iTcvr Greyhound Coaches Glow in Dark' At HonicOn The -1 Form ViIh The f' City Cousin t ' What is more attractive than a garden just chock-full of luscious growing vegetables , that are just waiting to be pulled and eaten? ' To my mind, there is "nothing." But what about the garden that's hopelessly swamped with weeds just double-daring s any advances pom the hoe? v v - EThat sounds like a far more real-tic- approach to spring vision; of grandeur that rise from the patch-of-ground-behind-the-house reffer ' red to sometimes tenderly, some times in anguish, "Just look at that , garden!" '"V '1". ' ' "fr":'''-') ' And so,-on a bright day when nature catches you with your guard down and vamps you- with all the charm . she can . muster, beware,, beware! -You look at that bunch of twlst- ed, dried-up vines, -the shambles of last year's mighty vegetable pro duction effort, and what do you see? A tangle of dried-up vines, 5nd all the summer's labor that rent before them? You do not! fyith Nature lulling your senses, jfou dream,, happily of long, clean r,ows o tomatoes r bushels of fruit as red as a fire truck, and snap LIGHTS' FLUFFY . biscuits ,m&m ' L as a pktvrt"? Tto Miy 1 bom DISTRIBUTED BY . K CUINN WHOLESALE CO; : 1 hone 201 WAESAW, n. cr II Atthongli the strike of the Bell System Telephone employees is eurtaUing long diatanee service throughout the state and union, considerable long distance service la still available to telephone Men in eastern North Carolina.. : ,; ' . Long distance calls will be accepted for all points In the state of Virginia, to Washington, D. C to Philadelphia, Pennslyvania, and to all points within the operating territory of the Carolina Telephone and Telegraph Company and to connecting inde pendent telephone .companies. Long distance calls will be accepted to the following cities and town of North Carolina and to other towns in their vicinity. FayettevUle, v , Raeford - " v,s Dunn ''';" Ahoskle Scotland Neck ' Tarboro - Sanf ord Angler Clinton ,' Maxton Smlthfield Elisabeth town i Long distance calls to Bell System polnto In North states may not be completed nnlesa t!aey are emergency calls. twasna no thov (tana in the evening's dew; the pretty pea blossoms, ; the ' neat 'rows of beets, raaisnes ana lettuce. . ' . When this sickness comes over me, I take my enthusiasm to the garage, select a nice heavy hoe that blisters my hands just right, and set off for a session with the weeds. Once" I get my city-geared body in just the right position, and feel that tugging at the muscles in my back, you'd be surprised how my enthusiasm cools. Strolling non chantly back to, the garage, I hang up my hoe. "Cousin," ! say. to my self "Tomatoes will be cheap this year, anyhow." Southern Farm Market Summary - Hog prices, influenced by increas ed marketings in the : midwest, dropped sharply at most southern markets this week to wind up on Friday $2 or more lower than last week. r'V-"'''''. : Cattle receipts increased at maj or packing plants with prices off as much as Si; V :'. -'fy;.- Spring lambs increased with pri ces $2.50 to $4 a hundred pounds lower and old crop lambs off $1. Fryer prices moved upward and Friday's prices ranged from 30 to 1.32 centa. -a;- . '. & i" Egg receipts were heavier at sev- St , Z. ' JZ " t 'ft .as" . Important Announcement FROM YOUR TELEPHONE COMPANY v, -a Warsaw ' Rich Square , Roanoke Rapids-: Rocky Mount Southern Pines . Yarlna , r Greenville Farmvnie Jacksonville ' ; Klnston Weldon " , - Henderson NEARLY 2,000 new Greyhound, "Silveraideg" coaches to be de- ' Iivered this .year are i coated , with a plastic material which reflects outlines' of the entire bus in the , headlights of . on-v coming vehicles, it s was ai. nounced by George i S. Engle (above), newly i elected ; Presi dent of the Atlantic Greyhound Corporation. . eral markets, but . demand was strong, and prices , held firm to higher. , :t- -. Shipments " of spring greens improved in quality . and moved freely. ' V;.:.'V;,:''';''1;V Cotton prices lost ground the first part of the week, advanced at mid-week, and closed Friday at an average of 30.01 cents a pound- for Middling 15-16 inch. In South At lantic and central parts of the belt, wet weather still slowed planting of the new crop. .'