Til E DUPLIN TIMES ; Published each Friday in Kenaaaville. N. C County Seat of 4.' DUPLIN COUNTY - Bdrterlal business and prtntlnf plant, Kenansvllle. tt. C. " " J.EOtSST GitADY. EDITO OWttEK v - Entered a? the Post Office, Kenansvllle, Jf, CV " - v , as second class matter. TELEPHONES , ', . . KenansvUle, 87-7 ' Warsaw, 353-8 SUBSCRIPTION BATES: $3.M. par year in DapUn County; 9&M Pr year year outside Duplin County, in North Carolina; S4.M per year outside North Carolina, except to Men in 17. 8. Armed Foreea, Anywhere, S3.M per year. ' Advertising- rates furnished on request. A Democratic Journal,, devoted to: the material, educational, eoonemle and aaTlcnltural Interests of Duplin County. bCarJluia Notional Adveitillng Sepresaalalfve American pRt$$ A0(,WII New York Chiefs & ' imjoZ 1 SUNDAY. International I SCHOOL LESSON tJ HAROLD L. LUNDQUtST. D. D. bt Jftae Moody BibU Institute ci Chicago, Released ftf Western Newspaper Union. Lesson for May 4 Lesson subjects snd Scripture texts se lected and copyrighted by International Council of Religious Education; used by permission. Weather Retards Truck Crops - The early Irish potatoes is be , low normal, with uneven stands resulting from adverse weather in March. Probable date of first har ; vest was set at June 1. Krrawherries have come through early-season bad weather in fairly r good shape, with the plants having a heavy set of blossoms and indi cations pointing to a heavy set of berries. Plants, however, seem to -, lack the usual amount of foilage, which may result in smaller berries in size. x " Although soil moisture is regard- ';ed as adequate, the lsttuee crop ' may head up smaller than usual. The small beet acreage contin- Mi ,.A Via m r-mit .in n rl i t win Aftoi cold weather caused a reduced stand, the crop was further cut by a neriod of undulv wet weather. The cabbage crop has made nor :i mal progress as the result of fav orable weather during the first two weeks of April. If conditions con tinue favorable, -prospects are for harvest to begin soon. Meat production under Federal inspection for the week ending on March 15, totaled 280 million lbs. OOOOOOOOOOOO WHEN YOU NEED SERVICES OF AN AUCTIONEER CALL BILL HIIJES, JR. Phone 270-1 262-6 WARSAW, N. C. OOOOOOOOOOOO QUINN - McGOWEN COMPANY WARSAW, NOBTH CAROLINA OAV PHONE 2-4-4-J NJTE S-A-A-l Funeral Directors & Embalmers . An bulr f Service SOURCES OF NATIONAL CONFLICT ' ' ' , . ' ). , tBSSON TEAT I Kings li l t. 11-11. It, SO. .,. MXMORY SELECTION A man's pride halTbrtnf aim low; but he that Is ot m lowly spirit shall obtain honor. Proverbs :. . '"'He did evil, because he pre pared not his heart to seek the Lord" this is the divine epitome Of the) life of Rehoboam the king as given in II Chronicles 12:14. The destiny of the people hinged on the choices of their ruler, so they went down into confusion and sin because ot his bad leadership. Hero we have magnified anew the great Importance of making right decisions for ourselves and for their Influence on others. Life is full of choices, and the decisions we make determine our(' at no; ;e ON THE FARM r WITH .';, THE CITY COUSIN "I'm afraid I don't quite follow you, Mr. Stephen," I says to the Extension Beekeeper this week, as he tried to explain the story about the bees and flowers to me. -"Weil, Cousin, jit's like this, Now here It is spring, the time when a young man's fancy lightly " . Interrupted to tell him that I had heard the line quoted before, but couldn't quite connect it up with ilowers. - ' , :-, 1 ' :, . "Oh," he says," as if the explan ation was that simple. "If the flow ers oould think, their minde, too, would be occupied with thoughts oftovur "You don't say," I commented. "Now, as the bud breaks forth in the spring," the bee expert con tinued, "the flower exposes itself to the sun and the breeze, baring its secret desires" y , ; 'But the bees," " I said, "where do they come in?" . . '. WARSAW FISH MARKET CREATORS AND MATNTAIKKBS OF LOVVF.B PRICES ON QUALITY SEA POODH (Next Door to A P) Both Wholesale aed Retail Know k Our Flab, ot Know Vour Fun Man Willis Bartiett PBJBK Phone ZSO-I Wk. DRESSING WARSAW, N. V. ueUVUt FOR QUALITY CHICKS SEE US PARMENTER REDS - BARRED ROCKS N. H. REDS HATCHES WEEKLY Prices Reasonable All Chicks From Blood-tested Flocks UNDER N. C. STATE & V. S. SUPERVISION JONES HATCHERY PINK HILL: N. C. SatllllalTsaTal Ml J Auction Sale Every Thursday Wallace Livestock Yards '117 11" destiny both in this Ufa and in the life to come. Since the great Issues of our life may hinge on fit sim Blest of choices, it is obvious teat we need guidance at every point and in every moment ot life.' . The picture before, us is astonish ingly up to date. People were ory lng for relief from tax burdens. One group' of leaders counseled modera tion; another group said in affect, tax them