppropriate conclu sion to our three month ;study of the Gospel of John and comes In the new quarter because of Easter Sunday. .Three helpful incidents make up our lesson. - ' . , T. A Risen Lord ' and Glad Dis ciples (20:19-23). i ) The appearance of our Lord to his diBciples after he arose from the grave emphasizes the close relatlon-.1.1- wwpon the resurrection and the Bfe and ministry of his followers. Those who live for and serve the risen Christ have a triumphant faith, an toward peace, and an outward authority and power. Their convic tions are based on the Lord s own words which came to assure me ai- ciples as they secretly assembled for fear of the Jews. He stood in their midst and spoke the words of peace (vv. 19-21) and authority (w. 22, 23). Peace of soul is absolutely essen tial to useful and satisfied living. Only as we are "steadfast, Immov able," can we be "abounding in the work of the Lord" (I Cor. 15:58). Steady at the center, active at the Circumference. Commissioned and sent by the Son of Gdd, clothed with Holy Spirit pow er, -the Church of tJod has his au thority. While some have read too much into verse 23, others have read out of it the real authority that God has given. Little wonder that we read (v. 20r, "Then were the disciples glad when they saw the Lord." They had rea son for real Joy! II. A Convinced Doubter and Glad Testimony (20:26-29). - Thomas made the serious error of being absent from the gathering of the disciples when the Lord Jesus stood in their midst Let those who commonly absent themselves from 'the place and hour of worship take heed lest they . tnisi "blessing, and coming later add nothing to the spir itual life of the church, but rather become troublers and doubters. But God graciously turns the doubt of Thomas into a means of blessing to all of us who since then have read of his experience. Thomas was an honest doubter. God is always ready tn meet such with satisfactory proof. The trouble is that there are so many in the world who use professed doubts to cover a life of sin. Doubt may come to any man. In itself it is no sin. ' But to cherish it and hold to it in unbelief that is a different matter. One wise spiritual leader rightly counseled his people, "Believe your beliefs and doubt your doubts. Never make the mistake of doubting your beliefs or believing your doubts." When doubting Thomas saw the Lord, his questions changed at once to strong convictions and assured personal testimony to his blessed Lord. - III. A Restored Disciple and Glad Service (21:15-17). After meeting Jesus on the first Easter morning, Peter had been as sured of forgiveness for his denial of the Lord and had been taken back Into fellowship and service with him. But hen something' seemed to a.ve gone astray, for we find that Peter and the others had returned to their old life as fishermen. They seem to have lost their vision, or had become discouraged. ' But the Lord had not forgotten them. He appeared and told them where to catch fish, and then we have the lovely scene around the fire as they breakfasted together. - There it was that the Lord met Peter,- and as he had denied Christ thrice he is asked to thrice declare his devotion to him. The man who thus declared his readiness to serve Christ to the end had many an opportuiut to prove the. sincerity of that profession. -' He met persecution and imprisonment,: but to every effort of man to close his mouth or to change. his witness ,b bad the simple reply of absolute obedience to the Lord. 'Tradition tells us that this faithful ness finally led Peter to a mar tyra death. So wo see a life made over, made' powerful, made glori ous for God through the matchless grace of our, Lord Jesus Christ. He can do it for you, too. ' Will you let him? " ,'' There could be no better time to meet the risen Lord face to face than on this day when we remember his resurrection. Let him come into your heart, dissolve your doubts, for give your sins-and make-you glad! Anything of value from a person by force or putting in fear; 'burg lary" means breaking r entering and attempts; "larceny"' includ 's thff's (eri-ppt a"' ''- v' SB - (Salary of judge and solici tor Of county court) Introduced by Johnson.. March 20. Reported fav orably on by Senate committee on March 86; passed second, and third readings in the Senate March 2?; March '28, received