. Rod And Gun Deer Poacher Draws Sixty Days On Roads ' The booking-of-the-month or of the century, for that matter for violation of the State's game laws is credited to Protectors H. T. Bowmer, W. P. Floyd, and Char ley Skipper of the Division of Game and Inland Fisheries. Topping the March report . of .prosecutions is their feat of obtaining a 60-day road sentence for a -, Brunswick County hunter whom they picked up for attempting to firelight a deer. . . The March score of prosecutions totalled 193; fines paid by violators came to $1,809.21. and court costs, $862.05. Most frequent specific vio lation reported was, hunting out of Vn$L Sam Says: IUa Is gettlng-ready time for nay tamer nieces and nephews. ToaUy'a Btowiof and investment la saeawy and labsr may er may awt pay aS tat rich era pa. There's Wg IF la every farm family's life. H tne an aninea. If it doesn't ram tee won, If we have a droufht If, K, If. However, there's eae crap which has m 'if " side. It's enp af la tnga Bends, which grewa steadily, rain ar shine, wind er eahn, year after year vntll It predneea U far every $S. My city nieces and neph ews can plant this crop, tea, by Jena tag and staying en the payroll sav mga plan er by arrangaweat with their bank. , V.S.Trmryfrtmmt Oxford ' ' Wake Forest . Eliaabeth City Morehead Cir New Bern Washington -WOIiamston -Plymouth Louiaburg Warrenton t L Pinehurst Edenton Carolina and meat eiher v iason, tou..-i 4. i.ext wa iwa ing with, license -43. SlLlo CCi.,3 To llo!r.::!iers "fin mn on heat" is the first and most important rule for cook inir with cheese, which needs only enough heat to melt and blend with other ingredients. High heat - mvtlrlno tan Inns' makes it tOUgh, stringy and leathery. When cook ing cheese dishes ton top 01 tne stove, cook in a double boiler to protect the cheese froni high heat. When cooking in the oven, have the heat low. " The ; second rule for cooking cheese is: Add It to other ingredi ents in very small bits rather than in one piece.. Grating is the eas iest way to break up cnees tnat is fairly hard. .--- Here's a soap saving plan that will assure your having the right size soap for use at all times. Place WHY PAY MORE! j " . i-'j ii'' - . ... . We are Denlefs for h Dowleo" Prrinr Tobacco Curer over 15,000 satisfied users. Is rated by North Carolina Department of Agricul ture as being the' most economical of All Flue Type Curers and rated 3rd in economy against All Curers. PRICE - $110.00 - per COMPLETE SET WITH DRUMS FOR OIL. Seven Springs Supply Co. Seven Springs, N. C. IFoiOTlCBEra i " -r 1 .- . -.i .... . " a new bar of soap at the bathtub first As the cake gets smaller, move It to the washbowl. Next move it to the kitchen. Put the last remain- ing scrap into a jar for soap jelly. Then place the soap jelly back in the bathroom for all aorta of clean ing jobs, such as cleaning the tub and washbowl. . , Stop SerotchlaajlTrY Tats TMtSM fit n1V BtmolM. bnralns akin disorders multlnc rrom ax Urnal lmuttona can eftra l flulokly ra Uavad br tbla almpla mazpanalva i tnatmant. I Qt a amaU botUa of Moona'a Emanld Oil at Uw naaraat druf alora. Uaa aa dlractad for 10 daya. SatlataoQoa faanntawl or money back. B aura 70a gat Moona'a Smarald OU. VMK .... practice and rciso Livestock, -liles, poultry and other prodesets so neeeir-, sary for n successful farm?. - Diversification Lcsds To ! , Sccccc:fal 1 Fanzir! A..oi.. I C'liT t-. - FOR WATERFOWL &AaCM ; : T.t veer's regulations, which the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service rated the most drastic in history, cut the shooting period from u 10 4ft Aava reduced the duck bag limit from 10 to 7 a day, and lopped half an hour from the snooting noun. ' Now, word comes that a clamp down, but not a complete shutdown, on the shooting probably will be necessary. - Estimates were based on an in ventory, made last January at the close of the shooting, which puts the North American population of ducks and geese at 54.000,000, or 26,000,000 fewer than in January. 1946. This Is the greatest one-year decline in the waterfowl popula tion on record. : A slow acting nitrogen fertilizer that feeds crops over a long grow ing period has been developed by soU scientists of the U. S. Depart ment of Agriculture. mm Moat of the young nawlywsds k ear town spend their honeymoon at Boundstone Lake or Jackaon Falls; why the Marthas even want aa far as New York City. . But when Clasy Copper married the young Carter boy, they al lowed aa how fhey were going to spend their honeymoon right here. "There's no p'nee better than our town," Cisay says. "And Fd like to start Mertgi ltft at keate, with thlnga M tfnl I are nsed to." - Makes sans, eome to think of it Folks naturally toft them alone; 0 1M7. iMrrm statb mwm Suit tOWHf, laawaace lulWlnfl, RolaJga, Haifa faanlssa a fa 1043 CciloTF , Ci approved r - For Beat Prices and Csannletav Job on Meaomenta, Write Rev. H. J. Whaler OETJLATILLE a ' :i the flard Tnveaa fa a azi cf ; ItomrrtoiUiaav My saW theft whan I i thsrsns better far a honsj sissn si hnnsysssi than right at MNWd with yew own psssssslena, good hsws inawtiiaa4afrlsCyg!aaa of hearer twa lthththaattajp. panlon in fhe vorld, FOUNDATION. Nw cssno