I, Jil'A C 4 W ) I.-pponmao, Adycrtbinjj, In And i irou.id The County's Eastern Metropolis ftUtS. ML M. THIOPEN If ipM let ' " ' ' f ' ''" SUBSCRIPTION AGENT ! ia Parly Little Sandra Kennedy was hon ' ored Monday afternoon when her grandmother, Mrs. John Ivey Tho mas and Mrs. Steve O'Mellna en tertained at the home of the former ! i celebration of her 4th birthday. Games and contests were enjoy ed and prizes were awarded Nick Jostle and Jessie Lee Kennedy as winners. - The dining room was decorated in red and white crepe paper and candles. The table was centered with a beautifully decorated birth day cake which was served with ice cream. Favors were pencils and mall baskets filled with candy. " :ros Honors ..Birthday '.. Mr. J. F. Likens, 67, and his randdaughter, Mrs. Lucille Smith, 13, were honorees Sunday when Ciey were entertained at a de lightful picnie dinner at the home t Mr. and Mrs. Kit Brinson. About 75 friends and members of the family enjoyed the occasion. floHey-Collle Rhodes llorris Announcement is made of the arriage of Miss Kathleen Cottle i Leon Mobley, and Miss Geral ie Norrls and Murphy Rhodes, i April .8, at Dillon, S. C' & The couple, accompanied by Mr. 4 Mrs. J. C. Lanier, Jr., aunt i uncle of Mrs. Rhodes and Mr. bley, left BeulaviUe on - April ) and returned on April 9th. " Irs. Mobley is the daughter of vs. Mamie Cottle. Mrs. Rhodes i the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Norrls. Mr. Mobley Is the son 'Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Mobley J Mr, Rhodes is the son of Mr. 1 Mrs. John Rhodes, all of Beu ille, RFD. is; Parker i ::reeAt 'ji-day Dinner Irs. W. B. Parker was pleasantly ?rised,on Sunday, April 20, at rthday dinner given In her bon ify her children at the home of . and Mrs. Charles Parker in ilace. It was the occasion of her id birthday. A delicious dinner s served and Mrs. Parker was sented a corsage of pink car Ions and' a lovely platform :er by the guests. She was the pient of many other gifts also. iicnals Ir. and Mrs. J. D. Sandlin, Sr., nt Sunday night and Monday "aleigh with Mr. and Mrs. D. O. dUn. Tf.ss Ethelene Parker spent the ' end in Wallace. M. RL TIUGPEN BeulaviUe, N. C. : Representative Tar . ' , CLINTON FLORAL COMPANY , WALLACE, N. C. - ... The RIGHT fit at a RIGHT prlc OaslfMa If . CHAMS Strfia m ynr M fru dmrp I X KIT BRINSON reulavUle, N. C. Mesdames S. P. Bostie, and Ma mie Boggs, Messrs. Fits Bostie and Numa Cobb were Kins ton visitors Saturday. Mesdames Archie Lanier, R. R. Mercer, York Lanier and children spent Thursday In Goldsboro. Grady Mercer attended the Jef ferson Day -Dinner In Raleigh on Saturday evening. i , ; Mrs. Wm. Bostie, Janice and Billy Bostie visited relatives at Oriental and Belhaven last week end. -r',, ;.- ''?.' Miss Macy Casteen of Rose Hill has been the guest of her sister, Mrs. Roland Batchelor. ' '.. Mr. nd Mrs. J. G. Kennedy, Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Quinn and Miss Wyona Quinn visited Clinton last Sunday. -V.,-;-'.".;..-; Miss Rosalyn Harris spent Sun day at her home in Areola. , - ' Mr. and Mrs. J. A. James of Wallace spent Sunday with Mrs. Zollle Batchelor. ; Dr S, A. Pope" was a Raleigh visitor Tuesday. . . Mr. and Mrs. J. T. MUler and Joan visited Swans boro Sunday. - Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Whaley and daughters spent Sunday with J. D. Sholar, Sr., at Chinquapin. . New parking and speed limit signs have been placed on Main St and motorists are urged to observe same. ' ", Mrs. I. J. Sandlin, Jr., and son returned Saturday from Kinston where the latter was a patient in the hospital. . Mrs. Irene Currie, Mrs. Alda Sharpe, Miss Bessie Sandlin and Benny Sharpe spent the week end at Myrtle Beach. