t i Man jp" in:, iiUi'iiirt Sines i i.trAcyBSiTT - WAKSAW EDITOR , Subscription Agent ' :' Advertising Solicitor- Dial 293-6 . .Please V Call In Your News PWMMMM i jS. Stevens I'lcnors fjolher -y; mrs. nenry Stevens, Jr., was th j most r-Pious hostess on Thurs dt y afvnoon of last week when sha entertained at bridge in honor of her mother, Mrs. Luther A. Beasley of Kenansville, and her bridge ch'b. . v The ppaiious home Hill St.. was attractively decorated with an artistic . arrangement of yellow Jonquils and purple hyacinths, which accented the color scheme , carried out by the hostess. Orchid : tallies were presented to the guests ; upon arrival, ? ' . ' v ' V . Three tables were in play and when scores were tallied, high socre ' was awarded Mrs. N. B. Boney and j ' visitors high to Mrs. Caroline Gav in, both of kenansville. Baskets of colorful dyed Easter eggs, centered With a jar of Jam and one tied with an orchid ribbon and the other with yellow, were presented to the high score winners.; 'jtv;; :.' Mrs. Beasley was presented a ; potted Easter lily also tied -with an orchid ribbon. - ."; , At the conclusion of play, the hostess served a frozen salad course ' with cheese sandwiches, and iced ' tea. On each plate a lighted Easter lily candle was burning. 4 i ' - - Guests for the afternoon were: Miss Lula Hinson, Mesdames L. A. Beasley, J. E. Jerritt,' David Will iamson, P, J. Dobson, N. B. Boney, W. J. Pickett, C. B. Sitterson, and Caroline Gavin, all of Kenansville; Mesdames George Bennett, Paul Potter and Clarence Brown, of War saw. P 4 acGovan-Gillum a On April 12 Miss Margaret Gil lum, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rom where f T rb Cava IZ89 Ui top the ittasr l y, Csmm that tot vaaks - iM'a.baua trzij to gtt Un yomg - ators to xJ act a bathtub after wt ti. AaA tlla t&t ha mw ...p. xfca wnwA It one whan :. jMvsjt ?aaay latt iS $Bi CBothsr -.alotl tier's UtdL ,sv ; Xa txrm aatd iaata mi teSat H vs r G Bdafoa fat bar lack 2 C'j V- Aa lata - x' j fca !" hat v-'.-'l T W Ul 1 I - m- J Vi , irr?. imw itatw mvnst MMW UMONi BWNUHh aWW8B DBnB MMM Due In mcd pcrtr.cr-l.!p and dose corporc!i.zr. Cztt cf cryFr!r.rrars?ockholdr may dlsa-tCj li'..zzs i - t? czr.?:.Jt of Interests between cr.!l:j f z' i C..9 Jsfferson Standard Cl:::i tz J fclldsi are provided thct O fTTI. i . m-7 ciout t'i D. II. CATITOII il Representative Roy Temple Gillum, of Charlottes ville, . Va., and Listen Pritchard McGowan,-of Richmond, Va'., son Of Mr. and Mrs. L. p. McGowan, Sr., of Warsaw, were married In the Presbyterian 1 Church. ' Dr. John Grey, Jr., officiated. Kirk O. Payne presented a program of music be fore the. ceremony, and Miss Mary Belva Herr sang. - The bride, given In marriage by her father; wore gown of Catoir candlelight satin. Her veil of French illusion was caught by a coronet of Alecon lace. She carried bouquet of , white freesia . and white orchids, v Miss Frances Gillum . was her sister's maid of honor. She wore yellow TTrjiitAte over sat'n and tarried talisman loses and iris. The bridesmaids were Mrs. Edward P, Cunningham, Jr., of Wilmington, s.-ter. of tne bridegroom, Mrs trans vecch of Raleigh, also a sister of the bridegroom, Mrs. Paul Davidson of Richmond, and Miss Martha Gillum, sister of the bride. They worepale green marquisette over satin similar to that of the maid of honor and carried talis man roses and yellow freesia. . Mrs. Gillum, mother of the bride, wore a dress of aqua crepe. She wore a corsage of matching orchids. M. W, McGowan of Goldsboro attended his brother as best man. . The groomsmen were G. E. Thorn- hill of Warsaw; J, W. Lahghorne, Jr of Richmond, Va.; Edward P. Cun ningham, Jr.,: of