. A " a W c: if to - 2 Faison MBS.. A, a HICKS, JR. - Reporter ' ' - Subscription Agent ; V. 1B .liiw Turkey Dinner .' Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Hicks, Jr., entertained at a turkey dinner on. ' Sunday honoring ' Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Hicks, III, of Bethlehem, Pa. ' Ouests of Mr. and' Mrs. Hicks were Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Kay, Miss es Elizabeth and Kate Hicks, Mr. ' and Mrs. C. Beems of Goldsboro, and Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Hicks, III. interfains At Dance it '. Vf y ? ' ;r' ; John Groome, Henry Hoey and ; Charles Lee entertained at a dance i in the Community Building Satur day night. Attractive arrangements "of spring flowers were used. : Punch,', cakes, sandwiches and : nuts were served by Mrs. C. D. t Lee, Mrs. L. D. Groome, and Mrs. , H. L. Hoey during the evening. ?. . : Hostess To Bridge Mrs. W. W. Clifton entertained her bridge club and several addi tional guests Tuesday afternoon. Sffheir, scores were counted Mrs. Robert Parker was the recipient of the high score award. Ice cream, cake and candy were served by the hostess. ..: lions Club Meets 3 ' The Lions Club met Friday ev ening in the Community Building with L. D. Groome, Pres. in the chair. A delicious supper was der ived by the ladies of the Methodist ' Church,- v-: v;.J' T v Tf7$ 'mmBmimmmm, '4 n Theatre WARSAW SUN, MON. APR. 13-14 - II IVE ALYAYS LOVED YOU" ' f (Technicolor) - " , With Catherine McLeod And Philip Dorn. TUES. APR. 15 ' ' 'i-fcke Mine Music' 1 ' (Technicolor) . A WALT DISNEY With Nelson Eddy, Dinah Shore. . , , 4- , - it WED. APR. 16 , t DOUBLE FEATURE 'S-caOIJheYest' With George O'Brien.1 "THE TRAP'-' With Sidney Toler. i THTJRS. - Far: apr, i7-w TEMPTATION iij With Merle Oberon ; And George Brent. SAT. APR. 19 - ; DOUBLE FEATURE ' ' 'THE' FIGS ITII'G iiilRSMAIIi Tiili Charles Starrett.- :r!iTrccy vs I UUDll News WILLIAM BRYANT MARTIN By Mrs. Marshall Williams , The Town of Faison has lost a valuable citizen in the death of Ex Mayor Bryant Martin. He might easily be called, the outstanding citizen in the matter of progress. Quoting from an article Uy B. F. McColman, Jr., in the Duplin Times of jcenansville, N. C, June I3th, 193S "Faison Mayor boasts an excell ent record.. He needs no introduct ion to the people of Faison and Du plin County. From 1913 up to the present 1935 he has been promi nent in political and local affairs. "In 1924 he was a members of the Duplin County Highway Commiss ion. During this period -Highway Route No. 40 was being constructed from Goldsboro to Wilmington. Some local opposition was develop ed to the road passing through this town. Some few desired the road carried two miles east of the town. "At the time of the disagreement Personals Mrs. Jim Thompson has returned from Valley Stream N. Y where she spent several weeks. . Graham Newton of Davidson col lege and Pritchard Adams, Jr., of The Citadel spent the Easter holi days at their homes. R. C. Sloan of Wilmington was a visitor in town Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Hicks, III, of Bethlehem,' Pa., spent Easter with Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Hicks, Jr. ' ' Mr. and Mrs. Bill Sloan and two sons, of Richmond, Va were guests of Dr. and Mrs. J. X. Morton on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. C. .A. Decker were visitors in Charlotte Wednesday. - Mr. and Mrs, Harold Precythe were guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Williamson in. Kenansvllle Sunday, Mrs. Norwood Oates "of Golds boro is visiting friends here. - Dr. and Mrs. Beal Bowden and son of Raleigh spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Bowden. , Mr. and Mrs. C. D. McCullen had as guests Sunday