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Sandlin, Jr., spent Sunday in Rose Hill. . Mrs. J. D. Jackson, Miss Lou Jackson, Mrs. Gordon Kennedy, Sally Jo and Bennett Kennedy spent Friday in Kinston. Mrs. Hazel Batchelor and Miss Mona Batchelor visited - relatives in Raleigh during the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Whaley and son, Mrs. Lou Belle Williams and Richard Williams visited the Az alea gardens in Wilmington Sun day. -k Mrs. Charleton Sandlin and dau ghter spent last week with Mrs. Mallard in Rose Hill. Mesdames Annie Bostie, Wm. Bostie, Sidney Hunter and S. P. Bostie visited the Tinga Nurseries at Wilmington Thursday.' Mrs. W. R. Teachey, Mrs. W. O. Jones, Miss Daisy Burnham, Bobby Jones and Billy Teachey were War saw visitors Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Paul Bolin is a patient at James Walker Hospital. Dr. Bolin spent the week end there. a. ( Messrs. Ransom Mercer, Arthur Kennedy and S. A. Smith were Saturday visitors at Stokes. MrsrXizzle Miller is the guest of her sister Mrs. Lula Q. Parker. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Wllklns of Elizabeth City visited friends and relatives here last week. ; : Mesdames Faison Thomas, Flay Danley, Eugene Whaley, Hampton Baker and M. M. Thigpen spent Monday afternoon In the B. F. Grady Community. Mrs. B. O. Harris, Carolyn Har ris and Mr. S. W. Gresham were visitors to Kinston Friday. .': Mesdames Ralph Sandlin, R. R. Mercer, Woodrow Mercer and Ona Mercer spent Monday in Goldsboro. Dr. and Mrs. F. L. Norrls and Pat, of Stokes visited friends here Wednesday. -v--' :- - Mrs. Lou Belle Williams and Richard spent Tuesday afternoon in Kinston. v v--;:-:-v"-; Mr. and Mrs. Edward Williams and daughter of Newport News, Va , spent the week end with Mrs. Ada and Don Williams. . Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bostie and Nancy visited Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Albertson In Warsaw Tuesday, . BeulaviUe Bugle ty COS . Not sure whether this will get in to beat the deadline or not, hope it will as there is some advice ur gently needed by the - Demdrest Clan. For the second year we have started a flower garden; but as usual, that Demorest doesn't .think to plant flower until everyone else has them blooming. Anyway we tried (again) and the one piece of information needed is how do vou grow footprints, where we very carefully spaded the ground and filled in with extra good borrowed fertilizer all I can find is foot prints, where theyBegonnias were to have been so bod (that's what it said on the package), I find mostly toe prints, and. in the Zin nias, which were to have been my pride and joy, I find the, most prominent heels - - and to my most utter .disgust some pldgeon-toed guy has minced his way like a bal let dancer right down the. middle of the sweet peas. So all I get is pootprints, some right, some left, some coming, some going, some slow, some fast, some small, some large, rich man, poor man, fireman, chief, doctor, lawyer merchant, thief - their footprints are all in my flower bed. There must be some cure for it Marge suggested small stakes and pieces of string but with the entire town full of the strings of fallen kites, this would be simply taken as another kid hazard, and a person would just step over the strings and merrily go "on their way. BUT from now on I'm, going to be watching, and if I CATCH HIM WITH HIS FOOT IN IT I CAN GET HIM FOR TRES PASSING! (Remind me to tell you the sequal to that some time, it can't be printed) - Anyway, to tell someone my troubles has relieved my poor wracked brain (??) and let's try a lighter subject The BeulaviUe Buglers blew their first exhibition game of the season last Sunday when they played Rich lands, Everything was going ' well until both teams blew sour notes in an inning each and thevfinal score ended in favor of Richlands, 15 to 12. - - but anyway our hew suits looked better than theirs, and our team had more fingers than theirs, the largest finger on my right hand is also the smartest finger I have. It always want to beat the ball into the mitt and of ten does, and now three days later it is MUCH the largest finger on either hand. Well, asf you read this we will be playing another exhi bition game (That's -Saturday) in BeulaviUe, 3 p. m. So rush right ' out to the ball park and root for us. This should be enough for now, maybe too much, so long until next week. (I hope). i : H , P.S. Just what happened to the suit with Model Theatre (don't we all) on the back of it? This is something that will be question number ONE at our next business meeting, and the Playing Manager, the Secretary, the Treasurer, and all the Players had better give a good answer to the Business Man ager, (ME). - ' mington Azalea Gardens Sunday, returning via Sneada Ferry for aa oyster roast' ' J- Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Jackson, Misses Lou and Mary . Jackson spent Sunday with Mr., and Mrs. Jesse Thomas in Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bostie and Nancy spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Lanier Jr., near Chin quapin. Mrs. Alma Thomas is reported to be improving at Parrott Hospital in Kinston. 