Wilmington, brother-in-law of the bridegroom; and Roland C. DeLauncey of Baltimore, Md. A reception was held immediate ly afWt'The ceremony in the Vir ginia room of the Monticello Hotel by the bride's parents. . . ' , Immediately following the recept ion Mr. and Mrs. McGowan left foe a wedding trip. Upon their re turn they will -make their home in Richmond. . For traveling- Mrs. McGowan wore a navy suit with matching accessories - . . "Mrs. McGowan attended Martha Washington College of the Univer sity of Virginia. Mr. McGowan at tended the University of Richmond. Prior to entering the armed forces in which he served four years, Tie was connected with. Remington Rand, Inc. which position he now holds. I sit Joe Maul. That Ring Around the Bathtub " Fro maw en. JaVa MiNf! pat his flaaa Ion sat Um uuia : ovar ilka th adaaaa aota. Aa4 I hear he's a Uttla aaera faccMng about ringa arouai tba kathtak oat kaapa en vttimG) trntaSSa ' nrornvbsMlAtamaMCs auawytAaMteawstrtbaefT- , fllotlnf kal mi rtlri ta CtSa imm "far.ri"t-J LJ tsaTtnt9t!3fmtLamj . v -r , - ouNOAttoH Hw c a lice 4-x pica tz-rj ' Warsaw, N. C. Mrs. Kilchin Is Hostess To Club : Mrs. Jimmy Kitchin was hostess to her bridge club and. several ad ditional guests Thursday afternoon at her new home on Hill St., which was decorated , throughout with spring flowers used In profusion. two tables were . in play with Mrs. Bill Sheffield receiving high score award. Coca colas were ser ved during the play. At the con clusion the hostess served deli cious strawberry shortcake to her guests, Mesdames Ed Strickland, Ed Hines, Joe Freeman, Broadus Smith, Charles Sheffield, Emmett Roark, and Jesse Stewart , WMU Meeting The Woman's Mission Union of the Baptist Church met for their April meeting Monday afternoon at the church with the president, Mrs. L. O. Williams, in the chair. Following the singing of a hymn, Mrs. F. B. Sharpe, of Lenoir, read the 15th chapter of Acts for the de votlonals and. led in prayer. Dur ing the business period Mrs. G. Van Stephens gave an interesting ac count of the meeting last week of the Eastern Associational at: Bear Marsh Baptist" Church. 5 : The program was in charge of I the Rosa Hocutt Powell Circle, Mrs. David Chambers,' chairman. She was assisted by-Mrs. L. H. Brown, Mrs. V. C. Standi and Miss Betty Loftin in presenting a program on "The Peoples of Europe." . Elected To Office Walter P. Brldgers, Warsaw Postmaster, was elected Secretary of the Third Congressional District of the United States Post Office at a meeting held in Trenton on Mar. 28. The Third District is composed of nine counties. . Jr. 6. A. Meeting The Junior Girl's Auxiliary met Monday afternoon with Joyce Whit tle at her home with 17 present and Mrs. Wilbur Garner, counselor, leading. Following a song, Jo Anne Britt, who had charge of the. program, read Isaiah 60: 1-4 for "the devo- tionals. . j -. New committees were elected. ' Joyce, assisted by her mother, Mrs li. S. Whittle, served punch, with marshmallow - on graham crackers. Mrs. Berry Is Club Hostess Mrs. Paul Berry entertained her bridge club and several additional guests Thursday afternoon at her home on Pine St. Arrangements of dogwood and Japanese quince were used effectively throughout, the hall and living room where two tables were in play. ' ; - When scores were tallied Mrs. Robert Blackmore received a dou ble deck of cards for club high, and Mrs.: -McGil very Buck, also cards for visitors high and Mrs. E. Walker Stevens received a hand kerchief for traveling award. . The hostess sefved delicious strawberry shortcake with whipped cream to her guests. , MrsJJesf Is Dinner Hostess 1IX 0. H. Best delightfully en- artamed at a dinner