, KX& HI M. THIGPEBf Beperter - SUBSCRIPTION AGENT T:v;ri Election Lds. May 6 -. The election of Mayor and town commissioners for the town of Beu laville will be held Tuesday, May 6. yUl registered voters are urged vto vote. .-, Gordon Muldrow and S. P. Bos tie are candidates for mayor, and from the following nominees 5 will be chosen for town councilmen: W. B Brown, W. P. (Bud) Miller, C. C Trott,. Led Williams, S. A. Smith, J. H. Whaley, Archie La nlervS. A. Blizzard, Arthur Ken nedy, Gardner Edwards, and M. M. Thigpen. ; , Pollen Hill Faculty Is Eenlerlained . . . i Mrfe Sidney, Hunter was hostess Monday evening when she enter " tained the Potters: BUI School Fac ulty at dinner. Spring flowers were used in decorating, and a delicious fried chicken dinner was served to the following: Misses Lou Jack son, Ethelene Parker, Daisy Burn ham, Mrs. Clyde Brinson, Mr. Sid ney Hunter, Cecil Hunter, and the hostess. Announce Birth - , Mr. and Mrs. Eslie Batts an nounce the birth of a son on Wed nesday, April 30th in Kinston. Mrs. Batts is the former Miss Myrtle Whaley. ; ; Cord Of Thanks I wish to express my sincerest 'thanks to the many friends who have been so kind and sympathetic to me during my illness. I deeply appreciate all that has been done, ' and to all those who remained with me at the hospital, for all the ' flowers and the numerous express Ions of love and kindness, I offer my heartfelt gratitude. May God's richest, blessing rest upon you al- ways. ' .V- ! Mrs. Alma Thomas. Wins 3rd Place At Test Farm ; I The following boys of the Agri culture Department of the BHS won 3rd place in the District Judg ing Contest for Dairy Cows Satur day at the Test Farm, Willard: Jol ly Thomas, Walter Hardison and Roy Qulnn. They were accompa nied there by Messrs. P. C. Shaw 'and M. S. Bratcher. For A Real Teste Thrill EAT H1NES ICE CREAM Good Every Day r;; f ; .Li hi Pastries are positively w 1 r Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Whaley, Mr. and Mrs. Elvis Sumner and child ren and Mervin Whaley recently visited friends at Roxboro. Mr. Numa Cobb has returned to Ruff in after visiting Mr. and Mrs. S. P Bostic. : . Patrolman and Mrs. 3. G. Tho mas visited their parents this week Mr. and Mrs. Grover Henderson Jim and Boh Henderson of Dunn spent Sunday with Mrs. Archie La nier and Mrs. Hazel Batchelor. Carl Pate was home from AC col lege for the week end, accompanied by his roommate, Frank Shearine of Portsmouth, Va. . Mesdames Sidney Hunter, Claude Wade, Misses Ethelene Parker and Lou Jackson attended the Associa tions! meeting of Vacation Bible Workers Monday evening at the Warsaw Baptist Church. Alwood Thigpen of Kings Busi ness college, Raleigh, and Miss Vio let Hobgood of Oxford spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Thigpen, Sr. Mrs. Paul Bolin returned from James Walker Hospital the other day. Mrs. Bob Demorest accompanied by Mrs. C. B. Hayworth of Pink Hill, left Wednesday for Louisville. Ky., where they will attend the Kentucky Derby. . Messrs. I. J. Sandlin, Sr., and S. W. Gresham made a business trio to Kinston Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Craft, Sr., Mrs. Hampton Baker and Mr. F. L. Walker attended the funeral of Bill Cumber in Fayetteville Wednes day. Mrs. Alma Thomas has returned from Parrotts Hospital and is now recovering. Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Campbell and Dr. and Mrs. Paul Bolin were dinner guests Monday evening of Mr. and Mrs. I. J. Sandlin, Sr. Haywood Howard of Indianapolis is visiting Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Craft. mis wife and children have been here for some time. Friends will regret to hear that Rev. Robert Fitzgerald, a former pastor here, has suffered a heart attack and Is now in a hospital at Jackson, Tenn. Mrs. T. A. Barden of Rose Hill spent Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Gresham. Mrs. Mildred Sloan, Mrs. Lloyd Padrick, Patricia Ann, Elaine and James Marshall Padrick visited relatives and friends here Tuesday. Mrs. Lil Sanderson and Mrs. War ren Thomas spent several days last wppk in Kinston with Mrs. Alma (Thomas at Parrotts Hospital.