! i 1 " fci 1 ,-" ' t - - . "NOTICE OP SALE Urfr end t)y virtue of the pew - r of sale oonUined In a certain ! U trust, dated December 11th, . ;3, raid executed, by George Foy td wife, to WUlie Davis. Trustee, a4 landed in the office of the . r-. -r of Deeds of Puplln Coun- ; .,.,.ih Carolina, in Book 434 at . - 1 122, and there having been a Vi,:,t in the payment of the in- . as thereby secured, and 1 ...e .'.older of the note secured by salU deed ef trust having requested i the undersigned trustee to f ore- close said deed of trust,'.! will at -the Court-House Door of Duplin County, North ' Carolina, Kenans- vlUe, oh the 7th day of April, 1947. at the hour ef 12 o'clock Noon, of .Her and sell to the hlshest bidder. - fur cash, the following tract or par- :l of land, flying and being in V.,iyiCTSOe TownshlD. Dunlin County, North Carolina, add boun ded and described as follows,: to Betof tract Ne. 5 allotted to Her- - ;bert Wells in the division ot the - lands of J. M. Wells and which 1 z division isMuly recorded la - Ls;A No. 8 of Committee reports ' tf land divisions at page 469 et uq, and reference is hereby made said division report and which " land Is more particulary described '" fellows, to wit: Beolnninc at a --stake, corner of lot No. 4 in said --' division and runs 8. 77 Deg. 6 min 'ufiw E. 1853 feet to a Ughtwood . stump; thence S. 10 W. 825 feet tq ; I take; thence N. 81 E. 428 feet '-- to a Hickory Tree; thence S. 11 W. ' "13 feet to take onHhe canal: thence up the canal N. 80 W. 80 feet to a diteh; thence up the ditch ; N. CS W. 80 feet; thence as the ditch N. I3V4 W. 84 feet: thence as the ' dUdi N. 82 W. 68 feet; thence as the diteh N. 784 W. 788 feet; thence as ditch. S- 43V4 W 468 , feet; thence as ditch S. 27Vi W. 60 feet; thence as ditch N. 76V W. 46 Relieved in 8 minute or double your anonay back Whw timt itomtrft acid mwm talnful. aofltettt 1 1f im, tour lUMMeh nd twwtbum, doctor, alif MumHttt iHt awiiictiiMlik Una In art) i't uitu. u. ho Uulrn. BnU-tu Man uofurt la or oxikU mw moot bv as Myra ef bottlt . MtHtUdrwtlW. iMf I 1 Coughs UJ Witvi C:o to COM - Spend 4S cenU today at any 4rus etoeo.for a bottle oC BUCKLEr S CAN . ADIOL IfaCTXJBBUtMpla eeUns-scta .'- hmi m tHidr. aflekr jeim aoothe trrttatBd throat atew hraaes ana ease nam Mugnma apeua. try H the very next time a eold results in wrftrkln. atubborn oonsh dnd out res yeoraeU how good and effective It U tr eaaKhs due to eolds. Wt BVCK XXTB CASADWL inXTVKBmtA In the V.B.A. T09AT all drugalats. Fcr A Real '( '(4 5 EAT hihes ICE CREAM G:d Every Day ? H " : I "4 'f - . If' - v . QU:J - McGOWCN COMPANY WARSAW, NORTH CAROLINA If WMW- PTOitsg s-m-i Funral Dircton ft Embolmor Arrbule jrf --,i..n . " 1 "IIIIIJ- 1 11 t . I " uisii to a!:::ou;:ce that I Ccn e.l Yc:i t!r.; 1947 Ccrs , I!:v3 C::d Ui:d Ccrs. All Models '- r) lot:, thence as ditch N. 24Va W. 424 feet; thence . 88V W. 163 feet to the center of Bridge' ana Plantation Road;: thence as saw road N. 3 W.. 428 feet to an iron stake; thence N. 3 W. 389 feet to the "beginning, containing 28.48 acres, mora., or less. Advertised this the 5th day ox March 1941. i Willie Davis, Trustee. N. B. Boney, Atty.1 .'. j , 4-4t. NBB ' -- - ' J NOTICE C J1 ADMINISTRATION - Mavktff this dav Qualified' as. ad ministrator of the estate of Cora Whiteheads deceased, nonce is hcTrhv rtven to- all oersons hating claims against said estate to file them-with the uaoersignea aamuw etrvtnr urithln ana veAZ frOOV the date hereof or this notice will be pleaded in bar pt ny "a or re" covery. ' AU persons Indebted to said es tate will please make Immediate settlement. - This the twenty-second day ot March; 1947. r Lorenza Whitehead, Admlnir - , gtrator of the estate of Cora Whitehead, deceased. Robert C. Wells, Attorney ! ; S-6t RCW . -' S'jr Dealers Ask Fcr Adjustment RnoAr wholesalers aud retailers may now apply for adjustments of their allowable inventories, OPA announced this week. These ad i..rfmnti hwime effective on Mar. 14. and are being maoe oecauas thA h tir her levels or rations effect ive after April 1. and the use of 10 pound consumer stamps mate u necessary lor wnotesaien vu u larger inventories so that they may satisfactorily fulfill the aemanas 01 their customers., AnnlleaMons for adjustments of ----- - -. . -. . . firms in Norm uaronna muv mimI An OPA Form R-382 with the Sugar Branch Office, Capitol Bldg., Raleigh. Dehorn CclHe .Willi Cere '. The horns of modern farm cattle are strictly ornamental - they serve no useful purpose, and can' cause injury to other stock and to their handlers. Nevertheless, farmers are cautioned that the Job of dehorning a cow mast be performed with surgical skill and care. The opera tion should be conducted so aa to cause the least possible shock. The lasts N1TR t-e-e-l: - e UrAf WOULD HAVE EACH STAT adopt An crnciAL dos t , .1 , , r ' America's dog-loving folks are urged to seek adoption of an offt eial dog "for each of the 48 states ku. rtarv Millar.; director Of the Gaines Dog Research Center, New York city. . -c -v - ; Practioally evrji state now- has its official bird : or official Bower, Mr. Miller safd. -Certainly, he thinks,, the fdog u mankind's elosest animal companion through out the ages, deserves every bit as much recognition Mr. MQler stated' he anticipates the early organisation of commit tees tor an official dog in several states, and that his organization would give - these groups .every possible aid in achieving their ob jective. Adoption of an official dog in any state, won W .have to come about either through action of the iuiajriMi hnrlv. bv 1 (OV- ernor's proclamation, or by pop ular vote of tbe people 01 im state. KEEP PET Off LEASH, AVOID RACIES SCARE For want of a leash a "rabies epidemic" is born. Thus the Gaines Dog Research Center, New York City, sums up what is probably the least-comprehended fact about rabies. , It explains it as follows: If every dog-owner kept his pet on a leash at all times, there would bv no possibility ot his straying away, it he dia not stray away, there would be no opportunity lor him to get into trouble by fight ing with other dogs or snapping at atnnMM urhn. miffht attemDt tO nat nr iDI him. If he did not snap at strangers, the cry of "Mad Dogl" would not likely be raised, L nii mi xeitement or iwa Milmlnetinc Irt a "rabies epidemic" and the summary exe cutiojt of many animals. According' to the Center, true rabies is a relatively uncommon disease. In a typical year, in the entire United States, only - 7.000 dogs are affected. Rabies is no more prevalent in summer than In winter but you hear more about rabies in summer because men and animals mingle more freely outdoors in hot weather. Aeally kij Ana flisa forward aimlesslv but does not attack unless pro voked -or- annoyed. Preventive rabies vaccinae are available at veterinarians, though their effec tiveness is still a matter of debate. anatomy of the cow's head should be tmderstoed and precautions ,xa Vm tn nrevent excessive bleeding Surgeons have found that the shock to the cow can be nummizea oy me kiiifnl use of novocaine or pro caine before the dehorning is per formed. Electrocution Ki!lsPoultry . Vafmrlniirv aiithnritiea have re ported where a series of mysterioui aeatns occurrea in a iiock oi weu D. H. CARLTON WARSAW, NORTH CAROLINA INSURANCE AGENCY Life - Fire - Storm - Automobile, etc. Telephone 3496 Warsaw, II. C. GILDA GAY mL . . -X: . 11.- .u..la - ... a X . Mil m Vl A 1IVftfT VVI 1 II , .1 ,1 I 11L iHDUY.- HMT 11 - - SrW?vj s!!?T jfcTr HUCKLEBERRY FINN . . . kept, healthy hens. ' r- Birds with no visible symptoms of illness would be found uncon scious, and death would occur with in a few hours. A veterinary found aiauHf current was pass ing through the metal water trough. caused by a abort circuu m we water heater. The hens were simply being electrocuted. - , YfejseiVcis' M2kcCI:lrjl'.5v U ! imnnrtant tot the widow or other dependent of a deceased vet eran to make a claim to tne Veter an Aominuuiiutiu wltniu one year ot uie veiein s death it sne is to collect ui luoJuluuui uin iu pea siou ui- bouipektouon to wmun she may oe enuuto, uie uoiosuoro VA uutcea pointed out If claim is maae within one year, the pension may oe laia uoiu the date ot ueath; Hut U claim is made auer uie expuauou 01 one year tue penwon, a giuiiu, wui oe yaid oniy from tne iuing dute ui the cutun. 