party Sunday honoring her brother, Prank Mc Gowan on his birthday. .: ; In the living and dining room ar tistic arrangements of spring flow ers decorated tables. A tempting three course turkey was served .jid covers laid for the honoree, and Mr. and Mrs. Claud Thomas of IZenansville, Mr. and Mrs. David 0Q00900'000 Wa specialise la accuracy,' r''"y, courtfwy,, and quick f ? fT C"r'"nf rs. Fryar and Miss Sallie Fryar of Tur key, Miss Fannie "Wilson and Char les Miller and Mr. and Mrs. Best of Warsaw. - - Mrs. Strickknd Entertains Mrs. A. J. Strickland entertained Friday night at her home at a din ner party honoring her daughter. Mrs. Eelton Mlnshew, od the event of her birthday. yyy - Mixed spring flowers decorated the home and a tempting three course dinner was . served to Mat and Mrc. Be.ton Muishw, Mr. and Mrs. A J. btrickland.. Miss Verna Strickland, Brad Minshew and Rev. and Mrs. Herbert Strickland of Wilmington. Circle No, 1 met Tuesday after noon in the home of Mrs. Loftin Carr with 10 present and Mrs. C. B. Best, presiding. Mrs. H. R. Hipp taught the mission study and gave the devotionals after -which the hostess served , coconut cake, ice cream and candy.. : . . Circle No. 2 met Thursday night in the home of Mrs. liable Waters with 10 present anH Mrs. J. C. Thompson presiding. Mrs. Q. J. Sutton led the devotionals and the mission study book was discuss ed by Mesdames Suttot., J. a. Rackley and J. C. Thompson, The hostess served banana splits. Circle No. 3 was entertained or. Thursday evening in the home of Mrs. Norwood West with Mrs. M. A. Smith presiding and 11 present Mrs. Smith taught the study book after which the hostess, assisted by her daughter Anne, served a peach shortcake and Russian tea. Mrs. Kathleen Snyder, local lead er of the FHA, accompanied Misses Mae Brock and Jean Miller to Ral eigh Saturday, where they attended the State Rally of Future Home makers of America;: The Warsaw Rotary Club held, their regular dinner meeting lnurswy afternoon in Rotary Hali i wiucn time officers for the new j-ear were elected. New officers to take office in 'July are president. Paul Potter, who has been the most efficient Secretary-Treasurer for several years;-vice-president. A. J. your .) IN ITS GRIJH TUG Attend Rally i'. rfoutp mm ft': a harbor buoy has for ally one of nature's mightiest forces. . . the force of molecular attraction which holds particles of steel together in mighty plates and chains! WHEN T0U. CHANGE' FOR SPRING to Conoco N' motor oiL that same -mighty force of molecular attraction bonds mole cules of a special added ingredient to mole cules of metal pulling lubricant and metal so close together other fine-finished surfaces are actually -oil-plated! ' - v BECAUSE OIL-PLATING STAYS UP on cylin der walls : ; : doesn't all drain down even overnight. :; a change to Conoco N' gives you extra protection from corrosive add , 'i action when your engine is idle . . . extra I' ' 'protection from sludge and carbon caused by wear... extra smooth, cool, silent miles. STOP AT TKE RED of Your Conoco Mfle? ' " J ' age Merchant. Continental Oil Company X CSlcl:o a data o .t Jenkins; Secty-Treas., Robert West, The Board of Directors composed of Leland Whittle, Hop Smith, Bill Sheffield, Pat Harmon, the retiring president, and Robert Li. West. .' ' An open forum and discission of the ' Conference at Morehead was enjoyed. Mr. and Mrs.' Robert Frederick were visitors to Richmond, Va., Thursday and Friday of last week. Mrs. Henry West had as guest Thursday and Friday of last week her sister, Mrs. Payton Whaley and son, Bobby, of Wilmington, Del. Mrs. Daisy Jordon returned re cently from Burlington where she spent several weeks with