- Misses Lou JacKson ana Jitnei ene Parker visited the Orton Gar dens in Wilmington Sunday. Mr. nad Mrs. W. E. Gresham, Misses Vera Gray Wilson, Edna Earle and Mary Jane Gresham and Robert Gresham visited the Cliffs on the Neuse, near Seven Springs Sunday. Ransom Mercer visited Wilming. ton Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Thigpen and daughters of Bethel were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Thig pen. Mr. and Mrs. I. J. Sandlin, Sr., and Mrs. W. G. Jones spent Friday at Dunn where they visited G. W. delicious with, this fine flour Iwky is Ike leeitwils whe caa mMm both vt necol and tout eppaL Nalvrally, lit us$ Roller . , . m . Mr m tjss . SQUINN WH0LESAL8 CO. '4 Bcn!aviII j Dwjb .' V-tea : Let's, go back a few years, and figure progress; Progress is a won derful word, full of wonder, hope,: and unions but the last is a word that kills the hope, and only won ders who they can ruin next I know this last remark may make a few folks sore at me, but it's the. way I feel, and the way I feel Is the way I write. And I'm not trying to be like the fellow (I forget hia name) who once said "I don't care, what you say about me, just so long as you mention my name" -(STUDY above CENSURE on the above remarks may avoid disap proval). -,. . But really, my subjecton PRO GRESS in a much lighter vein. I am simply, and very simply, re ferring to , the time when Marge and I first lived in a Trailer, (known hereabouts a a Trailer Camp) - Ours to us was Home -and altho we had many friends. here to visit us and know the "wor- kings",, let me describe it - First it J was a trailer built on two wheels to be pulled behind en ordinary automobile; it was compact, yes. because if you were in the Living Room and wanted to go into the! Dining Room, from there Into the bath and on into the Kitchen, you I simply stayed right where you were to start with -- that's a Trailer (our trailer) some of the more mod ern ones have two rooms; in one of those I'd really get lost -- but PROGRESS must be served, and now Marge and I have a bit bigger home, to be exact instead of 6X18, our new home is 10X52 (figuring in feet of course, not inches) and: in our new home we still have less. room than in the trailer. THE MAIN REASON - Hall you didn't guess it - It's because we had no furniture when we moved in, and none now, so consequently our life is one puzzle after another. Of course when I arise (when I do) I have no trouble finding: the shower, but after that life becomes S. Sandlin. who is quite ill. Messrs. Frank Thomas, Flay Danley and Roland Thomas attend ed the Warsaw-Goldsboro ballgame in Warsaw Tuesday night. Rev. S. A. Smith attended a meet ing of the Board of Directors of the Cragmount Assembly held at" the Wilson Free Will Baptist Church Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse F. Evans of Kinston spent the week end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Evans. Mrs. Lou Belle Williams and Richard were dinner guests Sun day of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Basden at Haw Branch. Bobby Kennedy, S21c son Of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Kennedy will ar rive from Pensacola, Fla., this week end for a leave. He is a former member of the 1947 BHS gradua ting class and will receive his di ploma with the class, having com pleted the necessary school work in the Navy. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Oakley and Woody spent the week end at Mar ion, S. C. Miss Rosalyn Harris and Don Williams spent Tuesday afternoon atFairbluff. ' 'Mesdames Marion and- T. R; Qninn, Misses Geraldine end Patsy Quiim spent' Thursday in Kinston, Messrs. Henry and Alvin Bender of Norlina visited their sister, Mrs. Winfred Guy Tuesday. Mesdames Gardner Edwards, Su die' Brown; liula Parker, ; A! L. Brown and Miss Glennie Miller at tended the district meeting of the Home Demonstration Clubs at Penderlea Wednesday, ' Mrs . Lessie Mallard and Miss Jane Bostic of Goldsboro visited Mrs. Annie Bostic and family dur ing the week end. , i . - ' " Mr- and Mrs, Sidney Hunter; Cecil Hunter, Mr. and Mrs.' Claude Wade visited the Marine Base on Sunday.. . ,v, Mesdames Rossie Grady and R. R. Mercer spent Monday at Pink Hill and the Wells Nursery. Mrs. O. L. Parker of Kenansville and Miss Nannie Moye of Green ville spent Wednesday .with Mrs. Ivey Nethercutt y Miss Myrtle Lou Lanier has re turned from visiting her sister Mrs M. P. Reagan and husband at Va rfna. , - JFor Best Prices and Cesnpleto Job n Meamaents, See or Write. , t one stumbllna block after another: Marge insists that after I take a shower T must have fresh clothes, well; that's where the trouble comes In, we have no clothes closet, no Highboy, no linnen closet no dressing drawer, no China closet (no china) no book-shelves, so when I go to: look for clean clothes, I must search among cardboard box es, first in the 'Canned Salmon' box (which Is supposed to be mine) I search for clean shorts and sox, No find- then I think maybe she has made axinstafce and I look thru the "Herbert' Bakery" box (which is supposed to be hers) there I find silks and satins that I know aren't mine, but I have to muss them up before I can be sure, - then I look thru the Rinso box (which Is sup posed to be our) and still NO Find -. well; only one left, it's the Budwei ser ease that's supposed to be left overs, but I find there are no left; overs in our house, then my only recourse is to look thru the Ham- per. Basket, (that's the washing that Justt came back) thru