Society and Personals Mrs. Sdler Is Hostess To Duffel Supper ; Mrs. Emory Sadler was hostess - to the members of her bridge culb " I on last Thursday night st a buffet - supper. Upon arrival of the guests the hostess served baked ham. po tato salad, tomato and . lettuce, . pickled beets, hot rolls and choco , i ?. late pie- for dessert- The guests then played bridge. When scores - were tallied, Miss Martha Pickett was awarded toilet water for scor- '' ing high and Mrs. Woodrow Brin- son, second high was given station ary. Miss Lela McDonald was a guest for the occasion. ' - ' i , ' - ' ' -' " Mrs. Taylor Entertains Teachers vir On last Wednesday evening, Mrs. '-. Woodrow Taylor entertained the .faculty of the Kenansville school -at a buffet supper. Her home was attractively decorated ' with -: dog 1 wood, yellow jasmine, wisteria and azalea. The dining room table was artistically arranged and a. menu consisting of friend chicken, rice and gravy, butter beans, tossed salad, and hot rolls were served. After the main course, the hostess served apple pie a-la-mode. Personals Rev. R. C. Clontz of Marion, N. C; spent last Wednesday ' and Thursday with his daughter Miss Hilda Clontz. , Mrs. Andrew Patterson spent Tuesday night in Kinston. r Mrs. ; Wilbur Adams spent part of last week with her parents ,Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Williams. Mrs. Alton Newton and children and Mrs. A. T. Outlaw and children shopped in Goldsboro Thursday af ternoon. , i Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Grady were Mr - and Mrs. Rodney Andrews of Jacksonville, Fla., Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Veach of Redding, Calif., Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Shoulars and son of Rich Square N."C, Mrs. Park Pridgen of War saw, and Mr. Rommie O'Daniel of Ft. Worth, Texas. . Alois Hollingsworth of Raleigh spent the week end at home with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Robert Hollingsworth. Mesdames Clarence Murphy and Robert Hollingsworth attended the Eastern Star meeting in Beulaville Monday night' ' ' Mrs. W. B. Petteway and Chan-1 dler of near Jacksonville visited Mrs. Dan Davis last Thursday, Mrs. Mary Souther land accompa nied a party from Fayettevtlle and Clinton to Charleston, S. C, last week to visit the Middleton gard ens. , Miss Hilda Clontz spent the past week end in Raleigh. Mrs. J. O. Morrison and Joe, Jr., left for Atlanta, Oa., Wednesday to visit relatives. - Norwood Boney,, Jr., of Chapel Hill and Jimmie Jerrltt of Duke University spent the week end at home with their parents. Mrs. Doris Fulgo of Raleigh spent the week end at home with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Dobson. i Mrs. S. W. Newton went to Dur ham Wednesday to spend several days with her daughter, Dr. and Mrs. Jim Wilson. . Eleanor Hope Newell of . St. Mary's College, Raleigh and Orlan do, Florida, spent the week end with Miss Janet Boney. Mrs. J. E. Jerritt accompanied Mrs. P. J. Dobson to Wilmington on Wednesday. Lt. Col. and Mrs. Noble Martin and boys are visiting Mrs. Martin's father, Mr; E. R. Penney. V Mrs. E. V. Vestal and three boys and Miss Janet Boney shopped in Kinston Friday. i ; The sulphur in this dust mixture will also aid in the control of red spider if a good job of dusting is done so that some of the dust reach es the under side, of the leaves. Ci L. j z: i LOOKING AHEAD fm GFOBGF S. fcENSON PmUtil-Mtrdinf Mltft 1 , Stre.Atktu Trouble in Britain England has gone down for a email count ( That of course Is no reason why anybody1 should, be , ready with the old "I-told-you-so." However, some observations are in : order. Outstanding Englishmen have bean outspoken during the fuel crisis current in their country. An exam ination of the underlying causes of the crista Jn England ought to make : good treatise favoring the Amer- lean economic system, England or anywhere else in flie world, it tfltjay feeling that UUle ori nothing along the socialist order b to be found there that we would .h to adopt in America. ;:, Even . before the coal and power crisis , reached the terrible proportions of mid-February, the British were be ing urged by critics within their own - realm to abandon plans for further v nationalization. ; -; National Snlcldef -Mr. Shinwell, minister of fuel and . power, along with Sir Stafford - Cripps, president of the Board of Trade, asked that the country forego a y further- reorganization of the v electric power industry. The idea ' behind their plea was that British Industry could not afford to be ex posed to the uncertainties and haz ' aids that would accompany more experimentation. ' It was time for s- danger signals to go up.