Mr. and Mrs. James Parker and son of Clinton. MODEL THEATRE BEULAVjXLE, n. c. ."Where Happiness Costs So Little" WEEK OF SUN. - MON. ViVian Blaine, Perry "IF I'M Edgar Kennedy Comedy . TUES. - WED. "Abbott and Costejlo. , - ii TIME OF THEIR LIVES" Cartoon and News THURSDAY ONLY , Beverly Simmons in "LITTLE . Chap. 8 "Burn 'em Up Barnes" FRL. SAT. ' ; Charles Starred Smiley Burnette in rnrnnnn Chap. 4 "Hop Harrlgan" OWL SHOW: . . , Richard Dix in II" Mayor Martin was a members of the Road Commission and, through his efforts, the route was finally secured through the town as it runs at present. The argument proved to be a heated fight but Mayor Mar tin took the matter to the Supreme Court and won out. ' ; '.'He fought bitterly for electric lights and today the town is recei ving power . from the Tidewater Power Company. ' ' There was a need for a City Hall and he secured that, also a two-cell jail. The railroad left on the siding a carload of graver emptied on the side of the road. Mayor Martin was given this material and, with na tive sand and a good mixing ma chine, he gave the town of Faison paved sidewalks without taxation. He was a man of foresight, energy. initiative and judgment along with his abiding interest in . his home town. He was greatly instrumental in getting waterworks , installed along with other interested men and women. Perhaps his greatest achievement was, with the cooperation-of Mr. McD. Williams (who ran the Bank of Faison for 27 years), in organi zing and managing the Faison Pro duce Auction Market which was the first market of its kind in North Carolina. This market was started in 1929. Formerly all produce was sold in the Streets without, any auctioneering at all. During the first year of the Auction Market Faison shipped 40 cars of cucumb ers. Today we claim the biggest cu cumber market in the United States. . '. . Mr. Martin was a friend to his feliowmen. The colored people said, "We go to him with our troubles and he never fails to give us good advice." He was a generous neigh bor, always ready to lend a helping hand and 'share his blessings with his feliowmen. Those of us who know the past, we gladly call him a benefactor to the Town of Faison. Holt's Store Hews Mr. and Mrs. Horace Sanderson of near Kinston visited Mr. and Mrs. Jeff ie Stroud of Seven Springs Sunday. ' . TWINS Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Banks are the proud parents of twins, born April 3rd' at Parrotts Memorial Hospital. Both girls. The mother is i the. former Nadine Jones, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Amos' Jones of Seven Springs. Mrs. Amos Jones and children, Marie, and A. V., visited her dau ghter, Mrs. Wilbert Hill of Deep Run Sunday. Mrs. Ralph Hardy and baby vis ited her sister, Mrs. Jeffie Stroud Sunday, s ' Mrs. Rudolph Sutton and Eunice Ray 'and Bruce Sutton visited Mrs. Amos Jones Sunday evening. ' Sir. and Mrs. Ashley Jones and son visited Mrs. Goldie Mae Stroud Sunday. .t Mrs. Wards Eubanks of Wilmington visited her mother Mrs. Bessie Pot ter of Deep Run Sunday, APRIL 13th Como, Carmen Miranda LUCKY." MISS BIG" ! ' -1 ! mAiirr Uncle Sam Says ROAD SECURITY THE JTORYW THE SAVINOS BOND With : John Q Gfizen fte ''..TV f unci jam How would you like to play the lead In "The Road to Security" Yon. don't have to be tuovle star to win this role. In fact yon can be the big hero right in your own home. The qualifications are simple bat mighty: Buy U. 8. Savings Bonds regularly. The contract is all in yonr favor. .. Every $3 Invested In Bonds will pay yon $4 In 10 years. Can't yon see yonr name In lights? Tours and Uncle SamS! What a team! "The Road to Security" Is sure Are hit from the moment yon Join the cast." Best of all, the cheers and applause for yonr performance