her dau ghter, Mrs. Claiborne Quinn, the former Miss Geraldine Jordon.' Mrs. Went West of RL 1, is able to be up and out after being con- iined to her Aoae. ' Miss Geraldio Bostic and her roommate Miss SalUe Can-away; of Mereaiitn College,' were recent guests of Miss Bostic's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Bostic, at which tune Miss Bostic was pianist in the wedding of Miss Maud Futch, in Rose HUL Mr. and Mrs. "Runt" West have returned from their wedding trip in Florida. Mrs. West is the former Miss Helen Marshall of Rose HilL Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Rackley were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Campbell and Mrs. W. H. Han chey in Wallace. Mrs. S. J. Powell ieft Monday to visit relatives in Rocb'i" '-uu Mr. and Mrs. G. L. SewU i Kinston were Sunday guests of Lela Middleton ana uu. -B. C. Sirratt. They were accompa nied home by AU. Clara Midme ton, who had -spent several weeks here. " Misses Annie Kate and Eula Powell visited Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Powell at Carolina Beach Sunday. Mrs. J. W.; Vincent is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. L. A. Brown ind son, John Vincent Mr. and Mrs. Frank Minshew of Calypso and Mr. and Mrs. Francis Sutton, of Mt Olive, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Belton Min shew. ,., ' "j. Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Frederick and Mrs. James Farmer of Kinston were guests Thursday or their pa rents, Mr. and Mrs. John Frederick. . Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Pelt and son" of Goldsboro were Sunday guests 01 her mother, Mis. Nora Strict land. Mrs. J. E. Shaw, Jr., and dau ter, Anne, returned Sunday to u.. nuine in HOanoKe Kapicji aiier visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Farnoj. . Mrs. Mat Miller has returned from Wlutevilie where she visited II urns a beeind engine ! - 0F - WAR with the tides; that cylinder walls and. r L.her son Mr. and Mrs. Rotate Mill- er. . .? ,.. . .... Cleo L. Aldridge bus. turned from Goldsboro Hospital, v acre he underwent sinus operation. He -is now able to be back at work. - Mr. Billie Kornegay of tie Uni versity of Chapel Hill, sxint the week end with his parentt, Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Kornegay, 11 room mate, Bruce Levin, avrJt tne week end with him. Mr. and Mrs. Harold K. nesay of Seven Springs, and C. 1L Bull ock of Mt. Olive spent :Junday afternoon with Mr. and Mm. Gor don Kornegay. WILL VISIT IN DUPH Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Vea- f Red ding, Calif., will spend natt week 1Z ATTENTION If Any One Wants A 1947 Ply mouth - -ori! - Chevrolet -1 Have Them In Jtock. U Yn Hav An Old Car You'd Like To Trade, B ng It 'ith You. Terms If Desired. Phones: Office 1366 Residence 2266 LEWIS MOTORS W4BSAW, N. C. ' alakaMM';i ; " $ , QUINN WHOLESAL E Cofjj Phouc 22'il WAK3A17. N. t . ' cV, f i T-f iff U A .fell,. I iyi i tpmi fmm" """""I f&L 4p IVjvru I hi t -f-- II i;'': - v i i '"Ah i 11 - - Zr, y - mHyM " 7 tt.V rSL, ' i : ' ' -: ,$ $ ' fl -fW ; . f A . ' v 1 with relatives in Duplin and Pen der 'counties-. They are expected to arrive April 20th and will be with his sister, Mrs. Park Pridgen. Mr. Veach Is a nativ of the Friendship Community of Duplin County.- D3S3C3 CIICCrtrTD UP Uunmv L Far quick relief from trkner Mmwl h. - aUilete foot, icabict, pimplea and other itchinr conditwne, las pure. cuoW. medicated. liquid D. D. O.PRtlCRIPTION. A doctor"! formula. OreaKlea and stainlen. Snothea, eomforta and quickly calms interne itching 35c trial bottle provea it, or money back. Don't suffer. Aak your ' druggiat today (or . D. D. P.UcniPTiOM.