-; 7-5,;:; The government, it was stressed, : would have to concentrate on the task of preserving the economic life ' - of England.. Another warning came from a prominent religious leader.. The English people were confronted, he said, by immense danger in the planned society becoming so com mon. If more and more orders had to. be issued "about which the peo ple would have to put up with and obey," it would be the beginning of . national suicide. - -f , . ' Result ef Planning . . : , ..The British do not lack coal be cause they have no plan. Socialism I full of plans.: The coal mines are t? ere, . too, , What soclalisnvorgets, however, is - that private and per sonal initiative, meaning hard work ' snd high production, make up the ' tors that insure economic sta i. ty. English miners can never dig c al with paper plans. Men dig and c itribute coal to consumers ot fuel 1 gely because of various incen '. t.ves.- ; --;.r:.i4:-' r's-.i-v;-'.-Not the least of these Incentives i, that men make money in the proc . sj of getting the coal out of the ound. But a nation does not get' : 1 of monopoly by making the lopoly one of government The ne products of socialism and t .munism, with their monopolies : government have been low stand s of living and meager product a, , l-V'..?'K;:.r: ;";: i,! -;;:':-;;;; ' Best Statesmanship ' Thing to remember is that no antt t laws can reach this kind of mpoly. It takes either revohv or world conflict to sweep on of monopolistic government ' " ey become entrenched by " Mt ir-:S-..,?-r::' Ability falls" with increas t upon America. Thes. ? -ost fully now in the part ' r r-T '-tpt our fres WELCOME TO WARSAW Let's Put Duplin's Team Over The Top ri'r .' ft" Tnouscmds 'of beauty-levers en payinf Springtime viatt to the lower Cape. Fecar liver, 15 mile south of WUmington, N. C where the world-famous Orten plantattea and gardens are at the peak of bloom. Stately Orten mansion,- constructed in 1725, end admired by thousands as one of the loveliest plantation houses in the South, is shown above la Its picturesque setting ot spreading trees and muiU-eolored blossoms. Ortea oeree, extending bock from the banks of the Cape Fear through mile, of the Carolina countryside, now are covered by more than 1.000 late-blooming camellias, 100.000 azaleas, hyacinth, daffodils, wisteria, dogwood . and other plants, all bordering more than two miles ot walks around the plantation's 25 acres of gardens and nurseries. Prices ca Sc:.'.'::rn kr.i Carolina Oil CUMS REDUCED TO $110X3 plus sales tax SwThemAfYouffebr: WILLIAMS' REPAIRS & SUPPLIES 1, tec. DUPLIN MERCANTILE CO. Kenansville, N. C. NOTICE 1 .ADMINISTRATION Having this day qualified as ad ministrator of the estate of Cora Whitehead, deceased, ; notice is hereby given to all persons having claims against said estate to file them with the undersigned admini strator within one year from the date hereof or this notice will be pleaded in bar of any right of re covery. All persons indebted to said es tate will please ; make immediate settlement '. This the twenty-second day of March, 1947. Lorenza Whitehead, Admini strator of the estate of Cora Whitehead, deceased. Robert C. Wells, Attorney 5-2-6t RCW y; ;. A slow acting nitrogen fertilizer that feeds crops over a long grow ing period has been developed by soil scientists of the U. S. Depart ment of Agriculture. D OQHI CHICKED U V3UU orManaylack For anick relief from itdiira earned by athlete's foot. Kabiee, pimplee and other itchinf condition, roe pure, cooiinf, medicated, liquid D.D. D.PmacmPTiaM. A doctor' formula. Creaaeleaa and MaimoB. Soothe, comfort and quickly calm intense itchinf. 35c trial bottle nrorcait, or money back. Doo't suffer. Aakrour, druggist today (or D. P. D. PnascairnoM, THE HOWDY CLUB Announces The Return Of PAUL STANLEY'S ORCHESTRA featuring Jimmy Kannon, Bud Kreiger piano, vocalist sax, clarinet Mac, trumpet SAT. -APRIL 26 Rcale 1 -5 mi. So. of Goldsboro, N. C. aaaW si m-t Help Stop AUTO ACCIDENTS 1 :!, as an autoiaowie arvrer h"lp cut down accidents by b alert, drivine carefully, keer ine your car In t:p-top cenditian. " "' '"' ' "" n ' ' n'' "" ' ' ir '"S1 'v,m 11 1- j s. , . , . -as, i.lfcuo s ir" T - 'JuiKua ! n " - ' 1 . n n I y )r :$ - III . V V '&' w 48. ' ; to . aj Ul Many serlen Jieettreate-'' . .uut. aceMente lnTttlrb .......ol death are eftem eaaaed . by earelesc drirlar umt ears i aeed ef repair. ularlr. The Jones Chevrolet Company Can Help You in Pink Hill. WE ARE NOW EQUIPPED TO GIVE YOUR CAR BODY ANY REPAIR WE HAVE EXPERT BODY MEN ALSO WE HAVE THE FAMOUS "BEAR" ALIGNING MACHINE AND CAN ALIGN UP YOUR FRONT WHEELS AS THEY SHOULD BE. It H reef itty as a ear waer te irtre cartrsdiy (W at all Uu to towvt your car ekWIte! reg j t A 1 'jTO.. :.-V- I a-1 THE J0IIE5 CHEVROLET COMPANY 1 ::S "o '.-:i,:'i-A-,'' , p,. "! mr'i i-3 IN PINK HILL