all you can and keep on spending. The king, who in a mon archy had the final decree in his power, replied to the plea of the people with sarcastic indifference, to their need, and the ten tribes, revolted. L A Friendly Request (w. 1-6). Governments exist for the people, vt the people for the government Polltloal leaders seem to forget this axiom and begin to rule as though they need not listen to the reason able pleas of the people. Tax bur dens rise, regimentation of the life of the nation takes place, and sooner or later the people rise to overthrow the government. It hap pened in Rome; it was back of the French Revolution; it brought an uprising of the serfs of Russia; it can and will happen elsewhere if men who rule do not listen to rep son. BehntiniTTi mads at least one wise decision to wait three days before speaking and to seek coun sel He needed this, for having been brought up in the palace of Solomon without proper training for his place as king, he was quite unable to make immediate answer to their request. Incidentally, we note that much of the folly of Rehoboam is ehargeable to the neglect of his father to rear him properly. May that terrible thing never be said about you and me regarding our children. n. An Arrogant Refusal (w. 11 15). The picture of the two groups of advisers is a most graphic one and should afford the teacher an excel lent opportunity to show young people especially, how Important it is to heed the counsel of their elders. Even so, youth stands today at the fork of the road. Let us in all kindness, love, and tact seek to help them ehoose the right way. f Note the arrogance and pride of the young men and their king. They were not content to make a simple denial of the request They did not have sense enough to temper the bitter disappointment of the people by an expression of regret. No. they bad to use the foolish whip of caus tia words and harsh Judgments what folly! Let s Itara needed lesson from their failure. m. The Inevitable Revolt (w. M. ). There is a limit to what men and women can boar in end to their patience and their loyalty. People, long submissive, ulti mately come to the point where they think, and when they do, dicta torial rulers tumble from their self mad thrones. Would that the people of the earth realised the power which they have and that they would use it tor the glory of Qod. : Rehoboam felt the power of the people who revolted, others have followed him, for it Is still true in the world that the rulers "do evil" He explained that d , in the Lheart of the flower, richly flavored nectar ij lo be found. Above this sweet food are the stamens, loaded with "nutritious pollen. ; "To the honeybee, these are the essential elements of life," he told me. "And, as the bee probes for the nectar, pollen is dusted over ber body." :,:vv: At this point I asked him just what pollen Js. . ."Well," he said, "pollen Is the male element in fertilization of plants and as the bee goes from flower to flower, a few grains of the pollen are brushed on to the stigmas." He explained that in this fashion the bee performs for the flowers the very necessary function of pollination. . : "Because they respond to the summons to attend the wedding feast, the bees are often called 'Marriage priests of the flowers." Stale College Hints Sad experience with burned hands has taught many housewives the wisdom of using a thoroughly dry holder when picking up a hot dish. Because heat travels rapidly through moisture, it is unsafe to use a wet cloth to handle any hot utensil. ' ' A hot dish should never be set F ; Blacx-DrV9ht '.UsssD asejaeBsafasvitaBr as to 40 ! , dose only m ttwuw iM wtir as siaacrsB FOITSALE SASH - DOORS SHEETROCK TAINTS DRAIN TILE TERRA COTTA PIPl GLASS LIME CEMENT - BRICK . PLASTER ASPHALT SHINGir S AND ALL KINDS C ROLL ROOFING Z. J- Carter & ia Wollace, N. C their because "they . prepare not hearts to seek the Lord." Rehoboam, who had awaited the arrival of this crucial hour in antici pation of taking his place as the king of the ten tribes, was ready, and was at once chosen as the leader of those who withdrew from me rule of the house of David. Jtahoboam's sin brought this about, 'but it was also in me eoosstels of God (V.1S). Is it not a comforting thought to recall that back of the confusion which men have ' created in their efforts to rule the world, God stands in the shadows watching, watching and waiting for that day when the Prince of Peace, his Son and pur Savious, is to come as King of kings and Lord of lords to reign forever and . ever. Blessed day) May it MSB QUicklyi . ' Gas cn Gtcn:cc!i -11 Relieved! la 5 temutec or dotIJ jrour !-' ' .Whf " nil-'"- ft a)'-- n i- i -' . ,tm 1r t. to speed!! relieve ' rtmplt headache and Dalnful I D Measured doses in powder form for quick assimUatlon. ! r Proof of merit. Same type for- S i mula over one-third century Standard U. 8. P. Ingredients, lauoratory tested, oontrolled. D Din price range of Ua and 23c sizes everyone. a wet table or ia 1. 