X'J igeL.A Ja ! MWMV ;4,.,' lent THEATRE r:::x h:ll, . i:S.7TH CAROLINA i'TVj Tkk.Of The Bff -JNDAT APRIL 87, 19 J Carson, Jane; Withers 3'S!:cfinliglif With Gene-Autrj v,! Also Comedyi ' 7 --" MON. & TUBS. - From the daring pen of Ben Ames Williams . . . who alsd gave- v(w"LaveHerto f Heavern, ; J stJomkwj HEDY LAUARR CO starring 10UIS SANDERS H AYWARD lewd on the novel "The Strange Women" ; by Ben Amet Williamt A Hunt Smmbtrg ProdwHoe fUlcencd thru United Artist ii ' i ; . . , ' '-" MODEL THEATRE BEULAVILLE, N. C, 'Where Happiness Costs So Little" WEEK OF APRIL 27 k SUNDAY V MONDAY DAN DURYEA in ''VHITE TIE AND TAILS Also "Newt and Two Reel Comedy II TUESDAY -WEDNESDAY BETTE DAVIS, GLENN FORD in "STOLEN LIFE" Also News and Two Reel Comedy THURSDAY CAROL LANDIS in 'SCANDAL IN PARIS" ALSO Chap. 10 "BURN 'EM UP BARNES" Remember only 12 chapters in this FRIDAY; SATURDAY II WEST OF THE ALAMO" Also Shorts "' WEDNESDAY Tom Tyler in "Silent Also "JESSE, JAMES." Serial V THURS. & FRI. :v;'.,: ;-l;V J. II L Chap. 6 "HOP HARRIGAN" OWL SHOW All Comedy Feature "SUSIE STEPS OUT" I; Dud! JIIEU KNOX sism KB: . ULARJAbbtlf IWp vw ..IkWi '' V KEBIVALE BUND I Y ctetts DINGLE Theatre WARSAW SUN. - MON. APR, 27-28 II JMargie1 (in Technicolor) With Jeanne Crain and Glenn! Langan Produced and Directed by DUDLEY V., MCHOIS Sox Ploy by Dudl.y Ni-holt, J Mnmdm Kno onH Mory McCarthy Also Comedy SATURDAY sssr f 1 ..ki.i TiUJ. APli. 29 "Return of ' Monte Christo" With Louis Hayward, and Una O'Connor. Wt,D. APR. 30 DOUBLE FEATURE r : - . ii Dr. H. W. Colwell OPTOMETRIST Eyes Examined, Glasses Fitted. Next Door To Caven-ueli Chevrolet Company Permanent Office In WALLACE, N. C. oooooooooooo Center ilieatre MOUNT OLIVE, N. O. .BUS. . MON. With Frank Albertson. ; I'd,1! 1 1 J WV. It ,. UUKI5 HWCKil 7fl7f W1TFK1HBIKV . W f ajf pnmninn niuArna WLUMUU KABHK4- - o Cartoon i . . r .ts saow J" i P.Iaynard in s r f f f 'Westbound Stage' With Tex Ritter. THURS. - FRI. MAY 1-2 13 Rue Madeleine With James Cagney, and Annabella. SAT. MAY 3 ' DOUBLE FEATURE Song Of The Sierras With Jimmy Wakely. Douglas Fairbanks, Jr. News Cartoon TUES. - WED. Trail Street Randolph Scott Comedy Serial THURS. - FRI. Dead Reckoning Humphrey Bogart News Cartoon SATURDAY Homesteaders Of Paradise Velley ' Allan Lane Serial "Comedy OOOOOOOOOOOl r Uncle Sam Says 'Child Of Divorce' With Sharyn Motf ett. - Slop Scrvtckliq! Try TUs borninc vhfn dtorors rwultiDf IHttrM of vtflf PlmplMf rufMa Itefateg,1 K Kin aiaoraera ruiuiiiDsi zpom x- tarnnl Irriuttlons can Ofta b quickly r- TUB la fettlnfl-ready tlma for ay farmer nieces and nephews. Today's pJewmf and inreitment ta money and Inker may or may net pay eS ta rich crop. There a Vg IF tn erery farm family'a life. If the ana ahtees. If is deean't rata ae maS we have a dreaxht-tf , If, If. answerer, there's one eron which has ne "if " side. It's a eroy ef 8t mn Beads, which crews steadily. efrain or shine, wind or