17 members of the 7th grade of the Potters Hill School visited Raleigh Tuesday. They were ac companied by Mrs. Sidney Hunter, Mrs. Freely Hall and Mr. Weav.r Quinn. Little Martha Sandlin has been visiting her grandparents. Dr. and Mrs. H. A. Edwards in Pink Hill. Yates Dobson of EMI has re turned from Ashland, Va., where he was a delegate to the Interna tional Relations Club which con- vened in Randolph Macon College Messrs Numa Cobb and Fitz Bostie are spending the week at the Croatan Forest Camp where they will enoy fishing. , ( Rev. and Mrs. A. L. Brown spent ; Friday in Smithfield where they heard Dr. Louise D. Newton, presi dent of the Southern Baptist Con vention and pastor of Ponce de Leon Baptist Church, of Atlanta, Ga. For A Real Taste Thrill EAT HIDES ICE CREAM Good Every Day THEY'RE HERE The Shoes You've Been Waitin For Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Whaleyand Miss Geraldine Whaley made a business trip to Kinston Thursday. Mrs. Wm. Fedora and Mrs. J. D. Sandlin, Sr., were at Camp Leeune Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. T. Y. Dobson, Ervin, Mrs. Bruce Barbee and son visited Yates Dobson at EMI Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Lanier, Mrs. Jack Morton of FayetteviUe, and Misses Sue Lanier and Lou Ann Nethercutt were in Wilmington on Sunday afternoon visiting the Or- ton Plantation. Mrs. Claude Baker and son of Cabin, MrsRom Alphin and son of Pink Hill were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hampton Baker Wednes day. ' f ; f Mrs. Lula Q. Parker visited her sisters, Mrs. Lizzie Miller in Kin ston and Mrs. Joe Miller' in New Bern last week. Mrs. Mattie Bradkhaw visited Mrs. Glennie Bradshaw at. Rose Hill last week.'' t ,, Mr. and Mrs. Murphy Singletary and Murphy, Jr., Mrs. Alice Davis and Junior Davis left Thursday to visit St Augustine. Fla. Mrs.' Lizzie Miller and son of Kinston spent - Wednesday after noon with Mrs. Lula Q. Parker. I Miss Nancy Jackson of Fayette viUe spent the week end here with Mr. and Mrs. J. D.-Jackson. Mrs. t York Lanier and children have-returned from visiting her sister, Mrs. Clyde Hlnes in Golds boro.' - Chaplain and Mrs. Chester Pelt of Ft :Bragg spent Sunday, night and Monday here with Rev. and Mrs. S. A. Smith, i , ' . Mr., and Mrs. . Oscar Batchelor and son of Midway Park were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Kennedy... 5 ; -. Mrs. S. W. Gresham and Mrs. J. D. Sandlin, Sr., were Kinston visit ors Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Gardner Edwards, Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Thigpen and Calesta Thigpen visited the Wil- DM CIIECKID fmmirrif aw Mnnar lack For quick rriie( tram ftchin caned by etsema. athlete, foot, tctbif, pimptond ,' conditions uae pore coolint, medicated. UquHl D.D.O.PnMcmrTtON. A doctor' formula. Cceaadeaa and .taintaa. Soothej, ccomand quickly calim interna itchinf. 35c trial bottta Scoreit. or money b. Don't flr. Mr your b MJm . 2-lMV SI Safe At First THE TOWN OF BEULAYILLE EXTENDS Congratulations TO THE TOWN OF V. .... ' . WARSAW ON SECURING A FRANCHISE IN THE TOBACCO STATE LEAGUE The Town Of BeulaviUe STOKLEY BOSTIC, Mayor RITTER Sect vour Summer shoe from our stocks, red, white, brown or black. Sixes 4-8 3-50 Sizes 8Vs-8 -5 Narrow And Medium Widths : ' "SANDY" : Now on display in our store in white. Macaw or brown colors. Sixes 4 to 8 ; 3.50 Pr. When You Bring Your Car To lls AndAltendTksDdlGimeln VARSAV OLDSr.ICCIE & G.M.C. TRUCKS - - -r tr r 1 nuu mil v jf rLAI DALL WARSAW Ritter Tvlillvork COMPAIIY Brady's Shoe Store Your Shoe Store WALLACE, N. C. Real Furinture Values Greetings To The WARSAW BASE BALL CLUB Warsaw Furniture 'lot... 1 $ ' 1