in the House and sent to Salendar Committee SB 375 i Introduced by Johnson, March 24. "To authorize Duplin County to establish a war memorial fund anda war memorial fund com mission; to acquire and hold prop erty incidental to' the construction of a war memorial.!' (Wcjuld estab 1 i:v. ' on-mamhor Veteran Memorial Commission to be appointed for 8- year - terms (to terminate within DO days after completion of Job) by numiv . commissioners and -who serveWithout compensation. Would authorize establishment oi memo rial or monument to 'memory of veterans of all wars. Commission would be authorized to make study of such neer, designate location of memorial and determine plans therefor. Would authorize county and municipalities therein to ap propriate from their general funds such sums' as they desire ta appro priate for such purpose., Memorial would be designated a necessary expense.) To Judiciary L ' March 26, reported favorably by Senate committee. March 27, pass ed second reading in the house. March 28, passed third reading in the Senate. March 29, received in the House and sent to Calendar Committee. SB 413 - Introduced by Whitaker March 27. ; ".To amend' section 7-70 of the General Statutes of North Carolina relating to the terms of Superior Court .in Lenoir and Duplin Coun ties in the sixth Judicial District" (Would set out schedule of court terms for Lenoir and Duplin, and provide that all criminal- terms un contested divorce cases may- oe tried and court may hear motions in civil matters not requiring Jury trial and make orders or decrees respecting judicial sales. Would be come effective July 1, 1947.) To Judiciary 2. .., SB 429 - Introduced by Johnson, March 28. " " "To amend General Statutes 160- 25 relating to qualification of muni cipal Officers, as it applies to the town of Wallace in Duplin County." (Would add proviso to cited section exempting from sections provi sions all officers and employees of town of Wallace except the mayor and members of board of alder? men.) To Judiciary 1. SB 430 - Introduced by Johnson, March 28. ' ' r "To repeal chapter 85 of the Pubf 11c Ljafrso?;193fJ relating- to the General County Court in Duplin County." (Would repeal Act of 19 37 entitled "An Act to amend chap ter 85 Public Laws Extra Session of 1924, and to dispense with jury trials for General County Court in i and $1,-0 r . .i J, ...a dL; wised wudi jury t Ms in hnth civil and criminal actions but provide fox trials de novo upon ap- peal to superior wuiu iu juiu dory 1. . '-. ' SB 431 - Introduced by Johnson. March 28. . ' . '" ' "To amend section 7-272 of the General Statutes of North Carolina relating to the terms of court of the General county, v-oun, oi uu plin County." (Would provide that court convene on first Monday of each month for civil, ana criminal jury trials, aud that court may r4iph iAses at any time by call- tag in tales jurors. Court would Jse empowered to recess irom oay ,w? am nr m dav certain for trial of all actions, either with or 'without jury as the case may be, and to convelje at any time, for purpose of hearing motions or submissions. Justices of peace would be required to file with clerk cases in wnicn WonHnnti: have been hound over to court by Wednesday preceding term or time when case is to oe tried.) To Judiciary 1.-, ' ' Jt- 1 i - ' - . 3.) J Counties, CK si 1 '.uus. Marph 27, requited favorably by House committee. ' Passed second reading in the House. March 28, nnasixl third readine in the House.. March 29, received In the Senate and sent to Counties, Cities and Towns, . "N - KB 093 - Introduced by Outlaw, March 37. .' . ' " i "To nrohibit the sal 'of beer, ale or wine' within -one-quarter 'of a mile of certain churches' In the Bowden community of Duplin County." (Would prohibit, the sale within 1-4 of a mile of th Bowden Presbyterian Church, the First Bap tist wnurcn oi ai. x nomas unurcn. Vlnlattan a misdemeanor Dunish- able in discretion of court; effect ive date July l,l47.). To finance. rm tan - (County officers fees). Introduced by Outlaw, March '.20. March 27, reported lavoraoiy ny House committee. Passed second and third readings in the House. March 28, received in the Senate and sent to Salaries ano ees. ; HB 937 Introduced by Outlaw, March 25. ' . "To amend the charter" of the (COLD MflirJIS), in it.uMi.aiimc i 1 "l U ' -SAT, I 1 - m. At BWIC1I oooooooooooo WHEN YOU NEED . SERVICES OF AN AUCTIONEER CALL BULIMIES, JR. Phone 270-1 262-6 WARSAW, N. C.' oooooooooooo SEE US For Your House Wiring We Have The Material Duplin Electric Co. PHONE 331 - ROSE HILL, N. C. .yes Examined Cl, - I Next Door To Cavest " Chevrolet Cottipany Permanent C :ts la ' WALLACE. N. C. Ilsrd CcaEhing Scs!!s Elesisltiiig From Colds When your cold brings on' nasty wnhlAAm miiirh: finimd 4S fients at any drug store for a bottle of BUCK LEY'S CANAUIUL. M1J4.1 UKUi.