3 s.jc if breaking-Is to be avoided. Even a few drops' of water on the outside of a glass coffee-maker, for examp le, may cause uneven heat distribu tion and result in cracking or baking.?-'4f;' Left-over scraps from remodeling Jobs . may be used. " ' Small, odd shapes will make favorite blocks for the baby, when sanded, painted and decorated, - , Neglect is the cause of manv an. called defects in pianos. To keep moths from getting into the felt, place a camphor ball Inside the case. . Keep piano away from any heating unit and from the dinu rays of the sun. Keep furniture polish and oils, which discolor the ivory, away from the keys. Clean them only with soap on a damp ciotn. All line woods need occa sional sudsings to remove accum ulated layers of wax and polish that after a time rive a rrovfch look. Clean carefully with warm suds allowing" surface to" drv wn before re-applying polish, v Southern Farm1 choice gittatf Lwvf i..uUt-iul coming from the spring fat cattle shows. Cotton prices went through a fairly wide fluctuation circle, open ing the week sharply higher, but losing most of the advance in sharp declines Wednesday and Thursday By Friday, the 10-market average stood at 35.77 cents a pound. ' Moderate supplies of live poultry sold generally steady with fryers selling around 33 cents a pound. Hens showed almost no change at any market. A somewhat larger supply of fresh eggs moved at easier prices, particularly ungraded offerings. Where offerings we're light, prices were firm. " 1 The United States accounted for 60 of the world's corn crop proJ auction last year. , WITH A PHOTOGRAPH KRAFT'S STUDIO ' IV MOUNT OLIVE , I'linnes 21 7-J or 230 (7, COMMERCIAL . PHOTOGRAPH! f i A SPECIALTY . Markef Summary 11 Southern hoes dronnetl avnin hu Dast week With declines rmnalna to $1.50 or more a hundred pounds. . Most livestock markets were ex periencing the usual seasonal ta pering off in supplies, but at the same . time competition-' among packer-buyers was less active.'. Cattle marketings were also at low ebb with much of the good and TYNDALL FUN!Al HC-aS Df MOUNT OUTB Burial Association PkMSie IS) FuaeraJ Dtrentora, EaDbalnier mbulance Hervice, day' or nlrht HaeiM of War-rtlt , SEE US For Your House Wiring We Have The Material Duplin Electric Co. rnoNE 331 ROSE HILL, N.C. We Cure Meat THE YEAR AROtiND WE ARE EQUIPPED TO GRIND MEAT MAKE LARD DRESS POULTRY WE OFFER A COMPLETE PROCESSING AND LOCKER SERVICE '. - WE CARRY AT ALL TIMES A COMPLETE LINE OF : Froien Foods, Western Meats Dressed Fryers, Hens, Turkeys And Geese STOUT FROZEN FOOD LOCKER CO. , II. C. .1 1 II , increasind millions B V SnapBdcA. With J , 1 1 f Designed to SDeedUv relieve Dine And Dance AfThe HOWDY CLUB ORCHESTRA WEDNESDAY & SATURDAY NITES Celebrate Your Anniversaries, Birthdays And Other Occasions With Us. The Club Is Available On Monday Nites To Private Parties Call County 2704 For Reservations Route 117 5 Mi. South of Goldsboro, N. C. ECONOMY FAST ACTION CONVENIENCE What Our Bank Auto Loan Plan Offers To , You: Instead of r&ymghigh financing charges, you arrange a low-cost bank loan here. .There are no commissions, no "burled charges,'' and you can include the cost of car Insurance in your loan. ' ' ' ' Vour loan application is acted on promptly. .No co-makers or endorsers are necessary and you don't have to he a depositor in order to borrow here. iou choobe your new enw borrow uy o two-thirds of. its cost from us, (somewhat less for u-cd cars) and pay cash for your purchase. You can shop around and buy frm uny denier. ' ' ..' ' . . . C Mfn: Use only s ?- ' 1 j With a bank auto loan you car. deal with local people from start to finish. LOCAL SERVICE You buy your car from a deu!;r you know, borrow at our bank, and place your Insurance right here at home wlih a home agent of your rhnloe where . - you can depend on getting prompt, on-the-spot service whenever you need EXTRA BENEFITS By meeting your monthly auto loan payments regularly, as agreed, you n help build your bank credit for the future an asset that will prove valuable to you again and again. . ' Before you finance your vest ear anynliere, compare the complete cost ot ether ' .. plans Including finance charges, fees, eommlsalons, extras with a similar tran-"' ;' ' "ctton here, IThen choose the plan with most beneflts. We are eonfldeni a bank: -; suo loan wili. be yenr"choice J J"'" , . ' J m - , ' ' ' " '1 v ' - i r 1 " 11 i -''v, J - - .''i J ' r.: r il 'V'- V ''f- :( - , " ''"Jrge for new car loan is $5.00 per $100.00, "" . ' wuaod to loan. Loans are repayable. 1 5 months or lew- s '';v " ' ' , ' y t "'M" f'" ? . . t ' m- r4 7 f- ' "" ' ' ,,- f -f--y'- f1