0 it a veteran with a service-coiv net-usd cuaauuity uiaaes vuum with in ne vear iron) daw ot discharge, he may araw ine compensation to which Ae mav be entitled from date ot discharge. But if he delays more than a vear. compensation may be paid oniy lrom the date of filing of the claim. - - Claim for reimbursement for fu nerai exDenses may be filed withi: two years of the permanent burial of the veteran. It auouia oe uiea hv the undertaker or the person who bore the cost of the funeral. If it is not filed within two years no claim for' such reimbursement may be paid. - , Garden Cl'jb Tours Thrc:ch:-t April The srowins beauty and preser ved history of North CaroUna will h nn narade the entire month of Anrii in houaea and gardens from the coast to the mountains as the Garden Clubs of the state renew thalr. annual , rjilffrimaKes WWCft annular before the war. Almost 200 gardens ana nome in North- Carolina are tnciuaeu n Hirar-ted tours ooen to the puoiic some with fees for direction ser- USE PltlEE Cuts, Sores, Burns It's Different You'll Like It UI F. ALLEN JR. ?r? r ;KENANSVILLE,N. C. "l , fciaNANSVILLB'S ONLY 1. M. JENKINS, Mgr. vice and entertainment In general, th tnura will follow the wearber from Wilmington' In Southeastern North Carolina, westwaru inrougo m piiuimont hllla. doubling back to the middle coast for the famous New Bern historical houses ana a-arriena tow. and ending in Ral eigh, state Capital, the first two days of May. , CcrdOiTtaifc I wish to thank all my many friends for the klndasssns shown in the recent Illness and death of my husband: Mrs. Jesse Davis. Q3s!::ns And Answers Of interest To Veterans o Am I sUffible to receive a pension or compensation if I sign ed a statement at tne time ox my ttaVinrra aavinff that HOT disabil ity existed prior to my enlistment? A. Under the oi am any state ment of this nature which you have made at the time of discharge is considered nun and void. a If I'm eligible for three years of schooling under the GI Bill, does that maan three school years or I three calendar yeai?? a Three calendar vears which may be used in four school years of nine months each. Q. Am I eligible for education it t was in the army less tnan vu days during World War II and was discharged for a service-connect ed injury? A. Yes. a tw the VA have to approve my course of Instruction under the GI Bill? ' a Nn. He mav choose any state- approved educational institution in I which he is able to enroii. , DUPLIN FARMERS VE ARE READY TO DELIVER Fairbanks Morse tobacco barn stoker -? 209?? Smith tobacco oil curers 165,00 Coby 4 Wheel trailer formerly $345 now 295-Ca Hackney tobacco trucks 21M 5 Lbs. tobacco twine ?' , Tobacc Setter, Owens ... r f80. We Carry Pittsburg Paint and Bondex Prices subject to change without notice . Garner Brothers IN MOUNT OLIVE INSURANCE AGENCY Sv;ine Disease Is Cc3ious To Man Swine nroducers are warned to use particular care in handling new born pigs this spring ien mey fall victim to swine brucellosis. nr. C. n. OrinneUs. veterinarian with the N. C, Agriculture Experi mnt stations, cautions producers that this disease is equally as con tagious to humans ana to outer forms ot livestock as it is to swine. When It attacks humans it creates a severe, lingering type of fever or stubborn, localized infection. Wear rubber gloves in assisting sows, to prevent germs from enter ing the skin. --- Until newly purchased , swine have been blood-tested he recom mends that they be kept separate and apart from other animals. TYNDALL fuk:al home or MOUNT out Aesoclariun e 1 PtTeetora. eanlMiiirer Servke. day or ntft-M ef wtrM.rw A. J. CAVENAUGH Wallace, N. C. : JEWF.LDK DIAMONDS W'.-Tlllr WATCH AND JBWEMtV EEPADUNG ENGRAVING WARSAW FISH MAKXET CREATORS AND MAINTArJCERS OF LOWBB FCKTES ON QUALTTV BEA rOOM , : (Next Door e A P) Know Vour Flab op Wills DB19S81NO WABSAW, N. O. . ' . DEXIVE3 C A V.., sits r Li J - A-ifite on a 1 . "Te. Please C " aso my wt.. at of the c, -rtune tell ?. trutii or noilJ. -.. member, , a rinds me sup : r all readers. Et-.'i i L nreunt. . and future, v 0I-I8 I white and colored. Hours 13 a. : to 0 p. m. Open dally and Permanently located - in t studio on Wilson highway in L i at Guv Best's .store, lane i. r i nnhlM hua to mv office. Lot: i ' Hand Sign, Goldsboro; N. C. (&i.) - it ' I PwinMivlicffaamitehhiceawKa tv audete't foot, mMe. pHnpw enrl oui eondttiom, tae pun. oooiini. mtatomw D.D,D.1MSCmmOM- A doctor" ( r.r.m..l..m and aMinkia. Soothe, com - quickly calm inttn Hchtnir, 36c txmi i prove It or money back. Don rtuder. VucrM today kc . ft. . MivCk.. enter-d Tar quick relit-f from itching catued or tctrma. athlete uxit, waoie. aimnwano conditmis. uie pare, cooling, medicated. i. t-aI n.D.D.r-nESCRIFTION. A doctor U -a. Gnanelew and Mainlew. Soothe, comfort nd quickly calm interne iicning. ox ui proves i t. or money back. Don't auffer. Al -' dnifit today for DV D. D. PCw J V J V... , 666 STARTS RCUC? 1.1 BMMVlrttaa-tm ; mlMrtt. " d BeteD Know Tear FU W ee Bertfett By BERNARD DAILY 3 J S t i Terns II D;::;:i ; . :v LEWIS tTOTOHS - . Jm a