came from the andience which counts most yonr family. U.S. Tremiry Depcrtmnl Questions And Answers Towels Q. I have a blue discharge from the Army. Am I entitled to bene fits under the GI Bill? A. If it is found that-your dis charge was issued under conditions other than dishonorable, you will be eligible under the GI Bill. Q. I am an American Indian and a World War II veteran. Am I eli gible for a GI loan? A. Yes, but it must be on prop erty you own or plan to own out side the reservation. You cannot secure a GI loan to build a, home on tribal land. Q. Will the VA accept collect telephone calls made by physicians who wish to ascertain whether they will be paid" for emergency, treat ments given veterans?- A. Yes. 1 Q. I am a World War I veteran and I was married in June, 1945. Is my wife entitled to receive a pension when I die? j. A. A widow of a World War I veteran is entitled to receive a pen sion if she was married to the vet eran before Dec. 14, 1944, or for 10 years or more. Consequently, your wife wouldn not be eligible for pension if you died less than 10 years after your marriage, v rjanoea SMI The beat In mntion plcturi" WALLACE, N. r SUNDAY & MONDAYrAPR. 13-14 "MARGIE" Starring Jeanne Crain. TUESDAY. APR. 15 "Mr. District Attorney" Starring Dennis (TKeefe. . i WEDNNESDA Y. APR. 16 "Singing In Starring Judv Canova. "HIT THE TITULSDAY. AR. 17 "THE WESTERNER" S.avrinj Ca'.y Cojuer. FRIDAY A.1. 11 1 "Ledy En The Lake" Stiaring Robert Montgomery, SATURDAY, APR. 19 III Durango Valley Raiders". With Sunset Carson. OWL SHOW: Two Duplin Girls Elected To Pi Omega Pi AIECTC Miss Doris Blanchard and Miss Margaret Carr f Wallace were among the fifteen new members elected at East Carolina Teachers College to become members of the Beta Kappa Chapter of Pi Omega Pi, national Honorary business edu cation fraternity. Those chosen to join the fraternity were selected because of outstanding scholastic records in the business department at the college. Dr. Dennis II. Cooke, president of ECTC, and Norman H. Cameron, faculty member of the business education department, have been invited to become honorary mem bers of Pi Omega Pi. A pledge service will be held for initiates on April 24, and a formal initiation of new members will take place on May 17. , , oooooooooooo enter Theatre MOUNT OLIVE, N. O. ' ' SUN. & MON. PURSUEP Robert Mitchum, Teresa Wright. News Cartoon " - TUES. & WED. John Wayne, . Gail Russell. Serial Comedy THURS. & FRI. JOHNNY O'CLOCK William Powell. News Cartoon SAT. TRADING DANGER Johnny Mack Brown. Comedy Serial 000000000004 Theatre The Corn" SADDLE" Ray I!cus2 Pink Hill, North Carolii "The Pick SUNDAY APRIL 13th tea? Also Shorts MON. & TUES.' (in Color) , James Oliver CU.IVVOOD'S 11 111 rai (amahai imrn II k m umtm RUSSEU HAYDfN 7 III , Hi . lnn Cooper l ra-iH. oouous ,ewitruw nazamoi I I IS JACKaWINAU.. . . 1 ll . I Also Comedy WEDNESDAY T 'i jLflll Alan Ladd's Best! fW 's ,! I SUNSET CARSON I I ! MARIE HARMON I I At,!-, I E MH IIWM., . IMUW MM I , I I f necT -t.c , I I ' 4 REPUBLIC PICTUWEl " Also Comedy :.hl..- ' COMING SOON -'V -1 'JJl Hedy Lamar in & "THE GRANGE l;:-Xm , WOMAN" Viiy ' U Blacfc-Prsinlrt I " .nrffl I - art ahj ADDED SPECIAL: "JESSE JAMES" Serial A: J. CAVENAUGH Tent Tiixc Of Th3 Best" THURS. Sc FRL mmm Charles WINNINCER ' Richard CARLSON .. . nurnrufVMl 4 manauusrciunnii lean rKtn j Helen VINSON . - ' 1 ! ii riocv V , :- null 7 :; .V.V'. ' OiXnbutad o . ' ' .utt Picturat ; PraducMl i.y U GAIMM Oimlcd by A. EDWARD SUfHEtlANO AN ACADEMY PRODUCTIONS, INC, : From n original itory by Mildrad Criia jnd Adlt CoitxndiM. . Also "3 STOOGES" Comedy '- , SATURDAY ' - ' .Alsa Cartoon LATE SHOW: ' Aff IK For; Your House Wiring We Ilave The Material I &4 D::Iin Electric Co. a m TV A- 1 r - -