this 1 must search itiucti towels, linen) bed sheets, and pillow cases, wash cloths, dish towels, table cloths and Marge's clothes. Well, it just makes mt) wish I hadn't taken a shower In the first place - -so there folks, you have PROGRESS - - Once we lived lhi i, dear little trailer, , the sweet' little woman and I, Life was so Simple, (someone may think I'm -quoting if I keep on, so I'll quit) but anyway, in the trailer I could get up, bathe in a wash basin, turn around once and be dressed, and now 'we have an apartment and it takes me an hour to find a pair of shorts and one sock, (I seldom wear two at one time); be a mechanic to get the shower turned OFF - and then if I can find another pair of pants and shirt - well, that prob lem is purely problematic, - Before closing I. must admit I DO LOVE THOSE WORDS. Unosit - Bob. Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Jones, Bobby Jones and Miss Daisy Burnham visited Camp Lejeune Sunday Mrs. Zollie Batchelor is visiting her nephew, Albro James near Wal lace. Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Qulnn, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Lanier had supper tL;:p ;:hi jg,;'Au vcrixcxhg in And AroHiid The Couatifo Extern MctropbKa in Warsaw Sunday evening. . Miss Edith Brown spent the week end in Greenville with her sister, Miss Helen Brown, at ECTC. Mrs. Mary Nelson Williams suf fered a paralytic stroke and is quite ill at the. home of Mrs.' Robert Evans. Mr, and Mrs. Lemuel Brinson 1 of Wilmington and Mr. and Mrs. ' Jack Springer of Kansas City were guests Wednesday of Mrs. E. P. " Thigpen and Mrs. M. S. Bratcher. Messrs. S. P. Bostic, W. B. Bos tic and Numa Cobb visited Wallace Btirgaw and Atkinson Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. I. J. Sandlin, Jr., and children, and Dr. and Mrs. H. A, Edwards of Pink Hill visited the Orton Gardens near Wilmington Sunday. . ' Gordon Muldrow and Ivey Neth ercutt attended the Warsaw-Golds-boro game m Warsaw Tuesday ev ening. Mrs. H. L. WilliamS and baby, , have arrived -from N. Y., to visit her husband's father, Ellis Will' iams. Her husband has been trans ferred from a Government hospi tal in New York to the Tubercul osis hospital, at Oteen. ; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kennedy and family spent Sunday with Mrs. Joshua Futreal at Deep Run. " , Miss Ann Sanderson of AC, Wil son, spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.. J. H. Sander son. J,;.-.--;". ,: :-:-'r':.y''':: The Mayor' and town officials wish to thank all parties for their hearty cooperation in observing the recent parking and speed limit signs, which have been placed along Main Street in Beulaville. Note Of Thanks I wish to express my sincere ap preciation andthanks to all for the cards, letters, flowers and visits to me during my recent shut-in. , , , Inez Una Brown, Magnolia. (lie RIGHT fit... at a RIGHT price Dsslgntd kf , CHAKI5 SiTVtCt 10 fr tfthtrgi MRS. KIT BRINSON Beulaville, N. C. rvrrfTY WE HAVE IN STOCK FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY One Row Tobacco Planters (jron Age) Oliver Plows (One end Two Horse) McVhorter Fertilizer Distributors Dobbins Tob:cco Sprayers Hay; Balers ; Grain Drills J 'Hammer Crdfls -Au!::nalic Oil llcl Water Tanks . Farm Vc.;:ni . Dowless Oil Curcrs Veslinghouje El;'!:cl Alliances , , HoraeEr;:o tr;.:;i V - U.S. Fad To (M Sizes) ".V. U. S. Royal Vzz.:.zit u Truck Tires -Stop Look Listen--Special- V ' The program scheduled for the First Sunday nighf in May, spon sored by the Woman's Auxiliary of the Cabin Free Will Baptist Church, Cabin, has been changed May, at 7:30 due to conflict with the Baccalaureate Sermon of the Beulaville School, since some of the , seniors and several mothers of seniors were characters in the Cabin program. Sorry this occur red but things will happen, and we are always glad to cooperate; for, without cooperation nothing can. be accomplished. So come just one' week later Dlease. And pvprv hodv don't take the Dunlin Time. u you know, wiir you who . do, take this message to those that don't? We'll be looking for you. Vi. Mrs. Roy Kennedy. Blf POPULAR REQUEST THE SENIOR CLASS .' i " "f ' ' ' , 'v. (. " I. 'iii ' OF Beulaville High School AGAIN PRESENTS "Here Coiiiss Cliariia" A COMEDY IN Beulaville High School Auditorium Wednesday Evening, May 7th- 8:30 P. M. ADMISSION: 25c and 40c MRS. M. M, THIGPEN Beulaville, N. C i, J; -. , .Representative For CLINTON FLORAL COMPANY f ' f WALLACE. N. C. - -.eels At Hallsville The Woman's Auxiliary of Oe Hallsville Presbyterian Church held their first meeting of the year Saturday afternoon with the presi dent,' Mrs.-Ashe Miller, presiding.. The topic of the program - was "Think", given by Mrs. Leland Grady, assisted by Mrs. Morris Grady. There was 20 members and - one visitor present ; ' THREE ACTS AT