-rXnpiB acting to relieve coughing fast. BUCK LEY'S acts promptly to help loosen up thick, sticky phlegm soothe irritated throat membranes and ease hard cough ing spells. So try it the very next time a cold results in a wracking, stubborn cough.' Find out for yourself Jut how good It is for coughs due to colds. Get BUCKLEY'S CANADIOL MIXTURE made in the U.aATODAY-HUl drug aists. r ' ' ir ' 7 1-' . Palmist, 11:1 A true born reader of hum i tiny for over thirty years, ! i always ready unserve hu ENDS DOUBT and CONI by her natural gift She w.. I ' . and advise you with your pr t such as Love, Courtship, M- Law-suits, Health and fare. ; t fairs. She will tell you what when to do and how to do. . 1 . others fail, see OAYLE at her I , s She does not maae outsia,r u One Call Will Convince You 1...t Gayle is different from all m. Get happiness - Success Now. I . n't Delav. Do It Now. Look for ' sien on Castle HaynO Road. 117 mile fromWilmlnc. C, j limits.v (next ,- ta New Airport, Castle Hayne, or C Road busses stop at door. C at the Wilmington Hotel. 11 Dally 10 A. M. to 9. P. M. Sucay 1 P.M. to 9 P.M. -, - 1, IX. u's). tUs-' .s -. . Ve Cure Meat THE YEAR AROUND y REMEMBER TODAY - '.vi 'V.:v " '. WITH A PHOTOGRAPH V- BY " KRAFT'S STUDIO IN MOUNT OLIVE " Phones 217-J or 230 COMMERCIAL PHOTOGRAPHY A SPECIALTY . ijif FOD SALE USE PIN EE COUGH SYRUP It's Different You'll Like It ( i. incrcasind millions B f-i Designed to speedily - relieve I simple headache and painful discomforts of neuralgia. . i r Measured doses In powder U lurm uir quics .bwuuubuuu D Proof of merit. Same type for mula over one-third century, D standard U. B. P. ingredients. Laboratory tested, controlled. CM price range of everyone. -1.0 and 2Jo sizes, , r " : Tie only s (' ' ; SASH-DOORS SHEETROCK - PAINTS : DRAIN TILE TERRA COHA PIPE v GLASS-LIME CEMEflT E51CK PLASTO ASPHALT SHINGLES AND ALL KINDS OF ROLL ROOFING L J-Garfcr fiSon . WE ARE EQUIPPED TO en inn meat , , v , UlUIII I'lLMl I MAKE LARD DXESS POULTRY ftlflTntf WE OFFER A COMPLETE PROCESSING AIO ; , LOCKER SVICS;.;.-:...- WE CARRY AT ALL TRtE3 'l - ' ' ,- -, a cowijnnsLiNS gz: "Z- , Frozen FcoirYcs!:raj'::!$ ; Dressed Fryers. II:a3;TabS STOUT FROZEN FOOD LOCKER CO. Vollccc, N. C. Viliat Our. Bank Auto Loan Pl:n Offcis To ' ' .' .' You: v.. . i, ECONOMY Instead of paying hlh financing aharies, you ajnwafla a law oatt baS yj loan here, .'inare are no commissiona, no iwm iwu , i FAST ACTION include the coat of car insurance in your loan. " " Your loan application is acted on promptly. '.No eo-makers me iqAmtm are necessary and you don't have to be a depositor in order te bonew tsst. :''-..,. You choose your; now car borrow up to two-thirds of ita att fsm. va, CONVENIENCE (somewhat lees for. used cars) and pay cash for your purchase. T sa i snap arouna suiu uujr uvui mug wmt. - - -. -..,-; With a bank auto loan you can deal with local people from stars te fisish. j LOCAL SERVICE " You buy your car from a dealer you know, borrow at eur bank, and ace T your insurance right hare at home with a home agent ef yonr daalae waere, you can depend on getting prompt, on-the-spot service vVnevsr fen eeea - It " . v ' ' i - - i V EXTRA BENEFITS By meeting your monthly autoloan paymenta regylai.-as a-reel, . oaa help build your bank credit for the future m asset 'mat wia prwv . vsuuanie to you again ano again, . . ? " f j,v Before yoa finance year aex ear anywhere, compare the eeinytete aoet ef tOm '. : plans - including finance charges, fees, commissions, extras wilt a similar t39s saotion here. : Then choose the plan with most benefits.' We are eenf Meat a kaak - -" "antt lee wtU be year ehotoe. - I ; -;. f ' ' X i v'.'J f f it I '?r -flrge for new ear loan i$ $5.C0 per SlCOiCD,- ed to loan. Loans are repayable 15 months or isss. - . mm ' Va.-. .- B"m ' m .: M . j I m m i . V . m m - a . ," - . 'i 'I 'I