eahn, yeat L?8SToSt5S)wH R1IPL1N p Fu- h ,v AU-, a.V x x I vk; COKERS 100-9 Non Wilt Delinted Cotton Seed TOBACCO BARN STOKERS AND OIL CURERS Duplin held a higher percentage of calves grading number 1 than any other county. Duplin also had. the second . largest number of calves id the show. v 1 .... !K,ft :-.vr-''i,i Each calf was sold at auction on Thursday afternoon, April 10. The 104 calves averaged $25.08 a hun dred on foot, , - !' j ; A slow acting' nitrogen .fertilizer that feeds crops over a long grow ing period has been developed by soil scientists of the U-. S. Depart ment of Agriculture. - The sulphur in this dust mixture will also aid in the control of red spider if a good job of dusting la done so that some of the dust reach es the under aide of the leaves. For quick relief from itching caused by eczema, ethiete'e foot, tcabiee, pimplee and other Itchlne coodiuont, use pure, cooling, medicated, liquid D. D. O. MtCSCRlPTioN. A doctor"! formula. Cmaaeleia and etanueee. Soothe, cumfotte and quickly calraa interne itchmg. 35c trial bottle provee it, or money back. Doeit euffer. Aek your drugglrt today for D. D. O. raucmrTIOM. WELCOME TO WARSAW NOT ONLY, OPENING BUT EVERY DAY IT'S OASE BALL TIME - w i, ' ... IN DUPLIN COUNTY COME TO WARSAW TUESDAY NIGHT For Smoother Performance Stop At The Sign Of The Flying Horse FOR MOBILOIL GAS ' STRICKLAND OIL CO. . ., ....... a .... DISTRIBUTORS WARSAW, N. C. 4lS Is PLAY BALL WARSAW Duplin Is Banking On You Smith Dry Cleaners "To Be Neat & Clean You Are Often Seen" ' Warsaw, N. C. Uanoca Theatre The best in m' Hon picture WALLA CF N SUvff- MON. & TUES. APR. 27-28-29 1 : Till The Clouds Roll By Starring Judy Garlard, Robert Walker. I: WEDNESDAY, APR. 30 4 J Flying Deuces With Laurel and Hardy, c Colorado Serenade With Tex Ritter. THURS, & FRI. MAY 1-2 Magnificent Doll Starring Ginger Rogers. SATURDAY. MAY 3 Flaming Bullets With Tex Ritter. ; OWL SHOW: Dlcr.dis's Big Ill - .--v.. - 'v' -y.i .y;.h MaaaipaBiaiafajaia i iK."wa.im, i e.i. iii i .xyff.y. f " .. i rL-.' !iS5sii;;:!j:-.-: .C.. i s. (V.,.r ' - IS:- J V I ,:-.;t t t-1 'Vj isssi ir-.'.'f ) 9mmvnM --,: . t 's 1 . eaeete ..., i to, fit if'" J I""' 11 ' " . - " - Mot to taw tbe Ueepa, knt . . fceoftosf abort sleeTm an f praetieal, wTGS eraeted tlaia hone cf vpott atirt. - Ami adJiets agree . . . Ibere's Bothinf more mnVtsLI for leisure weart SSdlrTdHy tai lored of Sky Top. i Not to bare the biceps, but because short sleeves are so i practical, WINGS created A - mis iiuiiey ui apui x Biiut. if And addicts agree , . . there's " ' , nnthlnir more rnmfnrtahle for leisure wearl Skillfully tailored of Sky Top . . . also ' -; complete assortment of men's Slacks - btetson straws -Slack Suits - Leisure Coats and Jackets. after year ontll n traduces 91 fet erery I . I r city nieoee and m (v e-.. i, r r - . t, 'i ern, t , t I " if ! u t I ' ' f "- 't irr)l be ft f'itie f -i vl Ht f nwi' 'in i m n i -i f v v.Tiis r